Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 3, 1952, p. 2

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page two the acton free press acton ontario riujhspav juiy lll iim back in 1902 at 85 dominion day may ba a fixed holiday but in those days of travel of summertime its pretty difficult fo fix any holiday oxcept on ft weokond and to we found that many workers are observ ing dominion day on most any day within the week of july 1st tuesday was iho 85lh birthday of our domin ion and it may be that this canada of ours was worthy of more than one day to observe this birthday wo aro no ordinary nation cnnnan is made up of peoplo from many difforonl coun trios of dlfforont rollgions and culturos and li today a groat oxamplc o what can be accomp i i shed by rospact and tolorance for the rights and opinions of othors for years wc hove oxtolled our qroat natural resourcos and the past few yoars have proven that they wore not ovor omphasizod but best of all tho post few years have shown that canadians can and will develop those nalurol rosourcos the past 85 years have soon much progross but it would appoar that the yoars ahoad hold an even groator oxpansion and dovolopmont of canada this is indood a land of opportunity for native canadians and for those who come to moke this their now homo ond leave bohind them the pre indices and differences that hove mode them seok a now homo among the nations of theworld conodo at 85 is a more youngster as a young notion it is a land of opportunity for those who are willing to strivo for bettor things its our country its grow ing up lots oil do our share to keep it o good country oh another birthday were reminded as we look at the calendar that this wook the free press enters its 78th year of continuous publication we believe tlint ex- copt for holiday issues it has never missed an issue during the whole of its years of service to this community a little calculation reveals that for ovor half of those years in fact 40 years the present editor has been associated with actons nowspapor we could go on with recollections and sometimes folks remark that such is the only purpose of birthdays but we will go no further ns wo did quite a bit of that a couple of years iqo we would be remiss indeed if we did not on a birthday occasion say a word of appreciation to fcll the friends who clown throuqh the years have holped make acton s newspaper representative of the community subscribers advertisers pat rons of our commercial printing department hove all assisted in building a community newspaper and printing establishment to that loyal band ol correspondents who share with us the circulation of the district news our special thanks for your co operation the list would indeed be icnqthy if we attempted to enumerate so our thanks to all is extended once again on tins milestone in com munity service we have attempted in oui years to ketp pace with the growth of acton and district iincl it s often been slrenuaus wt usually make some im provement each year and thr yeai wt rtdeiorat ed the exterior ol the office and changed the color scheme that a ill wi planm d lo do hut to give better servict to oin printinrj cu tamers the installation of a now fol linq nuichirit also be came a must and so we find ourselves with two birthday obligations to our hu nus bui wt it having a bus and vt r hippv hirthdav foot its an iii wind there ib one blessing m tin thittm and mould ciibt 1st it his m icit tlu f t jt r il government and tsptuiimv acp k ullurr mint h i ciirdmer realie the miporl inn of kupnici mlt r provincial tridc tiet the firuinuiii po t thouqh that bisi nqht ib cjuai mtt td it tlu hna act a yti aqo mr gardiner tied to