Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 27, 1952, p. 2

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pack two the acton free press acton ontario thursday november 27 1952 march forward in acton and the neighboring townships this year acclamations in municipal offices scorn to bo popular and therefore most of our municipal problems are cleared away well in advance of the holiday season while acclamations wero accord ed there was no lack of interest in evidence the town hall in acton saw one of the biggest crowds attending nominations in years this wasin spite of inclement weather and a very full program of other community activities on the same night it speaks well for our democratic way of life whon citizens take an interest in their own affairs true that interest may take ways of showing that do not commend themselves but such are the freedoms and individual liberties permitted in a democracy we like to hear too the words of appreciation that are mingled with the criticism for those who servo in a public way now the municipal offices are settled for another year it behooves all of us to work to gether fottfuf common good of the community in which we live and endeavor to improve as we pass along our way it is well to have times of accounting each year end but obviously all must work cooperatively if the greatest progress is to be made the man who originated the proverb that its better to give limn ro rcccitc was pro bably trvlno to extricate a christmas present from wrapping tape sunjhttic magazine old and new with all the controversy that has been had in this county for assessments for the past five or six years it wasntsurprising to pick up one of our exchanges from down near ottawa and find the leading editorial dealing with the first figures given under the new assessment there have been big increases and of course it would seem to follow there would be bigger taxes that is to be expected in every town that is showing growth we arent so enthusiastic as we were about the assessment that is gradually being made ef fective in halton we think it leaves many places for argument but we also realize that the old system was badly in need of revision our criti cism would be in the length of time required to make the change and in the cost of going over from the old to the new system it was hopod too that the new assessment would be satisfactory to all municipalities m the county however the fact is that the same legal procedure of appeals developed in halton that was experienced 30 years ago the matter is still before the court with the decision yet to come the world is dtrided into three groups rlie small fronp irho mnkrs ttiinos tinppin lite hirpcr primp trho irnrrticv rtiijir- hnppen and tic multitude ulio uercr tciious trhar hnppt7is the christmas crop driving along the highway the other night we saw our first loads of christmas trees going to market it was a cash crop of some farmer or land owner being distributed in an orderly way the day is gone we hope when folks will go out and help themselves to these cash crops which belong to someone else the cutting of young evergreen trees for sale at christmas time usually arouses a great deal of controversy criticism of this practice comes from those who feel that great wrong is committed each time a young tree is cut for this purpose an understanding of why this is done should show that such criticism is unfounded scotch pine is one species used extensively in reforestation work and has become very popular as a christmas tree this is a fast growing tree which bears seed prolifically and at an earmy ago the wood of this species is of low quality its best use then r as a christmas tree it grovs ver well on some of fhe poorer soils be nig reforested throughout the province if it will grow cm such aieas and provide a short term crop of christmas trees it is logical to do so 1 planted in stands jt six to eight foot spacing the trees develop a good overall form when christmas trees are cut from these stands it is recommended that a few of the poorer form trees be left to grow serving as seo trees which will restock the area mr abbott gets help few canadians disagree with mr abbotts uggostion that current tax rates are too high re plies to a financial post question indicate heading the list of suggested remedies is a lewering of corporaion taxes from the present 50 which its suggested encdurages corporate extravagance and inefficiency discourages ex pansion and tends to ralso prices second target for suggested paring is personal income tax individual incentive and initiative can be penalized and purchasing power seriously affected by high rates its pointed out in this category some want broader medical expense allowances increased dependent exemptions sales and excise imposts come in for some attention in suggested reductions or removal of taxes on essential items along with a review of outdated luxury classifications the posts sur vey shows there are 247jsr4 old age pensioners in r ontario as compared wittri44107 in quebec we mag have lost out to quebec in familu woieanccs but ice are getting it back in other wavs big figures in these days of high finance its interesting to find some figures that bring home the immen sity of a billion a billion dollar bills laid end to end would encircle the earth nearly four