Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 24, 1952, p. 8

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musk bobt the acton free press acton ontario wednesday december 14 1m3 i for tkto co i l b pkomd to im or mix to th frm offtc la aetok christmas concert have bcn held in many of th rural schools tho part wk malton mutual mr insurance company have purchased 10 000 in debentures on llalton centen nial manor remember to send in the nam es of your christmas visitors for the personals column these it ems are always welcomed c w swackhamer received a crushed hand this week when the ear he had jacked up fell from the jack no bones were broken so few attended a meeting of the arts and crafts group in thi ymca last thursday no or rantfements could be made for classes wlater began officially sunday when the sun reached the southern most point in the sky and the day was the shortest in the northern ttecnlaphere friends here reirellod to learn that mr and mrs ale orr were injured and their car damaged fn a motor accident during the weekend of fog and allppejry roads odd ice formations coated one aide of each twl monday to give the trees an eerie appearance through the thick fog driving was bad and several accidents were re ported seems rather nice to receive moll mi often in this christmas rush there is almost always something in the mail boxes with the continual sorting going on be hind the wickets a friendship which begatffc briefly when tlie swift current band played concert here la ass- ton during the summer is still con tinuing mrs a swartx of swift current cent a christmas card and souvenirs of the v est to mrs cliff sutton two were injured ust east of the town boundary when a car driven by john dennis crashed into the north ditch bob anderson a passenger and dennis suffered shock anderson received bruises around the chest and dennis suffered a strained right shoulder and bruised right leg acton driver fined sentenced in court driver of an automobile tint truck and fauu injured 10 ea old jan stoot r r rockuood on the guelph rockuood hiihua december 6 charles albert shul ti 32 acton truck driver vi ja sent to the reformatory for six month and also heavily fined bv magistrate watt in guelph on monday december 22 shultlij pleaded fiuilty to having the scene of the accidtnt a conviction w l t gist red on the dangerous driving ch irgi v i h the penalt imsocd txinr s100 and costs or thu t iddtionnl months in jail in dtfuilt of pa ment parties assemblies end school year obituary tu o aisstmbhis n 1 11 it i p irati clas room p irl t s mirktd tht ch t of con pub it ithiol dr il list vci k on f id i ml mint tht junu r ass nbl wa tu d in tht iiidit r lun with christmis ntimbtr tutn b different cltve c irols wtrt sunt ind i tift i jrtmnud to george m inn fn in tin stuff ind childrt n f tht mh t 1 in tht tftt men n tht m nior is smbl was hi id e ith tht u st arbic innouncini tht mimlkrs dif ftrtnt clits put on tht ir number and c irols win it un hijumhi mr price w is tii n i tilt from the school a ditoritid cbristniis tm tmdi thr tntril purpose hk m t i as the christm is pujrims wtrt p re st ntid pot luck supper precedes meeting fxthanflt eif tift- md tht amiu i election of offict rs f 31 w ed t link siipptr v hi n th i id auxiliyrv hill tht ir chrum i mtttint m th m c mt rid i dttt mln r is mh u jo nit mbi t ljomsi thi siipi i r musmt jimi w t piid w ith pn is f i tht vt murs in i tlu 1 idw s txihiiiktd chumma mfts arr int nit t l ui 11 ide f r j tuthn during ihi bu iu ju t the nut tint whin mt hunti hi president v ls in i harjt tht result i th ihitiuiis is iv f ik ws pnsidtnt m sin h nm ict