Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 18, 1952, p. 2

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mottwo the acton free press acton ontario tiiuiiwiay hkltkmillcil 111 llhwf old terms back in the days when readino matter was not to plentiful our parent used to find pleasure and ioma very timely play on some of the expressions which used to be found in many books not many of our readers will recall books that in variably had finis amhe end today some of us with such an ending culminated our reading to that we would be sure that was the conclusion of the article we well remember as a lad asking what the word meant and getting the explana tion f for finger i for inger n for knuckle- bony i for john the water man and s for sally cronay the explanation was not correct of course in wording spelling or anything else but it seems to have stuck since the word isnt used any more at the end of books parents aren t called upon to give any explanations and perhaps that is ust as well too and with finis has gone those other all in elusive and final endings like etc and ad in finitum which used to carry the rhyme of big fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bile them and these in turn have lesser fleas and so d infinitum it appears that in our writings our endings are so complete that there is no need for the denotation of finish or superfluous words with which to play or make rhyme we don t see d v on the posters any more and e o e on the bot tom of accounts they re all gone the way thai terms on an auction tale bill have disappeared or been condensed in the one word cash good common sense we were very thankful to learn that negotia tions were successful between employees and employers m acton s maor industry which avert ed resort to the strike method which is too often employed with disastrous results to both parties end the community as a whole we are inclined to offer congratulations to both sides without go ing into an details of settlement in a community not 75 miles from acton a sir ke has been in progress for several weeks the families of factions for and against the strike are se nq and doing things to their fellow citizens vvhch jmii make bad friends for years the ac cusations made by employers and employees will leave a tommunit that will not work together or happ ly for many years to come that is some thing that cannot be reckoned in dollars and cents there are often things that are greater than points being won or lost and it is well that in our dealings with one another we take those friendships into consideration it has been many years since acton fias had a strike that is a compliment to workers and em ployers who have been able to settle their dif ferences by more enlightened means it has often been said that no one wins in a strike and we hope for the day when such means will not be necessary to find common ground acton today is a better place to live and a more friendly com munity because the folks have down through the years employed common sense in their dealings one with another may such an attitude continue so that acton and actonians of all walks of life may continue to flourish come toihe fair this is fair week in acton the woather has been very summery up to this week and perhaps it has been a bit difficult to realize that fall is at hand but temperatures can lhange vory rapidly at this time of year lhe weather can have much to do with the success or failure sf a fall fan for the past two years acton fair has had to carry on under a heavy handicap of bad weather and of ficials and general public are hoping that this year the weather will be more kind for the big annual event to keep successful fair officials must work continually throughout the year one fair is no sooner over than plans are started to improve and expand for the event to follow the next year a glimpse at the program for friday and saturday in acton shows that these efforts have been most successful in gathering a program that should prove a stimulus to agriculture a fine entertain ment and outing for all who attend and a won clerful place to meet friends and keep up ac qualntanceships yes the fall fair fills an important part in our community life on friday and saturday it s your big local event plan to exhibit