Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 4, 1952, p. 9

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v the acton free press acton ontario thursday sjcpteb1bkr ims iqtai nrws htm forth cotmmm mow be pfcoiud to in or nut to th tti tom offlco ta attam club mtin are being an nounced win now september u here remember to appoint a prew aecretaryl humorc thnt aomeftnn hud bn killed in nn accident on cemetcrv hill sunday proved aroundleu af ter investigation the youniiteni arc back to ehool and despite the trndltlonnl attitude moid of them aeern quite pleased about the auufttlon v accounts of halton winners at ihe canadian national exhibition in the livestock line ore filven this week in the farm news column the many lovely landscapes in this district are varying grad ually with trees beginning to change their color in anticipation of fall extreme heat and electric atormj combined to make the labor day weekend a none too pleasant ene as far as weather was con cerned forty hours devotions were held nt st joiophs church sundny mondny nnd tuesdny of thli week with several visiting priests taking part in the services at the regulnr meeting of ac- ton rotnry club tuesdny wnltri wood burn nnd david dius were inducted as members charter president amos mason read the in duction add rem the canadian weekly news papers association convention be ing held this week nt st andrews new brunswick will be on the radio saturday evening nt 7 oclock kditor nnd mrs g a dills will be attending the trophv dinner which is thf mhln feature of the hrondcast a post card to the free press from jnck mcclure nt vancouver n c tolls that he had just arrived bock from the yukon where he spent a night on a bont on the yu kon river nt lnke xe barge made famous by robert service in his poem the cremntlon of snm mc- gee five men who met by coinci dence in the dominion hotel for supper on tuesdny september 3 found they were old friends of the district some yenrs ngo in nil their ages totalled 85fl yenrs the men were a lelshmnn of acton jnmes mnrshall of rockwood frnnk morrison of bnllinnfnd stnn shields of timmlns nnd bui shields of detroit mlchlgnn an interesting report following word thnt the swift current bnnd hnd not swept to top plnce ns act- onlnns who hnd henrd their fine concert might hope was thnt the hand members hnd trouble con- ti oiling iheir instruments they were used to dry weather in sask atchewan nnd found the dnmpness affecting their instruments in n manner to which they were nt accustomed h s holden ofktttll l isf eyes examined glasses htted 7 douglas st ouelph howskmiiy get lovely curves cah 5 to lolkt nw f ruth ruddock a t c m gold medallist ltcm toronto nkhikkh limitkn piano ciarb many years teaching experience using latest methods with children and adults 160 guelph st phone 291m evenings hmmmmmmmmhnmhmmhhhahhaahhh9 first day over well before noon acton high school students leave the stone school and signify work hasnt been too stienu- ous so far for not one carries a book pencil or spilball after the assembly conducted by principal o robbins the students were given lists of required books in their individual classrooms classes on the provisional time table began in earnest with book pencilsand spitballs on wednesday staff photo firemen win use of land for hall continued from pflpe one adequate and the condition of ih lot depreciated surrounding prop rrtles as well as proving a hizird for children solicitor loatherland w as in structed to prepare an amending bxlaw providing that after an ex cavation has been left open foi minn turn u i lost lioit l si foot fence would hne to b encttd around it the b ty w ils to in readx for the next met ting coun cillors diiilsstd sitil other in in i similir tondition aiound town couiu il sugi- med th i p i ments fot uiuil of th town 11 ill bt in uli irh uik it is us d h tin iu tin 1 kiptisl mission will 1 tted lludcrt m l01 it 111 1 v i i i it hi n iu ii i h it ji