Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 2, 1952, p. 2

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is big oaks from little acorns actons industrial expansion continues to grow on s good sound basis true there has not been the upheaval which would result from the founding of a big new industry which would om- ploy hundreds from tho outset such- o big in dustry may carry disadvantages as well as ad vantages it could cause an expansion that would require much expenditure for public services which would be crippling looking over the local field this week the a p green co building has the new walls up and the roof going on the plant as reconstructed will be larger and bettor suited to the companys re quirements the company is settling its acton plant just next door the walls arc going up quickly on a second extension to micro plastics which from a small beginning has evolved into canadas largest plastic extrusion plant we could go over actons entire industrial picture and draw the same conclusion none of them were large at the inception but have shown continued growth and made actons growth steady and sure up on queen street another small industry is having its beginning this week in the corona shoe company machinery is being installed and shortly its products will go out on canadian countors and its payroll will fit into the industrial- activity of this town were not saying a big new factory wouldnt be accepted in actons industrial structuye but we are saying that the ones which have had a beginning and steady growth here are indeed appreciated and have thus far contributed much to actons betterment and growth one of the strange thine about goodwill is that it growth can be sound only its roots start right in your own backyard among those whom you employ e c row president chrysler corp of canada towns and villages listed in the municipal statistics last year are three villages with over 5 population and seven villages with over 2000 population two of these villages will disappear in the next com pilation of statistics humberstone with a popula tion of 3722 has been annexed to the townof port coborne and ceased to exist from the first of january this year fergus with a population of 3411 has taken the necessary steps and effective january first next year will cast off the village status and be come a town matter of fact fergus could have become a town over a decade ago if it had so desired apparently the residents wanted to be sure as they have been in other places that the population was likely to stay well over the re quired mark before taking the step once a town has taken onstatus it appears that it is not pos sible to revert back to village standing in ontario there are 25 communities listed as towns which have slipped under the 2000 mark the population of these cenres varies from 90 to 1992 some of these places may have attained town status from the fact that they were the county seat of government with the continued growth and expansion of ontario some of them may again attain town population standard of 2000 there isnt much to be gained or lost by calling a centre a town or a village according to the listing in the municipal statistics the bigvillages are becoming towns in name now as well as in fact and figurerfyiay be overruling sentiment and a clinging 4o the village titles great men never make bad use of their superiority then see if and feel if and are not less modest the more they hart the more they aunt their own deficiencies rousseau 171378 as the season opens might be well at the beginning of this season when so many in various walks of life are called upon to make speeches if we passed on the com ment we read the other day too many business a speech is troublesome and distasteful and yet in his position as perhaps president of ihe firm now considered part of his duties many such men find this part of their duties so irusomo that they refuse to accept the offices for which they are so well qualified we dont advocate the pro fessional speaker but wo do like the chap who gets up and speaks briefly and on the subfoct with which ho is concerned and sits down a little before he has exhausted the subject and every one else l many times its an imposition to ask a busy man to interrupt his routine to travel mites and sweat over making an afterdinner speeck but were all for brief and informative speech the intimate talks to small groups and we still think there is wisdom in the advice of stand up speak up and shut up probably the best single phrase yet to ap pear out of the welter of us political oratort is general elsenhowers description of the washington administration as being run by too many men who arc too small for their jobs too big or their breeches and foo long in power speeches start out wnh an involved joke are too long try to cover too much ground are too de tailed are poorly organized in shortdull we have always felt sorry for the business man who is ofien very successful and efficient in his particular calling and to whom the making of taxes and debt the annual report of the department of muni cipal affairs for 1951 which was recently releas ed and covers 964 municipalities in ontario dis closes that the cost of municipal government in ontario has increased for the fifth consecutive year to reach an alltime high of 226033000 the increases were as follows 8820000 in 1946 17588000 in 1947 1588100 in 1948 20508000 in 1949 18521000 in 1950 and 37680000 in 1951 this represents an increase of from 3136 per person in 1946 to 5226 per person in 1951 i at the end of 1951 those costs under the direct control of the