pads six the acton free press acton ontario thursday novasmbtth ib ims fcoyal orenino a colokvttl kvknt friday evening list aw the op nintf of the 1952 royal auricul iural winter fair if poistble it wm ji even more colorful event than in former ycarx the official opplntf was madti by 1 allien ant general sir archibald nye high cotnmtuloner for the united klntf dou at ottawa with the 48th high lander providing the niiard of honor another highlight of the evenlnu waj the welcome to the internat ional teams from prance the he- tubllc of ireland mexico united states and canada am ijruatrwhcn nncontoni the tiux collteum it ts almost with bw that one vlewtt he flower show words foil to convey an idea or the perfection of thcbloomt 4he beautiful exhibits nnd the fragrance of the flowers nnd fruit in our opinion this section of the royal alone is worth a visit to the big show axlde from that every depart ment of the 1053 royal seems to be filled to capacity with near per fection exhibits the cattle bnrn ts bursting nt the seams and in ad dition some cattle are housed in the sheep and swine barns tn our brief vlsit we noted hal- ton was well nnd worthily repres ented in the jerseys by entries from the herds of m c benty ken ella fenlherstone bros and gerald r graham in guernsevs by wm g booth j l chlsholm joyce bros laxy pat farms and m t mcnabb sons while in hototeins f pellettorio- sons and a g hunter were upholding the honors tn the beef section we noted come outstanding entries from the shorthorn herds of t c amos s g bennett grant campbell llarland merry and stanley and arthur nornsh ohors represent ed were cecil mccann with here- fords j h willmntt wilh hnmp- jihirrs t j brownridrc wkth tnm worth valley crest with their clydesdnles wo know there must have bevn many others whom we did not bee in our brief tour when judg- people intf lot under way during the cur rent wook wi can rent tusurod that halton exhibitor will bring back at least their quota of tho rd rlb- bon im retired now and one of the big kicks i get out of life is maeting people there are plenty of timely topics these days and it is in- teresting to hear new opinions and ideas i make many acquaint ances who help to pass the time most enjoyably while travelling about by bus and that u the really f r i e n d i y way to tra vel fares mre lo w round trip fervwr ft awa4 pittsburgh 1725 chicago 2155 washington 2355 new york 2290 tickets and information at harold wiles phone 207 acton ttft halton judging team atluacch mftll tho intercounty live stock judging competition hold last thursday prior to tho opanbitf of the royal brought together thirty- two teams of three young men each from a many different counties they came from carle ton in the out lamb ton and kent in the wot and sudbury in the north before tho da wa over the ofl young meithknew they had beuk through a competition their task consisted of judging ten different rings of as many dif ferent breeds of livestock and giv ing oral reasons for their respect ive placlngi on each of the ten classes the jeffrey bull mem orial trophy emblematic of the championship went to the durham county team coached by the vet eran agricultural representative ed summers it was rather slg- n meant that all throe durham members took n gold medal earle brown in dairy cattle bruce tay lor in sheep and wm ferguson in swliiu th hal ton team enmpoftod of alex buchanan of morfat john w picket of hornby and turl wuon of norvul placed fifth k a team that they had been well und ably coached by art bennett aauutanl agricultural representative for halum is well borne out ly their excellent standing the top ton award were us fallows durham middlesex wellington north klmcoe halton perth york kent lamb ton huron halton cokjnjtv hked ikukx uuttvuv the re bii its of halton county seed drill survey are based on total of 31 samplan 28 cereals and 1 small seeds 56 of all samples graded no i 10 no 2 10 no 3 and 25 were claw i fled as re jects 01 of snniplcs were cleaned by farm fanning mills and 23 by 3ced cleaning plants with the re mainder being uncloaned 32 of the farm cleaned samples graded no 1 10 no 2 14 no 3 and 24 were rejected in comparison 71 of samples cleaned in seed cleaning plants graded no 1 none wore classified as no 2 or no 3 29 were reject ed seed disinfectants were ap plied to 68 of all cereal samples these results compare reasonably well with the group averages only two cereal samples were completely free of weed seeds and 14 contained no noxious woods t1u main primary noxious weed xrtntu which were found wero per ennial sow thistle dock couch bladder campion and musturd some secondary noxious weed seeds found worn wild carrot wild oats uagweed and nlght- tlowepkrry catchlty in small uoed4 the sample grad ing no 1 contained 1 bladdr campion ft hlbgrosi and 2 daisy however this is not a good ex ample of no 1 seed the other two samples contained a comparatively larger quantity of weed seeds with the rejected sample containing 140 weed seeds per ounce tills is nut as bad as some other nam pies which were taken in other areas but does show that far too many weed seeds are getting into the seed being used in the county while we still have a long way to go in improving the qiulity of our need grain it is at lenht en couraging to note a considerable improvement over tho survey made a year ogo when as we re call only 32 graded no i shop refreshed in indian costume speaks at fireside the thank offering meeting of the senior womens auxiliary was held at the evening service in knox presbyterian church on november 0 mks bessie mrfmurchy rn who is home on furlough from india was guest sneaker she showed colored pictures of her work which were very interesting following the addrwii all ad journed to the sunday school room for a flresldehour miss mcmurchy wearing an indian costume dis played articles of indian work and told of the customs in india a brief social time was enjoyed by all quiky hikvr to ttjtfit- whcn a respected citizen putmd away recently his friends followed him out to the cemetery a mile outside tho town among the mourners was a palsied patriarch tottering on a cane a neighbor in quired how old arc you grampt eightyseven the old man croaked the neighbor shook his head thoughtfully dont hardly payjf you to go back to town the headers dlgcal tb discovered in the early stages with proper treatment begun at once is one of the most curable of all serious diseases tuberculosa is as yol far from controlled halton county tuberculosis and hoaltb association is this yoar launching a countywido freo chest xray program in cooperation wilh tho ont tb association and the cmfdeptolhealthvolunteers will calf on ovorytiome irtwioeoun- ty to explain tho importance of the xray clinics will bo hold in camp- bollville doc 12 and in acton dec 18 and 19 these clinics are made possible through the annual sale of christmas seals nbw style features new performance and safety features new comfort features iju aj ummv tfc balanced i jffs balanced against rou balanced against pitch balanced against jounce your new plymouth is here excitingly beautiful i cm is mmtrtttd includs rami str qilirt iuh11 clt4k ml loc4 dsuf tor informing aa uatjnl qultmmt scores of stunning new features actually 38 new performance and safety features 34 new style features 21 new comfort features here are just a few youll see at first glance the new onepieca optically designed windshield which minimizes reflections the matching fullvision rear window uu broad low hood giving you wonderful road view the long airstreamed body and fender lines the luxurious new interior with eighttacfc wider back seats the huge luggage compartment with 30 more space and scores more feature that put plymouth far ahead of the parade i but you must drive the new plymouth to realize how far ahead itteally is when you experience the new balanced ride feel its amazing smoothnessleam how easily it handles and dings to curves yorufuadby agree that no other car in its class has ever demonstrated greater excellence in fine engineering and riding comfortl see and drive the new plymouth now now on display afyour chryslerplym0uthfarg0 dealer uanufactutio in canada st cmbyilia cotpoiatiom or cahlli hmifls cambridge 4d00r sedan suburban cranr00k 4d00r sedan club coupe and convertible coupe belvedere hardtop savoy macswain motors phone 85 acton