Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 4, 1952, p. 6

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paoe six j the acton free press acton ontario thursday september acton fall fair ray and saturday september 19th 20th special prizes hofcsr smecialb mo is 2s as 4s bs bs 8s os 16s us ls 15s iss bl hlkh stepping hone 1st 1300 casht snd 200 csah bt slnkl- turnout 1st valu of so0 snb vslue at 2 00 bt span hleh stepper in hsrnom lit cash 500 snd value of j300 best span heavy horses any breed 1st 700 snd 3 00 srd 200 cash best lady driver hi value soo snd value 2 00 best heavy home on grounds more or goldlng any breed 1st woo 2nd 400 cosh best rony foul m woo value snd by j a kerr 1 bag pioneer horse conditioner value 325 best smirle delivery horse 1st cash 000 2nd bag of pio neer horse conditioner by j a kerr best showmanship of foal open to boy or girl 1st cosh 400 2nd value 300 best eroup of not less than five horses owned by one ex hibitor 1st value 700 2nd value 500 3rd value 300 cattle- skcakj best holstein eel ot sire group of three animals either sen anv family having won a t eaton co limited pri7e in this elnss ot a fair in 1052 not eligible to com pete by t eaton co limited hound entree dish sheffield reproduction value v best two beet calves 1st cash 250 2nd value 200 srd value 100 best two dairy calves 1st value 250 2nd value 200 srd value 100 junior herd any beef breed consisting of bull and 3 fc- males previously shown in individual classes all under two years of age lit value 3sk snd value best guernsey cow in milk any ate 1st cash 1000 2nd 5 00 by the secretary v noo sbecials best pair weanling pigs bskn type 1k pill starter value 550 donated by thomson bros feed supply store ms 21s 23s 2ss ms us 27s s s8s ass s3s 34s s5s 60s eis ess 63s 64s 85s os ewe h1ikkt smccia1s best flock of sheep consisting of 1 ram 2 ewes and 2 ewe lambs any breed 1st value 300 snd value 200 best pair marketable wether lambs value 250 2nd value 200 best five ewe lnmhs cash bom fleece fine wool shorn cash 250 2 00 100 best fleece lonr wool shorn cash 250 200 1 00 poultry specials best pair cockerel and pullet any breed 1 bag master mix laying mash by j p klrkwood value 410 best pair barred rock cockerel and pullet i bag watt feed by thomson bros value best pair dressed chickens over 6 lbs donor to receive same by lovell bros cash 20 00 10 00 1400 best dressed chicken over 0 lbs donor to receive same by h mainprise cosh nnlmtr nepartmknt specials best loaf of homemodo bread made from high loaf flour by d ha lindsay 08 lbs high loaf flour value best light coke mode from excelsior flour by d h lindsay 48 lbs excelsior flour value best chocolate layer cake donor to receive same by meeochem garage acton cash 500 best light layer cake by secretory miscellaneous specials to couple married greatest number of years attending the fair registration to bo mode with gatekeepers or secretary second day of fair the acton free press one year value to the person attending acton fair from the greatest distance report to secretory for computation of dis tance the acton free press on year value best appearing child under 12 years and doll carriage follow bond from pork entrance to stand 1st cash 200 by a c patterson tind value 100 3rd value 50c best decorated bicycle follow band from pork entrance to stand boys and girls by pallants clothing store acton 1st 500 2nd 300 3rd 200 goods bov with the most freckled face 1st cash 300 2nd cash 200 3rd cash 100 qirl with the most freckled face 1st cash 300 2nd cash 200 3rd cash 100 grain boots and vegetable specials best collection of form produce including grain roots vegetables and flowers gardeners not eligible 1st cash 300 snd value of 200 44s best six quart basket of qrrions value 100 8s best three samples of groin consisting of wheat oats and barley half bushel of each 1st value 200 2nd value lb0 s best bushel basket of mixed vegetables not open to market luirdoiurs by lnkeview greenhouses bedding stock value 48s bst bushel shipping turnips 1st cash 200 2nd rnsh si 00 40s beit bag of potatoes donor to receive same by highway garage acton cash r 50s best bisuct 11 quarts onions donor to receive same by w cooper acton cash 51s best basket of potatoes 11 quarts any variety 1st 100 2nd 50c rrtrrr specials 52s best bushel mcintosh apples donor to receive same by hintons 5c to 1 store cash 53s best bushel northern spv apples donor to receive same by pallants clothing store cakh plant and flower specials best 12 white gladioli 1st cash 1 00 2nd cash 75c best living room bouquet 1st cash 100 2nd cash 50c best basket out flowers by pallants clothing store 1st cash 2 00 2nd cash 100 centre piece of assorted flowers on tray for dinner table seating twelve 1st value 200 snd cash 75c best basket wild flowers arranged for effect 1st value 2 00 snd cosh 50c 55s 58s 57s sos iiomecraet specials eos best collection of fancy work not more than l pieces not shown before 61s best babys il ette b2s nest 5 novelty articles tets collection of 5 al tides sulluble for christinas gifts each article to be aluiu at not more than 1 3 l 3 00 2 50 2 o 7 00 t 00 10 00 11 m 7 00 10 00 0 25 7 00 13 00 s5 00 5 b0 s m 5 00 is 00 5 50 s 00 50 4 00 5 50 5 50 4 10 4 80 50 00 4 00 5 so 360 s 00 2 00 3 50 2 50 3 50 10 00 6 00 e oo 8 m 1 00 