Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 18, 1952, p. 1

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seventyeighth year no 1 1 acton ontario thursday september 18lh 1952 ton home print pages six conts rain or shine acton fair saturday dublin wi quilt wins county area honors enter provincial un parl kennedy and mia mln- hle sanurvllle brack ave ww lttatatm for the saptambar mt- ln of dublin woman iiutltiita lut thudy afternoon mr l rgusui the president occupied the chair with the opening number bell the lutltute ode and the mary stewart collect followed by the lurda prayer vurther plans were made for the xhthlu at georgetown acton and milton tain hit wtlmer watklna wai chosen delegate to the area convention to be held in kitchener early next month vhtt alex hear as quilt convenor reported on the fine success of the dublin w 1 quilt which is comp eting in the salada tea contest in jtute at the district annual held in acton this quilt was awarded first prise for the county recently the judging for the western area took place at arlss and again this quilt was honored with first prize con gratulations were offered to the dozen or so ladles who had given so freely fo their time and talent last spring in designing and quilt ing this qulh it is now in toronto and is entered in the provincial competition letters of congratul ations were read from mrs m j brown former president of the halton district womens institute and the busy bees- w i the roll call was answered with a manufactured article and place of manufacture ml charles m davidson gave a talk on some time ly and helpful kitchen hints the song school days sung mrs j dennis as convenor gave a paper on canadian indust ries and was assisted by mr t horner who spoke on acton and its industries and mrs william mophedran on the polymer corp oration of canada miss minnie somerville conduct ed a contest and mrs george rob ertson was winner mrs lyrguson read from the w i handbook for a few minutes a dslnty lunch was served by the hostess mrs kennedy assisted by mrs s elliot and mrs j dennis plan removal town hall tower bellsiren to stay council adjourned their regular meeting on tuesday at 2 a m with considerable business uncompleted business slowed to a snails pace as heads nodded in the carlvhours and no decisions could be made on the several contentious subjects that loomed in the session called for fl pm it was decided a special meeting would be necessary to complete con sideration of the many btaws and agenda items authorization was granted to remove the top of the tower on the town hall because of its rotted condition a delegation inspected the tower and found it possible to shake the entire top section of the age- weakened structure it was planned to replace the matter along with other agenda present pointed tower with a fiat items roof and also build a new wheel to operate the bell if the cost wis reasonable the present wheel is of wood and weatherbeaten to a rotted condition actons town hall was built about lftai council approved a bylaw cov ering the establishment of the vol unteer fire brigade it was felt an early bylaw did not cover the present day conditions the new bylaw allows for a chief deputy two captains and a xecretar as well as lfl fire fight ers no volunteers are to be over co years of age and no officers over 65 the chief is to be elected by the department and passed in by law form by council the annual cost of operating the department shall be included in the annual estimates and the clerk is to notify the chief at least two weeks prior to the date when the estimates are to be considered the chief submits his estimates including all costs grants to the brigade are to be as determined by the council the brigade cannot respond with acton equipment to any calls outside the municipality except from a munic ipality with which the town ha an agreement chief f dawkim was appointed by bylaw clerk megeachie vas instructed to advertise for tenders on the trapping privilege on town prop the necessary blaw providing for election and nominations was parsed nominations this year are scheduled for november 21 with election if necessarv on december 1 court of revision refunded the business tax of the a p green fire brick co ltd from the date the business was suspended until the end of 1052 a letter was received that th township of esquesing was prepar ed to pay for the support of th proposed fire area the letter was returned for clarification- a resolution was passed that the clerk enter into correspondence with the national housing corp oration with a view to having the corporation agree to consider fur ther applications for mortgage loans in this municipality at present it wds explained these government loans are only considered in centres of 10000 population or over application was made for the interim statutory grant on the total expenditure of 2030 24 councillor taylor reported that approximately 670 had been re ceived as the town share of the la crosse gates reporting on park activities councillor ta lor said the fair board was considering moving sheep pens to the west end of the ert the agreement is to be made i m une wit present cattle for a period of rtve sears and lu in that arva tar had been pavm nt of a fixed sum for the j applied to he curling rink roof privilege is to be paid in advance blit planned propping