d to tli n o i tin poln 1 1 him r ht p mti vl on li i a in prt st nt r 11 th imoiin u mi id in n i of th tuidett b thi tjul of th u ttu toui p iv s 7 ttiits i mile thi tnoith s bill vis fr ippommitt 1 50 clfk meceuhu i po d thi tin nf 1 1 t tuei tr i no i iru water piimpmi station uoui i b ipprorn lit jlt 07 thi m it tet vt as u ft w nh tin mttu uhiii ut to investigate chance hour lo otr a discussion on the nomination and election bvuw brought onlv a mikiiesusd chance in the hours ol v otinji from 10 um to 7 p m ma t r raehlin reported that some resid ents felt the jobs of cruinetrs and poll clerk were not distributed ell enough and the same people got the jobs year after vear it vmu pointed out that experience was beneficial in carrying out the dutie appointment of the elect ion officers was left for consider ation at the next meeting the meeting convened at 7 30 p m tuesday evening and adjourned t zm am wednesday morning a rhetorical question is one which do not require an answer raid r jttuhihom optometrist 58 st georges square guelph iformerli occupied by mr e p head complete eyesight service t tkought i was building a dog housst from plumbing materials to roof ing what you want i what we have th building materials we stock will fill arjy bill movies are better than everoo to a movie toniohti acton two shows nightly continuous from 7 30 saturdays and holidays from 7 00 with matinees starting at 2 p m our candy bar has your favourite treat frisat sept 56 plus walt disney nature short in color olympic elk and book revue cartoon montues cihtukyrox mtesehts with pride and wed sept 8910 j for your added pleasure bunny hugged news thurs only sept 12 exotic macao v port of intrigue and myttary m imhu tmi iiiiu iuuii births marriages deaths etc born uajuus to mr and mrs thomas w hurrlu a baby daughter het ty ann attc it 4 acton on september 3 ldjwf katovitch mr and mra ailc kntovltch 02 main street actotv urn very hnnpy to announce the birth of their second daughter at the nuralntf home acton oil thurndny august 2h 1952 moth er mod boby juit line ayles mr and mm j ayltm 217 mason blvd acton ore very hnppy to announce tile birth of their ion stephen john at thi nun i nil home acton on wcd- nendny september 3 1152 sinter lynn and pnt are delighted mother nnd flon doing fine makmed holmessinclaiii on satur day august 30 1052 at 7 pm in the knox presbyterian mnnae by rev r ii armitronji betty ed na daunhter of mr nnd mrs stunrt slnelnlr to allnn edward holm ci son of mr nnd mn d holmei dir1 sparling suddenly nt the home of her niece mis v s cooper alton on monday aukiul 2 ll mil jitwie a smiliij i in i 711h yenr ruiieuil service wis held from tin yoike hiothiis hurniil chip- 1 in tin onto on thursday auust 11 inti imeiil followed in pirk- livvu n nietei v salmon at his home alton on thursdiv aiikusl 2h iu thom as w it stilmon beloved hus band of annie cooke nnd doai fitlicr or thnmls w h salmon of toronto lthel of erin mis hairy vailkum of milton lit nji- min of guelpli the itev it o o salmon diiimsi of huron hobn of stintford nnd mra wallace lonkslri et of erin leiin m inass wlh held nt st jiksephi chun h a ion on sntur- dny aukitst v interment win in erin cemeteiy pohsyth at cuelph gi rural hospital on friday aukust 20 1052 thomas alexander forsyth jilid 711 voirs belovi d hnsb ind of nellie han lav and dear fnther tf vera mrs c a gonlon abei- fovle nnrclnv and douleiils of kotkwood mix anil beth mrs 1 a cutler of guelph nnil llovd h ci ns il funeral seivlre was hi id on mon day septi mher i nt his late r sid- me it it 1 itockvvood inter- wantads latk6t tibflc for insertion 4 pm wednesday hates no chartfc for announcement of blrthm marriage death and engagement in metnorlam tsoc plus 10c pf untt for vtjrte article for sala hent etc 2c u word minimum cash i3c if not paid until after inaertlon 50c box no to thi office 15c additional coming even u 10c mr count line 30c minimum card of thank wjc for sale fon