Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 24, 1952, p. 3

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wednesday december 24 1852 the acton free press acton ontario page tfuleb hqlen gladstone john a mucpherson married in windsor church ftjrv george a wuhart officiated tn ottawa united church windsor on saturday december 20 at the marriage of helen joule gladstone th daughter of mr and mrs h a gladstone of windsor to john a macpherson of chatham thu son of mr nnd mru a m mac pherson of arthur street acton the brido was given in marriage by her father h a gladstone and was attended by mbts margaret u macdonnld of windsor wilbcrt k dorman of chatham wan groomt in an at- eueh our wish to you on this christnas the merriest of morry christmas to you and to all those you hold most dear sfcwfcfcrtim palunts clothing store iiiiiiifc quality dry cleaning beautifully cleaned beantituuy pressed cleaners ftnct dry cleaning service available pickup and delivery service phone 206m acton phone 20am chronicles of ginger farm whii spidallv for tht acta pwm by gwendoline f curk ictfhrctsecfcc compliments of the season from earl van norman by the time rural reader get the acton free press it will be after christmas so i am making thli my new year column it scorns only a few months ago since i was writing new yeajr greeting for 1052 and her i am again wishing you another happy new year but this time for 10u and i hope it will be a happy ttewyenrrop dveryoncrwltlnill the good memories of 1052 carried over to 53 nnd atl the unpleasant memories forgotten that is far the better way isnt it perhaps last year wos a hard year and yet in spite of unset world conditions nnd of our own personal problems we all have some pleasant memories that we can wrap around nurselwis like warm defensive garments against the chilly winds of life some of my pleasant memories nre connected with the christmas greetings that come to me from many renders of this column some of whom send their good wishes year nfter year as regularly christmas comes around it gives me great encouragement nnd i am very grateful for the kindly int erest that is taken in this column and so dear readerfriends m case i do not get a chance to write to each one of you personally will you please accept my thanks for all your kind thoughts and i hope you will let me vusit you in your home each week for yet an other year 1 suppose most of you people either went away for christmas nnd new years or had your fam ily visiting you we haddaughter nnd her husband bob recently home from alberta and two friends who are still staying with us jul a nice little family gathering but i will tell you more about our christmas later on it may be old news before von get it but it does not do any harm at all to stretch out chntmns memories for at least a few veek into the new year christmas and new years are too tjood a time to be celebra ted and then forgotten overnight abdui aiiukbiifarccliritmai jj most forums agree un offers only hope for peace in world from the very beginning of its existence the united nations has recognlxod that hunger nnd pov erty are lailc cause of war through its economic and social council and specialized agencies the xj n is making a special effort to help the underdeveloped coun tries of the world improve their agricultural methods and economic conditions help is given in many ways do you think that the united nations offers hope for world peace this was the first question form forum members discussed af ter listening to the weekly broad cast it wds agreed by 00 per cent that the united nations did offer to n certain extent the only hope for pence in the world butjintll all the nations become really united mem- uers cannot see how they can suc ceed in gaining world peace one member only stated in his opinion united nations is not able to pre vent war which threatens av any time the second question was how can we ns canadian citizens help bring peace to the world answers stated as canadian citiz ens we should help feed the hungry people this would help eliminate disoase nnd bring contentment it would help bring peace a step near er we waste what they would be glad of all canadas surplus could surely be used as barter between these nations also by furthering the assistance of the colombo plan and giving more assistance to needy countries we as canadians can help bring peace to the world by training our selves nnd our youth to live co-op- erateively with themselves nnd those of other countries helping one another by distribution of food we should send more instructors to some countries to show a belter way of agriculture so they can pro duce more for themselves and talk pence in placo of war and by an effort try to stamp out commun ism and by faith in the power of prayer try to remove discord among nations th third q on was som e people think worttl government will be necessary before lasting pence is assured whnt do you think some agreed a world gov ernment growing out of the nations united organisation could achieve world peace but we could see no possibility of organizing ouch a government in the present world conditions it would not be possible becnuse all nations should belong and only h nre in the united nations one forum stated world government j would give smaller countries equal voice nnd spread the resources where needed urtrh4s a purrfeet christmas dny to you and many many joyful and morry days ahoad those nro the yulo wishes we send to you j k gardiner watch and clock repairs l3isa35jjsjsajsi2i353si5jsij depositors by mail are no 1 customers at b of m many of the bank of montreals first customers each day dont come an v where near its office says gordon oder manager of the b of m branch in acton these are the men and women who find it more convenient to do their banking through the mails than by calling in person you can get an almost com plete range of banking services and protection through the postal ser vice mr oder explains you can deposit funds pay bdls by cheque arrange for the bank to issu e money orders for you or give instructions about your securities in its safekeeping in short you ran do much of your spending nnd saving just as conveniently as if vou ueie visiting the bank your- self a b of m folderon banking by mail is yours on request simply drop a line to the aelon branch of the b of m mr oder will gtodlv answer any specific questions yob niiv have heartiest wishes for a 9 sbihliss to all our customers and friends our sincere wish for a very merry christmas mceacherns garage acton i to all our friends and customers a very merry christmas and happy new year talbot hardware spent the better part of two day in toronto while the other gwen who is staving with us kept house when i got home almost the flrt thing i heard wa this next time you go away ou had better takei looking for you everywhere he was all over the house crying and looking for you everywhere he just wouldnt settle down we did- 1 nt have nny peace at all and yet some folks would have us believe that cats are incapable of showing affection for anjone of course after being so lonesome you would naturally suppose that mitchiewhtte would be completely overjov ed when i returned no a bit of it his feelings were too deeplv hurt for that i had gone away and left him so he took his own time to be friendly again he tolerated being stroked and pitted but showed his displeasure bv sulking and refining to purr the wav he generallv does it was nit until the next dav that he w n reallv fiendlv a nam the other gwen sas she had i cat who iwd to art the wr v same w v verv d ttitnt from a uo sivs she no matter w he t her v on are awa a 1 i nr a month a dog never ulks hi is alvvav- glad to see yen bark and gives ou an effusive dnggv vv elcome that i must admit it true of our dogs also tippv and honey nre a funny pair tippy would leave a juicy bone rather than be left behind if anv of us were going out honey if she happened to be out would forsake all her friends if she so much as heard a dish rattle she looks at you with her pleading spaniel eyes as if she had the most soulful thoughts and all the time you knevw very well nil she u worrving about is her stom ach so one only has to give her a few ttfolo scraps and she is yourj friend for life but she ha iomi- in ores ting little habits too i we generallv have the owning p iper deliv eed at night just throw i mit somewhere near the nulbnx we jiit s iv tn honev feti h the piper and aw iv he khn down tn th roid looks flt ths viv ind hn thit unti h tlids it then aw i she starts m the trot agnn the piper hell rirmlv i h r mouth she brines it poalh in the house and w alts fo- her rew ird i little dn b em we call these biscuits cook- les and if anv one meiiii cookie m her presence her ears go up as much ls a spaniels an vid her eves take on such a brnht alert look- i fac she does ewrv- th i bj speak in human language ftterry cmrisrmaa church street merry merry christmas john calder acton tthjtm cecil a carr optometrist oueiph 8 dougut st tel 1091 gf i gray icoach mother and dad or anyone on your christmas list will appreciate such a thoughtful giftjs a bus trip to the sunny south to the bright lightsof the big cities or a book of commuters tickets for everyday use buy them from your local agent harold wiles agent phone 207 acton ont

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