Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 20, 1952, p. 3

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impsoxv november 20 ibm the aqton free press acton ontario pach no to the electors of the town of acton ploaso bo advised that tho following question will bo put to a vote of the electors at the annual municipal election to bp held monday bocemborl 1952 are you in favour of the passing of a bylay increasing the nwmbtn on the acton public utilities commission from three to five member no yes j mcgeachie clerk a b rolls 2nd big week 0ountby khw ooldkst whoub kernef corn if yes ilk oeaaa cuant nibuu youtl want to buy at least a dona una of country kurt ootthtby mat la vaelcxl by uu eaiuura of niblet dais and tide burar yon tendsnuea and fraehiromtliscob furor lioz tins dozen 167 29c special aytjwer choice golden otteam corn 2 st 29c dozen 169 8pe0tal metoalps choice tomatoes 21c special aylmee boston brown 15oz tins pork beans 2 k 23c dozen j3b special lynn valley bartlett pears 2 5s 33c dozen 180 special qtp pineapple juice 2 20oz tins dozen 147 special aylheb bed raspberry with pectin 24oz jab special beeohwood w9 v v vegetable mm je jctf p 1soz tin special hooobhioks granny cookies 23c special limited offer bobinhood 3 jm igl mt pkqs z8c our stock is limited shop early 1 potatoes 75 lb bag 349 10 for 49c so dtllytki on this itkm grapefruit imiorth tomatoes cello pkg 17c doz 23c n dull so oranges mlrll i ok thk ki- kr i mushroom cauliflower itruvtfl sprout leaf and head lrttuct grrrn llranjt cirapc the bowl 2flgt hello xtomemakcnt now u the time to bake the fruit cako and plum pudding for the reason that they will become mellow and wy to cut by christmas you may pre pare more of the christmas treats now if you can wrap them in foil and store in a freeier or locker space imatflno the warm satis faction of preparing your own broads flr ahead of the christmas rukh chhitnam pudding 1 cup chopped auet ucup molasses wcup brown sugar 1 cup sour milk 2 tspit baking soda 3v4 cups flour sifted tsp cloves 1 tsp nutmeg 1 tsp cinnamon 1 lemon juice and rind mt lb chopped figs v lb chopped dotes 1 lb seedless raisins extra vk cup flour mix suet molasses and sugar add sour milk and baking soda which have been combined alterna tely with 3 cups flour which have been mixed with spices add juice and grated rind of lemon combine the cup flour with fruit which has been chopped together mix fruits into batter pour into greased moulds and steam for 2 hours serve with hard sauce white fruit cake 1 cup butter 2 cups sugar 6 egg whites 4 cups sifted flour 4 tsps baking powder cup orange julcc rind of 1 orange 1 cup bleached raisins y cup mixed peel 4 cup shredded almonds vt cup candied pineapple vt tsp almond extract cream butterand sugar beat egg whites until stlff then odd to butter mixture work in flour sifted with baking powder fold in fruit and almonds turn into greased lined 8 x 0 x 3 pans decorate top with cherries and same almonds bake at 350 degs- for li hours dark fruit cake lb almonds i cup shortening 3 egg whites 3 egg yolks cup brown sugar 4 cup molasses 1 cup pastry flour up salt 1 tsp cinnamon tsp nutmeg 2 cups sultana raisins cup currants h lb slivered peel 4 lb candled cherries lb candied pineapple s cup strawberry jam 2 ttxsps lemon juice tsp eoda 2 taps water co er almnnds w ith boiling v ater drain and slip oft skins phce in sh illow pan with 1 tsp butter brow n in moderate owm creim short mng add brown sug ir ind mtlassts and cream igun b it in molwses well add bt 1u11 og whites add flour mix- t d w ith s ut and spices reserving 1 cup lour to tos- among dry fruit add str iw herrv j mi and men jiuu- tnilu water with the oi 1 in it stir and stir the cake batter on ise ind line 1 lnne or z medium pans w ith 2 la l rs of h i j ipi r bike in oven of jt des for 4 to fi hours mincemeat 1 tsp nutmetf v 2 lemons rind and juice 1 cup chopped almonds tsp cinnamon 1 tsp ground cloves 1 tsp ground ginger 1 cup grape juice chop raisins mix ingredients to gether thoroughly store in jars until ready for plo not necessary to cook mincemeat before using for pics the question box mrs c j says why has my favorite fruit cake not cooked in the centre answer the reason for fruit cakes being uncooked in the centre may be 1 that old cake tins be come dark and cook the cake on sides and top before the centre la cooked these pans require 3 