Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 15, 1953, p. 1

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vht jvttiim mttt m seventy eighth year no 28 acton ontario thursday january 15th 1953 eight home print pagessix cent school head tells of system support w in ii lf ill tamtone shtvrce is ust getting back to normal in the district following the damage to lines by the ice storm last week a fine rain coated wires with ce that reached several inches of thickness and lines in the path of the storm collapsed under the strain hydro interruptions were general and numerous as workmen fought to keep services operating a mild period on sunday relieved some wires of their ice coating statt photo k i j coated cables collapse ice stor cuts s ice broken hvdro and ulephom inns blacked out acton and dls trict for hours at u lime oi 1 1 thi wwk nd w hen an ice storm described u th worst in a dceodi com red the ana a f reeling rain coated wires to unusual thickness causing a multitudt of breaks that npairnun are ull working to repair hydro went off in the section of actdn west of the cnjt tracks about 6 pm saturday evening a transformer on church si was the cause of the power interruption as ret branchis heavily coated with ice sa kited and broke over the lines causing short cuxhtk power interruptions continued on r18rtbd christmas is institute topic into sundav with week end dinners interrupted in minv acton and district homes power just outside of acton in esqucsing township went off on saturday and ns not returned even intermit tcntlj until late sundav night- live wires had to be uft unpro tccted in some cases as thev mid denlv fell to the ground local duns reported record salt s on candles and hardware slons were busv silling fal t shop pers on saturdav night prepared for the weekend heat was rut off for minv dt pendent on oil burners but tht spasmodic flow of current wa enough to keep homes almost warm enough saturday night choppers carried flashlights and most stores had lanterns lamps or candles a business slowed to a snails pact guelph eramosa and puslmcli townshipswere the hardest hil bv the storm but rural services in erin esqucsing and nassagaw i also suffered from the storm violent blue fluorescent hashes filled the sky saturday nikht short circuits were caused from falling limbs and wires telephone serici was restored in acton by tuesday but some rural phones may be disrupted for a longer period clare s keith said interrupt kin were pretty much general ovr the acton rock wood guelph ar thur elora and fergus district limb cohered the road around the crescent in acton and mativ other streets had fallen branch s brought down bv the ice storm local hydro workmen were re pairing lines from about 6 30 sal urda nghl until 4 am sundfi morning taking a f i w hours out thi rtlumod to work sunday miming and kepi working until mmc was restored in town sun- dav nijht acton clictricians wt n cillcd in to help restore damag d services ind worked monday w hvdro men to comphu a pairs sundiy servicts wen continuid in atton churches ts choirs v led bv piano organs w re use and churches dependent on burnt r were cool ssfsfflpss i ilhin unit i itiunh mil it th him f mr 1- t iv on tiustlav w llh 111 pi tttin mrs h burns pit sidirik th muting opined wljh ih tmt unit priyr tht dt vntltin il period tnkin by mrs l a turrw was on dorms ih chalic mt i hull cull was nnswt red by lit gin ning plana wirt made for tht annual mtttltig by thi ladles sympathy in extmdid to iht family and frimds of tht lalt f johnson who so nc entlv passed awav annual h ports wire prestnttd at lhb nutting nfiuty piects of mull wn tint out and the report from each officer was viry satisfactory then was one removal by dtath two removals from town and tight new members a viry encouraging talk by rtv f a currcy dtull with tht very successful years work mrs james moore introduced mrs houston superintendent o cednrvale school for girls in gtorgitown who gavt a very fliu talk on the management ot tht hiitm tht system and supporter shi and her staff are doing won dtrul work for the girls of various agts undtr thtir can shi thunktd thi socitlv for the gifts stnt li i tirls at christmas which wi vtry much appnclatcd a vole of thankawajftihen bymtar