Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 24, 1952, p. 4

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j pace four the acton free press acton ontario whwesday decemuek24 1u2 icvcicicicicicicvcicwcroa wkircvwkwictcicciicicwiccic may nso tma spirit of the flfr christmas shine briohlhln the hearts of you and youvfamllyloday arlj very day coopers mens wear petdosuu motel of aclonlans visiting oufof town points 6rtd of visitors in acton homes fcfcfcfrfcfcfcfclfcfrhfcuu mru perry watson visited in to ronto lavt vt cek mra a wilkinson is visiting in guclph during the school vacation miss willa mckay is sandbag th christmas holidays at her homo in norval mr and mrs ted hansen and bil ly plan to spend christmas day in toronto mn george angel left saturday morning for a month s visit in california mr ehftrron is sending christ mas in detroit at the homes of his daughters miss jcarfv mcciig of mimico visited this wk with mr and mrs c la unman mr john ban- student at hi university of toronto is home in acton or christmas mr ind mrs martin hnssard and family of strathroy arc visiting in acton this christmas mr and mrs j soma and family visited last week end at the home of mr and mn w bcatty mr and mrs h bellamy and family an spi nding christmas at staner with his parents mr ind mrs clirence rogm ild son md familv plin to spend christmas diy in oshawa miss join picki nni who teaches muaic in acton ls spending chris mas at her homi in blenheim pastor d pitti rson of the bap tist church is spending christmas at his honu tn duugl u out irio mr and mrs eric moss of tor visited w ith mr ind mr- app r ovpfnc week end mr it cdtnbi i tson of thi hiqh school staff is spending the chris mas vacitum at sault stc marie miss jt m hirb of tht public school to idling stiff is spending christmas at her home in kenora mr d ufj ls div id on w ho it t nds tirmto normal school i vi unit m acion ov r chnstm l tttwccnelttftclctee miss fdythe h irns a member i f thi hieh school tctching staff is v leitionmk it her home in toronto mr georg mirpherst n ui i mr brute m h phi rson of toronto i itici in acton todav i wednesday mr 1 mow it is spending th chn tm ls hohdivs with hi i diuehtt rs in toronto ind mimico mlss bertha brown of toronto ls visiting with mlss fern brown during thi christmas school vicit ion mr and mrs gordon rognvald son and family expect to be in toronto for chrlstmas dav tomor row muss joce greer nurse in train ing at gutlph gemral hospital is spmding christmas at hi r home m acton miss clara gnndley will visit in toronto and montreal during her two weeks vacation from the high school mr leno braido a student at the universitv of toronto is spending the christmas v icition at his home in acton mr and mn c leishnnn ind mr alin ltishmiu art phnniril to spi nd chrlstmos torn irrow m stratford miss mary snydc r teacher at ac ton tilgh school is pending the christmas vacation at her homcf la hamilton mr and mrs jaek chapman of fergus are with mrs gorge chap man and miss madt chapman for christmas mr and mrs f hufn im i and familv ire spinding tht chn ha hohdiv m dund ilk with mrs huf n igi 1 s family mr ind mrs david hutiheon if gait are planning to spend c hnst- i mas with mrs p sawn md miss gibbons tn acton mrs rv dumarch had an ope r ition in te ronto general ho pit it thuriiv list wtk friends h pc for as td recovery i mr an inw n c as udtnt it h t m im tti ttrn o nm it 1 i i os ipt ndin th h s n i i i i i i ct i mr 1 io br u i i w h itt n is os 1 m ill n t r nt is p ndinj th ohrtn is ie it n at tin omi i f h s p iri nts m it n m i i m j s grti nf k 1 it n i r e t hl t n i wih it i id m r tvh p i u i ii i r i mr roddy mcdougall of wood bridge is spending the christmas holidays with his grandparents mr and mrs william coopr in actnn miss margaret treanor of toron to visited her aunt miss alicia langan last sunday she has just recently returned from a holiday in mexico miss shirley fryer attended the chrlstmas ball at the royal milit ary college in kingston on dee- i mbcr 19 she was the guest of cadet dick grainger