prtidint mr ma c r u mirtun mrs emhv prici in l urtr mr t mcgladr noe d iiinvttnin mr manon paul mr irxin llunttr fcotvdvhil com i n ir mrs gvcn prici mrs cecil james dies in 59th year mr ci in l j lmts wtft of cecil jinrus of kitchimr died in tuisda dcctmbtr 22 in kitchen tr witerloo hospital afttr a bri f illiu vs sht was in hi r 19th tir mrt janus u is born in hilton county in 1894 the daughter of thomas l workman of acton and tht formtr sarah j mcmaster sht was marntd in gait on januirv 10 1031 surviving to mourn her loss as well s her husfc ind ia i daughter droit lvnm 12 brother thimas pndtciased her last janu irv ind was inttrrtd in cton al ii nnninint ri brtither hirold of kitchener and imn of erloo md sisttrs mrs e murrn of kit i hi ncr and m s m ibi 1 orknnn itirlih shi in id it m broik st kit ihimr sht v i i mi nib r of s n i t w s i t b t i m church in kith ih r tlu fun 1 i rv it is hi mj i n luitd u r v s g saw- it th s hiinr snidnik futitnl h i i i kuhuir iiid i ifl in i i inti rnii nt w ill folk w u kkii mil ti nit u rv uusutokl piano sales of hamilton service new and used pianos pianos tunad rapalrvd and rabullt for gsrvlca and eitlmatel phone 12 acton fireside acton branch bible society sunday december 28th 830 pm lav4 knox presbyterian church program refreshments 3 to to to a to to wixvvwwwwwicwamwwicmwwwntwtcwwwicutwwglcwijhwwuiwhtwwicitlcwicvj at the celebration of the oyful christmas season we extond our sincere wish for o pleasant holiday and the familiar hope for a merry christmas from all of us at watsons dairy bar acton s mill st s closed christmas day and new years day 1 a smaivsiv a il acton taxi and snack bar 10 mill st w phone 260r 24 hour taxi service ourcars are radio dispatcheq out of town trips a specialty phone 260r for prompt court ecu torvice th i m f lid chti r and j m ni t 11 tship us with lb onit j k un md tvirvwhtn vi ko m it i will is hi ir ind ful i thl w nd rful irit l t n it in hi u nl td mi d hop win d w thi ii i fullv hjhtt ti rtts and on tht smiling fins of thi ptople about u wi hi u it in thi will wishing n inii if i f r i i n d run r tr ini r m tht til n undinj thi ijh our 1 1 mi u n w t til it m our tvtrv act mtv b i hi nn or bu mis i 1 wi t i ii il i in our l t h l f 1 v sht s t vou u fi nd md p itn ns thi his n i ti t u litimrablt ih n l to and yours this christmas season we extend or sincere wishes for happiness that will long outlast the tinsel and the tree and live on in lour heart through all the das and ears to come elliott bros ii t h ms to v ou births marriages deaths etc itobn 1klt t juiwt unil jnhn 1 ii nt riillluml in v rliluy ikitintwir 10 imj ul mount llimillliin lliu liltl ii ilutium r shlrli v marltf ii slsti r fur iin lit unit itrlun makslikil mnrpiikilsonaimstonk 111 ottuwu llnlld linrih wlmliii in ii ci mtii r jo iuv lliltn jm- hiii clluilhtnni tloiiulilhr of mr and mrs it a aibiutnm of wlniuor to jolni a mm imuiruuu of tuitlliiiil kon of mr mill mrs a m murltn ton of at ion hi v oiortii a wltluiit offlilulnl iiifit wantads jfnurr timk ron inhkbtion tm wkdnkaoav rates no eht8 for annnutumnui of births mrrlm dmth d biaxemtinu in minorunl soc dlus 10e pmt lltoa tor vrsc ahlcu or halm lunt lc2c a word minimum cash me if not paid until atis insertion toe liox no to tills sctlc ib kdajuonal corals kvocits hu ir eoiuil lliu 3uc minimum crda of thank mao for sal koit hajmaiifl bliyth curl itilhlty it it 3 acton town un a koh haik turktym and chkk 1 rut irtiuid ready for nvtn kd j niitniiji aiow o 23 1 ciii iman at liiniiltii tm ml lltttipitul tut sunduy naiiitlur 2 1u itulh iwtddlt widow f itu tut win tllliniih ifntinirly mm sundt itiind