Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 20, 1952, p. 2

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fuvqxtwo the acton free press acton ontario thursday november 20 1h2 a big date cbrlstmss may be ust around the comdr but municipal nomination time has passed the corner and is at hand in some of the townships in this county those important evonls havo been hold in acton tomorrow nifjht is nomination night its one night in tho yoar that every citizen of town should bo on hand at the town hall its not necossary that you take any activo part in tho event unlessyou so dosire it cannot be expectod- that evory cltizon will aspire to public office but cvoryono can and should take an interest in thoir own municipality and give one night in tho yoar at least for our town to recoive our whole atten tion municipal officials are chosen from among tho citizens to conduct their affairs for the coming year there are many important decisions that must be made inthe term of offico by evoryono who takes that responsibility thoro aro large funds to administer town changes and improve ments which must be considered it is the money of every taxpayer in acton that is used by these public officials to keep our town in the march of progress nomination night is a time for enquiry if you wish its a time for constructive criticism if you so desire and it is a time for showing appreciation if you are so inclined to those who have served you in the past yes its a time for looking back and a time for looking ahead in our municipality thats why we say nomination night tomorrow is important to every citizen of acton j hare a very deep faith that the earth was not created to be destroyed by the hand of man david e lidienthai the easy way it seems difficult to realize that christmas shopping time is at hand many of us can re call when we did all our christmas shopping in the week before christmas and a lot of it in the day before or even on christmas ove but christ mas buying was not so complex then and even santa claus was only in pictures and never ap peared as a real personality there were no lay- away clubs and a limited amount of money avail able for christmas extras but we didnt plan to write reminiscently about christmas shopping when we started this article we wanted to draw attention to the fact that the christmas stocks are going on display in tho stores in acton there are layaway clubs available in many of the stores and always theres the friendly local merchant who knows you and has a desire to help you solve your christmas shopping problems shopping in the home com munity has kept pace through the years and you will find the local stores well stocked if you would miss the big crowds and get the best values you can you get the best service by doing your christmas buying in your home town stores and starting right now a slipping pill leill nrifr take the place of aclcar conscience eddie cantor old but unchanged here is what daniel webster said away back in 1828 over 100 years ago and i is still true today there are persons who constantly clamor they complain of oppression speculation and per nicious influence of accumulated wealth tfiey cry out loud against all banks and corporations and all means by which small capital ists become united in order to produce important and beneficial results they carry on mad hostility against all established institutions they would choke tho fountain of industry and dry all streams in a country of unbounded liberty they clamor against oppression in a country of perfect equality they would move heaven and earth against privilege and monopoly in i country where property is more evenly div ided lhan any where else they rend the air shouting agrarian doctrines in a country where wages of labor are high beyond parallel they would teach the laborer he is but an oppressed slave sir what can such men want what do they mean they want nothing sir but to eiioy the fruits of another mans labor the electors are expecting if tho next dominion budget doesnt provide for decreased taxation there aro going to bo a mullitudo of orroneous forecasts and a lot of dis appointed canadians rocont spoochos of tho prime minister and financo ministor have encour aged canadians to hope for lowor taxation tho canadian tax foundation hasit figurod out that tho fodoral government could lowor taxos by mm- am i l al 1 uihl known mr nui wor in me 3000a000nox1yoartvlthourgoingmnerd discovery omnsutin drncuias of courso tho municipal govornmonls also havo many other medical discoveries to alleged that tho provincial government could give them a largo share of their r without in creasing tho taxes and a loworing of gasoline or othor taxos levied by the province would make lowor surplusos not so commonplace and not so much cause for boosting at each budget time while surpluses may appeal to many and shrewd business men may discern good admini stration and sound procedure for future years and the wiping out of debt by tho presont heavy taxa tion the majority of the electors would like to have a little more of their pay envelopes to ad minister themselves there is some difficulty in giving them assurance that governments can do a better job of distribution than they can them selves it may mean that some of the services main tained by governments will have to be altered