thursday november 37 1862 the acton free press acton ontario page nine poets corner since it in drawing near the clow o t trap year a poem like thin on u in if last 1tno week o niltahiluv fair rhky thin is the kind of year i like i only wish it cnmo more nfji this is the year that i might i xt right and get his heart to icdcph ilnst year and the yr lefore x was the ifal he could ignore i was the meek mild freckless orit hed out maneuver and out run but thin year hn and this yvar ho hell have to pause from- my lasso though id politely let him keep one chnnce to look before i lenp helen harrington adds zest to lunch limmfio lane back wbtn your back u tflfl and very painful nnd ilh an effort for you to nloop or bend take the remedy tlmt lino hrmifdit wift mule relief to thoimando trmpleton trcv dont wiffer from the nasaing misery of lumbago a dayjonsc rthin you haveto get trc today ftsc 135 at dnic counter tho ragr find rr haup to relax in the den tist b chair then youll be olad to know that the dentists drill now has a rival a new device which drills teeth by means of a fine tnray of aluminum oxide powder they say the new technique takes the ouch ouf or havino a tooth fixed manufacturers in many fields keep comins up with new uses for aluminum and our research people are- often called on for help in finding a remedy for their production aches and pains many tiroes the result is another cana dian plant opening up to make a new and useful aluminum pro duct aluminum company of canada ltd alcon capacity crowdn attended both nights of the commencement uro gram tlih year the appreciative audience witnessed the presentation of diplomas and awards athletic displays folk dances and aqunre dances n onenet piny and heard a mixed chorus sing in short the evenings were full of varied and interesting events the program for friday night was highlighted by the valedictory address valedictorian yvonne bmnclle was charming and effective as she recalled her days at acton high and said farewell with both regret and hope for the future success of the graduating class there was a dance after the pro gram friday night and the mem bers ofthe cast relaxed and had fun after their hard work james dills photographed the junior matrlculnntfl most of whom arc the present grade 13 on saturday the school held its second annual rugby banquet at the ymca the dinner at six was at tended by about 45 students arid four members of the staff miss snyder proposed the toast to the queen following the delicious meal toasts were proposed by paul uaw- son david mcvey donald daw- kins and answered by mr hobbins donald dawkins nnd mr cuthbcrt- son bob uedfern y director provided avcry entertaining program which amused all the guests for an hour mr hansen played the piano for a sing song then a varsityqueens game was shown by mr hansen the colored film was quite appropriate and everyone found it very interesting dancing in the gym until mid night completed the evening and the second rugby program ever held by ahs was a tremendous success activities at school will nil but disappear temporarily due to the appenrance of examinations in the near future the coming of christ mas may mean santa claus and jingling bells to most lucky people but to a student it means burning the midnight oil and chronic lack of sleep accompanied by bloodshot eyes and general lethargy of course there are holidays to come but right at the moment its rather hard to visuali7e them over the stacks of books rumours a flyin about an issue of the eyeopener abouplo be pub llshed it will appear after the exams are over neednt wear same shoe theres no need of having the same libels for political parties it the provincial level as at the fed eral says the financial post it confuses and bedevils nur political discussion this effort of the main parties to operate m both level- and the ccf tries it on the munici pal level too apai t from contri buting to the power and grandeur of the party manipulators this hi- no virtue the problems of the vai- loiis levels of government are quite different and quite d liferent poli cies are to be expected trying to set up party platforms for the dif ferent levels is one of the reasons tliose are the uindy and un im portant documents thev are the predominant size dwellings is fif looms heres the snowice tire that gives dsersfotfcderty the suburbanite by goodve ar utuanlt tu 4 subfem cooaponv a cmeta iwauud big tradein allowance for your worn tire for tur winter ttartt let u install a goodyear factoryfroth battery i motors phone 69 tires forum suggests central pool for farm implements to be rented out na farmer can afford every kind of machine y that is available so wherrintylng a piece of machinery liwwise farmer stops to consider whether or not the mnehlne will leally pay with this thought in mind as well as careful study in listening ti the liroulcast the llallon county forum members proceeded recently to dseuss whether the fat mis jn their neighborhood were a nv mechanized lb- under mechinl7cd ci or mechanized on a sound basis it was interesting to learn frnn the reports that all were agreed none of the farms were over mech anized as one forum reported it was true from a dollar and cent basis per acre the cost might oe high hut felt it was justified with the labor shortage in that district as for being under mechanized check line agreed they were un der mechanized as none had a com bine one had a bailer and none had a forage harvester but tilling equipment was fairly up to date n 7 nassagaweya forum were agreed they were under mechaniz ed because of the financial burden involved and