frampi on it a fev hours beloit tlu t n i ol tht u s ion fie rushed through parliament his not uious daiv products act a tt w monthb aqo lit had a sharp taste of tlu sort of nu diuiu lit ptopobtd to ad nanister uncit i his dii products ait hollowing the outbreak of foot lncf mouth diitist bt vt r il provinces blappno embargoes on vvt s ft m 1 1 vt stock hib eyes were opened to the danger of pro- vincuil restrictions kr th it bt latt d uinvt soi we can thank foot and mouth disease halton honors its seniors on sunday an important event in tho annals of halton county will bo marked when halton conlonnial manor a homo for tho senior citizens of this county will bo officially opened tho homo is furnishod iho staff ongagod and as soon as possible after tho oponlng many of the senior olizons of this county will find this modern homo opon for thorn picturos and dosenptivo material of iho new building will be found olsewhore in thii issuo trlbulo howovor is duo thoso public spirited men and worrion who accepted the challonqe and the opportunity for providi suc fine surroundings in which many of our oldor cfitzeru can enoy fall ing years the site in milton well bark from no 75 highway with plonty ol room for expansion has boon woll choson all tho facilities offered by the county town in the way of public services are at hand and yet the location is quiet and restful thore s another mailer in which acknowleclq mont of appreciation is clue to our elected repre sonlolives for years peel and halton hove used lolntly the buildings and land at brampton a a homo for the aged the growth of both counties showed tho need for increased facilities the separation of the counties on this project has been as amicable as the operation of the joint project has boon over the years all hove worked for the common good we believe in this and other pro ecls halton and peel have set examples worthy of emulation by not only counties but by nations of the world halton contenniol manor is indeed a remind er that this present day and generotion has thoughtfulnoss for its senior citizens when citi rens of halton view it on sundoy and the days which may follow they have every reason for pride in accomplishment poor grandma last week we had some real hot summer weather and some place we heard it wa a record for one of the days as we sweltered and mopped our brow and then went home to a mod erately cool hou we somehow recalled the summer days of many years ago grandma prepared all the meals on the old wood stove even in the sweltering heat of lummi r of course the move had been move cl out to the ummer kitchen md tlu regular kitchen in which dinner was served had trumpet vines growing ever the window and the blinds wert 1 1 pt drawn so that it wa invitingly plea on wash days grandma toiled over the wash hoard without the convenience of an electric washer the following day tht move had to be fired up all afternoon to kieat the flat irons for the family laundry there weren t any rcfrig erafors or ice boxes and numerous trips wert necesbary to the cellar which wi the only cool c for keeping perishable when f rt h vegetable time came round qrandnn oidn t qo to thi qroct ry for ttu supply tluy wert gathert cl from tht qardt n washed with water carnt d from tlu pump rmn be a few block iu i an i m icil re icly ivr tlu f imily meal no wt tion t advocate going i div for tiu noustwife of to ch w nl id thit modern convt nu net tiavt home and tlu fartorv and m ide ind winter colu mou ton rablt bi 1 amid all tlu st incoi vt me net gtandm i i i i d in i ru at umnu r pi mt cln n it loth t t lit r from lu ad to foot m i was akav nt at in j re id to nu t t tlu c illt rs w hr c ir u morning or lttt moon wt