Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 9, 1952, p. 8

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paoe woht the acton fbfc muss acion ontario rimiimiav rxmmth mb mm c fall transplant for seedlings ok liur li ircuirtnutuvk bsrontl hu control lh fanner i frriiinllv unablr ik plant ill thr irin rtf tho r lh rvrtrn mhuiirt that h- mux w l apl with th- ililflmnn at uhtr plant ing llw vwrv hiodln vir- irvriu in thi- all nlorlnk tht vt- inter or leaving them iww in itiitll ihe flllowik tirliiw kindle rnmle t the riiwsl nur- er station on the invcl i tall trananlantlnil on llirvlvl of mine anil while rnmreji anil sentdi lmne htvr imlteitnl no wva tn- jiirlon erteet from fall trananlnnl- intt of tho evemreena ionianil wllh aptlutf planting ithta waa eaietlailv noted in the eaae of the motuce lite oiitliuinn time roi fall iranaplnntlnu of everifreena lit lite niiiweiy vva fount in 1dh0 ami 1dai to he between annual t ami a klllthel livvitaukklliilla will lie iteotlim hnttever to ulllulantliite tin tttullntf of tittle tirellmlniii v aluillea no evlileme linn iteen ftinml v i lo imlltale that aurvlval of etei uieen follottlntf full trananlantlnil t iim hiiiviioi to tluwe pluntttt in the apilnu rall plimtlnu ii onlv uhimliniemletl iim an ultelllntlte to xpilnu planting when the latter innol tie mniplitiil an utte mllille anil lllolttilr- imjilt la ejj aeltllnl lwiiwi i ffiuttntttn u of exomieen aeetlllnba i to lie tniiekhfiil uurutoc piano sales service or hamilton new and used pianos pifcwoa tund hptd atd rabulll for service find estimate phone 1m acton john calder plumbing heating eavestroughing tinsmithing prompt courteous service free estimates church street phone 319w acton rotary club fun fair in acton arena tv draw games gifts parade door prizes master bingo entertainment clowns funjor the family friday october 24 proceeds for crippled children i work und club projects tilmkvotngdinner atfttvmmmt tutjoyablb aaaavwsa surprise moiium hu yl ap thiai hih in ihankmivind i1innik al imi royal hotel guelph yhanksoivino dinner iijrkiy llin ham nil uiui1 tlimifus tmvtil in n pltmirmt liiiini room luncheon 132 pm dinner s 30 lo 7 30 pm t special thanksgiving turkey dinner hilltop lodoe erin out sunday oct 12 iv lii v rind 1 lo i ir itiitt rimidona full erin 4ir2 enjoy a family treat ay hiauncul hawthorne lodge milton ui hit i iiinl rnt ff liiivrjiim irel liiitlii i i a lumii io ifffi ll it liilliufi turkey chicken tthak full courts dinners in qulf country sattfhg for reservations phone milton 533 chronicles ginger farm written specially or the actam free prejj bu gwendoline p clarke this minn thinu for tho book instead of ci itiusm w inch is l no moans uneommon i hao nnthmit but praiso for one of our uovern- nuntal dopartnunts the pro incml department of hirhais for two j vears erosion domain hns betn done to ono corner of our farm through flood uatcrs in spring washing j nwa soil from tho field and leaving the fenceposts practicall on top of tho ground partner urotc to the department explained the situation and asked that aomethina be done this fall to the culvert crossing the highway in order to stop further damage we got a reply within one week an in spector was out within two weeks and repair w ork was in progress within four weeks and they did a real job too deepened the ditch ind built up a stone wall along the bank of the creek and right across the corner into a neighbors field so he too is reaping some benefit this prompt nction leaves us with a feeling that if one has a justifiable complaint it does receive attention or it could mean that this particu lar section of the highwa is under the direction of an unusually alert and efficient supervisor however in other vas the de partment still has us giilssmg wo still dont know whether the pro posed new highwav from windsor to montreal will come through our farm last wetk there wire surviv ors stakes in our front fum for a f vv hours nn ntirnin fitllnwiimv take your choice of these two bungalows five roomed brick oil hoi water heated two bedrooms sitting room large dming room well equipped kitchen and panirv bathroom full sized cellar with washtubs hot and cold water garage beautifullv landscaped gardens with qoa fish pool ideal location owner has moved away and we hive the ke redv for your inspection by appointment on v another five roomed white frame in new locality heated b furnace bathroom hardwood floors well decorat ed vacant by end of