Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 9, 1952, p. 1

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wht jvirfiw jftti 9j3 4 seventyeighth year no 14 acton ontario thursday october lh 1952 ten homo print pagos six cents puc requests council run sewers hon leslie wost will officially open and dedicate the new public school addition on october 28 when acton school board plans an open house for all the citizens and visitors and an op portunity to view the building plans are nearing completion for the event and a booklet is being prepared the progam will be gin at 8 pm on the tuesday evening standardized fire equipment installed in acton this week baptist church 110th anniversary rev e g baxter is guest minister inta sevenday proeram actons firv fighting equipment is this week being standardized to con form with equipment throughout ontario firemen are assisting a threeman crow of machinist as sistant machinist and instructor ho are in charge of the change over lo acton fire hydrants the two fire trucks and industrial fire equipment fire services instructor working under the fire marshals office in toronto is c e beck fire engines were converted first adapters were fitted to the hose nozzles and hose couplings were made smaller than those us ed previously the threads in the standardized program are larger and more quickly and easily join ed adapters with the standardized thread are placed on all the 02 fire hydrants in acton it was ex pected two days would be spent converting the fire trucks three days on the hydrants and two days on industry- about 70 per cent of ontario municipalities require conversion for standardization 95 per cent of this conversion can be done in the field the toionto fire depart ment thread was adopted as the standard for the province which made 30 per cent of ontario on the standard thread before the convers ion program began standardization will benefit the mutual fire aid plans in halton county as well as acton george town burlington and trafalgar are to be changed conversion takes place in georgetown this week as well as in acton close to a million dollar contract was awarded to empire brass for all the required fittings during the program of standardization provincial and federal govern ments are cooperating in financ ing the conversion wednesday morning about 11 a m the fire siren summoned the acton brigade and newlyadapted equipment was tested the 1 10th anniversary service of the baptist church were observed sunday october 5 rev g baxter port colborne a former minister was ffuest speaker miss ulie moore bethany baptist church toronto was soloist at the worn in tf service mr bx tcr used as his theme the quest for god basins his sermon around the text o god thou are my god early will i seek thee in these words the psalmist recognizes god appropriates god and dedicates himsalf to god life is a quest as we seek after god find him through faith in jesus christ and dedicate our lives to his service only as we do this will our lives be filled with the presence and power of god and his son jesus christ miss moore sang be thou my vision and love divine and if 1 gained the world was the an them the ministers and congregations of the local churches joined in the evening service ilev e a currey read the scripture lesson and rev r h armstrong led in prayer the quest for security was th sermon theme and was based on luke 12 1321 the story of the man who placed too much import ance on material possessions the manin the story was seeking sec urity and thought he hnd achieved it but he made thret basic mistakes he thought of security in terms of material resources he thought of security in terms of himself only he thought of security without god too often we think of our selves aself sufficient we forget wc are tenants of gods earth and that man does not live by bread alone but by every word of god we must never forget gods great commandments to love the lord with heart soul- mind and strength and our neighbors as ourselves god in jesus christ is our real security god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever belicveth in him should not pffish but have everlasting life that is true security we can enjoy the security god offers in jesus christ by belief in him and his redemption during the service miss moore sans my heavenly father watches over me and beautiful promise the girls trio sans he lifted mc rev ralph price pronounced the benediction the minister d wight patterson was in charge of both services with charles lands bor ough at the organ and mrs lome garner at the piano one member short perfect attendance president johnny goy drew special attention to the fact there wns 05 per cvnt attendance at the rotary club meeting on tuesday of this week with only one member absent twojnjests also attended the meetingtgcorge mussellc of acton und dr w someryille of hnileybury the phalanx club offered to help at the rotary club fun fair it was announced johnny goy and art padbury reported on a trip to to ronto to purchase prizes for the fair i v rumley reported on a trip to the sick childrens hospital in to ronto with two district children last week and that a second trip with one of the cases was necessary a report was given of the sale of draw tickets at streets vi lie lair mens association organized at knox the men of knox presbyterian congregation acton met on mon day evening to consider and form ulate plans for the launching of a laymens assocla ion within their own church the meeting was capably chaired by gordon oder who welcomed the group and out lined the purpose of the meeting charles kirkitess led in the sing ing of several favorite hymns rev r if armstrong led in responsive scripture reading and in prayer dr a j buchanan introduced the guest speaker of the evening rev g l royal of norval who prci- ented a very forceful and informat ive address on the principles and worthy objectives of mens group work charles davidson expressed the appreciation of the gathering t mr royal for his inspiring mes- ane during the ensuing discussion period a motion to organize a reg ular mens association was unani mously endorsed and the present com mi tee were empowered to nominate a full slate of officers for endorsation at the next monthly meeting showing of two excellent short films concluded the program which was followed by refresh ments served by n committee of the younger men the very fine fellowship enjoyed by the sirenble group present pres age a future both happy and pros perous for this young and ambit ioik organization 442000 system is tossed back to council public utilities commissioners j r mncarthur and c wood re quested council take over the operation of the sewers and plant and all work in connection with the sewers as soon as possible when they ad dressed acton council in regular session on tuesday evening of this week in a prepared statement commissioner j ft mncarthur said in part we have had only one meeting with the sewer committee this year and this was at our request und at thai time the committee fell that we should carry on operating the sewerage plant and sujwrvise the installa tion of the laterals since that time we have been the recipients of a considerable amount nf criticism coming from members of council either directly or indirectly with regard to the costs of operation also regarding our staff this criticism could never be considered at any time as constructive our impression is that you doll century old home is on the move obituary in poor health dies in 65th year umehouse holy communion held last sunday rev a calder conducted com munion services at limehouse presbyterian church last sunday mr and mrs lloyd mcenery were new members received we extend sympathy to mr o moffat whose brother william was buried in acton last week after a lengthy illnos also to mr john nickell of eden mills whose brother james was buried at limehouse on monday mrs lane is up again following a week in bod under the doctors care mesdames ellerby smet hurst and san ford attended the w i area convention held in kitchener this week mr and mrs cummtnn of point pleasant ny spent the weekend with the james nobles mr and mrs walter brown ridge of georgetown visited the f t c browns on sunday the shelboumes visited mr and mrs ray powell lowville on sunday the w i meeting was held at thr home of mrs august spltxer on thursday congratulations to mr and mrs bill mills on the arrival of a little on last week ida may beatty daughter of the late alex beatty died in her home in acton on tuesday september 30 in her 65th year she wis of a del icate nature and had been in con tinuing poor health for a number of years born near norval miss beatty moved to erin township with her family and lived there until eight years ago when she took up resi dence in acton for some time she worked at the t eaton co m toronto but was forced to retire to her home be cause she had never fully recov ered from a childhood illness she was a member of the united ehurch she leave her mother of acton seven brothers robert of erin herbert and ernest of hillsburgh henry of stmcoe gordon of wood- bridge wes of guelph and alex who lives out west and three sis ters zaida and mary of toronto and mabel of acton jihe was prede ceased by a brother fred funeral service was held at ac ton on thursday october 2 and in terment was at huxley cemetery hillsburgh september meeting knox ladies aid the september meeting of knox ladies aid was held in the class room of the church on tuesday af ternoon september 30 the pros ident mrs f j mccutcheon pre sided the scripture lesson was read by mrs murray smith and mrs e smith led in prayer gratifying reports of the work the past month and throughout the summer were given members were in favor of serv ing the annual turkey dinner at the anniversary time so the com mittees were appointed to make the usual arrangements buying and supply convenor is mrs j dennis program committee mrs r l davidson and mrs fred anderson general table convenors mrs a j buchanan and mrs r m mcdon ald mrs a m mcpherson and her helpers served lunch and a pleas ant social time was enjoyed trophy cabinet for new school new musicians drum majorettes at the junior band practice on wednesday of last week there was a record turnout with about 25 new members applying for playing positions and six new drum major- i ettos i last saturday the waterloo mus- ic society trophy won by the ac ton band in june arrived the beautiful large trophy will be kept in acton permanently a gold medal for each player will arrive at a later date and be presented at the annual banquet the trophy will be on display in the free press window engineers and architects topped the list of canadian income tax mivirs in hmd with average income c si 0428 the regular meeting of the ac ton womens institute was held at the home of mrs a wilderspin on thursday october 2 at 230- p m mrs r l davidson the president was in charge the roll call was answered by laundry hints given by the members the report of the booth at acton fair was most encouraging with a definite sellout and a good financ ial balance mr g mckenzie principal of the public school was present to report on some suitable gifts for the new school the need for a trophy cabinet was explained by mr mckenzie so the ladies voted to finance the