haw- ihonii for her talk mrs c hivt ashlsttd by mis a frv r mrs d drydak mrs j wildtrspin and mrs j syiuun stred n f ri shmt nts a vote ul thanks wis givt n to mrs li for litr hoint nut to th lunch ils s lit a ills four mats for y purchased by club watches cash stolen in hardware break in imia is i a tvpt that tin i thi ii in tin imih january i md iht boxing iniu ntlttumi mid ston ol sn la morning r ntruu t wn huh thi mr tn hud imii jii hrokt ml i the wedm ttltiy niklit oi tarly llu liuiisi b i window tit in litnkiii mitmiik this murium whin mur svuim atxiut j21 untl u numlwr of watctu s valiwd ut ji3 w arnim him dotiitti tht breuk in rhursdoj mur turned from working on the night shift about 7 30 am prud up in the wumiioum wmcjiiw in hind tht t 41 und iliudky sloit r nti ring the wi umbtousl iterim flnunci report klvtn bv tom wauon a yo stunt was shown ii iii sutton gordon odi r as aptoktr fr the vtnlng told of a little tut of banking the old tlmt goldsmith he said irew from u keeper of gold for salt ketping and loaned mom v on ihls gold whil nctipli he issuid win bt ing fur yummy thu was the ongn j mm k in ditty of hi bank not j i wjtl kp a long ythc first bank la- canada w i timt during tht last wttk mrs mtintnul in 18i7 mi j til rbv reti ived u thank you s penally for cooklls and candy from mhiiigu ditty bag on duty for almost decade w4r slid by ulnt mtrrhunts th hank lit canada was formtd in ibm j it k molts wis u vihitu t th nutting d ho ii of h t ntly richard harris begins 29th year as dean of correspondents nominations held by iode chapter mtmurs of the duke of ui shin chapter i ode met for thiir january meeting at the homt of mrs r m mcdonald the reg tnt mrs long presided mrs mowat gae i most inform a te talk on thi countries of the j middle east and their presentda problems nominations for the officers for the coming vear were held hostesses for the evening w mrs youngblut mrs wolfe mr salt mrs matthews and mrs k blow tin r kulur nuitmj timing oi ntw ifirs div thi acton wo mtns inslilutt was held thi fol lowing wetk at tht homt of mr fied andtrson th prsidtnt mrs r l davidson presidtd md wtl corned the members and visitors the roll call was nnswt red bv naming a cabinet mmisttr and his portfolio the motto of tht month duly makes us do things will but love makes us do them bitter was given by mrs wrn dtnny in the home economics depart ment mrs frver gave a recipt for a window cleaner in hlstorlcat re search mrs giorge lantz gavi an interesting story on the origin ot sending christmas cards as this was citizenship met lint mrs wm hamilton prt pirrd md nad a papir on this canad- ours nnd mrs frtd hunter con tnbutid i storv from a ntw cm idinn in the miking a pleasant fcatun of th tin tin wtrt tht informal tilk bv mrs peirl k nndv ind mrs o f k b bins on th ir visit to floridi it chris mis timt mrs w hill ind miss mirj irv hill mnminti d bricflv on iht ir impression mrs knndv displivttl virion things including cotton ns it grows berries from the cimphor tre s ind man pictures of tht various places visited she then present d evcrvone with i delicious orange to shire her trtat from this tropicil country the presidint thanked all who contributed to the afternoon s en s of a mouse but will get into a ment antt following thi singing clr wlth ffl wo the maple ixif a social tli cant lov xae thi busv executive asked hi sec retan where his pencil was its bthind jour ear she replied come come snapped the big shot fcm a busv man which ear actons modern sewerage plant is subject of magazin article actons new 442 000 sani atv tht construction of the swage st werage svstem is tht subject of ireatment plant md its suptrvisioi a detailed article in the decern bt r technical details such as thit insue of civic administration i ihe plant gives a reduction in b monthl v magaiine published t rod and settleable solids of from canadian adm nustrativt and t u 90 p r cent to as high as 96 pt r ed representatives new id i n tit are included for the many t rinds developments techniqut s rra wrt w n b particular i and equipment tn viruin f id n tripled ft r their own t a r are ftatifred as ubec ma n r f ritis anichs the first article tn iie wue d f11owing regular d partm nts f actons mtvltrn stwigt svsi m ih has six ph tographs