wht jvrtim jsttt flfress seventyeighth yoarno 23 acton ontario thursday december 11th 1952 twelve home print pagnssu cant dept approves new acton school tt before and after scenes show actons docapitated tower as the town hall tower loses its steoplo aax workmon took tho top off on monday as the town council became wary of its weakened condition the smaller picture shows the tower minus only some of the very point of the steeple and the larger picture shows the complete decapitation the tower when repaired will remain intact to houso trie town bell and firo siren tho steeple will not be returned stalt phou tower topples piece by piece ai inns tnwn mall tower toppl ed this week piece lv pli ce m ajax workmen removed the 70 yearold numbers from the now wobhlv steeple rcpairx were found neieoiiiry when condition of the town hi 11 for fin dm ins was invent tinted the jilmi hnllmes the electl li firt lowet siren the n timi of 1 town hill find lock up a plte in impoitint id dltlnn fo the thiivlng town of will hut it met wit it slnniit of ill ap pro vi 1 ind i onioveisv ilcgiipung of tin inn id in r w i inspired it i met ling of lilipivits mijor williun a ii it i proposed i hill md a good niii on n null il ate on the fiout sir el me mould have it t mili in led with ion on he fii t floor in on hill on the mtond flout with oeielv hill on the third riodi and ouik ii i hiin lei md loikup in tin b ui tn nt tin othi rs opinion t vamd how evi r 1111 the end re lilt h the building as it stand todiv conned plms to eip the towei sheltering the town hell mil hlren but the pointed steeple will not in replaced warden wickson host annual dinner claim cards changed in county assessor office charges of irregularities in the county assessment office arc to bo in vest looted mnlton county council decided at their regular monthly meeting held tuesday the dccisnn was reached after nelson repre sentatives tabled n petition from nelson township council that allan wright had presented certain evidence that changes uere mide on assess ment cards by the count assessor a resolution empowering the assessment committee along with ford rogers county assessor and county solicitor are to investigate the charges and report back to county council of their findings reeve palmer nelson explained wright had appealed his as- canvass nets fine tree more lights mr stssment before the judge and it was during the hearing it was dis closed changes had been made oi assessment cards mr palmer said the judge remarked that no persm had a right to change n card unle- it were the court mr palmer also stated he tin est igated with mrs l walker of lh township and found thu a build ing assessment could be reduced certain percentage only after certain number of years she re ported he said the count assessor disregarded thls ruling inasmuch as the judge has not handed down a decision in regar to the equalized assessment appeal it would be wrong for ihis council to enter into discussion before that time reeve e r lauder onk- ille remarked thus has nothing to do with the equalized assessment appeal it is an individual affair mr palmer stated mow ever council approved of reee lauders sugg turn th it the niumer be cleared up b the committee the count assessor ford ro ers wus given permission to speik follow ing council s declsiou ke said ertors in mathimatics weie iorretted and errois of judgnunt h id alo been corrected on avesor iirds b hls office where an rnr of judgment occurred these were grouped and certain notation nude before the- larxts were delivered b ick to the municip ilit me fu ther stated thai procedure was com mon 1 practiced in other municip- allties mr rogers also informed mem bers no person coulj change the figures on the assessment roll hut the field card had been established to assist each individual assessor to reach a conclusion fif assessing property me also welcomed the investigation council accepted the tender of mcleod young and weir co ltd to purchase the 250 000 debenture issue for the count s share of the cost of the halton centennial man or the ivsue wa accepted at 100- 023 with interest at 4 per cent sixteen tenders were received and considered by the finance commit tee reeve lauder reported w grows forest ranger of the ontario department of land and forests reported the countv rud purchased 400 additional acres which brought th through the initiative of one businessman and the cooperation of all including industries acton hns a fine christmas tree m front nf the post office a plan hatched earl this week was a realitv on wednesdav whn town w orkmen erected a fine chris tmxs tree and hdro em- plovees attached the multicolored lights doug manning who sparked the