of weston mr and mrs o bobbins are travelling to davtona beach florida during the christmas vacation with their mothers mrs anderson of elorn and mrs bobbins of niagara falls ftalunapad many schools hold christmas concerts christmas concerts are in ord r these dis the sunday school held i pit luck supper program ind sinta clius on rridiy of list w eck peicock school with mrs rithburn as teacher held their concert on monday night and pluc mountain school with mrs short ill as teicher on fndav nigh when splendid programs were pn sented it all of them and san pli osed ill the children w ith h arriv il we were sorr t u irn of the suddi n passing of mr johji lang of onngeville the sympithy if tht communit goes out to mrs ling who is well known in this district mrs john millar ls in gutlpi g n r tl h tspit il ind we arc sorr to si not improving i her min fn nd would like to s e ui hint the editor tiff ind r ii r i merr christmas ospringe school church hold christmas- parties engagements mr and mrs m pa hunt acton wish to announce tho engagement of their daughter lorraine to mr sam dingman of toronto the wedding to take place january 7 at the prince arthur houo toronto aockwooo churches combine town hall service th nn7tlchri im i m t1 i h id at th rhi 1 on dn s i ft rn oi plendi i in i mi l pnstnt d b th pup 1 ui i r th kind nice it th t ich r m- whtt in i mis s h 11 a susted b mr douglas th i i ir t ului n w f ittiri i ptipp t show w i ii d elided succcss this was pnsint d b wax pen mckinnty john ind sherlock aitken and dannv ind kpn winter santa ap pei red and distributed presents from i will laden tree on iturdi ivening the sundiv school hi id their chrlstmas pirty a repeat performance of a num- bi r of items from the school con ci rt was given along with music and cirots several from here attended the funeral on saturday of the lat riv w g charlton at erin a fitting chrlstmas service wis held tn the locil presbyterian church on sundav infant bap tism was administered by rev a vnr who also delivered chris tm ls message mrs bruce sr of whit wood s lsk is istmg with her son wird ind bvron ind thi ir famili muss feme schell xsistant teach ir it the local school ls spending tht holldns with her parents at woodstock mr and mrs georgi jackson at tendtd the funeral of the la ter s randinothtr mrs hewatt at rock wood m friday your correspondent extends to the editor staff and nadirs of tht fret pris a ver merry christ mas and a bngh happy nt w year it vfer lasts forever driver would do wi u to rt mi mbcr that a sn iw storm or fi 7ing nln top siontr or later oftt n it w mid b much b tt r t w i the st rm out m sifetv rath r thin i tempt t njht thi 1 mmt the b i tie cin be trernendously one ds1 ind hurrv ind r th rircum t met i il iall dint r ls mi christmas s more than sa iti ond tree to ill t brinqs 3 mt s5ii0e of pe lee ind good w ii and if s in tins sp r it that we ex ten i our in ert greet nqs to ou ind our fani l sy mon hardware 5 r vv tv t tataiotai mr in i r h irn uf th 1 i n i t spnd ft l m rr u 1th v p ir n- m- n i mr j mk v n h il t i h iu f m- in 1 m cli it v ild is i 1 n n i 1 i k i i i h i iv m h h i i m n lh ii 11 mi m i j r 11 ill m hill m kl i i id m p irl knn i if sit in 1 1 iu nni i r i in t tl i i i i 111 i t tit bi aw i i 1 jtl i i r uo u i k for sale halfweek service monday or thursday phong 128 acton thanks for your v me ed i atronacl ind merry christmas t church services on sundiy were well maintained with christmas messages and choir numbers sun day evening a combined wrvlco was held in the town hall with uil choir of the united church and community bind it was largely nt tended despite unfavorable weith er conditions rev john w olive was chair rrnn for a will irnnged program- the opening nunibi r was silent nikht hoh nliht with s ecott dirtcting the bind cimpbi 11 mc arthur conducts d the choir in l few numbers with georg diy at the piano some number hid both the choir and bind togetht i a quartt tie selection with mssrs fnd bl ick campbell mi arthur v il ind norimn lim bi rt wis njovd other christ mas number with bith chon and bind wire hark th herild ann il sing ind o cune all i raithftil mlss liru land con tnbuted a pnno si 1 ition a brh f addrtss bv rev j w oliver and mr ecott ind god siv tht quern concluded tht evening the annual christmas tret enter tainmint of st j hn s church w us well itendid in th pirish hill wdnesdi evenmj siippir wa v rvod i irher in th ivening for the voting ftlks riv r e price was chairman for a well irnnud program ive l hv tht childnn din hill show d i ft w film including piks m biol abbott and c v t llo m th boxinl riiil ind tht night b fore christmas filliwtd b coin munitv ingm with r v it v price m chare and mrs c mer dith at th pi in sant i clm put in iil ippt ir inci ti th d lihi if th vmin filks ani w ls isisud h mimb r of th sund v s hool in di tribut t n of kift i a t u dn ii i f rm i r id nt of r 1 w d mr i ib 1 hi w v l d w i u tht h in of hi i i i ilb i mr th m is seott in ld mill atx f n ol 1 a fj liwiiil v nl ir if inv ilidi m tht fun nl 1 1 ik pi ie ridi th r ic in r id vil unit d chur h r v t hn u oliver wi in ch ir ml w 1 in r it d w illi i in on w h r id th enpturt p irtion ind 1 d in prair r v oliv r hroiij lit i mt s im wi h much c mfort to hi bernved members f th fimtl uid rt i it ivt at tht conclusion of tht service rev f willlim on pro nounced thi benediction inti rment took place in rock w ood cemt tcrv beside her late husbind pallbearers were messrs william pasmore arch mcnihb ross gordon wllbert j guild j a little and alex munro of ham uton sympathy of tht neighboring communities ls extended to those who mourn her loss congntulations to mr and mn dav armstrong on the birth of i son at guelph general hospital on december 13 a number of hockey fans at ti nded i kim at maple leaf gird ns siturdav evening between toronto maple lits ind chicago bl ick hiwk mr and mr l sli ayles rots ind i ton w n guests in toronto of mr rjnd mrs thomas wlle on sunday weekend visitors and sundav mr ind mrs russell peart guelph mr and mr morlcy watklns kitchener mr bob mlnchell royil bank s aff guelph mlss zi nlth walker orangevillt charles pol lock camp borden mr and mrs lt o snnott and daughter acton joel standsfuld rhodes mihtarv college vancouvir island bc is i hohdav lui st with ntil and nor man lambert mr ind mrs r f jerry standsf eld and children guelph mr and mrs g g miller mr jimis mill r kitchener wire sat urdi viit irs with veil and nor man lambert muvs hi li n bi i o pn s on is homt f r th ji h iiv sa on als mlv cinnie stint of toronto l cal r i ow i in ill t f r th chn tm l trade mr rtrt mr i- rink s hn i i r ir mi rt- th o mi hive s ur i t tv s d in ik thi week vid m b g d n r f norwi h i in s lu il h h id k thank you tho suporintondont nd matron mr and mrs eric w clarko of halton contonnlal manor dosiro to oxpress grats- ful appreciation to ovoryono in tho county who havo con tributed in so mdhy ways both bofore and since the open ing to tho making of tho manor that which wo all daslrs it to bo a homo in ovory sonso of tho word for those who have reached tho declining years of lifo wo ask for your continuod co oporation in this way during the coming yoar and wish one and all tho compliments of the season 1 to all our friends and customers may we wish each and every one of you merry christmas thompson motors ford products v kkliklilisixslkjoilahsilultolhlihslhklolxilkioimitlhslkslsliohllvmiklh lo ill our friends ind patrpns may this be the hipp est christrruis ever for everyone jtfv roys electric service phone 32w4 acton liikhlsllsklllilllm it seasons greetings i ike tin laily hi decked christmas pack lilies tins lnttinj is filled with joyous thought of the holiday to all our patrons ind friends wi extend our sinct rest gratitude along with the wish that the coming yi ir bring you bigger parcels nf happuiew ind jood ch er 5 6 tie fou lo ot ill business is confidt net jnci to il o wl o conf dence we tn i ure we i certly viih ci r m i of gn it joy and l new ye u c t h jpp ncs jnd prosper ty racjuti ttfow2s

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