of the local plan 1 h thi ontino tv i 3 000 n habitants can now ink back i i ro the dav of the yp ic ank md ofi floixled basrmmts in thi spring is f things of the past as the ntw nnd i rrnsv stem colleen 200 000 p ciures illus ra mg gallons of sewage a day through in acton include an eight miles of street sewers pumps a11 rw of me activated half of it up and over a height f llud p p thp p in land and then conducts the whole p its now metrr the heal flow through a trunk ewer a mile lxchan cttfitrols temper long jo an eflicient automa icallr flurt or digester tank thr opmaled wwlff treatment plait f 1 wh routine berond lb town limits th ip rvis n n ih plai l on jack lambt r the irticit in ind di r b hi di l jack meceachie arton t it rk tnasur carried uni dunes in connection w financing and pavment aci n throughout the terms ditftrent mavors and coui hydro man speaks acton rockwood about 600 acton school a udents heard ron cooksley of thi public deportment of the hydro speak on power and safity tues day morning groups were divided into three assemblies with one foi tht high school and i junior and stniur assembly for the public school at tht isstmbhts with mr cook slev wtre ttd monighut of tht ii epc earl mccann of tht gmlph distnt t runl hvdro ind j it k m gi hie of acton at tht senior nssimbly ht jhow ttl i film on thi construction of thi g irgt rayner dim at thissalon which look two and a hilf ar to build hi txpliined whit hydrt mtint mtntioning householc switchs the imporlinci of msul it ors md the dinger of touching loosi wires to the junior group ht shower shdts of nligira falls from acton he went to roc wood when he addressed 200 mon many a girl will scream at thi ith huh ml ii irris btkirw his 9th eoiust of riptirting it ink won it alton frtt ires j biltluih hus pcsltion of tht dt an 1 spondiiits of this papt r ihn rthulni oilumn rtvis a ci i bl1 birds t ye vnw of hi u igh boring vllligt which has long bn th pltusun and interest b abl stai mcs athubaskan which itturiud to our wist coast in jnswt r to ji jpptiil by the nivv uikut mrs til rbv p ickt d tliut ditty big duriiik th sui f itfu th sjllur lu t ot rutthriminafc 1b52 meef tht j uiiiary mertini f wnm ns hislitu t w ls h 1 1 hmit if mrs r t hi w ihuisday vtniiig misis fid brooks wll i hiu 11 thoi ipsti g org burt ind john wagstafft were aniuiit thost iiiriidnik tin out ir wholt milk iltrtluctrs tonvt nti in turoiiti urn d ly i111i wttk recording all types ul priz wimitri at tht hall board itmus from fins and fatal ace id hard timt euihrv and dunrt on tnb to personals for a full 2b ytars rndav evtniug win mrs clartnc is ctrtinnlv dcitrvink of crtdit and van y and jt scott consolation nppneiation i going to mrs t sutton and s congratulations mr harm wright best cost u mi s win worn by mrs s kirk pat rick and erwin 1rwis then was a good crowd in spltt of bad roads and doris hulls orchestra was in att litiuat tin thi f attempted to jimmy a door bttwrtn tht store and the trtliousi unsuii timf ul because of htavy inside bolt they broke a indow cunnettmg tht two sections und climbed down into ihe office attempts to bnuk the aaft wtre unsuccessful and although a chip wuk crutked off the combination knob tht suft om ncd with nil dif fleulty this morning ash totalling about 2a was lak t n from iht opt n eush register m hmall cliunge watches mostly good tiuality mens und ladles gold type wtre tuktn fiom the tcurid show iusi front th front of the store stvtiul uthir vulable itt mn ill tile saci it t isi win overlooked und a ii inith i uf 11111- it tht veiv front at the ajon wtrt nut touched point rtport tracks ncui the w uthoifu wndiw thul lould hi di it tw un vs wn invtilvedin th brtak in lntislve invtstlga hon is untl i w tv by tin locul pro vinnl polit member is hostess for wms meeting hear reports at guild inaugural seven hospitalized after sunday crash st albms guild htld th fir 1 ineiting if the ntw vear in tht pirish hall the m w pnsidint mrs sutton presiding in tht ab s ntt through illntss of tht itw sirtirv the ntirlnj stiretarv mrs fountain md tht mimittsofl st v n ptipli wtrt hospitilizd the ust mttting tht tnasunr following i two car ensh in no 1 mrs nwton r id htr rtport highway iboul a milt w st tf rumntv for the inmiini mou h rockwood on sunday