times if you made 1 1 trips from new york to miami tlorida by car or rail or 14 trips by air you would cover a distance of nearly a billion inches a propellor on a pursuit plane travelling 300 miles per hour would turn a billion times if the plane would cruise continuously 24 hours a day for nearly two years and a billion minutes sounds like we have months of time but it would actually carry us back to the year 45 ad peel gazette nothing is more simple than flrentiies indeed o be nnrple is to be great emerson back in 1879 reading in our exchanges over the weekend we came across this item in the shelburne econo mist where they are also having some differences of opinions on school matters and we pass it on there is nothing very new about differences of opinion about school matters and school sub jects only as far back as 1879 a select commit tee of the british house of commons making an investigation regarding extravagant school ex penses in that year was told by a witness geo- giaphy sir is ruinous in its effect on the lower classes reading writing and arithmetic are com paratively safe but geography invariably leads to revolution north e ast west stooyth initial ihurirultlrm thiivi inmi to t n xrny mir- y m ifiirintciwn loo anil hcrrs imi of thi difficult ri an miimizrr there fnuhil hersrir in v tells tin- cuorjjctow hfralil mrs maurice htmnti i busy speaker n sin round up wnrkirs in oh county for on luherculokh drive hill she is tlimujh ukinc the ti1 nlihreviatiitn in her speeches since the other niihl vmi know one woman said after a meeting i dont think 111 help with this drive im not very interested jn tv krrrrn star curst veteran since and screen actress miss maude euurne who played henrietta in the film the prince of pence wnn n riicst nt n ilurlinqton theatre inst week when the picture wns shown after n brief mane appearance says the burlinjjton gazette she wns presented with flowers and n birthday cake in honor of her 77th birthday the theatre audience wished her happy birthday when all joined in the chorus kertnc rrd it see iris that n visitor to dni k arias prime minister was abound ed as he examined that official- of fice what kind or a telephone sys tem have you imt here anyway he exclaimed the service must be een worse than it is in oakville why your instrument there has an vr piece but no mouth piece if you really must know rue fully mourned the prime minfsler that is our direct line to the krem lin hut i he oikvdletrafalcnr col- uinniit who recorded the story says hat tejilly mich stories arent fun ny they jusi fit a cloak of humor around snrnelluni very serious he sas j leis even in intf back the hood old travelling salesman stories liefiir we let ourselves plunge pell- mell into ttie red piopnjancin pat tern which concentrates on buildini a feebiik of false security lleautlfut klonips lmfl many of us enjoy driving nlonj the lnkcshnre hiihwjiy at the south f halton to see the beautiful homeslchantte wns made in the staff mis nd rounds nut says dr fnludi consultant to the onkvilletrnfalinr planning board the large lnke- shore estates are doomed refer ring to the new subdivisions bein built he said there will have to be more of them because people want this innd taklnk the valuable innd in trafalgar south of the dundaft highway he demonstrated that there wns sufficient nvailnble un developed land to house five limes the number of residents that people were suggesting as the population ten years from now nistrkt maden oil paintings of nearby places are included in the display or cnnndian paintings nt the art gallery in to ronto at present both are by artist a j cnsson one in n glowing autumn scene of trees near rock- wood and the other of an old building nt elnrn more pictures with n local slant inst weeks cnnndian champion of milton reports the model for a pic ture on the october 1 issue of mac leans wns h e- berry of milton he wns holding n clydesdnle mare wiu n little girls and n foal leroniiifj ro n neeiif siiirej completed bi the uikmimn md hutuii ii rers rtsorintion if cost more than s100 to lire an empoire n tne surrcj of a fair cross serf ion of canatlian vtdustrti slonvd that in 1 95 1 coim- puiiifs cfriploiiir 556fl people required jsj2i0th in itirrsrrnnirs or s43t tied up in nut trim eijutpmeiir raw mnier- inls and other goods in order fo provide one man with a jl dublin wi holds meeting in guelph dublin womens institute held their regular monthly meeting lart thursday at the home of mrs c j van goozen albert st guelph with a fine attendance of members and children mrs l ferguson the president occupied the chair plans for a work meeting in the near future at the home of mrs mansell mollis were made to make a quilt for korea the motto we are nearer to god in a garden than anywhere else on earth was well taken by mrs win frank after which the hymn in the garden was sung by the ladies mis alc near reported on one of the seoions at the kitchener con- i ventmn held recently and mrs it i- davidson cave a full report on i agi icullure and canadian indu- j tries the sung tlie little dutch hoy i and the little dutch girl was sung i interesting papers were given by mrs duncan moffat on your sum mer garden miss mildied wilson ton the growing of chrysanlhe- i mums and mi s alex near on dexter cattle an auction sale of many and aried ai tides was quickly