Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 2, 1952, p. 1

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ctoe jvtfcim mttt ftz seventy eighth year no 1 3 acton ontario thursday octobec 2nd 1952 eight home print pages six cents plan plank buffer at sewerage plant at the meeting of acton public couple feted prior to sat wedding on thursday evening muts join e somtrville nnd robert burn utuiuercommon on thursday were ute of honor at a party evening the commission was not held in bnnnockburn school many ified by council that a chain link fence would he installed at the sewage pumping station at main and 4agnes streets as arranged in the onfertiqli aarcement a reportmhnthc o a c was presented by mayorsrachlin on the fioll n the banlcx at the sewage treatment plant as it wis late in the wason to start grans it was felt a plnnk stopper should be tr eated at the jfuatyl fence to keep the sand from washing into the tanks during the spring flood commissioner c e wood was del egated to contact a contractor to nee if any used plank lumber was available an adjustment u as made in a consumer water account where friends of bnnnockburn nnd dublin fathered to honor this couple in view of their approaching mnrrlagc m m colei was chairman for the evening with well chosen words he welcomed the guests and friends with mrs george robertson at the piano mr wm mcdonald led in icvcral numbers of community sing long and miss anne mclaurh lin sang a olo mrs robert lindsay read a poem and misses anne mclaughin and marjory mcdonald sang a duet joan and bob were called to the special chairs and mac sprow i rind the address while the gifts were carried in by mrs davidson mrs matthews mrs mcdonald ross brltton donald mclntyre and water had been used for flushing a ejeadn brltton wwer installation aft th b t b d h a registered letter was to beont p o a delinquent consumer notify log him ir the account ww no j paid in full the service would be discontinued october 1st munilv orchestra wttstntatlons were featured when the acton y s mens club held its first meeting of the season on thursday of last week in the top photo proect chairman jack greer presents leather wallets to bob amos and roy hirxdley in appreciation of their help at the last community auction in the lower picture garnet mckenzie presents the golf trophy for the ontario com petition to team members forman lawrence wes wolfe and jack creighton the team won the trophy in competition at niagara falls during a recent assembly staff photos rally services special speakers at acton district churches sun circle discusses mission band tn last sundays v arm fall sun shine hundreds of acton and dis tinct residents attended church jtfherc in many cases there w ere specinl programs at churchill the church on the hill marked its 114th annivemrv with special hardest and thanks giving services rev frank swack hammer of centre baptist church st thomas was the guest speaker and soloists were mrs g r kid ney nnd dr e ford many a tended both morning and evening services the annual sundnv school rall da was held in the knox presbvt- cnan church and acton baptist church at the baptist church mr inglis addrcsstd the sundav school pupils in the morning graduating scholars at the united church sunday school passed through a decorated arch as their names were called for promotions thus sundav school hopes soon to havt 200 members at thi rigulnr morning sirice the txecutivt of the young peopl s was installed at thi prlsbvttrnn church cert ificitts for memorj work and a tendnnce at sundav school wer presented at the regular morning church si rvict bv gordon oder one of thi sundav school teachers at thi t mine strv ict in st albans church vtn w g o thompson trend icon of halton and wi uinton w as th prtachtr mtmbtrs of othtr churchis joined in thus sptciil harvest homt srv ice rt v jvict v as pn aching- in glen