rt riot urgi ng again t tlu present g irl or i irk ot mimtrit of tht women ol to d u tit wt it t help i we rtromtct and the good old days may have seemed better im sorry iirl youll have to check the tling thot tool north e ast west s outh nt lunn 4- i or ontlni nl ithikinbu nmllrij unit i m ntuiil 1 nil finmlji mid tin onitid stntt x will tit mii limiiiii cl in im as itimi nuiiitx n m iniitntct if on tin unv with its i miin t ijiui imhii 1 numhi it now mm linjton will join tin twnlittii fivi clifjll ytti in all tin hiu llnton niiriiuih will in i harm i v in n ndilitioriiil i uipnn nl i- mittiillnl down thin mily ru xl m ui wh n tlit time for direct phnrw tails fnini iinyplini to miyjiluu on tlu i mil m t nt i oini s vi jin ok it up oui phoni and ink tor ni iron 11111 mid v ii hnvi niiiliriton aid in ihrm llmr hiiin a foi turn in mild in tlu in tluii call don hill ilu hloiy n fkiiii llu i i ii atlwkijlt hisidtnts of tin wnt nli don hills uhn fm tht tlint ixine do nol y i ill public it bill hnw pt r ililuid ultnsi of un sloi ol a hit sttins a bit fantastic but iimv piovi to in a foi tuni art dulling n shaft it li ii i m u i cli i p in solid toe k to it k ti v tint i t in d to hi i foi turn in lold i hi tiny oi ilinit i d w 11 ovi i 110 t u ao ulun foi nu i ou ii i i of tin piopi 1 1 li nine d ol tin iiiil tlnoiilli an ildtilv indian who cariu alone vmlh a laiii itk ovti his link uid told i mill ln that il hi uoiild rollov him hi would in i i h iv i ti v oi u it un ilu p in nls foihndi tin ho lo o hi no ui pu ion of ilu itidi ui w ho lj tin wa w i m i idi i l in it ol m ill l itin i how i i i tin f ithi i lollowi d him unouui tlu hn h ml w iti lu d him ii iv ihumi h ni ill upcnitil in tlu link uid di ipp n it is not know ii w hi tlu i i not llu hull in inn out ol i hi m bill hi w i n m i i in tin dish li t iflt i i lu opi itiiil of thi i w i i sm ill to pt i nut tin i w iu i lu ni i nci ix ini su pu mils lliil tlu tii w i i ho i im f oi it oui ii nu iritiuu tliiilioli m llu m fillid in md foiotti ii ilowt i i in ildnu i d ni ttu di ti k t it ills ht ai mj stoi win ii liuli n i on sti i ni th ol this tin imii j i dili m in w ho i 1 nut lit i ill w i i hihi 1 back in 1932 divl hon of ttu spoilh i torn linn on tlu wot k i oiniiu ni i d and at lh tliiu of willing tlu hint ft wnn down ovit ll fiit alllioiifh thin tuuiiidk fantiiktii all tliosi oiu i i ii il in tin i ffoil hi lu tl piili a di po nt of llu pu i ions nu tal mopi wt an k poi t hium hiti i i ul ton in olympic ii dton has two i pi m ntnlivi h on tin olvmpk h un o ikmlh b john uo s and it h siilton i in rot ihc u plat i s lit wi i it i nd at i ant lorn fimti an oukvilli wiiklv hoih i tlu most pi firm inn li i hi hm i vi r hnndh d and sutton is ttu fa lit1 lid in llu win id nl hit uf moot mhoot i in v ii lill wondi i inn who is to haw ihi i iihl to shoot rli 1 1 during n halton open a isnn n ihmiljiwi yn pkijin ill ih it njiss ijjiiwi vans only tumid iiniu hunt iril lu t nsi in thai towtehip irul oakwlh mvi ti d i nidi i nplud im i v miiniti 1 diiv ontt ihuii cl lo thi ounty k fok i ition piomiui so il would uni onlv fan th d all ii dton hunl i i hai an nppoi tunitv to pot a diii il ni opi n i ison is ippiovid 1 don 1 ii wh wi should hnvi tlu nl mll m his lllllll ill th l iii ivram thr uui nt the tvrr lrwt of ihurmdily july s 1042 uui nu tin wi i k thp klnuk condi tion iiuh inpldly improved ills miijiwty now tnkiw hunt nourinh- miiit with kun i njoynu nl ui h allowed a hunt i lunr n day thn opii uilon wound liowi v r kuii in i di i oiihtant attention county tniim 11 wi nt iillo i oin- mlttfi of tin whole on i pinllyatloii of anwi iiiiini nt at llu nuitlnu in mil ton innl week thi iiilin it vdd