effort tells us the funds collecte 1 will add at least five more strings of lights to those purchased in former war as well as covering the purchase of the tree it is planned to put these additioml lights across mill st to add to the gawtv of the season and brighten up the town origin il plans called for a cin- is of the two m tin busmen blocks but is prepuations w made the cam is nulshrvomed until he whole tnwn was included it is defmitelv a tooperitive efui t friends surprise mrs m mccullough at home of mrs a mann mrs mel mcculloujh was comp letely taken by sttrprlse wednes dav december 3 when she walked into a large gathering of frundh and faced a beau tif till v decorated bridal table heaped with myster ious gifs at the home of mrs alex mann the recent bride formerly mar garet brown was insisted in open ing her gifts by lynda mann a huge bouquet of multicolored bal loons above the bride was sud denly pin pricked and with a loud bang the honored guest was delug ed with confetti hilarious games were planned b santa clatis the bride winning candy cane mrs alex mann and mlss isob 1 smi h joint hostessts assusted bv miss ruth smith and lvnda mann served a very dainty lunch con cluding a happy evening warden j m wiclotnn wire hint i a j i night to entintv officials and itli mi of halton cointy who have hi en and nie presently pro minent in municipal affairs th event was held in the trafalgai m mortal mall the first wardens dinner to be held here and u nun munltv entre of which reeve wii kson and the township have ev i iv ri asoii foi pride it wa ad mirablv milted foi siilii an event wi undimstiind the ladiis grou of m unns church had harg o the tin key diitner that was uivil it was iilniliiblv done with nti no th it was nil 4m luslve boitnt i ous and splendidly itvi d mi vulor mall a foinier waidf n and km vi wa master of ei n in unit there was a toa t to tin ladii proposed tv mr k y dii u a toa i to tin 11iv2 coujilv couni ii was pi opioid lv mr cleoigi ciir ii and n spimded to bv mr i lntdi r fn i i tilitmeiit we provid id bv the halton sweelhearti of camphi uvilh ttul diane abbot of appleby the guest speakyr wa that top after dinner speaker ri v not man itawson of hamilton he 1 wi in splendid form and not only kept hit audience in a jovial mood but gave in address that left mm h food for our wellbeing warden wikson was honored bv his fellow councillors when nn ad dress wts read by mr stan fay nnd piesentatlon on their behalf of a la7vboy chair was made bv emerson ford the warden in his reply thanked all for the cooper ation given him in public life and briefly outlined some of the high- hghbi of municipal affaira that had tiken plat e in his seven years m municipal work they had i been busy yen s in ourry and towi ship department present plan for buil add niirlh llnlturi illuli school district llnnnl fii aprclal miulon lat thurmliiy iiiiihlilfrid llw nnipiiiuil rif llw niiiurtinnnl nf kililcntlnn for liiillillnu of ntimnln in acton mul flcorililown imil nn uililltlnn in mlllori si limit anil iinuifil n rrmilutlim aci ilitlnn hid prixwl nf thr department mul lukliik imiiirillnti- tip l impliwinl pmpiiiuil tin- riwilutlnn nhn kiiiii tin- ilniiril wan not mtlhfiiil hint tin- iropiiml priiuriiin will fully tnvrr tin- fiiiilii nf siciiniliiry lliu ntlnn the piiiiiiil iiiilllnoilln a tilliili i ivi li pirlminlnl nppriival fur n in w hiilliliiik in artnn wilh i riu iilir i liiviikiitue i hliriry ln-ti- ruimi i w iiitiii jnt-nci- rliln 1 iniiitniimil iimiiii mil c hrp uf hiki i fl tin illiiiitiil null in- i luillnit i iiiipmi ill li 2111010 anil lln ijipiivijl i npiiirhturr for pur- warden j wickson presided at the years final county council session on tuesday and played host to halton officials at the an nual wardens dinner in trafal gar hall on wednesday night chinese family reunited here after 17 years natives tf kantung of all ton itmg mmh gi ai gifts exchanged by iode members at christmas meeting ajiuising and practical gifti were exchanged b the members of lake- mde chapter i o d e at their christmas meeting on tuesday dc- ctmbei 9 m the legion hau the loom was spetlall decorated high lighted b a christmas tree hcgent mr li bean presided for the bumnes meeting when annual donations to headquarters and local organizations um pasahl it was decided to donate to the committee sending boxes- to acton servicemen and toward a christmas partv at halton centennial manor mrs g mckenne paed the piano while mrs c leishman led a sing song of carols after the gifts were exchanged refreshment including christmas cake were served sttlx going ahead reunited in acion ontario can ada after 17 years uere mr and mrs lee kim and their two sons leo yoke