disponed of by mrs near acting as auctioneer and the funds added to the treasliry of the institute a bountvous lunch wns served by the hostess assisted by mrs fergu son and mrs mclntyre the thanks of the meeting to the hotes- and all taking part were conveyed by mis wm mclntyre the good old days may have seemed better a back in 1902 rrttm the fmnit ttf thin free of thursday november 27 lmi v- the board of educntion of this municipality met on monday and had for their principal business the engagement of the teaching staff for the coming year the re en gagement of principal moore for the twenlyfnurth continuous year will he satisfactory to all only on- they shun office almost 75 per cent of the vacancies on muni cipal councils and boards in manitoba this year have been filled by acclamation that could in dicate that the candidates were of outstanding ability or that total apathy beset the electorate says the financial post unfortunately the first theory seems doubtful because of the fact that in 34 municipal vacancies m manitoba this year 77 on councils and 12 on school boards no candidates at all offered them selves in some elections far too many candidates and parties have otfered themselves for the sake of good and stable government but heaven help the country dnd its govern ment when no citien or only one will come for- aard democracy cannot survive on such a nar row basis pice lv u ionntry in irorm t which ieerjyfiuit run he provided lor bj the laws or in tchich pohfiruf uurirnrtoiu run pmiv mihstirtite ior ooninum rrmr ami public mor- de torquemile stye artfltt 3xvv prbb the only paper ever published in acton founded in 1h75 and published every thursday at 5fl mill si e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circula tions the c w n a and the ontarioquebec division of the c v n a advertising rates on reqihtst subscriptions pay able in advance 50 in canada 3 so in the united states s- months 1 so sinnle copies gc authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa g a dills editor and publisher business and editorial office t e i ephone 1 7 4 atomized wood pulverize trees wood is the latest product to come tr the attention of cicntists looking for new areas to apply atomic energy speaking recently for the amer ican pulpwood association dr lincoln thcismcycr president of pulp and paper research institute of canada said use of atomic en ergy and other laboratory d velop- ments may revolulioni7e the paper indusiry the day may not be to fa- dr- taia when mobile pulping unil may go into the forests aid dr tin imiieyer take a whole tree needles twig- branches leave bark and root and pulven it mi he pot i he foresaw the various clemer i separate in a powerful eeiuni t fuge which would blow the pul mli tank trucks or even be eai led 1 by oviiland pipeline- to a lluid- i i inu unit tliis would reemble an nd refinery which would jn ivv the pulp into a luts f ptud- i nets not now made by the pul and paper industry he siw the eventful use of ve- f dioistittipe trace is to permit sra-n- i ists to watch how treev grow audi what make- them grow be- ii learning u inch chemicil elenu nt- are most essential the industry will he able to encourage growth thej- c racer- are already being used successfully on v heat farm- 1 minnie holmes take the fourth department which has been in charge of miss tena currie the past two years tjie- teaching staff is as follows 1st department thus t moore snlnry ft00 2nd department miss georgina young salary 300 3rd department miss margaret ifowes salary 275 ah department miss minnie holmes salary 27 5th department miw nellie allin salary 275 no sensible elector will do other wise than to vote yes on the 4th of december to are you in favour of bringing into force the lupior act 10027 no home is snfe while the dangerous and alluring liquor traffic continues in the election of 1r08 halton voted as it has always done for the closing of bars the vote then showed a majority of 22 in favour of prohibition in acton 245 votes were cast being nine more than in the plebiscite vote of w94 when 21 women cast their votes the only places in halton which had a majority in favor of bars were milton sproats school nor- val drumquin and munns corners the- court of revision for the con firmation of the engineers report was held by council monday mr donald mcdonald protested unfair assessment put upon corner lots where pavements have been built on the local improvement plan be taken to remedy th steps will situation the remark has frequently been made that acton is not a musical town this ii however not true- to fact today in conversation with prof lee recently he remarked that there are more persons taking lessons in music in acton than ever before to his knowledge an inch of snow yesterday ten thousand scholars of the toronto sunday schols will parade- the streets on saturday carrying banners heaiing the word vott for us and against the bar rooms back in 1932 from the iuue ftf th free previ it thursday novembr z4 iflk have been rather travel the past the highways treacherous for week skating on corporation pond andf fairy lake has been quite popular the past week three members of the parwiew athletic club competed in thi- races at guelph on wednesday fire destroyed the barn on the farm of mr alex mcdonald at crewson corners on monday night the cause of