for ounlv ixpidkih win tin nu mi iih lant yi ui iih followh liafaluai jkiil h ihqu iiinu um nol lion 04 21 nntihiiuawiyii fun7 milton ivia oakvllti 4111 01 ioiti town iiil aflnn ihrtlin hmhiijmoii 1110 11 on sunday vi nlnu hi v j m llauar ma pnailnd hi fan wi ii tiiuiun to llu c nnuli uallnn of tin mi umdiht huii h tlu tu w pnnlor hi v a 1 smith of poil hnvi i in i xpi ti il to ai i ivi in town today ac ton i oiiim il mtt an umial on monday i vi nlnu hi vi willianm and i oiiik illoi k autk w and ndi i hon will p i hint no liihilhhh wiim doni l xt t u pakhlnu a bill fi oin t hisholin uid co to pay for dial llu hi nt ion wan atljouiniil to unit nu in i inn lav vi ninir canada han t li hi ut d lu i lth hiithdiy as a dominion may rthi h ivi many of the jn hh hm in i i nun is in di lluhli d with tin hi uiliful tains of llu paul fi w tiyt a ii uv widdinu wii iililiiattd in town yi sh t d iy win n iwo of oui younu pt oph win umtfd by llu sun d bonds di 1 m hi ii and mitts ada hynds win marrli il bv hi v ii a mia phi rimri at tin lifitiu of thi brldi h pan nth tin in id bi rominyly dri hm d in whito hllk oruandu trlmnu d with mlk ap pllti way supported by hi r hihti r mihh ni hio who wore li mnn rolk oiuandu and two lltth flowi i u1h miss it nnu ilvndx and mnml- au iu w win dnkmil in pi rsinn lawn with inn nno int rlion and caniid bourpu ih of touch mr will swm k hammi r of ixmdon kiippurli d tlu lroom notui hi i rill s dmtal off k i will lu losi d foi iwo wnks in h mj oui of town lrurm thr iwuii nt tht kvi vrthd of thurifiiy juhc lt32 a minihi i of oi anui mi n of tin- oi nl onh i joiiwhi in lln ihuicu junadi of tin il nt jioiuowni mi sunday i vi nlnu llu mnt jstotltkln itifl hi vi fm i amp at i onu hi am h to mulit tin y will itianh from tin lnk to ijiniiv h i lot i 1 ft oin w hi ti tin will i avi lv ti in k mr 0orn hiuhs is tin fnt on to iipnrt utdnuniw potjilm i fioiu on ha al ilium tt h n llu iiiniilaui took pirn i nt st ins pli i chun h admi of m id imi hi all id yotinui 1 dauuh of mi a ml mit i i no i iililu tin ot ai ton to mi simiul inttiiion on ot mi and mih s i i lt i on of lonmto on satuiflav llu ai ion nnu nt l i oiu town iinotlu i hi itiuit ind af n t c hill t tlu loial boyn nuain bad tlu lljilton oiint i i iuii malt tvh i iiinu ihiouuh with i uid iimiih ii auui i with tin 1 1 on hardk jind i on d two i not mi anil mis n ii o nd n md mihh s mai jfii and la lie ami miin- ti r fli nn n imivi d tin i vnk ti thi ii iu w houu in i m mio i lu t ndi n p ii tv omit j ih nih pu i of th kmx i nli ai 1 h i to in lu id in 1n an i t i ho mi- ii wll sos sudd nl it tl lu n i i ot fi on 1 k i u i or ilnuminv luru mid im i li i nu kmj in lomd w f nt rioii t wilon in it nth ihovh for hinmaiums wuhin tlu m xt two m it dt british mihmarim s v ill b titiki w 1th i m w tpi of rn n 1 i buoy whx h t in h i nt lo th lllflll tlu buoy hiiti tt md ir n r 1 1 1 tot it fmnll visual r fin tor indi o ir ins inilli i foi ndinu distnsi siuii h- and t t li srupu rn m v hi h x ti nds uitoiintii ill v on uf i a in ixplmlil1 vlth thli li my li nun hoi ik ifi r llu j tr ri irikirik of tin tim nli r hi rthflf u on h annivirsary i lorn di oi um li u li it n an hcli nun w 0 jliuiupmiii n i tin 1 si i oi liiinh i mi loun mil hi lull in n ol ii il ion mill wi lliru ion f li in hi d tin illlh iririlm is ii of in pi u sthlldll i n i in him professional directory and travellers guide ml al i i m oi ii itoumsi lo iho i r t a vv f u 1 1 v ru ach ci tilt inili ic il iii 111 1 i ll li un tht ull qu ii ii 111 i ih ii i li i i i 1 l s i nil hi i il in il i h lull w ill mill i anothi iii ii i d il inn 1 im llu i t ii h ii 11 li ii in ii m in ih ill i ill d mi tl i il in i 1 li ill imi 1 dm ill