erection of a suitable cabinet for the purpose the annual area convention of guelph district was being held in kitchener on tuesday and wed nesday october 7 and 8 mrs e smith and mrs fred anderson were appointed to represent the lo cal branch there the program of the day was the reading and discussion on the res olutions being submitted at the con vention giving knowledge of the interest different branches take in the hr an a century old house that has s nod the corner of mill and john streets is being moved from ts location to a new site on no 7 i highway east of acton thi- iniv- ers who are in charge tell us th it the big barn timbers used m its construction are still in yod con- 1 diion and the house is in sound j condition and good for another gen eration or so from actons early davs v e learn that the lot on which this house stands was first sold out ofi the adams subdivision by ruth adams widow to ann mckenzie widow the same yem he prop erty came into the possession of john holgate who was a merchant on main street in those early days in 1852 he sold this lot to angus kennedy who was a carpenter in acton it was mr kennedy who built the little frame house which 100 years lotcr is being moved the late graham iawson was in terested in the property shortly after the building was erected in 1857 there was some dispute among the members of the adams family respecting this and other properties of the estate in 1868 the title was confirmed and emily scott widow of john scott pur chased the property six years later william grant wagon maker and actons first constable after in corporation bought the property in 1874 mr grant old to robert fisher of erin mr fisher moved mr grants shop from the john street side of the lot to ihe mill street frontage here he opened i tinware and stove shop after con ducting the business years the fre- pres location in 1879 1806 the late purchased the huie door to the fee pr it for over 20 wars i ants of this 100ar for npt consider that the commission is operating the sewers efficiently and that the disribution of expense i including labor is not being handled equitably the representatives suggested the town hire a man immediately and the commission offered the assistance of its present employee- in training the man the repr entalives also pointed out that at this time the disposal plant is no in proper working operation a matter which has been drawn to th- attention of the mayor mayor rachlin explained he felt he engineer had been negligent chairman of the puc j n macarthnr reminded council the system had never actually been turned over to them commissioner wood pointed to a seven hundred and some odd dol lar deficit on the operation of the plant up until this month over tht amount allowed it might be pointed out also that the sewer account has not been charged any thing towards the cost of h truck gas used or any tools used in eonneetjon with the sewers representatives pointed out following the reurement of the p vc officials council agreed to have the sewer committee meet with commission representatives piece of property john smith formerly of acton and now of kitchener marks his 93rd birthday on sunday mr smith spent most of his life in acton and district first on a farm in the area and finally in the house on the corner of mill and john sis r redfern new y general secretary ide this affairs the meeting closed by singing home on the range and a friend ly chat was enjoyed during the lunch hour which followed mrs hunter conducted a contest im proving our knowledge of soaps mm davidson tendered a vote of thanks to tht hostess for the use of her home h p moore property nel s and owned the last ten- id hnuse were mr and mrs a t brown who were born in acton and had always lived here the proprt is now owned bv douglas manning who plant ui erect a biimness proper v on this location mr manning has already built a large 1 uihe parage on the john st side if he properly the house has hcen purchased by jackfieds who is having it moved tt its no a- loition east of acton where a foundation is ready for it duties as general secretary of ac ton y mca begin this week for r j redfern 29 of toronto bob redfern was highly recommended to hc acton y board of directors who announced his appointment he has had varied experience in the recreational field in toronto has done professional entertaining and is interested in dramatics an open house is planned later in october for acton people to meet mv redfern he is married and hls two child ren a girl tive years old and a boy seven years old to attempt to iron out the sit uation ask fire ksrape r bean e hilton and c sutton representing the ym c board explained to council the definite hazard exising because of no fire escape from the basement room of the ymca the members of the board asked permission to have specifications prepared and call for tenders pointing out that the installation of the escape was the responsibility of the town i question the responsibility of the town toward that building i sill feel the town should have no responsibility there the mayor declared mr bean pmnted out that the fact remains that the town does own that building and any responsibility would rest on the town shoulders mr bean said he could safely say that 75 per cent of the homes in acton were represented in the activities of that building follow ing a statement by mayor rachlin that a very small percentage of people use the building ask action on tree c w mason repeated a request made about a year ago thut a tree leaning towards his building b removed it was explained that the tree experts were necessary for the job and it would be rather expensive