it might be that some of the subsidies hande to various groups will have to be curtailed and that prices will find their own level without govern ment assistance or supervision not knowing how much manipulation of this kind is done the ave rage man is not prepared to offer solutions but there seems to be public accord that too much of the income or wages of those who produco are being diverted to taxation in one form or another north e ast wist south lltdlort conimouotu alwuyn like to road uboul pnpli in tluvnewii who comu from hiillon county the ccortfmown horuld added nnothor to the lnt inh week with uilu article there li double interest in n new- medlcnl rosenrch bulldlnif at the university of toronto the charles ii bent institute will extend and amplify the pro jects now carried on by the bunt- ln and beit departments in an adjoining building the nanllncc institute on college street bent known for hu wore in the never in history has world prosperity world freedom been linked jo closely and directly with the freedom and prosperity of a single nation that t a reiponjibtiku which we must meet with pride with humility and with determination g keith funston president new york stock exchange a place of importance in spite of the fact that as we write this article on monday morning we are without hydro pow er the office is getting cold work has ceased and the prospects of a hot dinner are diminishing we still say hydro is a great boon to our way of con venient living we still maintain this in spite of the fact that an increase in hydro rates has been set for the first of the year and we may have to pay more on cur monthly hydro accounts when it is taken into consideration that prices on nearly every thing that goes into the cost of living have greatly increased for the past 10 years the average 148 per cent increase in power billed to the munici- palitydoes nolseen unreasonable in some hln ciedlt he li jimt bnee from a 41000 mile air tour during which he delivered 54 lectures in a score of countries georgetown can share in the pride of his frlentbi nt the honor for since his student days when he spent summer with the wulouihby family here he has kept up his connection with town ond a few years ago purchased i properly near stewartown behind the golf course where he has a summer it me other item of local interest i that the cornerstone for the new building was laid by co w eric phillips who is president of smith and stone ltd lonr hervlhf the light keeper of oakvitles lighthouse since 1020 frank mccraney jook- ed back over 32 years of service on his fiftyninth birthday last sat urday the onkville record star reports he was apprehensive that he might lose his job since the gov ernment has installed an automatic time switch to control the light which leaves him with practically nothing to do and at the same time he felt the ford plant st law rence seaway and general growth of oakville would soon reestab lish it as an important shipping centre i dont know what this time switch will mean to me but 1 wont quit they will have to fire me mr mccrnney iiuut hit hud never mbuied a night in 32 year ciiptjtln morris kelan in 1807 wu appointed to care for the light house by sir john a macdonam ive used this key all my life now lets see how long you can keep it captain jvlim said to mr mccraney as he handed him th ancient hinged key to the structure in 1020 in ims and llhfl mr mecrahey was often swept off the pi el on his way out to the lighthouse and had to swim once a wave lifted up the plank he was standing on and tariedlhom but he developed several tricks by which he always managed to get the lamp 111 roldlrrn grave warrant oftlcer douglas scott of milton was killed on november 11 1043 the issue of the canadian champion of milton just after re membrance day carried part of a message written to the soldiers parents- describing the grave in ireland there are 70 or 7 graves of allied men in the graveyard or the parish church and it tx the best caied for graveyard 1 hav seen anywhere there are two plots and everything look7 so nice and clan each grave has its own rose bush a picture wai also taken of the grave remembrance day was of cuire marked in services all over the county e noggin while most of the front page of last weeks oakville record star concerns elections theres room for this joke tho mental institution inmate was being examined to determine whether or not he was fit for re lease what do you plan to do when you leave here asked the doctor well i may study law or i may go back to my old profession of accountancy replied the patient then on the other hand i may just keep on being a poached egg the good old days may have seemed better back in 1902 vrum thi faiutt of th pre irtmm of yhurtfdjty novuhibrr 24 iwri whos who for english cattle records the elite municipalities no increase will be required from the consumer when the tremendous development under taken by hydro is taken into consideration and the costly changeover of cycle in a large portion of ontario is viewed an increase in power costs would seem inevitable last week we received the annual report of the hydro commission of on- tario we havent been through all its pages of figures but a quick run down the column which ciivesthfe average cost per kilowatt hour to the municipalities of less than 2000 is in some