lun and lee yoke quon the familv were resident- of kantung in communist china before iee kim came to canada he has operated a hand laundr- on church st m acton for tfu pas two eirs and ht famih were happv indeed w hen w e called to see them un afu r arrival fur oer the past ear mrs l e and the two miivs hue residid in himg kong while it is 17 wars since mr lis firm kft china he has had t v sib back ut his na ne land twn ears ago he stirttd plan- to hie h s t imih come to canada and join him m the new home here the oldest son lee yoke lu t i now 21 vears of age and li i yoke quon is 14nenrs old negotiationi and immigration i regu itions were finall completed i and mrs lee and the oungest i son s arted fur canada b boat but the regulations weri not tlear- iid foi the oldest son lun to ac- compan them he came b plant i and joinei the mother and broth er and the all jnurneid across i can kh arn ing in toronto oi sundav i it has been au anxious a n vi ir- i fo- lie kim st r d urn- it ap- piind that arnngernents would allow his famil to join him here nn to find that more difficulties had b ii tncountered and the re union st i med as distant as tuer fin ill il obstatles were clean d aw t cmins of acton will welcorm he new famil and w lsh th m e er success in the new home obituary alfred hemstreet dies in 91st year at the fine age ofninety year alfreci hemstreet puwi d away on friday lasi at st josephs hospital in guelph where he had been a patient for a week or no although his yesight had failed he was able to be about until his lam 111- nwa he had spent hls life in ac ton and milton and was a nativt of halton county surviving are one daughter mr mckcn7ie of belle river ontario and one brother mr george hem- rtrett of milton who is now in hut 100th ear mr henutrcct was a member of the united church and as long ns health permitted he wls a regular attendant he was a saunch conservative in politics and took a keen interest in earlier years in all public matters during his long residence of this district he made many friends who honor his memory the funeral was held on mondo afternoon at the victor b rumley funeral home service was con ducted by his minister rev e a curre interment was in ever- gncn cemetery in milton the pallbearers were messrs w j o oakts robert lowriej k gard iner fred cleave william gamble and clarence gamble steel products co options 70 acres thr autln co ltd contract ing rnflnrrr has optioned ap proximately 70 acres of land at milton ont for the ontario rteel product co ltd it u planned for futnre industrial development the austin co reporta w acrvage ui canada bov scouta aasociatlon lni hl fur- numborhip is neanns the mooool mauon pronran uv spnn mrk at the latest qtmrterly cen- nll t v mh sopt 30 there wore 77 980 punted and it l ostlmated rho wolf cub 4s0 boy scouts 710 le m chrutmas tree will brtnn sea scouts 873 lone scouli 3m5 sevi lrzsr t h n s rovr sea scoots partially scalped suffers concussion initially i alpif in a hlghwiy ai i idi nt near st mary a i ml satur day nandoi ibnjlng 2il of acton was hnniptalicd and n port d uf- fi ring front i 0111 uasion over 20 hlihheh were ri quired to lime the ml on the top of his head he alxn suffered a broken nose mr ilining had mopped hla e ir to fix a lire it w reporti d ai he wis replacing eijnipmervt in the trunk the cur wtn struelc from th fmnt by ii 11152 ford driv n by a detroit woman who lut control of her ir the trunk door cut hu h ad in the impact he wan taken to st marys memorial iluipilal where his condition ik reported i fair he wls removed from th danger lit yesterday julius- otvos piwi nger in th hi njing car wlh thrown through the windshield and suffired bruis es and a severe shaking up floh uf mployecs of the corona sh co ai ton congregation joins young people to see film after service the film we too receive showing the value of fnretgrrmis- aions wis hhown following the sunday evening service at acton baptust church members of the bypu had invited the congreg ation to remain for the meeting mrs lome garner was in charge musical numbers included cornet solos by charles landsborough and selection by a trio of helen landsborough fay garner and mary re id the average jack rabbit can keep up a top speed of 35 to 40 miles pines of legbtlatlvi grant would be on thlm amount thin m hnol would act uinmndntf 2ihi pupil i in addition to the fn tlltlefl out lined nbovn it will ot loiinp be in pessary in provldi intmlfiistrutlvr ami mnlnlenaiue iptartern teach ert rooms wnhroiinin eti in milton a regular lajtnrniim of 7wi v fert wan approved nt n tost of 20000 in gi orgetown tin preunt nthool building nhould offer normal oc- lommodatlon for iv pupils ap proval was