lay ers of paper on the sides 2 if something has been spilled in the oven the smoke will cause brown- ness which will make the cake ap pear cooked 3 if the oven door is opened frequently it will not allow the cake to cook in the sug gested time remedy be sure to use a wooden tooth pick or a clean twig from a whisk to pierce the centre of the cake before removing from the oven mrs s k soys why docs fruit sink to the bottom of a fruit cake answer all fruit should be dredged lightly with flour and let stand a or 5 hours before cake is mixed another reason may be that the cake batter is not stirred enough miss j jjl says wc have a strong molaidscs flavor from our fruit cake is there anything we can do to lessen the patency of its aroma answer place cakes in n cover ed crock insert a fresh slice of bread beside the cake tins every day for 2 weeks fashion hint- soon even our best friends will be upsetting us with that unjovul december question well hove yougot your christmas shopping done and its the rare smart woman who can say yes an even smarter woman is one who has her christmas maklno done for gifts that are made from mitts to jelly ore always extra- wonderful to receive hones a smart topstyle sweater that could be taking shape on needles already wool sweaters are always welcome wc sec that science has now the answer why wool is warm it has resilience or bounce they say and good moisture absorption the fibres have insulation value the air ls trapped within and on the surface of the fabric wool also has a big advantage in that it recovers well from crush ing and bending wool keeps pers piration from chilling because of its ability to obsorb so out with the neodles the gals on the christmas list need sweaters notice to creditors municipality of esquesing nomination meeting a mectino of the municipal el ectors 0 he townsmp of esquct- tng 101ii be held in esqucsing community hall stcularttown on friday november 21 1952 at 730 oclock in iho evening for the purpoie of nominating candidates for the office of reeve doputy reovo and coun cillors for tho yoar 1953 and two mombors of the school board of township school aroa no 1 for 195354 canadians and cars honaltl wullnm sulrvcya in tho piniinciiil pait u study jtut com- ptutcd by canadian automobile manufacture some of the re- ktilu only 0 per cent of the uvcr- auo motorlstn driving u for plca- uurc half the population uae u car to make n living b00006 of tho 1 0 million privatelyowned cars in canada arc at leant 10 years old the average mileatfron canndln cars 27000 the average dutance driven by a car owner in a year 0200 miles compared with 7400 in tho us cecil a carr optometrist ouelph b dougl st ti 1091 quality dry cleaning beautifully cleaned beautifully pressed pickup arid delivery service phone 206m acton phone 20am in the estate of john mclean gentleman deceased all person having claims against the estate of john mclean gentle man who died on or about the 6th day of september a d 1952 are hereby notified to send particu lars of same to the undersigned on or before the gth day of december ad 1052 after which date the estate will be distributed with re gard only to the claims of which the said undersigned shnll then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall riot then have notice dated at georgetown thls 31st day of october ad 1952 william archibald mclean and frederick dixon executors of tho estate of john mclean by their solicitors dale and ben nett georgetown ontario a- 183 tropical products consult us for your sheet metal work furnaces air conditi6ning oil burners froe eitimatot gladly given writo frank wood 6 shaver ave r r no 2 islington ont or phone islington be19645 reverse charges 2cups enrmnts 11 cuw raisins 2 cups brown surir 1 cups chopped suet 2 cups choppod apples cup mixed peel town of acton nominations mayor reeve deputy reave and six councillor 3 school truttees and 1 public utilitie committioner want ad page where old friends meet in compliance with the municipal act a meeting of the electors of vc on will be held in the town hall on friday november 2 lit 1952 from 730 to 830 pm fwr the purpose of nominating lunriuiates for the ottlce of mayor iuie ivpms reee and council lors school trus ew and public utilities commlssioncr for the us- u tl terms of office the lotes of the elctori of the ui town shall be taken on monda dcembor lit 1052 com- nuncins ut