wiluiliu sundav tvtning a lormir p ts or of acton baptist church chirit s gower was preaching in george town and some from the local bap tist congregation attended the ser vice there a few from acton attended tae 100th anniversary services at st paul s united church in milton weekend guests of toronto church gu stv nf knox pn sbv ti ri in church toronto i oung peopk last week ind wire 16 mimlurs of tht youne peoples if knox chuith alton rilkttd in toionto honu s tht aeon n pn si nt ttivi s win giusls it i b mqut i bttuidiv tviiiuil visited sunnv brook hit pitat suud iv iftt niooil took part tn thi mum tun sv and cim dtuttd h mtv ut it thi v ingi hall m tht w mnj in tht morning bill b 11 mvi tin cull to w iship mil inw miuilm gave tht olti rt rv pnwr in tht pvening bill bell conducted the ki rv u i isobt 1 rtti hit n id tht scnpturt ltamm ind clmnii colo lead in pr ij i r solo- wtri kiwii bv bella ma 1 rtiszi 11 and criwford d mglxs othi rs who atindni u will a those alnadv mentioned us tikin part w 1 ri jim gretr shirhv wil son juiu watknus kji hansen doujoi macpherson douijis bin nu b 11 mainprm and kin mann dougloi and jack davidson forrrnr mtntbers who now itti nd school in toronto abo joint d the cton goup doug davidjon is at normal school in toronto and jack david on at rverson institutt of techno logy joan somerviue weds flt4t r burn at knox presbyterian church fill flowers and gladioli formt d 1 beautiful setting for th dnub e ring ciremonv on saturday afr noon september 27 in knox pcs bvtcrnn church acton when joan el nne somi rvihc daughter if mr and mrs g r somirvillc was married to flight lieutenant rob trt e burn son of mr nnd mrs r e burn of hespeler rev r h armstrong officiated giorgt elliott played the wedding music nnd the sojoist giorge mils silk song the lords praver nnd during the signing of tht reg- isttr whtrotr you walk bv hindil givtn in mirrnge bv her fath t r thi bride chase a ballerina kngth gown of champigm heavv cotton lace with n strapless bodice nd vtrv full flowing skirt this w is topptd with a redingote oi iff t iffiti of vim dved copper fntunnj britf metvcs nnd a flared skut offset bv pttal sciuops she won mitchmg lace glovts and r rud vllow t ilismnn roits with n sirij f whiti hiither tht bndi s sister mivs helen somi rv die wn bndismmd and w n in 1 mtrnld grten bnlli rim it ngth mn fi during n m full skirt toppid with i short jnckt jf imilir rrnt nil sht wore long in 1 n mi t tms and c irriid 1 bou timt of vi how t illsm in rost s thi bist m in wis squadron u idir v j iurot dfc of montr tin 11 htrs wm f ft ind bill si mi r ilk brothtr of tni i bndi ind juk gruj of htsjuu i tht nnm md bibt mm wor ir font bliu bl u rs gnv slaik bl itk shot md ir to ret tits v illiwint thi ciinnnv a nupt 1 1 w l ht id in th ilnir n ni wh n thi kut sls win nmvtd vv in wtdlnik ptrtv mrs g r s mtrvilh won dustv pink hi r dlscontinued october a compliint hnd been received ibout the tnste of the wnter some time ngo the count health unit had been contacted immediately and three samples of w iter sent awny for x ench sample had a report of al water a report from the sewer com mittee by mayor rachlin stated i the committee did not see any im- i mednte necessity for supplying heat to the upstnin of the sewage treatment plant the commission i pointed out conditions at the treat ment plant rtsulting from the hent exchanger not being put into oper ation by the company it was re ported that the digester tank is full and if the machine is not pulinto operation shortly the sewage might i as well bo by passed through the plant i secretary j mcgeachie reported that from jnnuar 1st to august 31st the deficit on the sewerage operation amounted to 400 81 puc officials had been asked charge of the to make a recommendation for im chapman read proving the fire alnrm svstem w hich operates to the beardmore and co plant various methods