luylor of at ton i in in r hint ytui chaitlron at tlu 111 hih tn t nil hmmllul on wi dm biluy u t tnilu r 17 ti it v w d huil inn 1m ittvt i hiihl ind uf tin luti miuthii illuik in his hmh y h i um ml s rvlt t wiui ik id in th chimb uf t lirbit dldnh on s ttuiday iji t mbi i mt int run nt in t vi iton i im ti i thimi1i iv as n mill of in in id i nt mi sund iv ih 1 1 inlii r 1 l f in wilfitd ininlili b invtd son of jubn md v i trimbli or itoikwoid in ins i t yi ir ih fum nil w is h id fiom ttu v v mi intyn i- urn rl lb m n tinlpli mond iv intirmint w imi i iv n i tin t r ha on as ii suit it 4ii un i ni sund ty i ii mbi i j pi i hn 1 ii it on b 1 md on f h iniii in i itov hiiun 1 tr in u t f all d i tnd i ui m iil llfh i ir it tid it thi f inlilv n idi in ho kwood until iiiimiiv mm inn i th u in s un d ii nt h in h for n pin in in iss it 10 nii1 int r im nt on tu i im ti i v jamks in kitihim r w iti rii ha pit il on im d iv uic mbi r j i ifli2 t i ir i i i imt s wifi i f nil j inn s or kiti hi in r n ft niothi r of c ii oh i mi in ht i with vi ir v inn i il si rviti will in h id it tin sthn it r s indrock i urn r il homi m kitihi in ron iridiv dtr i mb r 21 it i p m intt rmt nt wtxtdl ind 1 1 mi u ry hp wat at thi homi of hi r d iiikh r mrs isibilsiott fdi n mills on w dm sd ly di n mix r 17 lltij is ibt 11 1 torr mi i widow of thorn ls j hi w it di ir mothi r of ji m imrs andn w aitktni isibil mrs thorn ls siottt md iluthi rford in hi r omh vi ir funtrtl st rvin w ls hi id friday in hock wood unitt d churth with lnttrmmt in notkwoiwi ci tniti rv giiiman at ii imllton gi m rnl hospit il on sund iy di ci mbi i 21 i9w ruth h inn ih gillm in formi rly ruth tivlor di ir mo thr of gtorjc tiylnr of itu it iddon a vi nui south h unlit n m hi r list vi ir ristid it the vitlor r rum v rumril homi a t n until wi i in sd iv itudim w hi n fun il i i viii v i ht ii it j 10 p m int r mint r iirvuw li mt tt rv actor you s alu tractor tub for i- or i or imrutiaon iibu dtfnuitir tui ridio ntw idcu tmi biii nianun hpnudir pluuii 41u acton ti ku saiktiml or wotwl iviry t ntiin i took htove tkrlbnt ovm abui liund c lot in i urlni r unil oum r urtlt it 2 all in utwwl rondit inn imiom it7w u liskd t ahs ani truc ks for sale- in mimosmm 1 kim- 1onl tudor 1 1u4i moninh smijo i hmd font inilor 1 1u4i1 mi i c in y sullen uilli i i 111411 ioki ii ilf i in ilik h 1 11mi1 lonl 1 trill ch uwls ind c ill thompson motors phtini m acton ontario for sale i0m monnrrh sutun ill foul si 1 in 111 ill m rtury si dan imii mi li or iili ii iim7 moll mil snl in 11m7 mi n nry ourh lllll pontl ii sid in im oidmiioinii sul in illl uihim sul ill lllll iontl ii si dan im iontl h oliuih lllll poifl mill 1037 liodki couih 11112 i ontl if coupi 0i n mond iy w dm nday friday nnd sultirduy t vt ninus 7pm to 0 pm for cur milts only early motors svfand stuvice wanted dkad oil dihauuu amfm ais wanted cows honm iiojf ihone outlnh m14 eoussi for immediate aervtc wu lalam operating for gordon youn atf joii wantki1 married uuuli man i up rli nctml farnrn r i m yuan in cunudu would like job an dairy farm wife wllllnfi to hrlu too an ply john nap it it 2 hlllitiiireit out n mvkstock wantkd wf for your deud rows and hontaa hits is lilylier ihbtr any othar cool- pany is psylntf lu day 21 hour m rvliii 17 days a weekli phoow rollrct 2jrll ibllwood gsorsmr ghuon kur fanns irai wanted manageress lor simpsons order office in acton i i 1 r i li i p iht i li l 2 lo 4u ii um ui viii hit li m hool i i x ii o i i i lii 1 hut not ill ih i ui h ti o i vlll ih ii all mpl vi i 1 i i fit- ap 1 ivini l- i lui it i pi vi iif il in i ii ml i i itoi iihj ii iiiiiiiiii i i mi w