the ire ts unknown besides some stock a truck belortging to mr robert airdrie was destroyed the county cuncil was addresei by mr waldbrok and given to understand that a third highway would not be built but assistance was asked for in carrying out im provements on the uakeshore highway as a relief measure it would cost the county 14000 and total expenditure would bo 70000 the highway is only 18 feet wide and laying tile and filling in the ditches would insure a certain measure of safety some time during last night itht snow on the arena roof loosened and came down on the curling rink rour four ventilators and two chimneys were torn off and des troyed the tuxis square of the united church enjoyed an evening at crokinole and ate a lmansupper on monday evening professional directory and travellers guide mfdica1 and mdu higher fih cation britain now has la000 university students compared with aooiit pre war there are twice as many in science and technology and m arts the increase is about 0 p r cent teachers number about s00 compared with 4000 prewa- he w the day ls not so remote u when industry w 11 everthmg- mtrtudink the 1 needle and perhaps even smell thanks to an awakened a ciation that timber resource not necessarily mexhausible industry ls concentrating all its organizing and scientific genius on more complete utilization of wood that is available h thi the dr w g c kenney phslclin and surceon ottice in symon dlock mill st actnn offirr tlione 7s rrsldrnrr church st phone dr d a garrett physician and surfieon rner of willow and river entrance uiver street acton ontario phone 23k dr a i armstrong physician and surgeon ofiict 10a mill st kast ihune fi74 ukntal dr a j buchanan dental surgeon oltice leishman block mill st oltire hours 9 am to g p m xray telephone 148 at the s dr h leib drnui surceon office corner mill and fricknck streets office iluuri 3 a m to 6 p m telephone 19 acton ikfiai t oir c f leatherland ivirrlstrr l soliritor notary tublu phone res 1s1 acton lever hosk1n chartered arrnunlinu succeors to jknkins ani iiardy lt5 metropolitan nidi 41 vietuna st tnronti elk ul11 a j crandell charterrd arrountant lin stieet cjeoj telephone cm ciiiuoiractob d j armstrong iloetor of chiropractic lo frederick st n aeton phone 550 veterinary b d young bvsc c l young dv m wtcrlnnry surccons oltice brookville ontjuo ihuni milton l5rll united church of canada arton ontario a friendly church ilcv k a urrcy ba bi minister panonaiit 211 bower avenue -prhiiht- 60 mlu o m lani orcanlst and ninard atcm i choir leader presbyterian church in canada knox linuit tiim iikv hoiikkt ii rmstiton ma bd mlnuirr slniuy november inh lj 10 x am sumlav sehol e child i christian i 11 ml a m mnrmnc vorhlp sub ject a meoiite tii you 7 imi pni- eifflini worship mov ing 4ncture second chance i thoutlit or i lie llvik eye hath not ecli nor ei heard neither halfc- entenni inti i the heart of man the thine- which god hath prepared for them that j love him 1 cor 2 9 10 00 11 00 12 la baptist church acton dwlkht l patterson parsonage 115 bow phone mcr pitor r ave inuay november mth 112 fls51otuirji slinda a m church schm am divine woiship p m bible claj 7 00 pm- eenn worship tllo i m alert eenn aviliav firemde thei that wait upon the lord jhnll reneir their strength a warm welcome awaits you st albans church nchean rev ralph f price ba bd rector real estate and insuranci wright real estate and i insurance f l wright n b wright 20 wilbur st macdonnell s acton ont guelph cmt phone 05 phone 4915w valuators realtor iniuron mtunber appraisal intltute of canada members guehih and dlrbtict real estate board members guelph and district inuraec agents associatnn wm r bracken real enlatr general insurance phone 2ti actor miscellaneous g oakes vs bv sc veterinary surcron nc and reui ne- knox a acton phone kill travellers guide gray coach lines da i b- djya 1a 1ies leave acton eahtliound iil a m bmi am 11 11 a m m 5 oh p m tli pm b 32 hl p m wrttiound 27 a m 12 52 p m 2 a7 pjn pm 7 27 pin 1112 p m 1133 1 12 am sun to kittrtencr daily except sunday and holi- saturday sunday and holl- io thursday choir study sunday ill 00 imi- nov h 30 mbir prne aiul 8 00 bible november aoth sunday school 11 00 am faith 7 00 p m evening service h 15 pm youillt peoples advent sunday november 30 1052 n corporate communioi for men and hoy i breaklat afterwards in the parlh hall radio address bv the blhop a 0 30 a 111 10 00 a m church school 11 hi a in bciiiniicr- ciw 11x am malms lrany and sermon 7 00 i m evenoni and sermon all welcome the victor b rumley funeral home funeral home heated ambulance- phone 30 iuiht or day serving the community for 45 years dlive m lampard aicm r m t orcaiust and choir leader united church teacher of imano studio united church thursdays studm 14 park ave guelph telephone 290 canadian national railways standard tune eaatbound iail t it a m daily except sun day 1 m am 7 10 pm sunday- onlv r 16 pm dailv except sun day fier at georetovin 9 02 aari- ii uly flyer jt georietown 10 11 p m westbound daily except sunday arid mon- da 2 22 am sundav and monday onlv 12 311 am dulv except sun day a 4h am b 50 pm iflacjitop 7 44 p in daily except saturday and sunday 6 10 pm saturday on lv 2 36 pin sunday only 0 43 a til flaitstdpi sunday only flyer at guelph 7 05 pm

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