were discussed but it was felt there were capable men on the fire brigade to recommend to council wnvs of improving the system i chmrmnn macarthur nnd super the bnptist church mission circle mtt at the home of mrs ben coulson recently the meeting op entd with a song and prajr by the president the business was conducted by the president mrs landsborough a discussion on the mission bnnd work was held wilma chapman and helen bulmer were to look af ttr the mission band a shower was planned for th kitchen cqufpment for the latter pnrt of october plans were made for the cinned goods parcel to bi stnt to indin it decided that pnr of tht allotment be sent awaj mrs lyal mccutcheon wis in devotions mrs poem and mr bulmer rend the scriptures follow ed bv prayer for missions nnd fo the church mrs wngner gave n reading call ed bevond to dnv mrs mccut cht on gavt a report on the work i or the grand ligne missions hvmn was sung nnd the meeting intendent mason reported inter iwas closed with prnyer viewing the milton hdro electric during a social half hour ty commission and purchnsing equip i christmas cards were put on lis ment from them for installing un plav lunch was served b the dcrground cnble the acton puc hosttss and mrs chapmnn thankea have been using this equipment tht hostess for opening her home during the summer on loan f mm j for tht tvtning milton an inv itation had bom txtended to the milton officials to view the acton plant and it 1 likelv thev w ill make the visit saturday october 11th consideration was given to alf dub for the wa in which he had carritd on during mr lambert t illness an increase in his salary of 100 per annum was passed by the numbers of the commission the follow ing accounts were passed for panunt waterworks crane ltd merchandlsi 37 77 acton puc hvdro and wattr accounts 147 40 bil on ptrrv ltd rental of siwtr rod 12 00 rt vim nniwing in mnlhnf 7 2j acton puc opt rations for month of aug square dance club committee named hvdro mceachtrn garajt us bt tiltphoru c srv frank tt rrv postmnsti r stamps bn ip on toob mi rch ii p ilmi r clt anink a 11 rmplitrs avsurinti ltd pn nuum c in gin euc m iti ri il orthi rn elt c m iti ri il 703 74 008 1g 9v 30 55 inoo 17 2a 17 00 17t 10 1400 117 4t hfpc of ont iiippl j u r knrntv un n handisi tn comstock cr 1 il t pt ru t pi t v ith 11 n m idi pow t r corp 11 40 9j7 00 ruling thit a succtssful mteting was held tutsdnv tvening at the homo of girrv cnndlir mill st which snt isfud thi onginntors of a square dnnce club in acton that much 1 nthusiasm nnd interi st w is in dicated in organizing the club ji ere 1 about 17 win present at the met t ng mr c mdler nviewid the plnn proposed and di cussion provid d agrt ment on sev 1 ral basic i points it was ngretd then would bi ib nit 10 dances two per monh nov t mber through alarch an instructor cnller and orchestra 1 would bi engaged for inch dance i committie of ed bilton charl is mason tom jones md ger candler wns appointed to follow ip i all suggistions and finalise plan thasp present d cidtd tickt ls would bt sold to equal mimbt of mi n and women for thi whok ser u s of danct s a discussion on thi mattir of n fn hmtnts mded with the dins 1 m th it tht club w mild not at it mpt to undi rtake tht project bur if sum local kroup wishid to 1 c intismon would bi considt n d latt r lot at on of tht danct s idmussion prut and trnnsft ranti of st ism ti kit win il o topus of dis 1 ussion a mttting nf acton unit church younp people s was heli in the sunday school room tut with the new president lor rorzellj in dhnrge the first hymn for the beauty of the earth was sung followed by the lord s prnyer the study period followed this with the minister taking over the econd hymn come let us sinp of n wondrous love was then sung v the business period jguowcd with the secretary s report vhich was accepted nnd carried it was moved that the secretary