october good terms arranged these dwellings have been built in recent years with the besr ct materials and labour no need for any that are really senous o be looking for a home as these are confidential listings we can only et tertam enquiries from people suf ficiently interested to inspect these desirable properties wright real estate and insurance apppa1sor5 realtors iimsurors v u wruu ofttm wuur st acub mum h n b whttt mmjwmii 8u ohlbriu ouw yes we have others as weil as small holdings and building lots what appiani to bo an atrial sur- v v t li ast ain at rupum v is flv mg back and forth chingnik its course a little achtimt so v iiaf wo would like to know om wav and mother we hnve just concluded i biv wnk si- loen loatis of gravel win spnad on the lane and in tho jard which did not uavo us iiuilii ch ingi out if a i hundrid dollars thin we hiard the latest cittlo m irki t prices and won- dt red whttht r we should have sptnl thi moni v not having an crop we also had straw to bu last week and a man hire two davs drawing in straw bales for us while this was going on another follow came along w ith his chain saw to cut up iak logs that were waiting for him up in the bush in tho middle of all this activitv one of the cows decided it was a good time to add to tho barnvard popula tion which she did but qiucklv we also had n addition to the faimilv at tht house m the form of a little white kittin tlu cutest lit tle thing incidentally if life at any time appe irs unmtert sting i can t recomniind a hvelv kitten to bring vou out of tht doldtums with a kitte n chasing a par r b ill from one uk in to mother running like mad or jumping hih nto the air kiooiii i- dispersed hki sinokt in f r sh air 1npeenllv if as we do ou have to kei the pi ace between the kitten two dogs md a fullv grown e it during iti f rst two divs ht rt tht kittin usid uribu language and its claws whenever tho dogs or black joe came an w here near it but now it goes on plavmg without oeigning to nntic them al all it is also housebroken so now all i have to do is teach it not to be a thief and that l not alwav t wellfed cats are not supposed to fol anv tatnptatioiu to steal but vet if that is their nature neither fcood food nor punishment will stop thi m if the hunting lnsinct is too strong to be surpressed bv domesticity how ev t r our new kitten mitchie white shows promise mitchie white is so named because we had a previous mitchie for 13 vears which readers of this column may remember that one was mitche gray 1 daughter and soninlaw were here on sunday and they brought me boxes and boxes of odd lengths of di apt ry nwilerlul tiemitlful pit tiins iho phi on tan bo put to nil kinds tif tins tiillts tipundh hug i and itigrt i t in linidlv bt tir to it nw the stuff nlnno it will bo such fun living to figun out what i tan dtj titit u alaujo v loth mo waiting to hi mudo up i muit nt t ds i urh m t nthunuism and that whiih is uigeiit i wmukr wh pvjauiis always fall to pntis just ns tlullv wtather appronchoh imi uthi i tvpt of gii merit can bo h s holden optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas st guelph mrndi d but win n pyjnmtm fall apiit ihrii hi i inn ihithlng loft good t tioiiih to put h lluwi vi i jivith hob nwny tin re in it h pabhlug to do and in he hny- mr i iond turn jitklni in thi friiuiv i fnrt tibnlm work ii ii mff inki lmiiii ji pi i im k oriu plat i in t iw lilui k in ar i on the pinut untij tin v tout in d mi ihi ti ii fi ne i and tin n wruti llnb vmi should hnvi i i u thou hiin i mi lit wns r mm ft 1 1 up n muiin tuu hi iltcln t iv whlih urn only that tin miry won beyond deii- tilpttoii inlit strangi with j n maiiv plat i s uign many p oplo livi out tin u li in nlorli sh unin ti ii sting sinrniindingn another parrot thov p lsm d her n the park that s porrys wife said carter thinks the world of her husbnnd does she rather she even believes the parrot taught him to swear w have ddd lo eor th mr earl mccomachie to give you better tarvice in tha farm equipment line mr mccomachie hat specialized along this line for the past eight years in thcat rlii u yhn help r ictir- and pri r igr it i irr portint lo hivf th ork jon ff in r t i at j pfjil it it recofjrui tj thi thi on i olution to thi problem rrc-hm- ed firm equipment feel free to contuit mr mccomachie at lome gamer motor at any time he may have the answer to your problems lorne garner motors limited phona 452 acton fire prevention week october sth to 11th matches