Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 3, 1952, p. 6

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page six the acfon free press acton ontario thursday july 3rd 1k3 cecilacarr optometrist oubm dwlglas tel 1091 kcuiptokb competition sixteen cunndnn sculptors have entered models in ther international comiietition oraonlnit by the british institute of contemporary aria 11100 in prtoes have hecn given hy an anonymous donor theme of the comjsellllon is tho unknown political prisoner mod els submitted will be shown at the tate gallery early in 19is steelworkcrs are illkhest paid in dustrial workers in ontnrlo with 161 an hournwratfc at dcnmber 1 1051 harold mike coxe plumbing and heating eavestroughing sheetaetal work phones 370r 451w look yes nrs mere again i fifth anniversary of hornby bau clubs master garden party tha greatest hi of the season lo be held amhe hornby ball park ikrsday july 10 1952 featuring jr girls softball game 715 sharp accurettes v clapps shoes from eu toronto softball league followed bv a stage program of professional artists bigger batter and happier than aver a night of thrills and laughter a marry hrna for young and old artists johnnie dash tha juggler a funny man on a funny bicycle with only one wheel he juggles and uggles an act of great skill come and have a good laugh he alone is worth the admission price margaret and nancy tha two accordjan lillet in their musical snappy melodies brought back by demand their pleasing tunes and personality is unsurpassed biuie and kay arnott tha two great magician with their laughs of magic and comedy direct from the leading night clubs come and be fooled with arts of magic a real treat for the children tom hamilton tha canny scot with a million friends renowned scottish comedian and radio artist who will appear this time in his original characters songs and stories clare rouse the famous musician a musical act you see him travelling the highways carrying his musical instruments he is the called or act in canada his comedy is a riot oh what a musical masted miamo ehala the acrobatic and toa dancer of fame direct from the casino theatre versatile variety acrobatic and toe rhythm dancer all bald heads in the front row oh oh and on the stage also murrays society circus dogs and ponies direct from the circus after touring princi pal cities come and see them tell the time along with other things they do a clever show that will be loved by all tha grand final will be a show display of fireworks on our fifth anniversary peter turney your comedy master of ceremonies with his hilarious okes and leading ways a real treat to meet him jack ayre star pianist and musical director free prizes loudspeaker system refreshment booth pony ride for young and old gat your tickets before darkness falls come ono come aim it s the night of the season for you the biggest night of entertainment for the small admission adults 50c children 1316 years 25c under iafree admission and lots of gum good parking facilities lots of room northern and eastern entrances the hayvens of demaiiet by katuertn heldiumi another novel about the outh n little over a century ago the tjeep touth with urnclousncss lnvtshncs beauty lushnesn all inevitable tormina the typical plantation sot- tlna for what wise romance jeffrey hayvon was the master of dcmarct a cotton plantation on the mlsslnsippi naturally and romant ic domarot hod a new mistress lnurc among her adjectives are lovely wilful and tcmpcramontal jeffreys twin brother noel in the third point of the eternal triangle the authors own childhood wu spent on a plantation like demarct the background comes naturally enough the character are the stock in trade of tlils type of novel and for thnse who like thbt type the hayvens of demaret will plcoto poets corner rokeu the roses icd upon my neighbours vine are owned by him but they are iko mine his wns the cost nnd his the labor too but mine as well as his the joy their loveliness to view they bloom foi me and foi me so fair as for the man who gives them nil his care thus i am rich because a good man grew a rose clnd vine for nil his neigh bours view increued hofe mmr lectins ft fall mt a releane wax recently received from elgin senn live stock mark eting service of the dominion de partment of agriculture the estimate covers hog marketings at yards and plants for tlio period october to december inclusive it would suggoit that the increase first manifest n year or more ago has been continued but with diminish ing vigor prospects point to an in crease of 0 0 r over the name period a year aao the western provinces have not reached anywhere near their recovery possibilities and con sequently they may better the esti mate of ho increase in eastern canada where production is always more stabllbed prospects point to an increase of lltr estimates made by other sources range all the way from 10 less in ontario to 20 more our livestock nfficinls of the dominion depnitment how ever nre of the opinion that ontario marketings for the last thre months of 10 aie likely to equal those of the same period of i0 ind perhips 10 more small storehouse heres the solution foi chidiens outdoor toys the lawn mower hose etc it is a rend made att tenable hed g feet b 10 made of huht steel notice to creditors and others in the estate of margaret denny late of the town of acton in the county of halton widow de ceased all persons having claims igaint the estate of margaret denny late of the town of acton in the coun ty of halton widow who died on or about the twentyninth day of march 1052 are required to send particulars and proofs thereof to the undersigned before the fifth day of july 1052 when h- assets will be distributed among the par- tics locally entitled thereto having regard only to the claims which shall have been tiled dated at- acton onta t thirteenth day of june 1032 c f leatherlnnd acton ont a503 solicitor for the executors beef cattle piires continue stronr active fielding supported by a good dimand has resulted in higher prices for beef cattle on canadian market during the past two weeks choice stters have brought as high as 20 00 per ewt this price when the exchange value