write a letter to mr maher thanking him for the sweaters ron ralston moved nnd fred gordon seconded that frank bean bring the sweatt r to the next meeting and then it would be decided how to clean nnd store them for the winter months fred gordon volunteered to nsk about the price of cleaning th w enters it was moved that the treasn r tt aside pettv cash for necessi u twilve answired the roll 1 ill and collection was received a f t w gnmes were plnved after this tip md tht mizpnh benediction endi d the meeting sss2e5 new arton industry to f produce shoes slippers another new industry will start production in acton nevt week th ntw addition to actons industrial activity i known as thi corona shot compnnv linutid and the man who will put his knowledge and skill into production is wm 1 mariscnk who com s from cechoslovakln and opt rated n shot and slipptr factoiv then with iso emplovits his plant ind tqtnpmtnt wtre taken may from him bv thi communist povernmtrtt shotfmachin rv is now being installed by united shoo machinery co nnd is ixptcttd to he rendv to opirntc next week the plant implov ment will be limited nt the start already mr mariscnk has madi sam ples of n vtrv fini grade of sppr which hnvi boon shown t 1 thi trade nnd had n favourable nctption with good orders placed if the establishment of the industry in acton is mnde po ibit bv eu- music awards presented by group at meeting on tuesday records by caruso galli cnrt and lily pons highlighted thi stid of the opera lucia di lammermoor by gaetano donizetti when the ac ton music study group met tuesday nt the home of mrs j janv main st in the absence of the pnsident mrs m mccullough mrs a buch annn was in charge the groups first award for high est mnrks received in music ix animations a cheque for 10 was presented to miss denise cole who received 83 marks thi v second awnrd winm r d o n n 1 d brown wns unable to bi presi nt he was given 02 marks m his pmno examinations miss coles gave a piano solo rt ports wore given of thi mi o pohtan opera production of cirmni nd mrs charlis meredith and rigoletto melodv fair and th m ti d mr and mrs colin hnrri t ironto on sundav llmehouse ss no 9 pupils hold field day mr i aw 01 md h r pupils at s s vo 0 ht id 1 field dav la t i 1 k with idea weather and n f w v isitors mr flltrbv pent scvernl d iv nt f oiling 1 ood v here he w is 1 ukim in domestic scitnce mr and mrs gi b spt n sur d i it stnvncr trudv scott celibrattd h r 10th birthdav on mondnv when hi en tertmned her fellow girl friends of s s no 9 nt her home for stippe r rev williamson of rock wood conducted services at limehouse presbyterian church on sundav while rev a calder was preach ing for anniversary service a rockwood congratulations to mr and ms lorni nor on on the arrival of a little daughter at peel memoial hospit 1 on sundav nine w a ladies cilebratd the bn thdnv of the organi7ation with a dtnm r and theatre party jn gutlph oni evening lost week mrs smethur t n tended the fun 1 ml of her cousin the into robert auld in toronto this week mr nnd mrs e karn and fimilv fdmburgh music festival routin bu incss a contest and finallv n frtshmtnls also compn id th ming there were several pu l ent isitn 1 hampton wi h the ballinafad mission circle meet uses new book i mrs inmt s nohlt cheltinhnm nnc dnv 1 u t rt ctnt v lsitors mr nnd mr harold i md gn mrv of co k vill it ughlt v on sundav i mr md mrs cobbudick mrs rnn and miss milta oak of tor nln md mr bill mills of struts v 11 nth mr and mrs mills vr ind mr- f howst nnd mrs win jtm f toronto on sundav bruda he ha 1 big stone building on his farm n h out skirts of acton whi n h u irned if mr mansciks ibihtv md disire to 1 stablish 1 factorv if his own he had thus building fitt d up with a ciment floor ind n 1 iling al so n oci ited with thi mpmv ar chnrlt hilhr frmk it ik r and norm in brnidn tlu twostonv buiming 1 t7 17 fei