3 80 4 00 3 00 4 00 5 00 1 50 4 00 1 75 1 50 3 00 1 75 2 00 2 00 1 so bobert simpson company limited- special to the lady cxhibitor who wins the most points m the home de partment classes vit domestic science canned and preserved pro duct and homecrafts the robert simpson co prlie is a silver plated casserole alued at 1215 harold mike coxe plumbing and heating eavestroughing sheet metal work- phones 3704 451 aw halton houuln and iwrrwy ftrcedera prominent at cne the 1012 cne show of dairy caule will tfo down in history tut one of lh hottest on record th hth tomprnlurv nnd humidity had both the exhibitors and their live stock with their tnnuup hnnklntf out the competition in both the holstein ftnd guernsey rinus wn in keep in it with the weather ac- cordlnr to the official cntnloue we note that no less than iwsjlol- steina and 2fl0 guernseys were en tered the guernsey show was definitely the inrreit on record for tliis province nnd the holstein ex hibit if not the largest was very close to it in comparison jhe jersey and ayrshire exhibits were small but lie quality in both cnso compensated for their lack of numbers h niton was represented only in the holstein and guernsey rinri and consequently we will confine our report to these two breeds uolrulns here hnlton was well and worthily represented by entries of the herds of h c alexander chas austin vernon archer dr paul beer a m brain and sons f o hunter t h mcgce and john schertzl of esqucsinr township ashvllle farms ltd a g hunter m c sherwood and row sors- worth of nelson township hays ltd c h lawrence nnd j f trimble of trafalrar township and what a job they did hnlton may well proud of their black and white contingent alonr with those mentioned above wo would also include the name of w h robinson of hornby whose con tribution as a showman was par excellence the highlight of the holstein show for many is always the in- terctninly herd class each county entry consists of six animals namely a senior bull a junior bull two senior females and two junior females in all ten counties were represented which brought together 60 head in the ring at the one time the hnlton entry maintained their standing in former years by placing second to the perennial winners from peel but what a scare those peel boys got in the opinion of goodly percentage of the ringside the hnlton entry was the best balanced and most uniform herd in the ring but all honour to our peel breeders they got the judges decision and that is what counts along with that they ore a grand bunch of fellows and they haw a lot of outstanding cattle after all rosafe farms of bramp ton won the premier exhibitors award and j m fraser of stroots- ville the premier breeders banner from the latter herd spring farm fond hope was the grand champ ion- bull and spring farm juliette also repeated her triumphs of former years by winning the fe male grand championship to gether they made up the winning progeny of dam however to return to the awards in the county herd class 1st peel 2nd halton 3rd watcrlota 4th grey 5th wentworth flth haldimand 7th wellington 8th brant 0th welland and 10th lincoln lack of space will not permit us to give a detailed list of halton awards however here are n few of the highlights hays ltd had the first pri7e junior yearling bull nnd junior champion male on po mona sovereign papoose in the same class ashville farms ltd and ross segsworh wore 5th nnd cth rospertively a g hunter had the 4th prie senior calf in a strong rlis- with 29 entries junior yearl- 1 mi bull- here hilim entries were 2nd rd and fith for a g liun- 1 ter md m c sherwood vernon lauhen f o huner nnd john seheit1 bulb 2 eir browview futuritv burke for a m brain a sim- was second to the bul which wen i to th- reserve grand rhmiiortihp in the aged bull el is sal ix puuv was meond for r c alex- md r three eir old females dry here the entiv f dr paul beer wa third senior yearling heifers m a class of 4 entries- r c alexander and t h mcgoo were srd and 4th rsepectivelv in jun ior yearfnu heifers with 32 entrle- ros segsworth and w v thomp son were ih nd 10th respectively senior heifer calves with 43 entries dutehlmd diamond hope bred bv ward brownride nf hornbv was soemid for c h law rence junior heifer calve- rass segsworth w is third n a large entrv the same exhlntor was 2nd m the junior herd eass while in the junior kit ot sire class a g hunter r c alexander and t h megee uere 3rd sth and 7th res pective firrmt w fond hone in addition to his grand champ ion award it will be nf interest to learn that the offspring of fond horn topptsd n v than four tf the junior classes and the flrt three awards in the jimio- get of sin- class were won bv the net of great sire garnury show in this great show halton was again worthtlv representeil bv en tries from the herds of wm g booth j l chlsholm and jove bros of milton m t mcnabb a sons geo and j m pigott of palermo it was th first venture of the halton boys at the canadian nat ional and they really made the m mhota tep to town an out- lundlnc triumph for the mcnabb herd wu the winnlnn of the klna- hnven rmu trophy for the best jrroup of ave inlmau get of one lr tb ucrkabb entry was aired thl by their herd aire stcrllnjtold mnr- qnir the same exhibitor had the red ribbon for the wlnnlntf entry in dry 3 year olds 2nd