given for an addition of 1 rlnjisroom j library tlfinsronm 1 general ntiencp room and 1 home etonorniis room of 1200 q fet this would provide for in enroll ment of 200 ppplls the estimated cost wiw 120000 the addition may be lied in to the present build ing and adrnlnbratlve and main tenance fpiarters washroom etc cntablbdird as found to be conven ient the plan calls for nhop facilities for the acton sihool and ifomf eeonnrnlth ur georgetown pupil from these two nchnol will mie these facilltieh the present fcll- llii for these hubjects presently provided at mhtnn will be made available to pupils of milton pub lic school for any free time no auditorium gymnasiumn were op- provi d for any of the school the letter also pointed out that leg dative grant for the retire ment of capital debt are in effect for the current year the hoard wa advised that as surance or the municipal council should be secured and each munici pality in which a school waj ltu- ated should ge similar owuranc from the municipal hoard regard ing the issue of debenture the hoard may then retain the service of an architect to prepare sketch plans of each project theic plant must be submitted to the depart ment for approval before flnjl plans are made the hoard at the meelng alio discussed selection of an architect and a committee was delegated to work with the secretary and furn ish a report at the next meeting members present at the meeting held in milton were muura car- be rt woodi dhls blehn martin pickektt and brown and chairman j bell presided i 4 piercing xrays to hunt acton f tuber dates to remember in busy december tbis year in acton there re other very important da ten as well as christmas day and new years eve to some they mav will be much more important december is and december 19 are the two dabs to remember this busy december those are the days that the mobile xray clinic will stop in acton and a stream of local citizens will pass steadily through this week id acton bid ten are canvassing every home in town dis tributing cards to everv adult in the home to have filled out v hen they come for their xras next week each canvasser vuiu about 13 home in the attempt to have an outstandingly high percentage of town residents xraid in this ver aluable and free service in charge of the canvassers areft mr h helwift and mrt r par complete wiring is being done this week by hydro employees at the new public utilities com mission garage and workshop on alice st the building is to accommodate pu c equipment hydro meters trucks and workshop the buildinq is 36 x 30 staff photo ker mrs a long is directing the aork of the volunteer clerks who will assist the two technicians ith the mobile unit each of the o afternoons and each evening there will be a receptionist a sup ervisor and three clerks at the y mca on mill st canvassing began on tuesday after the volunteers met monsay evening in the y to receive in structions from dick bean he ask ed can vipers to stress that the ages should be filled in on each persons card and the name of the family doctor the report from the survey is completely eonfid ential and will be forwarded to this doctor if tuberculosis is suspected he stressed he reminded the canvassers t- suggest that no large buttons or metallic ornaments be worn by the ladies who come to be xrayed and to reassure anyone in doubt that the process is cry simple and completely painless local industries and high school children already have their cards for i their x times and others will come when convenient to the mobile clinic at the y m ca fln- d as try schedule will be found else where in this paper in the 1947 acton t b survey 1761 actonians were xrayed mr bean recalled this year i hops well beat that by 1 000 the women i institute is ca- vassing the rural district around acton and families there are urted to cometo acton to be xrayed anyone a ali may be xrayed it is not felt riecexsary to xray pre school children tfrid public school children in 1050 50000 public school children in ontario were xrayed wfihout a single case of t b bemg found th halton coun ty tuberculosis and health assoc iation expects to give a patch test to local children eventually everyone should hsve an xray once a year canvass organizers remind if youre not worried you might have tuberculosis come and make sure if you are a little worried come and make sure too the dates to remember this busy december are next thursday dec ember ib and friday december 19 the hours are 3 till 5 7 till 0 to ensure a merry christmas not just this year but a uerry christ mas for years ahead take advantage of tlus free ser vice next thursday and friday december 18 and ip th dates to remember this busy pocember