attend and lend every encouragement for its continuance funny laws the ontario municipal world is a very bright publication on municipal affairs the publication is authorative on municipal law which is the most democratic of all law because it is in effect right in the home community hence after consider able research the municipal world comes up with discoveries of how in various states of the union a small set of elected people try and pass laws to govern the conduct of others here is something from humane society and traffic rules to the moral code in minnesota men s and women s underwear must not hang on the same clothes lino in gary indiana it is against the law to ride in a tramway within four hours of eating garlic in maine it is ag the law to set fire to a mule in california it is a penal offence to set a trap for mice unless you have a hunting license in joliet illinois a woman can be ailed for trying on more than six qarments in one shop in kentucky no woman may appear in a bath ing suit unless armed with a club in joneboro ce igi i it is aqiinst the law to say oh boy in fort madisc n iowa he fire depirtment must practice for 15 minutes before going to ex tmguish a fire in new hamp i re when two motor vehic les meet at an intersection each shall come to a full stop and neither shall proceed until the other has gone and don t say it can t happen here because a little searching of some old local by laws might reveal some oddities in local by laws the good old days may have seemed better back in 1902 frrau th imu nt iko ttr rm bf tkurby h4mbr 1u im httrttert iliuttfhiun uhisury f tltt itry anllr 4 lib rwalvt u dliiputch that ioury u im hl wtty hitnu on th rtllit uhtit whulwunt ami that a mi i muni urn wlt ivary muilud with iiu kmltlni to lu north iolt july 4 iiioh mr llrlflitmuit it rt ii tit ivurv at outw siihlnb fill ho joth or aumut mmh hit rollnf uhlp wlndwurd luft nuw y01u lit july iilsi to hunt for th itury mit dltlou liuri hm uvtdunlly thu conuniiiiitlon of milium muthiullut rhim h u mtli mtd a half filiovd arttin huvo muriu ar- lunktummu for u uncial to tw held hi tin rhunh on ttirjidiiy evt nlntf convtyunuui will lw at tin rwut ofyuo lit acton on thn ov nhiy nf the uncial for tho convent mint of thwo wishing to attend from lwii itov itohtrt philuw who wiut pufltor of ulu m thodut church lu ic pojlud nvviv to hid roward on sunday inoiulnu mr phllllpii wiu reci ivi d into thu ministry of l hi wmhyim north in tilafl t joint oidnlncd in 1872 ha wiw utntlonrd in aitnn horii thirty yi urs duo tnuinu up tin work hero the first yvnr thut tht church wan a circuit by itself havlnu twun juparated from the jeorfit town circuit he was transferred and thin afloln in 1haa wo alatfomri ut acton where hi ably fluid tin pulpit and faith fully perfornud fhe pastoral duties for the neyt three years when mr phtlltnjt came to acton the circuit embraced the town luelf and two nutilde appointments at the expiration if hu ftnrt year acton wn1 made n station and the pastors work confined to the one church and congregation the membership was then about 100 but as a reeult of his energetic ef forts the membership numbered 200 at the end of his pastorate there is a very serious coal strike in indiana elttimatid iojuu from the strike total 9u2 420 000 the directors of the toronto in dustrial exhibition toronto report thin vtnrs fair to bt probably thl most successful in the hlstory of the f lir the wenlht r although bitttr thnn expt cted was not al toother kindly th total attend mut of tht fair amounti d to almost 400 000 and wi dm sd ly of tht s t tmd auk fjrmi r diy hit thl lircist utundtiilt tvtr on tht fur jtrmmd hm ptittins vlsitinj tht 1 xhlbltion tht n ti ipts will pusmhly iqtul thnsi of ltlhi which s tht bit t ir of thi f ilr cut 1 itts bt ink 1u111 bv tin r itiw iv 1 imp 0111 s u ho n 1 1 ii irrt llini it th turn mr gitrk i mib who wt nt iiikii r in op niiiu for iijh ndiutis 1 short turn uo i- n iw ilmut r tnrti itul will hi is wtll l iir in 1 ft w d i s back in 1932 vrum ii11 lbmu tot lh vrv tmtm ot lllurmlity utimlmir ik 1 editorial notes ihanksgiving day comes this year on october 13th just three weeks from next monday the cash basis putting school education on a dollar and cents basis the family budget will have gotten a fairly