afternoon wis discussed including catering tht ambulanc from acton was following tht close of thi busim s i cilld to tht scene as wtll as on uniting lunch was strved by the r gtfilph pollct said a showr committtt in thirgt and a sot hi mli lr ind now thrown up time mjoyed nt whetl of in unidentified hiclt was nsponsiblt for the ac coronation souvenir about 432 000 london england school childrin over thi age of flvt will nctive as a coronation souv tnir a propelling pt ncil estimated ost is 168 000 t- was enjoved i the tei ups dorothy dawkins heads knox group jr macarthur heads commission appointed at inaugural meeting osntmol the january meeting of daugh the inaugural meeting of acton lers of knox was held at the home public utilities commission was ot mrs r h armstrong on mon htld on friday evening january dav januarv the meeting was 9 mayor f oakcs and com mis opened with the flag ceremony sioners c e wood and j r mac followed bv the installation of of i arthur were present j r macar fieers bv rev r h armstrong j thur was chosen chairman for the these were honorary presidents i vear ind f oakes as deputy with mrs armstrong mrs hassard past authority to sign all necissar pap president ruti smith p reside r dorothy dawkins first vice pre ident diane dawkins second vlc president elizabeth jinv secre an norma wilds treasurer lor raine mullin cird convenor marilvn sig worth press convenor olive elkr bv pianlst ruth smith gr up lead rs jurie wa kins olive elltr bv jackie witkins the re iffihation eervice a as takn bv mrs buchanan md mr f j hassard the annual secretary ynd trtiunrs report wis reid bv rraint mulltn tud ncil intelligtnct quot r i brief in erecting umr n sprung a leak this tank is to bt removed for inspection and fixed or a new one installed a switch on one of the fire pumps had let go and this is to be repaired an extra heater had to be in stalled at the pump house on main h street north as the temperature n i guelph car owned by rob building had fallen be the injured wire kenneth rob inson guelph lacerated right knee john drake guelph triplt fnctund pelvis harvey pettit fractured pelvis fractured right shoulder cuts and abrasions lacer ated right arm gordon kam guelph concussion ian smith to ronto cuts and abrasions mik- nancy smith toronto bruised forehead cut leg and shock r r kg tomi cousos smith toronto shock cuts andf abrasions provincial police said ihe tonon to car driven by ian smith wai proceeding east toward toronto a heavy spray of ice mud and sno was thrown onto the windshield of the guelph car driven by kennetn robinson who lost control the erved directly into the path of lele savs the town system w as financed by an increase id the mill rate jf five mills and bv imposing a sewr rate equal to double ihe prevailing wawr rate on the same bimonthly bill issued hj the public uuubos commission it is explained details of the construction follow the installing of street and trunk sewers the cleaning and flushing tests are made the open air drv ing beds and the digester tank ctons experience ts a orhv example of a small but progressive community that is determined to be uptoda e with all the moderi facilities of5larfe aty it has found that it can be done and re quires only patienv and persistent effort on the part of the ci lien and their elected and appointed re presen tati ves a letter from the bell telephone co outlined rates that would be charged for having a signal system installed from he sewage treat ment plant to superintendent j lambert s home it was decided to have a two partv rural phone in stalled at the plant coat of instal lation of a private sign a svstem is to ht investigated supt ruitendent mason thit 1 pole had been broken off on y ning s reel and eavestrough and roof dimiged when the servic w ir w is pulled dow n rrpair mrs buchanan thtn btgii tht have been made to mrs duffulds africa frtt bv an af h u ind the account l t bt i to the motorist responsibl superintendent mason also re ported tha three street lights hid been nstalled n bower sine tost of the cnr tricks inch u tnjoved bv all the installati n of diffe en i fihts on mill street eas fro john street o the ralwiv irac was discussed this mailer satii b taken up at a future meetng i was rtported that the hvdro