prixe dry 2 yean old 5th prlre milking 2 yenr old nnd 2nd prlxe senior iet kqnnlly as great an achievement was that of joyce bran whose herd sir fraserdnle merry admiral was the first prize two year old and went on to the reserve senior and reserve grand championship for males twin elms also had 2nd and 4th prl7es in a class of 2fl jun ior heifer calves 3rd on their rca of fraserdale merry admiral 4th on their dry 2 year old nnd 3rd prire 4 year old in milk j l chishntm was 3rd on his senior bull calf 5th prize junior heifer calf 3rd and 5th on lib sen ior heifer calves president wm g booth wan not to be outdone and secured the blue ribbon on his junior yearling bull fifth on his senior yearling bull 5th prize senior yearling heifer 4th prbe on cow 4 years nnd over dry the fifth member of the hnlton guernsey delegation was art spen- ccr popular manager of lazy- pat farms palermo and their entries too were well to the fore in a num ber of classes as a fitting climax to their ef forts their club herd placed 2nd yorksimcoc club being first and brant in third thernwards listed nbove nhould not bo interpreted as a complete list of the halton wins but we feel we have listed sufficient to indi cate why halton may well be proud of thaso who represented them in both the guernsey and holstein shows at the 1052 canadian nat ional heartiest congratulations are extended to them all in pastures green this past week it was our good fortune to pay a brief visit to the farm of- dr wm james lot 1 sixth concession esquosing there are many nice things which might bo said of this farmstead managed by jim mckay the farm is tidy the buildings well painted the weeds under control and they have some outstanding angus cattle to the writer however the highlight- is the renovation which has taken place towards the back of the farm down in the creek flats as we recall when jim mckay came to manage the maiden farm a few years ago for dr james the fiats were overgrown with thorn trees and weeds and the grass was negligible today the thorn trees have disappeared the flats have been plowed and rcseeded and what a pasture well go and nee for yourself in our opinion it is the most productive area on the entire farm and as those who know the farm will agree the remainder dead stock dd and crippud farm animals removed promptly for sanitary disposal telephone collect georgetown 11 guelph 3334 gordon young ltd travel relaxed and carefree exhibition september s to 13 fare and one half for the round trip good going saturday sptmber 6 to saturday september 1 3 indifiive return limit september 15 rvtl lufomallm inum my oomi of thd farm u the equal of unythlntf in tho community no kidding lf you enjoy hcclng food pastures it is well worth n visit llaulon junior kpelter in middle the many friends of dave pellet- terlo popular president of the junior farmers of qntario will be interested to hear that at the an nual church service of the middle sex junior farmers on august 10th dave wan the special speaker hu kubject was doing the beat vlth the talents you- have we ware not surprised to hear that dave did an excellent job in tho put he has been recognised as an ex cellent junior farmer leader n good jmlgt of livestock just thin past week we saw him doing an excellent job of showing the entries for ashvllle farms ltd down nt tho cne he is indeed n credit to the junior farmers of hnlton and the province of ontario l b your home is worth record price today you cam save money by painting now and eliminating repairs and replacements trs good economy to stop the damage before its too late by painting this year we do everything in the decorating business call 275j or 299w for a free estimate moore rocher very hour of every day the telephone in your home stands ready to serve you for a fraction of a cent an hour what else in your daily living means so much yet costs so little th e sell tilirhoni comamvp camaqa heat your homi automatically on onethird less fuel siwerfame no other floor furnace gives so much dependable heat on so little low cost fuel oil heros americas moat efficient lowcent auto matic homo hoating plant just light it unci it tnd itself without firing without ohiich with- put work advanced demgn drains cold air from every room and circulates clean warm nir throughout house at every level greater cir culation ketpt cold floors warmer easily installed fit under floor out of sight nnd no basement is needed j youll be amazed at its low cost for ulightly over the cost of an ordinary space heater ou can have this new superflame floor fur- usee installed it civoa you more heat mars comfort at lest cost low cost- easy terms xray view above shows why you save amazing quantities of fuel oil qclrluijiw oorilie super- tlame furlsaw increases radiating surface ins cuts chimney loms up to q and reduces fuel oil bills as much as osetuikd ttt the only floor furnace with i two supekradlatlng heat i chambers its like two fur- nacre in one im one when its tnllii two when its cold this twin festure means better heat regulation greater circulation nri twin eicluelve triple- j3j combustion burners havs three stages of combustion in stead of two this means a cleaner flame and more heat from svery drop qtmf oflf milton electric phone 259 milton

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