to have them come for just one tree deputyreeve j stewart agreed the tree should definitely be re moved mr mason also asked action on the bank in front of his hous een party the usual grant 0 10 was also approved sewer accounts held several accounts on the sewer system were held for payment pending clarification the bill for final payment to r v anderson engineer was held until some of the difficulties were clarified the engineer has n very definite res ponsibility and 1 think it would im dangerous to pay him off now tne mayor declared after quoting pas sages from n book on engineering law the following accounts were approved for payment lome garner motors tractor and loader s 400 w waterhouse lateral 8 35- art vines digging clean ing lowering i0o75 20310 appreciate tan rebate a letter from a p green ex pressed the firms appreciation for the rebate on business tax fol lowing their fire th- obvious willingness to cooperate on the part of all concerned has played no small pa it in our decision to rebuild on the same land the letter pointed out mayor rachlin expliinl that a ed by the provincial officer addresses iode town back of the blow and green factory was originally left for a street a letter from he a p green firm asked if the property never officially declared jstreett could he purchased by them for expansion to the back of their plant it was poipted out that the tiansfer was possible and a satis factory arrangement had been made with those concerned force electric product asked permission to dispose of their waste through the sewers a re port in 1051 was received from the department- or health regarding the effluent from the plating plant consideration of the matter was left for the advice nf the town solicitor a letter following inquiry from the central mortgage and housing assured council the corporation will make direct loans available lo acceptable home owner applic ants provided their plans and spec ifications conform to n ha re- quircments the ontario municipal board asked a complete report on the total cost of the sewerage project before approving a final debenture issue of 17000 for final payments the breakdown as submitted by treasurer showed the total cast of the system as 442000 miscellaneous items council accepted the claim of j- b adamson in the amount of 1125 covering the experue of ex tending a faulty sewer literal bv five feet mrs l e buckland ornpuincd of inadequate street lighting on that made it impossible to open a jhn st n and the road cornmit- car door on that side 1 w investigate th- ittuat- announce winners in duke of devonshires iode draw on saturday those winning prizes on thr draws at the duke of devonshire i chapter i ode bazaar held on saturday october 4 in the y mc a were quilt miss ethel treloar dwjd i dlgin m rn-bou- it trperr ny sale draws mrs perkins mrs bruce smith mrs bert mow at mrs bellamy mrs walker mrs mooney mrs wes beatty mrs underwood mrs drysdale mrs van fleet mrs mckcough mrs earl mosaics mrs john wilson all of acton mrs j m mcdonald of j toronto and mrs alex puiy of guelph the regular october meeting of the duke or devonshire chapter i ode was held at the home u mrs garner mill s mrs alfred long the regent presided a new member mrs gordon beatty was welcomed into the chapter the report on the success of thf annual bazaar was given mrs leckie the provincial con venor of services at home and abroad was the guest speaker and made suggestions regarding service work which the chapter might un dertake mrs schroeder thanked the speaker and mrs ken blow presented mr leckie with a bou- quel of flowers hostesses fori the evening were mrs graham mrs masales mr wulfcmn burr mrsmoonev and mrs long beefing customer in a luncheonette this sandwich could be improved a lot- proprietor how so customer by a uttle mark to show which corner the meats in the matter of the tree was to be discussed with the solicitor lo in vest it ate the property lines acton ys mens club was grant d perm lns ion to use- the arena on 1 main and mill would have to be ion the department of highways informed council that coit of in stallation of n flasher light at october 31 for the annual hallow quilting orders wa project now the womans association at the uniud church met at thr home of mrs l bunu on tuesday with a flood attendance and the president mr h dumi presiding devotion al period was taken by mrs e lambert the roll call was answer ed by hiving the ladies are busy quilting they have quilted several and are mill busy at other orders several cards were sent out lo sick and shut-ins- plans were made for an event coming in the near future the meeting closed with tho singing of the miipah benediction mrs burns assisted by mrs g bowman mrs b mowst mrs c l poole and mrs a mckeown served lunch and a social time was spent together a vote of- thanks was given to mrs burns for her home i borne by cxiuncil no further act- i kin was taken j permission was granted arton lauion to have their tag day on i november 1 and 8 for poppies council considered a comparison of estimates and expenditures to dale and adjourned the session punctually at midnight the following accounts were ap proved bell telephope serviret i 2am guelph sand gravel- n gs thompson motors gas oil material acton woodcraft flintkote co twp of esqueslng j h goy cattage gypsum ume alabastine i- duby taking tickets marsh tire service acton puc canada liw book co bell telephone co lakevlew greenhouse norwich lion fire ins w d talbot ont prov police acton free press watson dairy bar 300h ism 00 00 115 14 iv 358 aoo 8m j1bj1 170 39 10h 2300 1044 oh j 2ss 3 j flsu 33

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