up of the of each season this was the rult p wa deferred because of the of inquiries bv h k dodds earlier th frh for the privilege and followed in i following a suggestion that tru quirirs at the department of lands curling rink wan not particularly and forests i useful now de put v- reeve j stew- mas or rachlin reporting for the art suggested it be repaired and setter committee recommended lwl a storage place for town that there was some work at the i equipment council planned to disposal plant that hould be done tmmcdtatels a motion was passed that jones and van gils be advis ed if the installation of the flame trap at the plant wa not corrected before september 25 the work would be done and charged to their account reporting for the police commit tee the mayor recommended a con unuation of policing of acton by the provincial police a new agree ment was necessary since nottfic- ation of increases in rates the committee failed to find any cheap er method of policing according o the report letters from mrs g v barbeau and mr and mrs g w williams i uttered bv a cititen water was complained about the condition of an excavated lot on arthur st owned by jones and van gils the letters complained that the lot was dangerous unsightly and obstructed the view of the corner two suggested bylaws for con trolling the situation were present ed by solicitor leatherund at 143 am with no agreement in alght it was decided to hold a special mttetlutt to consider the checked at the tap the well id the pump house all testing a acton rotary club was granted permission to use the arena on october 23 and 24 tbe provincial police report was received and accepted- council passed a resolution to petition the department of high ways to erect caution light at th intersection of no 35 and no 7 highways 1 -5- v3 m actons addition to the public school is shown hero from the front principals from all over halton county inspectod the building on tuesday of this week when they held one of their regular meetings in acton plans for the official opening of the addition have not yet been completed but it is expected the opening will be in october with official duties performed by a high govern ment official the large modern front of the building is shown with the oxtreme right door open ing into the auditorium the centre to the main foyer and the left door to the grade viii class room stafl photo 97 years old 57 years minister from calgary alberta we learn that rev malcolm roland gordon recently marked his 07th birthday many of our readers will recall the gordon family who were born here and spent their early years on the farm on the fourth line north of acton rev malcolm has spent 57 years of his 07 years in the ministry of the presbyterian and united churches althought he has lived nearly i century the preacher doesnt re gard himself as being retired his retirement as a minister of the united jchurch was official in 1039 but he still preaches nt the old folks home and ls pator at the scottish nursing home in good health he says he will continue to preach a long as he is able on the occasion of his 97th birth day friday september 12 his friend honored him at an open house from 7 until 9pm at the home of mrs r l elves 3030 2nd st s w mr gordon was born in acton ont and received his theological training at manitoba college and the preytcrian college at prince ton nj he spent nine years as pastor of the dutch settlers church in new york before returning to canada in 1004 as a united church minister in northern alberta he has two daughters mrs helen gordon mcpherson of vancouver and mrs myrtle gordon roberts of new york he lives at the home of mr and mrs george oldakcr 536 23rd ave w the free press joins in belated but sincere congratulations to rev malcolm gordon halton forums volunteer group for pretesting of forum guide hope for record crowd entries good w fickle fall weather gave acton fair the cold shoulder two years ago and a fit of her tears in rain last year hundreds of acton residents dis trict farmers and their families those from nearby villagetand lowns and more distant cities arc hoping this week that the capricious weather will turn her shining face toward acton park on friday and saturday tomorrow friday the 1052 fair opens with judging in many of the classes being held in the arena hall and a splendid program planned far the evening in the arena while the variety show is in progress that evening the exhibits in the adjoining hall including school childrenc work baking and preserves handicraft flowers vegetables and several oxhibititby loco merchants will be open featured on the program will be the 50man band of the second obituary services held for wife of gord cook with the approach of fall rural people naturally turn their thoughts toward farm forums plans for the season begin to take form in the minds and hearts of farm people not only in ontario and canada but the world over through united nations education al social organization recently the provincial semian nual farm radio forum board meeting was held at the ontario college of education toronto to which for the first time the county secretaries were invited wellington sutton or peterborough county president of the provlnci tl board presided and in a- few well chiimn words introduced the pro vincial secretary clifford waite in replying to these words