municipal councils of ontario stood at 2003 of the 1939 level while the funds raised by the municipal councils on behalf of the local boards of education stood at 2171 of the 1939 level the report discloses that the 1951 municipal debenture debt outstanding increased for the fifth consecutive year these increases were as follows 5278000 in 1947 22395000 in- 1948 35824000 in 1949 67478000 in 1950 and 91933121 in 1951 a study of the deben- 1 the blocks between hotels j u j- u u i u iharbottlerciium in this instance ture debt indicates that using the gross deben- i saw a bum eycin me and decided ture debt of the year 1939 as 100 while the to brat nim to il i pulled down my i i j j i r i i walked over and asked him for general municipal and utility debt after declining a d tnt wm lo m since 1939 rose to 9154 and 10541 respec- satd he had been just ready to ask lively of the 1939 levels the education debt af- tht mo th and then requested mt io work the other side of tlw ter declining to 7091 of the 1939 level has street subsequently risen to 20322 of the 1 939 debt i ret says harbnttlc not me w i i mon the job every dav when im the report shows that the taxable assessment in the city but my wife and i spend of the 964 municipalities in ontario for 1951 rose more time travelling now and like to 4410041534 an increase of 2 1 0723000 wk c last in one year north e ast west s outh the hit top laying a 32i cre roof mujht look like an almost impossible- job to us who have hall trouble putting a few shingles on our homes or garages roiyn the oakvillc recordstar but the job in being done nt the new ford assembly plant in trnfclgpr lownrhip with a minimum of fuss and bother the shinnies in this caie are 12 foot slabs of ilaydltc a baked clay and cement composition manufac tured in cooksvllle the slabs are carried to the roof by hoists and trundled to their positions on two- wheeled carriers laying operations began in mid- june and the building area 1 now about co per cent under roof from above the building is taking on the appearance of the deck of a super cinnt aircraft carrier it is expected the roof will be completed before the end of this year 5mo in family pity the poor postman says william e hnrbottlc president of miami jacob college he was de luged saturday with hundreds of letters of congratulation for 50 years disthjguished service to the college and the country the epistles came and came theres even one from minimjacobs nlumus at the white house some are in rhyme sonie humorous some flowery some sincere in their simplicity all show the high esteem in which hnrbottlc is held by the farflung family of 2hh former students associates and even competitors retiring president bill hnrbottlc was born in nelson township and is a brother of fred w hnrbottlc who lives at lowville an oluo newspaper told some in cidents about the onetime halton- ite hnrbottlc came to dayton from hamilton canada in 1002 to affili ate with h l jacobs in the then jacobs business college he became president in 1013 and then headed the merged jacobs and miami com mercial colleges upon the retire ment of a d wilt in i95 during the 50 years harbottle has also done distinguished com munity service he has never mentioned the anni versary but the word leaked out yesterday he pondcrikl is it so un usual these days for someone to re main on the same job for 50 years letters referred to his sense or humor illustrative of that is an in cident which happened to hnrbottlc during the depressions days of the 30s as he left the business college late one night every night several panhandlers accosted me as they the population of the organized municipalities of ontario has risen for several consecutive years tc reach a new mark of 4325503 an increase of 122964 during 1951 and 256 since 1939 be wise immunize thats the slogan of canadas tenth annual national immunization week being- sponsored october 12 to 18 by the health league of canada its object to save our youngsters from unnecesary suf fering and death by encouraging everyone to make use of the readily available vaccines and toxoids big business and profits a table from the canada year book shows the meat packing industry to be second largest in dustry m canada measured according to the gross value of the product it is surpassed only by the huge pulp and paper industry another table showing the comparative rates of profit in the ten leading food processing in dustries and the twelve leading nonfood manu facturing industries shows the rate of profits of the meat packing industry to be only 11 cent per dollar of salesthe lowest of all manufacturing industries in the country to hear the way some folks everlastingly blackguard the packing indus try you would imagine the packers were making luo per cent profit instead of 1 1 cent per dollar of sales the second lowest rate of profit was 27 cents per dollar of sales in the grain milling indusjry and the highest was 188 cents per dollar of sales in the soft drinks industry he artnn 3vt t ilrpaa the only paper ever published in acton founded in 1875 and published every thursday at 58 mill si e acton orl member of the audit bureau of circula tions the cwna and the ontarioquebec division of the advertising rates on request subscription pay- alt n advance 2 50 in canada 1350 in the united states vx irronths 150 single copies 6c authorized as second clasi muil post- office department ottawa g a dills editor and pulduher business and editorial office telephone 174 were 11 now its a doz en there was one born this week in providence 50 slogan from the georgetown herald we learn this week that dr and mrs paul beer