sale bovh nnd tflru bl- cycleji phone 4iji2 o fob sale wood burning ilrc- ulntor phone jlw4 a fob sale cor radio bca puih button style first 40 takes it phone 501 a fob sale for your 1d52 hon ey call bert dodds hock hn von apinrus phone 2u4j4 a fob sale 1 jlcguuured berk shire bonr 111 mos old don mc millan phone 3hr3 milton c fob sale used factory recon ditioned bmtty w ils h era 2 only 10 00 each symun hurdware a fob saleappb pears plums krnpei nl fulfil seed w bouhfiold nnd sons phune milton 2tt4r4 a8j fob sale clover hooey 20c lb in your own container colin maicoll 12 cameron phune llilw n toil sale- huuvy duty ehittli i hint i liuitum ovi n ind wiiiii iiik t los t iiasonibli mts it i it ii hlin atton ti ioil sale culiimbers nnd ripe toniatcits come and bring your 1 lki l- apply dili win cnpjis 1jj tjui i n st ni phone lj fob sale kirrh n took alov paudoia in jjo1 ondition witb r eivnir and wntir front 2ij arthur st phune i iv mkmoriam nightingale in fond and inv ito nn morv of a dtar husb md ind fitlnr arthur nikhtmc ih u tin ji ism l iv iv s pt mix r it lmrt wt smiu with thi world but in vi r foikt t in our j irden of m mora s he livi s w ith us it alvvavs itmimbirid h his lovink wift and famllv donaldson in lovinj mi rnory of my dear husbind john don aldson who pnssed awav s pti tu ber b 1045 every day in some small way memories of you come mv wav though nbsent you are i ver mar still mlssed still lovid nnd evil denr sadly missed and ilwavs n nn m- bered by hus wife wabe in lovine memory of n de voted wife nnd mothi r barbara mae ware who died by accident september 1 1951 one yenr has gone since she left us a bright light gone from our view but her love will rt main with u alvvavs and will guide us m all that we do sadly missed bv husband harrv and children barbie ann gt orge nnd jimmie ware in loving mi morv of our de ir sisn r and aunt barhira mae ware who died bv nccidi nt september 1 10ji you an not forgotti n barbar i nor evi r w ill on lx as long lift ind rni morv 1 lsts w w ii 1 1 nn mlii i thi i ever rtrmmhiiid bv mm mil lis liuru and l sli ainu fob saleseid wheat treat d iiadv to iow govemmi nt j 1 1 l for your piuli t tioti reg 1 cornell 2 7 bus goidtin i a slie phoiu boikwood 01rl2 bl2 for sale nw inteniationnl trucks wti hudbim wtisp sedan new lf meteor coach ittso austin sedan lltd 2 ton ford stake truck 1tnii g ml hio iton pickup si v r d low priced use d trucks nnd cars ti actor dili ford r f rgu ion ti ictor 1 rirmal m trn tor m w iosl hole dlggi i for ford or fi rg- usun cjimrif lo ik health wf arc forced to ijrpiidnfc our entire stock o tonn ami utnl c nr tnirli nnd trni tort tiios e iikwson phom 112w gi orgi town b for sale- lr0 au mil v si llin ilill i- ol cl nil h illl mi ii ill si ilin iwl mnrns si ilin 1tlll mi nurv si ilin 1017 mfinircll sedan 11m7 mi rcury coitli 11 id dmliit snl in 11 u inntiic ciiuiii imfl miriury lun pickup miny oldit muikk it htducud 4ricls early motors sa1e1and service j phone 519w milton ont farnworth memorials manumrnt at moderate prlcr cemetery lettering flora ltd at cemetery ri nph ont wm1f in m i- mi i of mi kli h irl i 1 ii w r h d l in hi il n- s ii i i ilil th s h d pi nn m i i th tin- i i u in j i i ni i i i 1 i s h 1 th i n th 0 i ii il fn i 1 n i l- t n vi p il i i i h i i v11e ii m mm f in loud d iutli mil h irh ii i m i wiro uioiluilh icutli nt st pt- nib r 1 i0m you vi hn htii luvid ind iihuund will ind trulv win nmr bright truphii s pin d lour i ikt r skill it muit hi dvith hli imitttn iou unduli and ou arc livink itill sunl in mimi- iniffibk hi rcafti r btyond the littk borders of our ken unchanged ou mil take up the toil and lautthter the loies of life akaln so be 41 ne hanv no hal to find you we may not call vou thence by charm and prayer onv your god for all you left be hind you u knowledge of you there mom and either in m1miik1v1i l mitlnurdl ics lr it in 1 vi w in mm f il ii hn i i i i ii i v h i i i 1 v v s in 7 lhl iill