of in troduction mr waite referred to the events leading up to his ac ceptance of this office he admit ted there was a great deal to learn but he also felt there was a wortn while reward in working with rural people in the 48 counties n ontario he reported 793 forums and he hoped to see all on their own grounds he drew attention to the sheet of financial statement from april 1 to august 31 1052 a pro vincial finance committee was ap pointed as president and the first and second vice-president- 1 floyd gricsbach from the nation al- executive reported on the pre testing of the forum guide and asked for volunteer groups who would be responsible for three such groups halton was one who vol unteered their services these pre testing groups are held five weeks previous to the guide going io press limeh0use institute award prizes in over 30 classes at garden fair lew the necessary work most windows have been broken at the arena it was reported and bullet holes are evident inthe arena roof a new blaw was considered on the sewer rental plan for collection of the money applied on debenture payments the previous bylaw al low ed that all money collected by sewer rental be applied on debent ure payments with no allowance for maintenance a bylaw to rectify this situation was under the consideration of the municipal board a report from the halton health unit pointed out that acton wrater was a a complaint had been reg- pruej awarded by the womens institute at limehouse gardens fair with mr pargeter as judge were as follows junior tomatoes joe brown eugene turner billy sanford onions david roughley joe brown donnie curry beet thomrasine sutton eugene turner donnie curry carrots eugene turner thom- asine sutton pet or glynn chard david roughley joy patterson thomasine sutton dlsplay of vegetables eugene turner donnie curry trudy scott ex students gardens display ruth brown neil benton kathleen kirkpatrick ladies living room bouquet mrs frank brown mrs roughley ladies dining room bouquet mrs kirkpatrick mrs f brown seniors tomatoes john brown grry scott kay norton john brown carrot bert benton eldln as- km john brown celery bert benton john brown corn joe brown trudy scott jov patterson kohlrabi dorothy kirkpatrick john brown bert benton squash bert benton john brown garry scott watermelon joe brown john brown eld in askln- senlors display from gardens bert benton john brown dorothy kirkpatrick i basket potatoes billy sanford joan brown david roughley the question of a county con stitution was also discussed as many members were not even aware there was a provincial con- rtitution let alone county constit ution the distribution of the recapit ulation sheets to each county sec retary brought the realization just where each county stood in shoul- ii ring its share of financial res ponsibilities the average collect ion per forum on a provincial basis was 20 r3 while halton collect ion per forum 22 95 it was emphasized the necessity of having county secretarys books as well as forum secretaries books audit ed all forums are asked to report activities on review night the prcforum broadcast s scheduled for october 27 the regular series start november 3 any new forums or rcorganl7ing old ones arc welcomed junior flowers zinnias eugene turner thomras ine sutton david roughley candytuft peter glynn eugene turner thomasine sutton salvia thomasine sutton joe brown joy patterson calendula thomasine sutton joe brown peter glynn nasturtium joe brown thom asine sutton donnie curry petunia joe brown peter glynn eugene turner dining room bouquet joe brown thomasine sutton donnie curry living room bouquet billy sanford thomasine sutton john brown seniors flotrrrs carnations john brown dor othy kirkpatrick eldin ajricm sn a pd argons kay norton john brown dorothy kirkpatrick larkspur john brown dorothy kirkpa trick- zinnias bert benton john brown dorothy kirkpatrick mangolds john brown asters john brown dorothy kirkpatrick garden plots as judged by mr pargeter during the season were placed in the following order- juniors eugene turner david rdbghley and joe brown tied billy sanford peter glynn thomasine sutton gloria latimer donnie curry joy patterson trudy scott linda clarke seniors john brown bert ben ton dorothy kirkpatrick kay norton eldin askln garry scott barbara currte double ring ceremony august 30 in acton united church a double ring wedding ceremony was performed in acton united church on saturday august 30 when marion june brown daugh- ter of mr o r brown acton was married to david drysdale son of mr and mrs david drysdale of acton rev e a currey officiated in a setting of multicolored glad ioli and evergreen fern a white floor length lace gown with net skirts was worn by the bride who was given in marriage by her father the gown featured a nylon lace bodice with high neckline cop sleeves and tiny but tons from throat to waist her fin gertip veil was held by a headdress of lace she wore watching lace gloves and carried a bouquet of red roses with stcphnnotls the brides sister miss dnreen brown of acton was maid of hon or wearing a floor length gown of vellow net over tatffcta and carry ing a nosegay of mauve glads and mums wearing a blue net gown was the bridesmaid miss dorothy middle- ton a cousin of the groom of reg- ina she carried pink glads and mums the cousin of the bride nancy hudson of toronto was flower