t nnd for ihe pr nt vill givt tho nt w indiistrv 1 lait with their product othi r lint m i iddtel 1 oon as possibk un l of a hoe with special ft itur will be how n to buvirs for pruu diir chase first product 1 in of the plant will be confined to ordt rs for slippers which are shown in quite a wide rtnge mr manse ik is nt prist n t sid ing in guelph but is planning te move to acton vi soon as he car secure n suitable home acton citizens will welcomi this newest addition to industry ht re ind hope for the similar growth that hat been the e xptru nee of other plants estibhshid ht rt wth mall beginnings ospftlngt ladies aid stages annual fall tea on wodnesdnv afurnun thi lneln s aid of ht l il church hi id their annual fill te 1 when must wm pre stnt from nt ighbor ini hurt his nnd ocitti music il numbers and r 1 ling we r kh n b tht v in u groups f i 1 v 1 hv 1 spit ndi 1 iddress bv i mr grah im of tht silvition arm gn ph who it ft with her mdit net minv w irth vhilt and thought provoking it m a di litioils suppe r w 1 rv 1 1 in tht btimint ind t sik t iblt n vih mr honrv r mi bottom nf 1 h ir of mrs how ird wntl rmere muskoka for ten davs i r omt rs a good sum foster and miss m freim the tea whuh hid ith m- and mrs rt imsbottem mr and mrs george pears in of milton with the a w bin r pipe major eif 8th archie de war mrs diw ir and familv md mr and mrs robert lmetsav nnd famtlv all of t ninto with the r mcve on sund i mr and mr r corbt and mrs with miss mission circle mi t on mi dm dav night at the home of jean sinclair with a maod attendanct pit ide nt m rjone wnrne pn sided and mai jtnnings had charm f tht d v t ion 1 jamct baktr rtad a pnct on ttmpi ranee mrs robtr ml ent rv had charge of tht opic it bi mq thi opening of the new studv b eik angola airmail takinf fir ht r buck of gtor to di cus ion facl ib nit nol 1 s ackh imer wms mtt on thur d iv at h mrj a ic km of hornb wth homt of mrs f i shortill thi f askm s quitt n numb r from h n it mrn gi nrv sr ind mr tt nded nnnivers irv serv icts a thorn ps n f t r into churchill inst sunda and tnjove i frul gt irv s thi guest speaktr ri v frank swnckhammtr of st thomas who gavt two wonderful addnvsts tht family reunion sololst mrs kidmv f silv nr k held in rockwood who sang at both sirvict was on sunday about 45 there jnatlv enjovtd th ch ir givt nvo numbtrs in sund 1n h 4 k th red at mr gibb n turns t fn 11111 1 th h m if mr md mr albert colkgi thls wttk fir his fnith w m r ckw d f r ruinion ef rt 1 ft tht u in fimih groups from and m s w h tht md fn his final vt ir jim kirkw wnk for his hird vuton 1 col m wi w b ith the bt st of met s mr and mr ind g f inulv of t r nto t ilkd md mrs j mifiurv li v ir it h the m mr 1 k rock 1 1 n n t ojov tpf right t 1 nt f rt n wi ston v d m m 1 the it m 1 tl icqu untajit md d 1 1 etui lunch l ndint fr n act n win mr in i mr lb r v ir jnd t imih in 1 mi md mis t n wan 1 1 1 fun i na inv r all tei hi ip pav for the ntw oil fun it t to b instalk d in the ehunh mr jack smith of trnto mr and mrs km li ijhtnn ml paul of mount dtnnis visitt d m slineiar w ith mt ssrs hobe rt m i j rome huntt r miss rhm fi h r if acton sjunt ht wttk rnd uh h r par nts mr and mrs e f htr mr md mrs geort d robert in nd joyrt visited n sundaj mth mr and mrs dm rdtr t ik irk iburg mr r j mitthew mi liughttr mrs leo nieholson t nt a ftw d ivs w ith fru nets m dt tr it mr md mrs g ork ung ind m irilvn vlsitt el on s m 1 1 with tht ftrmt r s noth r mrs a ioiini arton miss jean how ird h has spent tht summi r v it ition n th taff of 1 n irt in binff mt 1 returned h m f r 1 ft w d ivs h iti in i iter 1 imiij fr rvt rsnn in titut tor nt to t ntinut ht r to i s hen w nkm ri ir bu v n t illing hvdn tn tht firm f m c orgi grundv ol r hi htr v th 1 id p 11 th 1 rn il inllv 1 thin v s k voliuii 1 mi is a blood donor a pnttv ml is isktd bv tht nurse do vou kn w 011r tvpt oh vt s 1 in 1 