ii in v i i i i i 1 i ii 1 v vi n i i i i v ii i 1 v h it l f ii ill inn it ilut i 1 1 vi n 111 v f i 1 1 i v it i vh vv i i i i v k 1 hr v i irs iili ml- i h ir in i v iv ind mi i 1 f i i n 1 i i mi ill ii h i 1 i klidli mrd fu i irh ami ilnl i i lid hv ill mil nd did winn hyilht in fund m min of hi i uhii p issed jviiv so vuddinlv on septt mbi r 7 hmd hossever long our lutj may 1 lit whatever lands we vtevs 1 whatever joy or brief be ours we will always remember you ida jack jackie pat andgrant surbey vancouver b c rydeu in loving and unfortfot i table memory of our dear son and brother roderick millar i nho left us so suddenly three j years ago september 7 hmd i you left us a beautiful memory i a sorrow too great to be told to us who loved and loat you your memory will never grow old sadly missed by mother dad 1 sister and brothers wanted waited medium nlr tricyclic in uood shape pliout 1u wantkd sliu street aylo bed 84 mill for salk ico box all itoh will to ennmc if lb capacity phone 00j 221 mcdonald nivd wanted youna dutch alrl de- siren position in acton or dlatrict home plain hoiihpkeepinu to live in write ulna de flrtiyn it r i rock wood a dead oh disabled anim als wanted cows hori ho if s phone guelbh s334 collrei for immedlnt tcrvlcc wm lajny operating for gordon young at highest prices in ontario fo dend disabled cattle and horn pcwllively guaranteed calk onturlo rcndprln company coi- uvxzt acton fll georfletown 072 or guelph 2imj t alf min lhreh your opportunity io i hilter th in nverut liw mi yrm c m miike til niun v v or kiiiud tidllnf njitionilly nlvrtist wilklnf prodmt in nrhy inral lo ihty ni ithc r experleiu nor c ipitil in tc wsiry we ti iin you mi ri hi ivvi en 2i nnd r pr fi rreil wiiu dipt o a0 j h witkpim co ru st itoth st mcjiilrcil 4 for rent for hbnt apii tin nt iri living rnoni limine iniiiii umi kitclt i in hi mid heclroum vmtli 1 tr c lolhc s c lo et nil f finvc ni rn ap ply knox avi ai ton phom irtw alton a lost ifjst in acton on salurdiv four keys on rind kinder pit is h ivi it police stition mi mirv moriow phnn 47ilw gcortieto jiii miscellaneous roit skwkit liliril mt ill itlon iihoni tlljl art villi alton iufc imano tuninc mil riinii c w trlckiy r john st ilrimp- toii phnni 117i1w jllo rniss corn salve fur sure ri in f your druktflst i iu creis wirt hi iiiovi r ii ivi v ri i ia iitr washer repairs rolls parti tomplete overhauls emlea radio and electric georgetown phone 4fti roxy thi atre bldu att sewing machines sales aria service repairs to all makes ernies radio and elictnc phonsi w roxy thi aire hide george town atf kitchener upholstery have your chestertield lulte re-ujh- holittred for as little ai 190 re- finlshini and slip cover work tor prompt and efficient sen ice cau 103 acton one wetk s tervice a ih1emium staiiion for yrvice th porchi run stallloi th rma jud 2lr0m grade a mrilm it no 2101 isstindinn for lenke at lot 3 ctinctsiion 3 esqui iinu o- ar- ranjjtmi nts may hv m idt fo- ser vice by truck p 1 rdors snovi milton mlr21 b122 coming events this office connof be responsible or conflicting dotes of clients st albans guild vir ti fair and tii noitinbr 14 ill ii l the parish hall a hi kill ir mci tink lik 1 hap- ti i 1 o i i- tu vl ii s i nix r 9 t tin ii uion ii ill a ii ni v ii hi id i i jim ii 1 a iv wiilin il i i dur in ill a i s ol mb ll du j i iii i i i ml e ill t hi 11 it i ii mr a il i iir ii i s n n i h lit i i 1 11 v 1 r 1 1 1 ill 1 sl mi s i 7 iii 1 ii 1 7 10 ii v r s l i 11 s i i i ml nil h 1 ill 11 i h i rv s ii iidj i h s ii mbi i ii in 1 7 in in ui u oo i v mr m v i w n 10 i n hi v r c v ai- m- will nit it it in 1 mil miltii imi 1 1 1 hl- i spinal niumi hv l ii- j please note change of time baptist chuich services sunday sapl 7th i 0 00 a m sunday school 1 1 00 a m morning service 7 00 p m evening service the regular tchedule of services will be held in all churchei commencing thli sunday

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