girl wearing a mauve eyelet dreu with yellow rosebuds best man was the brother of tin groom john drysdale of acton and ushers were bob tyler and jack blow of acton george elliott played the wed ding music and the soloist yvonne brunelle sang the wedding prayer and because following the ceremony a rec eption was held in the church re ceiving the guests was mrs o r brown wearing pale blue with white trim and navy accessoriei she was assisted by the grooms mother who chose navy nylon sheer and lace with navy access ories both wore corsags of pink roses guests attended from reginn toronto erin rockwood bronte st catharines georgetown milton and acton the couple left on a wedding trip to the k wart ha lakes district the bride wearing a navy dress trimmed with white navy and white accessories and a corsage of yellow talisman roses funerol services were held on tuesday of this week in london for feda bcrnlce williams wife tf gordon p cook formerly of ac ton mn cook died an the rcsuu of a v ir accident on saturday ev ening mrs cook is survived by her husband gordon a son dennis a brother steve two sisters mrs chester truss and mrs john green both of london and her parents mr and mrs albert wil liams port stanley mr and mrs cook were married on july 2d 1051 and lived in lon don where gordon or cookie he is known in acton worked as i cook at westminster military hnspilal pallbearers were george elad john green chester truss jack morgan herb conk and jack mc geichie services were conducted by rev e c eckhardt with inter im nt in woodlawn cemetery lon don mrs cook was killed instantly in a collision at emery st and wharncliffe rd london when she was hurled 50 feet in the air as the car in which she was riding rolled twoandahalf times to stop on its side gordon cook was released after treatment at virtoria hospital five others still are hospital 1ed don mitchell driver of the car in which the cooks were passengers has a fractured left leg cuts ond bruises gordon mcconncll a veteran patient at westminster hospital owner and driver of the second car is at st josephs hospital with a fractured left arm his passengers ruth maldment irwin st injured left eye grace schmidt lan garth st back injuries are in victoria hospital and james vincent napier is in westminster hospital napier went out for the day in crutches with a mending leg that had been fractured two months ago and came back from the crash with the old injury broken again troubles of the party began after a big parade of war veterans cook jocularly showed friends in their home how he marched in the parade he slipped ond fell sus taining a cut over the eye mitchell undertook to drive him to hospital for stitches mrs cook rode in the rear seat with her hus band holding a handkerchief to stop the blood flow on the way their car collided with mccqfnnehs interpretation armored division signali regim ent the band ls among the price winners at the waterloo festival there is no class for it at the c ne the uniforms are ipectacitlor featuring red tunics and black furred hats with plume at the rides acton citizens band will alto at tend accompanying the five sched uled vaudeville acts friends from town and man who have left will meet again nn saturday then judging will be held for livestock while the mid way is in full swing in front of the grandstand will be the perennial favorite contests for the most befreckled boy or girl and the champion pie eater the districts best babies will be determined at the yearly baby show road races the showing of horses aid the grand stock parade will vie for interest with the exhibits and games of chance and refresh ment booths saturday evening the fair nignt dance will be held in the town hall a record number of entries it hoped for a record attendance and record good weather uts keep our fingers crossed customer a dollars worth of steak please butcher you said a mouthful john brooks wins ridley scholarship john brooks 15 tho son of rev e a- brooks and mrs brooks formerly of acton and who are now living in grimsby has lren awarded a scholarship ot ridley college st catharines the scholarship was set up in memory of the late mr h b bur- goyne of the st cathannes stan dard for the boy of all round ab ility in the school john is in grade xi and goes back to his fourth year at rluey this week assessment appeal adjourns sept 24 oakville completed the presenta tion of their case at the equalization of assessment hearing on tuesday of this week burlington completed their case this week too the hear ing before judge w n robinson will resume on september 24 the hearing is a result of the ap peal by oakville and burlington against the share of county costs they must pay northern munici palities are not affected by the appeal and nelson trafalgar oak ville and burlington are the chief municipalities concerned there are about 12000 indians and eskimos living in the yukon and northwest territories and an ecnial number of white persons winning clowns ir the childrens clown contest saturday at the coxy theatre were from left to right matfy lou creighton johnny creighton blair hotchen and billy greer who is seen here receiving his first prize from nattily attired ernie coles who also dressed for the publicity of the greatest show on earth that played this week at the theatre staff phou

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