good dent when little willie and sister susie went back to school some estimates put the back to school busi ntss investment in good citizenship at 100 mil lions an estimated 75 millions would go on outfitting youngsters across the country the rest on their working tools the average cost per pupil of texts and supplies is about 7 q0 for elementary grades 19 00 for grade ix 21 00 for grade xi and 26 in grade xiii the estimated cost of outfitting a boy with a sport coat slacks shirt tie shoes socks and enderwear goes with age as follows six 10 vears 37 00 11 16 years 44 00 17 20 ears 73 00 of course we plan to meet all our friends at acton fair this friday and saturday only the smile if gpod weather is necessary to make it the best event ever staged our recent editorial on postal delivery brought a variety of comment one reader re ported receipt of a letter on september 3rd which had been posted i i london england at 9 1 5 on september 1st another felt tint rural dwellers did not get house delivery but only curbside ser many a houscholder must be wondering whether he can f nrl ind use enough barga n pr ce cinned pork to offset ins share of the 8 million 9 mill on loss the dom n 6n govern ment is taking by dumping it on the domestic market comments the w nnipeg tribune his calculat ons will not be ntade any more cheerful by the reflection that he has already pa d through high taxes and high meat prices twice for the government support program through wrtth the pork was acquired in thekrst place ufj artnn 3fitt tvvbb th only popr ever published tn acton founded in 1873 and published every thursday at 58 mill st kl acton onl umber of the audit bureau of circula uotu the c w ka and the ontario que bee division of the c w na advertising rates on request subscriptions pay able in advance x50 in canada 350 in the united states x months 1 50 single copies 6c authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa g a duu editor and publisher business and editorial office telephone 174 aftt r the fair tint chuulaumia progiuiii will lie jultti a feature in atton wont hiih in i n rtulvidjn at tun thut mm muriel t a mu r my widow of tho hiti a j muritiy pinu d uwuy on wi diitnduy ut her hoim in out iph mm murtuy and mik i- ion in i uk i n 1 1 ntly u muv t fiiim at ion in out tih 1 lit t iiinmmiltv bt t yt htenluy afn ruihiii in the old imoiu tru c n tbry wuu a nal innmivi in thiu who lutvtt thtu altered imt at ht art aliout forty min uuthurt 1 to pur th limtu in tin i in pro vt mi nt nf thin plant and thu ufturnonna work hun math a duldtd hunifn in uppimi anrt a wtddlnu of wldt lnlt nwt ttvok ptutit im wtdihjiday hpuimhi r 7 ul taimky when hulh u carnahali duuiihtor of mr and mm ht ph n curnahuu wuu unlttd in marrlutft tn qttiruc o orttr kim of mr and tht hit mm william onnr of nitlsin mr tit lira snpt r brouuht into till v rt r 1lihi ilfici u couple uf prt tty flnt spttimtua of potato a tin pilr tlpptd tin mult ut ivt 11 w ot ura town won uuuin from the arton duiiebull him in an t uhlb ition uitim limt snturtluy by u tuort of 2 llr william tytlt r of gurlph who fu rvtd flfl yearn in tht t at bin 3 profeaxlnn died at bis homt on tutsday hi wits 01 yearn of uu and until thne ytars oflo was actively enffaged in ills profession tlie naiisaaaweya rural school pair u bt ina lit id at bronkville this thursday the pupils of the differ t nt schools madt five exhibits died ciiisholm at saninuw mich on wednesday september 14 1032 thomas chisolm ha nt a ofrm in in addrtjw before fhi ottawi board of tradt ht rb rt h iann chairmnn of tht txicutivt conn cil of tht canadi in chnmbt r of commt rct tolrud a wtrd and pdlnttd up ti probli m mort and nwri pi oph ho jud s in tti bt buying tht hl 1 that if lli v vill turn tin lr probh mi tht ir piy thttpns md tin lr indi h ntli net ovt r to tin ifovt riimt n tvtrvthin w111 bt providtd it 1 disturbing to ils 111 th it tin 1 p til do not ippi ir to und rsl itul th it tht n mint nt t- in only iivi vh ii it 1 ik iv tv 1 hs iht unoiiiit 11 i is irv i mvtr il nvi rln id ih t tien nt of lahith m ly hi op n tn qui slum m my of il it i this is 1 jn ibli m of rrivi tonitrn tir 1 1 ru r ilmn in t ii i 1 it t im in tt id of 1 curt it sir 1 t 1 iilstrophobi i cutting remark ends sketch for frustrated pond artist a vl w of