ntion in u dint i 1 i ii till 111 1 limns atl foi l nu u 11 1 iii iii ol lo 1 llttll ii cjdi nt him i tin v- t i ii hi n ii 1 1111 hill 111 1 1 n ti hi dr w g c kenney ihyhirlin and hurkeon ollui in slnon blink mill fat acton offirr imibnr 7h risillrnrr hurt h st ihnnr dr d a garrett plihlrtan and hurcran conn r of willov intl kilr entrance itivcr street acton onttno ihonr 23h o i lloluli duruik i ii 1 cull i ii 51 c f icathrplano urrlslrr sullciiir our rubllr ol n j ih it i t lever hoskki c harfirrd rrounlantt hn sio j cm ljh iii vtai- dr 1 in mi tin unit i nth it ri in znr at th e a j buchanan di ntal surfron i c hm n block mi 1 s- h jur- i i m lo li p rn x ilay rn fphonf lv s ici c ori jt skins ash to iiaiiov 1 01 mi 44 v ii r ik 1 s 1 1 n hl ton 1 v a j cft fldell harlind f ruuntant ol ot hhioruu toit i imunaill mlof kin oui bttn ticlm rt llnnaicl rinclnui u r much kcepinq h i urifn t t editorial notes tlls a 1 hopt it n nn i i s vllti s th t u li qooci ncicjo k ncl t tht nd t ilf cr tht u r widl nt weather k a vt n fo ij artnn 3xvv prlss united church of canada artnn ontuno i hienui c hulirh kr i a urn ii a i i mimsli r pi i n jl bi u r hlt ilhiih cd miu m ijtmnsrd ati m organist nnd choir 1 t licit r si nlw itn 1 s i i s i i 11 1 1 ii mi ii mil f ll i i 11 11 i v nn k 1 ii i ii l 1 iur i presbyterian church in canada h iii iu ii acton i horn iu ii kmruon m a 11 i mlnimtrr i v i n il i i uo 11 s uo i i s ii i i i lrnnur of i b- u 1 i 1 f g oakes yojng b v sc ycjng d v surjron l j atztpoto lloi lor of f hlruprai tic 1 i r s- id on 1 ip i 1 rtirinur i ii i ho v s b v sureron sc it i i si ml sii travellers guide gray coach lines da j u s i i0 ills li wt tnii i ahtliauntli ill 1 ii n 1 i i ih i bllj t 3ht vlt- fst ie t jcajce all fh i u in1 ltscl afd i i i aluulnrn m o m i ih alikirr i ii st i h ont 4 11iw it ilu of i on ii 1 l si ji lh invuror i 1 1 ml -i- burd ml d alak 3 baptist church acton ill i ii n u iu hi jihr st alban s church aiikihji k y i ii h wmtliuund u j v i i jl k l tin oiiiii pilpi ll pil lulu tl in ai ton 1 iinmtucl in ltlvi luul publish l iur thnrscl i il r mill si l aclnn onl mcnihir of tlu audit burt uu of circulu lion ih c l n v nnd llu ontario qutbtc duision of tht 1 w n a adtrlibinn rntt un rtiiiifil subbcnptlons pa libit in advunct j r in canoda j 10 in tht unlttd states s x months 1 51 miitlt copies it authorized ns second class mail pout off let dopartnunt ottawa g a dills editor and pumuhrr business and editorial office telephone 1 7 4 i ui bui 1 i iii 10 1 iu 1 hn m c 1 i p h il 1 l in n ij v t si mul i n 11 1 1 s 1 12 i h n l i l ill 1 hi i uu 9 lsaken lliil itulr ir m rst nn i h 1 i k infrn rh- canadian national railways mis h i nioi s i oh ii bethel baptist mission ii hr jont pi ml iii il111nc sitlp f nrranre sluiiiiriif tl tanttiound i 1 1 i40 i n d i i i i i s4 ii 7 ill p nl h 16 p ml uall hwr jt g the victor b rurhel rxxttkmhorrt t s i s ir 1 i xn pt sun n l 02 am i- unrrjl 1 1 s llrjlrd amliiiliiut it fr fii gnirlun 10 11 i h i i h i 111 mm l church mul i stipplli alnuvst tht intiit win ids suppls of t annul loltsli r slvii i ili l li li i j umhi i ni bibli sihou 11 ik immiirniht ucrslip s lit 7 111 pm fm nilil win ship il i ajijkunl d mlo mi ont t f 1 die bur aler ihu the juilcim r hrstbound i ills ixupt sundjv and mnn ri is 2i am sundiiv and mundw on ij oti i ni dallv excrpl sjn da jrn 7t pm dally tx- itipt sit and sun 5 4fi p m sat- urdav onl 136 pm sunday only 1 1 8 4j am iflaicstopi surdav only iklsir a gutlph 7 03 p m ww r o evi tare b appointmtn c willigan optomrtrltt lat urd jrd widusdasa nu ri h j p rn lo 9 p n m 1 s bs dinrt o a t bbown h9 oiw iffm

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