thi t nfidtnt nplv i m tht ultrv v pi total wogts and alurus nctived iv tmiltvies of canada s 450 fruit and v 1 gi ab e emm rs hjv 1 in ed more than 60 turns sin 1 1900- to about 24 500000 a vmr na 1 ut wun na v blu uci soi mt 1 oirijn o pmk rostbud mr bum w n 1 k v dnv- with i nk uc sritb with i 1 rsit 1 pmk j vt biuks wtdd ng banqiitt w l rud in hi sund iv school mm irvtd bv tht ladlt s aid n nfonu il jithtnng wji htll at tht h inn of thi bndi af ti r whuh tht bndi ihangid to 1 wuu tulond smt tt uh h acctsoru mitihing shot s and purst aih likhtir sh idi of hat and glows ant w in a iiirsjgi of villnv nwi buti on m ndav morning mr and mrs it f burn u ft fir nortln m qut bi ind tht eistin provimts la ttr thtv wilt nsidi tn montreal gift to tht bndi win a m itctu d stt of purse and shoos t tht bridtmaid 1 ptrsonahztd blondi leather handbag tb iht btst man a disk pin set to thi organist a pm sit to tht soloist a ronson hghttr to tht uihtra ronson light rs and kathtr wallet guiits were present from hes peler gait toronto london sjr n a hailtvburv montreal gutlph i t j hillsburgh and anton ixptii is from 1 wi r 1 iti rak whu radio quiz show broadcast monday from acton town hall trrmtggt nn w ultl bt rhari d bark to tht con sum r n 1 turn ind matirnl bi is install executive at church service on sundav stpumber 28 jum btfon the morning sirmun at at tin uniteii thurch tht ixniitivt o the oung ptopks took thi ir pla ts in front of the chancil u ps of thi ihurth thit wiri loruii reis tl pnsident fni jinninjs wet prt sidint carol r ttttrlv iecn t irv rnd gordon treaiurtr olga locker conv t nor of cttut nshlp rknt gordon convenor of m si oris km allen and don van fleet special program convenors joy bote 11 convenor of culture anei rod forti convenor of ftllow ship were ahsent rev e a curnv spokt of the purpusi of thest office rs to kad othtrs each one was congratulated by tht minister and told to kttp up hui work fr d ibh f lh tht n acton junior farmers won the championship for their ex hibition of conservation at milton fair on saturday the display headed all junior institute junior home making junior farmer and garden club exhibits from halton in the competition county president mac sprowl is seen congratulating acton president don matthews staff photo st mt tdi 1 iuv sh iw hnik w h n it w l r 11 t m iwn h il v ni 1 sifti t 11 rt id l 1 uin fruni- upckaoul md one from g it lh wi r 1 k pru winning jut m ms b m lstt r o c rt m iii st 1 kt nn v bt ti rt udi 111 ti net f ib ut 400 md 1 ridi audit un if c untl v m n i ubl r th u is sp n sin i ti th unittd ihunh sundav sch 10 1 f r hiir bu id mk fund a colk eti n 1 11 mnt d t i ibmit 40 btfi th sh iw wtnt n thi air sti kt nn intr due d his t ff txpalttiid procedure ltd n i prar ict sin song and chast tht ton test nt tht ffrt ton tit ant ht ard n th air wos mr pha gordon thp icr i ond cihs kd thi audience in i sinkint mv wild irish rost b i fon winning hu 16 o ht r contestants wm mrs i jtnnit mcphmon mr blackburn 1 of giulph mrs peggv sutton ptt ttr binnit ptggv bradshaw and jack ferguson of rockwood nr nf thi 1 m hi n th ti p prit of slfl oiririk the progrim n 1 mbt rs ef h 1 t l th i 1 s 11 loiir mt s in 1 d ilka b it tin h r in alton 1 ndi t h son aiih 1 tt mint re ill feir th tr npon- s miht r shot ston s mt mb r nf the sund i school jd ht rm in id t mdv b f r the sh iw and arte n tht tt uhi rs stiff an t c 1 t hid 1 lunch ji h r 30 year club of mason knitting holds banquet on friday i 1st i rid iv e vi n n th 20 1 r club of mas n k utirik co h id 1 biiuuit at r t iv in grove th b ut jo implovit who havt hrrn with the cnmpanv 0 years or more md htir wiv s jt 1 tiding amo m lson was ch rm in and c h irlit kirknt s and giorgt s n spoke britflv cue its of honor wt r mr mrs m roath of montnal 1 dancing was enjoyed after 1 banquet ma- ind the

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