ii ii mid it in rl sin hi 1 oi ni i td uliili si s ktrlu ner unt miscellaneous hfcss corn salvt for sure riluf your druuabt sliis cress c illou- sjtvi too relli ves quickly i tf washer itepains rolls tarts complete overhauls ernies ladlo and electrir georgetown phone 105 hoxy theatre nldg aw phena 519w luilton ont notice to creditors a nil otiifbk in the estate of duncan sell me talh late of the towmshlp of rin in the aunty of wellington entleman deceased hi ow in 1 i in n inorv il mr irid hi v vlu i id i i i cvlh r ji 1 li m tni ii i i iiiinisi i i 1 1 ii i i- ilk h i x i i i ih all ju rm ns h iv mi i i iiiil ii n t tin k 1 iti of duni in s 1 mitiv lh i iti if ih town hip i rm in thi c imn if w llin t c nlh n in who dii il in r 1 i tin fluith div of or h r 1to n r ipiir il t si m 1 irl i il r 1 d ir ih l t h n i l 1 1 lh thirl il f jjrni r ilh a hi n lh l a 1 i il li 1 ill 1 hi i i th r i 1 1 1 1 v i i li 1 1 k r i h vi i ril lv li 1 i u i i h 1 i i v i i li 1 da 1 f i ai i i ri h il th il v i 1 i h i til rl i 1 a o it 11 si 1 r 1 i h fxi ii c ris or tiiasks 1 11 m4ahfn71r 1 sos i iv acton volunteer fire department i seasons greetings s k to members of the j g haiton county 5 junior farmers 5 i extend to you best e wishes for a merry christ st mas nd a happy and s prosperous new yaw r mac sfrowt sisilaisiaisaisiaialsiiahishahailisi wlllwitteilltciiclltliiihwo i ttoaxt new years eve 4 v v i h t x r i tl h ink md tpi i i i n t n in u fi i nd v hi ai n kii d t li m ur r mt i r ii rm nt hill md m ul ann 1 hi c tce c c vic c etc merry christmas and coming events thu olce cannot be resjxmsibte for conthcttnn dates of events happy new year slid v x i r hibli soc ii v firi id i i nib- r h h 1 11 k t i in c hurch l id i ux 1 rv j j n t ii hn l p imv n m t r 1 v i no rv i ln i li cliius il 1 n a 5 to our customers g and friends j j browns fruit store j v acton a v i xiixsjiifcxix jh sewing machines sale servlfft repairs to all emles radio and electric ptmnr 15 rtoxy theatre didg chrk- town att kltciikveh uphoij5tery iibvl your eheatertleld suite rel9 holstt red for 1 little as 100 r- flnuhing und slip cover work- lw prompt and efficient service ell 103 atton one wet k s service a fergus salvage wo buy all binds of scrap iran and farm implement ahc rags brigs baltones horic li air phone i oventhal 51sj fergus collect notice to ill r t opl ih nkmrj of j r or j rj ctir phone guelph 621 0w revert charges joe woods of 0aymon0 motors guelph old chev cadillac dcdkr also new and used trucks special this week 1952 chev sedan less than 3000 miles and trunks for your wel 4 5 5 y comt patronage n the pas year a very merry chr st mas i acton home 3 m a i w sisisisislsisisifcsiaisiisissisiisiaisii dance n acton town hall tr wednesday december 31st 9 00 pm to 100am noisemakers furnishings fun for everyone s good orchestra admission 1 00 th dj irmd i i i 1 m tine bi hi d in tht 1 i in build ij milli i n m nd iv tuning idicmbir j9 h il ck thl ij u mt t ting of th hall n coimi kdi ration if rxul un callt d i r tht purpli t c icludmn th hilinisv f tht annin iitini to h ir ind dlcu h riprt of tht ii il on at wrnt nt cimmiltie to dul uith all ri soliruns to take action on an or all otht r reports tlivn the appointmcn of a secrttar trcaxunr ind anv oth er busims all haltnn farmirs and their families ntlcome b very merfy christmas 7 i mone a 7mf best in lumbel l bl for tht many in town and thr immediate district who will find tlme to read the free preii before the arrival or santa claus thi year the editor and staff of th free pre wlih you a joyoiu day tomorrow christmas day

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