won a 50 savings bond in a slogan contest for a canada savings bond selling drive dr beer an executive at btardmores lives at uk 3 georgrtown congratulations pavement at georgetown a george towjj lowu paving pro gram is to begin i once the ten der for pnvin of kink paving co of oakvillc for 37h0 was accepted nt n special council meeting last week thut pubt into effect what u probably the largest road pavln program in the towns history the hcrnld states new raider ctmth at georgetown hockey news is very much in the foreground with the announcement by the hockey club that they have hired f lewis as the conch for the season one of the best known and most highly regarded conches in oha circles pinky will tnke over the helm in an attempt to restore the winning days of georgetown raid ers twice intermediate oha chnmplons in hockey circles the new conch whose home is in hamilton is best known ns a former coaeh of the aerovox junior b team in hamil ton and in 105051 for two seasons nu conch of kroehlcr junior as in strntford he has been n scout for the cleveland- barons and a trainer for hamilton tigers football team this summer he tins been coaching the pellers team in the hn mil ton hnrdbnll league which is how in the finals horticultural skyscraper can anybody here beat this in onkville there is a dahlia igrown to a height of nine feet four inches j leonard has grown em ns high as eight feet before but this is his record perhaps its a record for the whole county jueellrik gent lets fervently hope this gent doesnt miive north tells one of the oakvillc papers milt ifubbs who handles liquid refreshments at the legion canteen isnt sure if the rapid fire welldressed gent who on friday ordered refreshment then got the man behind the counter bal led up in a change deal shouldnt be nominated governor of the bank of cnnadn as milt explains it the well- dressed individual orders a drink and produces a 10 bill but just as the legion man is fiddling in the till and has the 980 change in his paw this same character announces never mind give him back the 10 as he has discovered in his pocket the 20 cents required were all even up to then says milt ns his brow furrows the welldressed individual speaks thus just as milt is about to deposit the 980 in the till have you got a 20 bill to which the bartender says yes he has the character says hell have same in exchange for small bills as the chatter goes on milt i still clutching the 980 he hasnt had time to put in the till galleey two news column the he is holding in the same hand a further cluster of gnfcen stuff pro- f erred by the fasttalking gent who hands over the wad with a 10 bill on top milt hands over the 20 and the fellow across the counter does rot talk any more but does a fast left wheel and a quick march and as he is moving off at 120 paces to the minute milt looks at the paper clutched in his paw sure enough under the top 10 is only a 5 it is then that the legions purveyor of liquid vive do joie con siders that things dont add up but by then the gent who is well dres sed is wending his way at a rapid pace in a direction not likely to lead bun anywhere near legion hall centennial fair milton had a splendid fair with l many visitors from the acton dis trict one estimate of the crowd jet it at 13000 the centennial fair featured a display of old articles as well as the regular midway and competitions there was also a large space in the hall devoted to art the good old days may have seemed better back in 1902 frbm thv issue of the free pre bf thursday october 2 ims nothing more charming or pleas ing to the eye can lie imagined than the beautiful display of fall millin ery opened at r b scotts inst thursday and friday the very latest and most stylish articles of autumn clothing were on display and admired by hundreds of lady callers plush is a new combination which is very effective and will be much worn birds of paradise are the greatest feathered decoration for the season in staple shades of beige castor tabac rose and cardi nals for light tones turquoise para dise and orange for materials the latest arc all of the zibeline and hairy effects among other trim mings used are go loons of sequin ond chenille and wool effect also panne velvet large birds a ping pong hat had a flat droop ing fim composed of parrots wings crown of embroidered felt dark dnmp cloudy wenther with an occasional shower attended the jubilee exhibition of halton county last friday and saturday in milton great preparations are being made for the annual exhibition of the esquesing agricultural society to be held at georgetown next mon day and tuesday the toronto news says the local tavistock dealers in cigarets have by mutual agreement given up the sale of coffin nails their ac tion has the approval of everyone in town similar action in acton would be appreciated by hundreds of citizens it is reported that in cleveland ohio the business men have organized a crusade against cigarets and are placing anticignret literature in all the factories the pernicious habit has become very unpopular thrre the eckhardt family of musicians and swiss bell ringers gave a un ique and very enjoyable entertain ment in the town hall last evening under the auspices of st albans church mr asa hall went to penetang on friday to spend the winter with his son mr z a hall and family the old gentleman is in his 03 rd year and naturally feels himself to b failing he was accompanied on the trip by mr j c nelson grain is coming in pretty freely at present farmers are busy with their root crops now emile zola the famous french novelist wns asphyxiated on mon day by gag from