and careless smoking habits can it ss discarding of lighted matches and smoking mail rials was responsible r ti rl 10 p r a nt of all fires from known canst s ovir a tenvear period 7c tunning mitih or tob icco debris reckless- iv tovsi d aside mv start a disastrous fire liking htivv toll of lives nnd propertj this hizard will remain enormous un til ciution is a national habit replaces i musmuss hemeinbir one little thoughtless act may take your home even voiir life here are a few common sense pre cautions v 1 keep all matches out of tho reach of small children matches with easily in flammable heads should be kept in non- combustible containers 2 have olent of ash trays convcnient- 1 placed and keep them clean 3 anywhere be sure our lighted matches or smokes are complete l snuffed out before vou discard them 4 don t smoke in bed or where no smoking signs are posted 5 don t strike matches in closets gar ages or other places where inflammable malt uals dust or vapors may be igniti d faulty electrical wiring and apparatus oni in ten fin s of known causes is of tit tiit i fiiigin circuits are designed to otu iwm i o a f heating and cooking stoves etc one oulof iviry four or five fires is iiisid b fatiltv chimin js flui s cookinff in iting stovis furnaces carelcsaneaa is i 1 iner signal that the circuit is over- in di d or di fi etivo the use of i fuse of lirer amperage thin tint for which the circuit was de- sijnid deslrovs this protective fiaturo an ttvetluid of current mav heat tht wire to tin p tit of starting a fin be sure our fusts are of correct amperage for jour circuits l amperes usually are right and don t tamper with this safety valve a f t w common sense precautions 1 employ a skilled electrician to repair or extend wiring when this is necessary 2 buv elctnc appliances and cords bt inng thtstal or labtl of underwritert liboratorits inc t dora string wires under rugs over hooka or in anj exposed place wear may in ike trim dangerous iv h i nrmul is u spa on locif t u most frtiiuenl causls of des- tructivi firs m heating plants or op- pli inn s an sub stand ird ifuiprnint in- torn ct in t illilton and construction lack uf cure in riuunti nanci ind unsafe opera turn all h iting plants pipi s or appliances should be- at hast if mchi s awiy from an wall or bixrnible mati rial ifpateys including stovts should tw on insulated mi ul ct m nt or otht r incombustible bases walls and ceilings near stoves should te protected by asbestos iheetinsj ot other insulating material listed by 1 rdirwritirs laboratories inc consult our local fire ordinance or building coda vuur fm chief or insurance agi nt for ad vice if needed cuan chimnevs every year and re pair promptly when cracks or loose mor tar appe ar neve r force a furnace to gt l mow heat consult vour htating man about increasing its eficuncy soft ly empty hot ashi s into metal containers- nm into woodtn boxes kerosene and carelessness ont ih u n fins is ciusid bv incuitious use of kerosiw kusoliiu or othtr inflimnnbh fluids ind bv carelessness hnndlinh eandlts open lights 1 mips op n cts jets torches i tc sloshinj or pouritii k rn ru on w miti or coal fins is an ix aim pit of nckltssiuvs vsuk g solim lnnint n tpth i and other mflamn atih luuiids m tin hmim fi a it ttung or similar purposes caust s m mv traktdis i ich vm- tht v iporlze vihen exposed to air ind nn emicklv prodi ct an txploivt mixture that is n idilv ignitd b a milch pilot light spark ng motor or even a static pirk dt e lopt d fro n rubbing textiles together or the quick- lv spri idink vapor mav be txplodtd b a smoker or a fire in another room you can mvtr te sife u ing infl imrmble explosive fuids in jour nous or in filling kerosene or gasoline stoves or lamps wiiile thov an lightid if sour clothing catches fire do not run running fans the flames and increases them lie down on the floor and roll in a rug if ou can don t wear fuziv film inflammable clothing that might catch fire- around a stove or range flame proof your future 90 per cent of all fires are preventable if vou- inspect property regularly detect fir hazards promptly correct fire hazards immediately build safely and well llmit what there is to burn safeguard all sources of ignition remember that clean property seldom burns know what to do if fire breaksout ll mk every weak fire prevention wok acton fire department in case of fire call operator at acton give address distinctly i

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