of the canadian dollar etc 1s taken into consideration menus that our canadian cattle are bringing very close to pi ies across the us bor- dei it makes one wondei if some of our feedeis ai e wise in holding cattle which aie ilin finished in olhc r words nre cattle prices llkelv to sti engthen much about prest nt prices if and when the embaigo is removed if our live stock officials aie correct there are a lot of cattle which will have to be marketed between now and the end of the vear if the present em bargo i imams against canadian cattle it would seem logical to us to anticipate lower rathei than highei pi icts between now and llr3 interest km ta fr fmmu since tin kami pond policy was approved by the halton county council on march ihh last some 43 halton landowners have submitted applications to j e whitelock secretary of the halton conservat ion committee the proposed sites have all been surveyed or inspected by a representative of the depart ment of agricultural engineering at the ontario agricultural college due to soil conditions which make water holding ability of the pro posed ponds rather problematical thirteen of the proposed sites were not approved in other words thirty sites have been approved but it would not ap pear that mine than twenty of these will be subsidized under the halton policv in 1012 it will be recalled that under the policy suggested by the halton conservation committee and approved by the halton count v council 2 000 is avail able foi ponds constructed in tin period miuch ii lfl to i c 31k i9v fiftv pi r cent of this amount is provided by ihe halton county council and nn equal amount by the ontario department of agri culture the policv in quustion pro- vuh s a subsidy of fifty per cent of the cost up to a maximum of 100 on any approved pond if the first twenty applicants construct approv ed ponds each costing 200 or more to construct that will take the inlire 2 000 available under the polic at a rictnt mi etmg of the halton conservation committee it was agri ed however that in the event the policy is continued in iwkj then those who do not qualify in th first twentv will automalic- allv go on the priority list for 1051 wlule halton is the onl count in the ptovmee to adopt a farm pond policv seveial nvei valli author itn s haw launched similai subsi dized projects notice to creditors and others in tar esimu ml mmbtl wlmnaom wimums ule ml the twn ml as ian la thm cantjr mi midmmf dmumd all persons having claims against the estate of mabel florence wil liams late of the town of acton in the county of halton widow who died on or about the lrlfth day of march ibm are required to aend particular and proofs thereof to the luadendgned beore the fifth day of july 1032 when the assets will be distributed smong the parties learil- ly entitled thereto havuiat regard only to the claim which ahall have been riled dated at acton ontario this thirteenth day of june ibm c v leaiherland aclon ont solicitor for the administrator aro3 expecting guests r h s h0lden ofnoaialliu eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas st guetml in the list eai 10000 workers in canadas textile industries hive bei n discharged nnd mast of the remaining 00 000 ire on hurt turn tim unemplo merit has no result ed from a decrease in textile pui- chises but from increase tl imports of cheap goods lu4titah piano sales service op hamilton new and used pianos pianos tuned repaired and rebuilt for service and estimates phone 128 acton your home is worth a record price todayl you can save money by painting now and eliminating repairs and replacements its good economy to stop the damage before it s too late dy painting this year we de everything in the decorating business call 275j or 299w for a free estimate moore rocher auction sale of implements tools bee equipment and furniture the undersigned have received instructions from c e featiierstone to sell by public auction at his residiyee next to omagh store 3 miles east of milton on wednesday july 9 1952 at 130 oclock the following implements and tools mh mower 5j ft cut biseu disc outthrow 12 plate 2man post hole auger and spoon roll of heav garden fence 5 ft high set oi brass mounted breeching h irnews new set of single harness bells halers bridle- quantity of lum ber h i forks manure fork ho vels tjars garden rakes puds nelkokes whlffletrces axes i iwi mower etc j doz new 4lb honey pails quantity of supers and other bn equipment eurnitureliving room wal nut parlor suite consisting of pat- form rocker and 4 chairs to natch walnut centre table walnut hill rack walnut whatnot walnut to- man walnut footstool large walnut buffet hall mirror 2 wicker ea chairs small couch tapestrv rug 10 by 12 dining room extension table round table mirror dining room chairs pictures slnjfer sew ing machine drop head almost new mantel clock round oak he it er and pipes blue rug i os by 21 2 cocoa matting rugs 30 ydi tapest- r carpet drapes 8dav lock cushioned wickvr chairs geidron wheel chair never used sofa icfn pillows spice heater- lig diven- port kitchen banner cone stove and pipes good white emm 1 table 4 kitchen chairjttund coal heater with hot watef front oil heater store scales 2 seta of stil- 1 lards 2 linoleum strips 0 ft long quantity of preserves emptv sell ers cooking utinstls kitchen dish es etc bedroom and linen z bed room suites with dressers and wash stands walnut dresser 2 feither ticks commode 2 toilet sets larg quantttv of quilts blankets comfor ters sheets pillows bedspread etc damask table cloh hemstitch ed with napkins to match centre pieces end pieces and other faiev work heivv crochet curtains dishes miscellaneous etc llmogps dinner srt pirnc tea set blue and while tea set w ine glasses glass pitchers glass fruit dishes fnncv fruit dishes- cake dishes odd cups nnd saucers etc 3 venndah seits 2 verandah rock ers inwn chairs t gil of red hirti paint 2 gal of green house paint qinntltv of odds and ends of paints 1 nd v lsh ri terms cash settlement with clerk day of sale no reserve as the proprietor has sold his home trrntley and elliott bsl3 auctioneers i 39975 manning electric acton i

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