n stove back in 1932 from the issue of the fre trew ojt thursday september 39 the evenings of the past week have had the light frosts of fall and chill special harvest festival services were held in st albans church last sunday fruits and vegetables and grain decorated the church and ad ded to the spirit of the occasion the work of painting the water tower nt the pumping station in about completed by the contractor mr c adams and is a very cred ible job mr adams will also paint the word acton on each side of the tower in letters five icilt in depth in deep orange outlined ir black farewell sermons were preached by rev w j hamilton pastor of the baptist church on sunday the annual field day of the high and public school was held on wed nesday in the park and arena the georgetown high school pupils we rc- guest contestants council arranged to have i meet ing with the committee in charge of the administration of the towns b- quest of the late a j murray to decide what steps should best be taken regarding the 20000 bishop j r chitambar ot th- melhodist episcopal church in in dia visited ballinafad on tuesday to honor the memory of a canadian who years ago had been a lender inv indin bishop francis wesley warne died graham in winnipeg man on tuesday september 27 1932 frederick graham formerly of acton aged 41 years professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w g c kenney physician and snrceon office in symop block mill st acton orfiee ffaone 78 residence church st tbone iso dr d a garrett pbyslctan and surfeon corner of willow and river sts entrance river street acton ontario pbone 238 dr a i araastrong physician and surgeon oificl 105 mill st east phone 571 dental at the dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office leishman block mill st hours 9 am to ti pm ollic xray telephone ho united church of canada acton ontario a frjendly church rev e a carrey ba bd minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 00 miaa o m lanipard atom orcanlst and choir leader baptist church acton dwikht l patterson pxstor parsonace 115 bower ave phone 20gr dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and krediiick streets office hours 1 am to 6 pm telephone 10 acton real estate and insurance i i legal c f leatherland barrister a solicitor notary pabtl office 22 phone rs 151 acton lever hoskin chartered accountants successors to jenkins and hardy 1305 metropolitan bldb 44 victoria st toronto elff 9131 a j crandell chartered accountant main street georgetown telephone g54 chiropractor d j armstrong doctor or chiropractic 15 frederick st n acton phone 550 veterinary b d young bv sc c l young dvav veterinary surgeons ottice brookville ontauo phune milton lti5rl sunday october 5th 1052 1000 am sunday school for christian citizenship iluu am murnuik worship worldwide communion sun day 700 diri evvnink worship in the baptistchurch thouglit for tiw wtivk it a friend is one who summons us to our best then is not jesus christ our best friend and should we not think of the communion as one of his chief appeals to us to be our best thursday october 2 boo practice and prayer m friday october 3 youne will nnet at the church to ko to the iteid lui their meeting choirl tlmh i peoples t 74i j su qctqbeb5ula wright real estate and insurance f l wright n b wright 20 wilbur st g macdonnell si acton out guelph ont phone 05 phone 4015w valuators realtors insurora member appraisal institute of canada members guelph and dirstict pen i firite wnnrri 1000 am sunday- school with classes for all aees i 1100 and 700 special anniversary i services wich rev e g bax- ter of port colborne is special speaker and miss llllle moore of toronto as euost soloist presbyterian church in canada knox church acton v borciit il armeronc m-a- bd sunday october 5th 1352 1100 am morn inn service um pm bible class 1 x pm so rv ico in the baptim church they that wait upon the lonl shall renew their strength a warm welcome awaits you st albans church v ralph e price ba bd hector trinity xvii sunday october 5th 1952 8 30 am holy communion 1000 amchurch school 1100 am beginners class 1100 am holy eucharist 700 pm evensong and sermon this sunday u beinn observed as missionary sunday beginning the celebrating of the golden anniversary of the missionary society f the church com and learn what the mismorvirs nf the church are ctnitk in canada and abroad you are welcome members guelph and district insurace agents asoeiatidn waa r bracken real estate general insurance phono 20 actol g oakes vs bv veterinary sur hcv and residence knu acton phune ki0 sc travellers guide gray coach lines coaches leave acton miscellaneous it38aiii a5u um uu 208 pm 50u pm 633 p m 833 pm b058 jim west bound 1027 am 1252 pm 257 pm 527 pm 7 27 pm iu2 pm w32 pm 112 am sun to kitchener only a daily except sunday and holi days b saturday sunday and holi days the victor b cumley funeral home funeral slame heated am bullae phone 30 night or day servina the community for 43 years 3live aa lampard atcaa rmt organist and choir leader united church teacher of plan studio united church thursdays studio h park ave guelph telephone 206 canadian national railways standard time eastbound daily 540 am daily except sun days 954 am 710 pm sunday only 818 pm daily except sun day flyer at georgetown 902 ajn daily piycr algcorketuwnj0ll pm westbound daily except sunday ind mon day 224 am sunday and monday only 1208 am dally except sun day 8 43 am 744 pm daily ex cept sal and sun 54r n m sat urday only 1 30 pm sunh only h 43 im flagnton sun lav only flyer a guelph 705 pm

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