the hour of ten o clock tn the morninc and contin uing mi il sien o clock in the ifti moon of the s ime da nt the olloccinc places that ls to a v ird no 1 council chinibers town hall with von ingle- as hi mic riturnine oltlccr w ird no 2 count il chambers tran hil w h fhel frs or is ivmits rotuti ne olticer v ird no t kirenuv i room town ii ill uh 11 irne ilelulg as nonius roturnmk officer w ird no a- flick room town hill with annii ndersnn as de mits- rcturninlt officer j megechie a102 neturning officer in case more than the necessary number of candida cs are proposed and seconded and a poll is de manded said poll will be ope-i- f i om 1 o clock in the- forenoon un til 7 oclock in he- eccnine on mondw dkcemiiek lst iar2 as follow polunc subdic lsion no 1 u 17 school liomsc dmic i migibbon u ro hoe currie poll cu k polling subdic imoii no 2 no j school moils riiumis jiiei- uk o i onu uirluik poll clerk pollinc sulxliclsion no 1 ol- inte ii ill holtibe k anderson duo edward kobe itsuii pull clelk polling subdivision no 1 par ish hall norcal j l cie iw i ro w it cunniiirhim poll cle rk pnlltnprstibettvtslnn nn v- cnun cil chamber stewarttown n dc-v- ereaux d r o ii h urow n poll clerk pollini subdivision no g no b school house e j sprowl drov j cu gillies poll clerk polling subdivision no 7- joseph scott s houe limehouse harcev norton dro s m wrirht poll clerk pollmk subdivision no 8 sll- v orereek service station t ii price dro stewart miller poll clerk pollink subdivision no 9 al hall glen williams albert press- wood dro wm hadley poll clerk pollmk subdivision no 9 m- z hall glen williams edward bludd dro fred weaver poll clerk notf poll subdivision no 1 comprises the 1st and 2nd conces sions lots 1 to 10 inclusive poll subdivision no 2 comprises the trd tth 5th and 6th concessions lots 1 to in inclusive poll sub division no 3 comprisrs the 7th bth 1 h and the west half of the 10th conct csion iits 1 to 7 inclus- iv e poll subdivision no 4 co-n- pns s tht- 0th concession in 1 the wst hilf of the 10th concession from lot b to lot m incu vi and the e est hilf of concession 10 ind concession 11 from i o 1 to 14 inclusive pill subdivision no s comprises the oisterlv half of the 4th cine ssion ind the vh ind 1th cone vsions from lot 11 to lot 21 inilushe ind the 7h ind bth cn- cessions from i ot b to i o- m in clusiv poll subdivision no fi cimprles the 1st 2nd an i trd cnncessons lot 11 to lot 12 in- chisae ind wserlv half of the 4h c ir iii mi i o 11 to lot 2li in 111 v pill suntiv mon no 7 eompr s the i irle hilf of he 4th cimi s- in aid the vh and fih cinis- ins fvin i 2 t l tot 2fl n lusive pill snmvmin v s com 11 is hi 4h sth ind rth coin iss il iis 27 i 12 inclus ive an 1 he mi 8h com- s i ins i nl 2i v lllli ind ii 1i i id 10h cue snns i os t i t 1 luive il s i os 11 till 12 n th 11th come i in pl suliln i no 011h1s s the 0th ind inth cius ins i is is in 27 inclusive ml he 11th concession from i ots 11 to 10 inclusive i m pfnnttt b tteturnlni officer duotherm fuel oil home heater i t- picture news from cil jabekum i a -lf- jj i t t ubftrikmfijuh only 1295 down aiwno an mia to an audience of hundreds of thousand would luve been beyond the wildest dreams of ambitious young singula e few years ago now every sunday night tha radio prognua cil singing stars of tomorrow offers this thrilling experience to two young canadians and allows them to compete for cil musical awards worth over 3000 aciustvt duu aumttjt buma automatic pownair u0wu chota of two am waisthigh onttol dial wash stopfer and humidifier i call 230 acton manning electric tjuothsrm biauty at thi rauni home- makers find that a cil cellu lose sponge it a beauty for so many uses and wonderfully soft and longlasting too a rail- able now in attractive colour blue green coral yellow and naturax champion matu1a1 for skiers is light warm nylon now under way cils new plant at mait- ltnd ont will make canada selfsufficient in all chemicals needed to make this wonder fab ric textile manufacturers will get double the quantity they now receive pmysm ltaw about 600 applicants are auditioned each teaton before the 44 young lingers are chosen to appear on cil singing stars of tomorrow audition teams tour the country from coast to coast giving everyone an equal op portunity to be heard by experts- canadian industries limited montreal

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