the small size of fields the farms do not warrant mechanization on a sizable scale mount nemo along with a num ber of other groups agreed their farms were mechnnized on a found basis they feel it is more economical to buy npjece of equip ment thnn it is to mresiften to do the work as for the second question if machinery is too expensive for the individual farmer to buy what would be the best way of solving the problem in your neighborhood to this theanswer was for one farmer to purchase the equipment and do custom work or two three farmers buy ii jointly check line suggested some cential pool i un by implement manufaelureis or the govei nment where equip men l enuld lie rented as the sol ution bonk report shows general increases the 12 1st annual statement of tile flank of nova scotia released today shows assets of 0143110000- at at october 31 11152 this is an increase of 40207000 over la years figure interest bearing deposits show an incrnse of over 20000000 or plx per cent more than last year de mand deposits by the public are up r000000 over last year govern ment deposits totnllcid 17320000 total holdings of securities stand at 2m007000 while total loans am ount to 441422000 an increase of f 2ft 3 11 000 the banks liquid position eon- tiiued strong cash and bank of canada balances standing at 074 per cent of public liabilities quick assets represent 53 05 per cent of total public liabilities canadas pnmarytextile industry the countrys largest manufacturing employer consists of 701 mills ocnled in 200 cities nnd towns scat tered through all ten provinces square in finals at royal on friday placing elglrh out of 42 couples the i la i ton square danced itself high in competition at the itovnl winter fair nit friday november 21 after dancing a compulsory step with the ilnyal orchestra and lalhi and then a second of their own choosing tlie hal ton group ivi moved with nine other squat cs into the finals the local caller was 1 1 oust mi itiuldel of nnrval anil members of the set were fyfe sotttervllle anne mclaughlin don matthews barb ara cunningham frank wilson joan wrlgglesworth t h e 1 m a brown and george clements a more difficult step was called for in finals competition and the courtly group placed eighth the girls wore black skirls and whit blouses the lioys white shirts black bow ties and dark trousers first place winners were a group from hamilton a square from southern alberta with ten gallon hats and cane came fourth both haltons junior square dancing set and senior set placed in the finals this year iklani kcout9 vihitkd contributions of cubs and smuts to the canadian scout brotherhood to scouts of the magdalen islands fund financed the first official visit by a canadian scout commissioner during september the islands were visited by jsgordon kerr execu tive commissioner for pfi plans were laid for the expansion of the movement at present there in one scout troop on grindstone island tinder the leadership of itev peter kingston ui4srttoh piano sales service of hamilton new and used pianos planoi tuned repaired nnd rebuilt for sorvko and estimates n phone 128 acton tropical products consult us for your sheet metal work air conditioning furnaces oil burners free etllmtlet glldly given write frank wood 6 shaver ave rr no 2 islington ont or phone islington bm0645 roverse charges how the bank of nova scotia helps canada grow thousand of canadians from all walks of life call upon the hank of nova snitia to help with their liilaniiil affairs hoth rxrxoiial and husinh thri ran have money huj money orders nafeuard their valuable obtain foreign exchange irailhfcr fund buy traveller ciumjuch through 400 hranchch at home uud abroad for 121 years the growth of the huiilc of nova scotia has reflected its faith in canadas future with the publication of the 121bi annual statement the bank presents a report on how it is working to help canada grow bns invests its money in literally thousands of different enterprises much of it goes to work to help build highways hospitals airports welfare centres and schools for hydroelectric ehemes scientific rtaesrch and the development of natural resources bns also helps private industry and commerce to expand leading to more employment and sff5 the llnik of nova seotia helph iriaflikow h making fiimls available for liiiiiiehkes to munieipalitieh for public works to farmers ami finite mien lumbermen and prottpeeliir for neeovtl equipment to inainifarlurerh for production of goods coiulcmcd general st tenant j at jlt october vj52 assrrs 1 ctk udull rut jut r ua 117017b mi 7 ul euttfi l uijmiujc oikti l1 uj hl ttiji how7wi 30 c4ui0 tftuttj uos1jdyv oifctt um e4 ijur 11 mu tuiii td jwuju ut obj7114hj 07 luimuik jiuilwii uitki miiuii aj utwn j itjui m mull tlmimt 10 luki pitauiu lioioii 01 olktl ww iiimilj ul 17u7h4 uabj1jties nwut ta uiuuimw i 1117 id iwutl til ifcliulo actpuii4ujltlitiufulsuuualtal 2 ml 11410 otlt louuii 1 lr4j to tluuidoooo iuwim aj 3uuuoouobo uinja4li atlnd aaj ttaiul 04u7h kluu af tjii m rm 4 lmm ltllooom tul1jujmh ctsmtal ortlctli toronto canada mumlm mtrmt ctmml mj in jamaica ccma rtutroiuco dqmlvkum ktri buc tawdav tre mm w rant v s a tom ou araci sl 49 hu si j a higher standartl of living for all canadians then there are the thousands of little entcrprisex that are the hncklione of canadas economy your neighbourhood stores the local busline lumber and fishing businesses farms bakeries and many others iyouus to all these mean increased production and prosperity as canadians by investing our own money in our own country we help canada continue to grow your parlntr in helping canada grow u