cases less than one cent and in most cases less than two cents if you think your electnc power is too much just quote those figures to some friends across the border increased costs are neer popular to anyone and so are no exception but we do think the hydro announcement should be taken graciously m these days and as wo write the power h been restored and the otfee is warmer inc the prospects for dinner are brighter ye in important part in our evervda hf the production register of tne british friesians cattle sociey the elite herd book of animals which have achieved the standards required in the register of merit duriitg the past year has now been published in its third edition the new register unselected bull progeny records of 1421 bulls are included and 12186 register of merit females are grouped under prefix of the breeder while the owner at the same time of the re cord is also indicated the introduction to the book draws attention to the pi tf ills which may arise from concentrat ing on paper records and ignor ing such factor- as varying man agement standards and conforma tion which can only be assessed by a study of the animals themselves noting that the herd book contains some 60000 entries and is increasing it a rate of 10 per cent each year the society remarks that clearly there are problems lo be faced in the future if publication of the herd book is to continue in full itmaybe thilitvilhbeposrtble to continue publication of the herd book in full by more frequent issues of the various volumes but from the breeding and improve ment point of view there is no doubt that the book of the future will be the production regimor or elite herd book sweet headache the financial post repurs candy like flavored uspirin libit for children name pc officers hear sybil bennett members of the progressivecon servative association of nassaga- wey met on wednesday november 12 at the home of mrs hattie price and reelected most of the officers for the next year they olso appointed a committee to ar range for a euchre nnd dance to be held in brookvilte hall miss sbil bennett the progres sive conservative candidate for the haltnn seat attended the meet ing and spoke briefly of the out look for an early federal election ind the trend of political thinking in the martime provinces where she recently engaged in a short speaking tour the slatebf office rs elected for nassagaweya for the year arc president alex pnngle lady vice- president mrs mary thomis chairman ward 1 jim stokes chairman ward 2 mrs hattie price chairman ward claude bnnklow sunday school nt no h school- house niihaigaweyn was held mr thomas storey for ii years wuper- inlendent of the sabbath school was presented with a beautiful gold watch mr storey is resigning from his position we are after the boys next sa- urday r bscottmill st actors 7tclilw can drive just us good o bargain here as its mother we offer boys braces pair sc heavy knee pants per pair 40c heavy lined gloves dressy 50c top shirts good pattern 50c handkerchiefs 2c each heavy two piece suits 230 stocking caps stylish 25c ten to one you want a winter suit well give you one for ten and guarantee you satisfaction youll feel and look as well in one of our 10 business suits as you would in a custommade 20 suit heavy blue serge elegantly tail ored french faced allwool guar anteed fast colors and unshrink able n hummer for style and fin ish 10 also heavy tweed suits at best all wool blankets 40c pir pound heavy wool sweaters 71c r b scott consumption can be cured the honor of thus effectively arresting the progress of this fatal malady rests with the wonderful system of treatment which has been re duced to an exact science for the cure qfcortsumption and- catarrah america greatest scientific phys ician dr t a slocum through whose great liberality a free trial treatment four packaged prepar ations is being sent broadcast throughout this broad land etc etc there have been some muddy crossings to wade through the past week many stirring messages on pro hibition are being given the vote is on december 4 back in 1932 from the iuuvr the fre pre thursday ntvwbi 17 193z wlntrr had every appearance of having arrived yesterday the royal winter fair is quite the outoftown attraction thb week mr and mri it ii el holt and family moved from comber ittjt week and are now gelling icttled in their residence on church st workmen havi been tearing down the old water tank at the c nu station the past wrok and this landmark will soon lie re moved it was erected when the present station was built some twentyfive years ago last night a group of young hockey players met in the rink and a young mens club was formed it was decided to form three hock ey learns classed as a b and c teams the following officers were elected manager j greer sec treas b gibbons trainer wm- eecleshall a travelogue by mr stephen haboush a native galilean was given in the united church lait thursday evening and drew a larg crowd his description of customs of the holy land gave a new and better understanding of many of the parages and p arables of the bible a very quiet wedding wa oi- ernnized on saturday november 2 when ethel mae youngest daugh ter of mrs s g smith and the late william james of limehouje wis joined in holy bonds of matri mony to kenneth tracy son of mr ond mrs edward harris of stewarttown