alton wilt v f alii with trtta hi ndlnu uifilly ovl thu watiu luim imhi iminortullt d in oil piitnt liuklly for thut purtii ill ur vluw of thu pond juwt do uii t t ulht uiij jiiiir a loronln iirtut lirlu sim lull 1 him 11 alton for a u ii hlntf trip 0110 day hiih miimuii r lit tuiuu to ahon and found u imiuitlful upot for u pulntinu uhuir- thu pond ho hi t up lit mjulpiiiitut and bt uiiii to slit ti h thu ai kim a vluw of frulry i uut with two tn t u rt fh rt d in thu wuior ilu plunm d to fill in thu wt trh lator uud off r it foi killt ah ho prourihitid on thu biulinoh of putting thu in uuty up it doan ttii 1 uuviiilu hu tinth id u man romw uiioh1 ttllt llllill iii 11 i lillou i lu iiiuii paddh d toward him ilu n pull- id up to thu hunk ilu junqwd out of bin 1 anon with an uu uud tut down thu vi ty turn whh h huti mudu hu pnl an in lint a uyt iut hur a yoiiny aiion hoy wad hlntf th pioitti dluuh look it mot pillion iphli ally than thu urtut hu wull hi 11- your im ro mo uuld vy tliiuliiitt rl ititlut mr ilu lair b hrotlii 1 in ihw of tin fotimi mfcry lui hit wiiit or ai loo lb uiijj htu pulntinu j ii mill iniid new medical eyes supplant xrays iiiiu di pi ndlnu soli ly upon th x ray in ahnw what uots on inaido 11 putiunt dorloiu now liavu unothur wuy to look dlittlly into tin siom in h broiu hlul piihhuu u and ulhi r body ruvitlm itodllki inutnimt nta 1 ulli d 1 ndobt opi h tiiuhh pliyultun tn sit with tin ii own iyih hitht rto hlddt n onditlotm wlili h iniuht huvt aiqit an d only na a viini blur 00 an ruy plate dtiuribiuu tht tiutobiopth in tin idudui a i j ik ut j u ituuiiff buyt out nf tin m tin kuulrom pt is pioliubly tin hluhi ut ixptihitioii of tht limii unu nt makt r ti ml thu litbtiotitopi u 34 luihtti htiiu ulntout bit ndt r at u pi in il its tow r jiorlion lb fh xlhlt m iliut it tun slip thttitiub tin puuuuut to tin uloniui li and movi arountl liisuli that tiruan a lluhl hulh tin hii of a vjjitui lii 11 in lb ut tin lip innldi tlie tub itn 20 tiny pri 1 ision ipnund 1 niu s 01 mirror tlu patient swallows tin hahlrosrnpi thru out of four do it with litth trouble tin hunt ik lurntd on no tnulur how tht tub is twistftl tin 2q mirrors n fh ct a trio insldi picture of tin stomach an air systi m in tht uastroscopt connects with a rubbt r bulb tnab- iinu tht physiliun to influtt tht htomath like u uy balloon for dis t aae may lurk in hiddi n folds a tiny forlcps for snipping off bits of uiihpii ions tlssiu un b ahijpal down tint liihlrumi nt s sluift ollu 1 uuilut li y 1 out inn i1 nt vnriouu indnaiopis iru hii 9 irriuu tlon und uui tion i vin 1 tro miiuui lb urul phoiouiuphit qolp mint lit broiirobt opi in ntilarly iibid to t it it v rnuibhi histli-u- und otlu r thlnus 1 hildt o suck down ihtilr wlndplpis ft vi l biiltfiiy 1 ufi bt p ifnrinrol with tin t ndosropt n j utu ri ular ittiioiib if not t xd iialvi 1 10 tw ivhll ind llll t iii ml l iivll juuiufi out with un thmuihopt liu ytui nt opt in many 1 asi a qii dupoat of siorii b in tin bladdi r ihub uvnidmir inujoi hinuiy 1 his lubtrunu nt tars ulho tak biiinplib of iirln separata- ly finm tudi kulm y bo ttui unaly bib may mviui whith nijn is dls usi d tlu farm 1 lb ovi t j tt hu dollar and with rt ut m h itiiowb how many stroke jf ljwir 11 rt pnsi nts hu borus j ti xir tht day work that tannd tl llld i vagvvuh only two major uutfui ball play tru to day tan in nuntionwi in th kami brt uth with th old tlm un aid aays ty cobb foremost of all tht oldtim ynuts in he ileod r uliftt the two nn jo di masnitj not ted williams phil hlzjuto of thu yanks aruj htan muslul of tht cards an the gor la pljch a pit k as the my two modern biu leaaurrs wim py truly stfcntlflc baseball atthe united church of canada arton ontario a friendly church llrv fc a currey ha bd minister parsonafit 29 bower avenue phone 60 mlm o m uunpard attxm 1 choir leafier organist and sunday shtfmilrr jlt 10 110 i m bunil i schii word b tnlth 1100 am morning worstup tt the chriiti in w i 7 00 p rn extnlni worhlp jul iii mtifiil ii mda tl 11 p m inti r cunrikit f how hip m st lb in s i h ii ill sp ik r mi s stott tonmin glob mil u i lur tliowhltf or tin lltil u h it vt r in ikt mi n christina inikia ilu in k 1 i i i mill milm r 1v12 th sub sn inn il ill j in mill st albans church lanllnan rlv ralph f pnct i1a bd rtctor 10sj presbyterian church in canada knox 11iuiu1i attoiw l uoiikrt ii alcilinosi ma d d mlnuler sundw srptlmhh 1 t 11 ir 00 am bund iv si hunt 11 ihi i in m lrnllit s v tv 00 p m ivtnini strvu thto thqt ii ait upon the lonl jhall rtneu tht ir xtrencth a warm welcome awaits ou baptist church dwitfht l patterson pastor parsonafe 115 bower ae phone 20r thursday septvmber 18 choir n hearsal at bis pm prayer meeting at 8 45 p m fndav september 10 blpu cancelled due to acton fair sunday september 21st ibm 10 00 am sunday school 1100 am morning service 7 00 p m evening service 830 pm flrealde at anglican parish hall trinitv xv si maltlieu a f ami m sundy sfptfmbfr 21it h 10 t m hfilv communion 10 00 i m church sthnol 1 1 00 i m borlnni r4 ci ivi 1100 im ilol fuchirlvt 7 00 pm fvinsonr ind si rmon 1110 pm bibli sncnty rirtiidf in thv parlsh ii ill all wiliuinv it m mbi r tod i thur d iv s pt imbir 1u tlu hictur md mrs i im at ii in at tin ititloiy fruin j mil 7 il p in a hi irt invititi n to i ti nil ts i xt nd d t ill i in h i in r i all wvkomi professional directory and travellers guide miiih al lroai dr w g c kenney 1hynlclan and kurgron oiiilv m syniun block mill st acton office ilionr 7h itenidenre hurch ut ilione iso dr d a garrett imiyslrian and hurgeon conn r of willow and hlvi r slv tntrinii hlvi r streel acton ontirio rlionr z3h c f leatherland barrister a hollrltor notary pnbllat oltai u ihrin it j 151 acton lever hoskin liartered accountants suci i tmra to jl skish ani hardy 1 loi mctropnlltan bidg 44 victoria st i orom j klg olii dr a 1 armstrong riiynlrlan and surgeon olflii ids mill st 1- ivl ihonf 174 a j crandeu hartered accountant m un sin 1 1 gioigitijvn iiltphom 0 lllltoiilactob d j armstrong doctor of chiropractic r r ri dtrick st acton illom i dr a j buchanan dental hurgean oftlct ltlshman block mill st olficc hours 0 am to 6 pm xray telephone 1411 vrtfttlnary dr h leib lenlal hurgean offri corner mill and r n ill rick sttccts offici llouis 1 urn to 0 p in tuhhonr ij acton b d young bvsc c l young d vm veterinary hurgeons ollui urookvillt onlai j ph jik miltin loirl srlllfl sopltbl ffltddttltl acton town hail john jones pastor 10 00 a nt bible school 1 1 00 am morning worsh p service 7 30 p m a gift for everyone you art not a visitor at bethel bapt st mission but a welcome friend krai st ati- am ivslrancj wright real estate and insurance i- i wright n h wright 0 wilbur si fin m icdonni 11 st alton out gui iph onl ihoni 01 phone 4015w aluators healtors lnsurora mi mbi r apprjlhil iruititutc of canadj mtmberi guerih and dlrstlct itul hs ate iluird mi mbi r gui iph and district iiuiuracc agi nis association f g oakes v s b sc veterinary hurgeon ki x ave olfm md iti id in at tun ill i in wm r bracken real latate gfnemal insurance phone 20 actoo mlhcfllanfol x x ra1 bajon pottntial food scuntiits it the school of agrlcul un and thi low temper i ture research station al cambndgi england art carrying out t xperl mtnu with a portable x ray mach in to spot bacon producing pigs in most pigs the number of ribs varies from 13 to 17 and tht proportion of lean to fat meat varies accordingly if x ray selection proves successful it is hoped to produce standardized long lean pig the victor b rumley funeral home e uarral llaaae heated ambulalsef phone 30 night or day serving the community for 45 years dlive m lampard atcm rmt organist and choir leader united church teacher t pusw studio united church thursday studio 14 park ave quelph telephone m travellers guide gray coach lines daultuit sauifiy tim oatllth imvi acton rastliound 0 w a in 8 a a in ii d 2 oil p iii 5 08 p in u jj j b 12 i in 10 58 p in uestbound 10 27 a in 12 52 p n 2 a m 127 pm 727 p in u 12 pin 11j3 pin 112 a in sun t kiti timer only a dally excrpt sunda and holi days b saturday sunday and holl days canadian national railways sfaiutarsl time eaaltmnj dally 3 40 a m dally except sun days on am 710 pm sunday only i is p m dally excapt sun day flyer at georgetown s03 am daily rlyer at georgetown rail p m dally meant sunday and han- day im am sunday and monday only 1zm sua dally exeapt sun day sun im pja dally eept bat tad sua sjm pm sat urday oly im pja sunday oauy 41 ja tugartoa sunday ooy 1yer at ouelph tj nm

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