on saturday a pretty weddinje was solemnized at st albans church acton when lillian mary anne daughter of mr and mrt- edward tyler sr became the bride of cecil tonyt son of mr and mrs harry stapleton of georgetown died helm at the home mill street acton on tuesday november 15 1032 rose hillborn beloved wife of fred helm in her 76th year professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w g c kenney physician and burceon office in symon block mill st acton office phone 78 residence church st phone iso toronto house opened norman robttlsnn thi canadian high cummlimoiur in britain optnid exittt oiu of tho hiimi fur old ptoplt built by thr lord mayor of londons air haid dis tress fund thr hoim will be named toronto honse to record thr ienrrsity of the people of ontar io who contributed nearly a million dollars to a toronto newspaper effort- on behalf of the fund dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and liiver su entrance river street acton ontario phone 238 dr a i armstrong physician and surceon office 105 mill st east phone 574 dental dr a j buchanan denial surgeon office lcishman block mill st oftice hours 0 am to 6 p m xray telephone 148 dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 a m to 6 p m telephone 19 acton legal c f leatherland barrister solicitor notary pobu office 22 phone res 151 acton lever hoskin chartered accountants successors to jenkins and hardy 1305 metropolitan bldt 44 victoria st toronto ele 0131 a j crandell chartered accountant main street georgetown telephone 654 ciueopkactou d j armstrong doctor of chlropraelle 15 frederick st n acton phone 550 veterinary hdio fills lee liri- plcuure a uv tutriee lee ciii- oroot our lotie and all our tfainj i ire looked jor pies rirture iui tlieir uults reused to l eotntortablc nappu cheerful rid ieuld tie tamxi sun dial litrie piiui enietnfered ee- what pliiee rii5 it h arton 3fnr frrsfi the only paper eler published in acton founded in 11175 and published everv thursday at m mill si e acton ont member of the audit bureau of clrcula- r c kji hc ontarioquebec division of the u a advrt rates on request subscriptions pay- able in advance j250 in canada 13 50 in the united states m o i 5inlle m te authonicd as second class mall post office department ottawa g a dills editor ond publisher business and editorial office teephone 174 user united church of canada acton ontario a friendly church rev k a currry it a bi minister parsonage 11 bower avenue phone iu1 mia o m lainjmrd atcm orennlst and choir leader sunday november mul llij id hi am sundiv sehnol thai el child ma be a chrislian 11h in moinitu woiship s ib- jee a mesace to you 7h pin eenin vrshit sound motion picture the lt- mn christ our own chair ma conereeation on the recorder it 0 15 next suudav llieht novembel 30 75 minute film second chance st albans church t angllemjtl v ralph e price it a t hector sutylill wit before li fir sunday novfmbeit 23icl 11 10 a in hu comm in on 11 hi a m church school 1 1 00 a m becinncr tlass 11 00 a in -matin- ami senium 7 hi p m eensone and sermon this sund for n mlsmo 11 a i- minsionar sun11 n ember tap indili i- and school 1 car all welcome real estate and inhuranci wright real estate and i insurance f l wright n b wright lo wilbur st tl macdonnell st acton ont guelph cml phone 95 phone 49i5w valuators realtor insurora member appralsal institute of canada members guevph and dirstict real estate board members guelph and district insurace agents atsoeatl in wm r bracken rral estate general insurance phone 21 actor mistellaneoih b d young bvsc c l young dvm veterinary surgeons office bruokvllle ontal 10 phone milton ikrl f g oakes vs b v sc veterinary surgeon oftice and residenci knox ave acton phone 130 travellers guide gray coach lines oaciieh leave acton eastbound ti m a m ii vi am 11 13 a m 2 oh pm ob p j33 pm 8 33 p m b 5h p m urilhoutid 10 27 am 1252 pm 2 57 p m r 7 pm 7 27 p m i 12 p m 1133 pm 112 a in san to kit hener onl i a dally txi rpt sunday and holi days b saturday sunday and holi days presbyterian church in canada knox 1iurul acton rev ronert ii armhtroni ma bd baptist church atton dwight l patterson pastor parsonage 115 bower ave phone 20flr the victor b rumley funeral home funeral home ilrated amhuuuse phone 30 night or day serving the community for 45 years idlive m sunday november 21rd 1052 10 00 a m church school 1100 am divine worship 12 15 pm bible class theu that teait upon the lord slinll renew their strength a warm welcome awaits you thursday november 20 p and bible stlldv 810 sunday november 23id 10 00 a in sunday school 1 1 00 am morning service 7 00 p 111 evening service 8 15 pm young peoples lampard a tc m rmt organist and choir leader united church teacher of plana i studio united church thursdays studio 14 park ave guelph i telephone 208 canadian national railways standard time eastbound dail 0 40 a m daily except sun days 9 54 am 710 p m sunday only 8 16 pm dally except sun day flyer at georgetown 0 03 aun dally flyer at georgetown 1011 p m westtmuuf daily except sunday and mon day 2 22 am sunday and monday only 12 38 am dally except sun day 848 am fl50 pm flagauw 7 44 pm dally except saturday and sunday 810 pm saturday on ly 234 pm sunday only 943 a m flsgttop sunday only riyar at guelph t0s pm

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