meter at the sewage trea men plant was not working satlsfactor ilv and that repairs were beinj made to the me er instructions were issued to j lambert to purchase sewer rod for cleaning out laterals on th town system the cost of these rods is jim so report at the lamb p i that the first free up on the w a ter svstetn had occurred on a house freezing the following passed for payment hydro accounu petty cash exp transpor h g barlow co fold ers md pads masco flee co mdsc addrcssograph m u i t 1 graph plates h coxe eaves repi red portcctont mun elec assoc fets assoc of mun elec ltil the g inson s father was almost wreck while the front of th toronto car was smashed in total in tht new xillarv th hist tmet yur i9w of tht women s missioiiary society of knox churih wa hi id at the home tf mrs r m mcdonald wth he president in the ehilr dvotiorui wtrt lakni by mis blow jnd mrs h a ilia n mrs a j buthanan v i ably and in j mom inttnstlng way in troduted thi ntw study b ok on africa giving j gnat am u it of information md conducting a jui nti that tountry th auxiiary cjn look forwird l an intirntlng yt ir work mls bella mat rosrll sang s it- it is well with my soul mrs hussard told of miss nti u auxiliii for ths rmftt i net iving gitli frt i sht kin ht r ind for others n the thanks tht trtosurt r midi tht happy innounct mint that the guelph pnsbytt rial and acton auxiliary hid oxectded their illocat ions the home ht ipers making their larg est contribution to date notice was given of guelph pres byterian annual meeting the visiting committee for the month is mrs jany and mn h allison 26 hour power cut is is award 24 prizes at euchre penny sale 6 co lakeside chapter selects committee ruinations were handed in al the regular meeting of the lake sid chapter iode tuesday ev emnc in the lt gion hall mrs h hmton n m charge of he meet ing mrs c pickett mrs a orr and mrs j mellon were named a nom mating committee fef-uar- meeting reports were tien on christmas hampers and plants diapers xtvlcf pf mefe handed in and ano her bolvof f v ppty change b hannelett purchased i j u r months feeding directly to the property the problem of the bndal couple t f tl is how to elude the guests after the h n ceremoo without eludmg the oho- portwl that prt tank on tatraphen ltlt emergency fire pumps had 5f a vcrv tsuonsfu euchre and 3- pennv sale was held at the ym 25 00 a nn januarv s sponsored bv the v ladies auxiliary there 10 10 wen 11 tables of euchre the prize 122 00 r ln ladles first mrs jflcqu 4 90 second ladies mrs somerville 1 a men t first d bean and men s sc lllfis on r jennings 3 ig the pnies from ihe penny sale 3 tnt to he following jack 4 do ceeasev three prizes mrs s si ha r two pri7e mrs h hale o georgetown tjo pnrev mrs f 203 10 dunn twn prirei mrs h harris if mrs a gervau mrs jorque llr 17 00 foottit mrs bill f eld mrs g eih 4 howard tester piul mrs i turkon mrs b cable 39 dolphin mm g jordan mn h iambert mrs osborne mrs s 3g34 2- brunelle mrs r haines cr wotenrorfcs accovinls williarru mrjour rogers united steel corp mdse baxter labs radse thompson s farm serv burroughs ltd strv highwiv garage gas j gov txprcg n rth elec mdse arton free press mdse macdonald elec mdw bailentme motors gas town of acton salarv a aec ins f terry box rent renew h palmer office cleanu acton woodcrafts j b mackenzie 4000 stme coal thompson motors ace t ball en tine motors batery acton puc hydro water works oper for dec adjustments re penckm unem ins ace ins town of acton salary ad justments re f crump j wiley also unem ins ace ins j 5 rje davids mrs fred s am stam 23q3 ford lila murdoek palmtrtson 107 35 donations for the penny n 4 00 1 r received from 23 local stores 51 so iphaianx clut mkis dbcusscs jptojfcts puns aection the phalanx club met on tues i22blsday in the ymca wjlh 10 mem bers and three new members pres ent ftdjetti dlsctused mclode an ice carnival eurhre or theatre fro- 13552 he new officers will be elected at the meeting next week the village was without hydro for 28 hours due to the weekend ice storm the local telephone system is also badly crippled cause of broken pole and win services in the local prearrteriarti church were cancelled on sunday due to hydro failure to operate th- furnace presentation lo neulytpedt on friday evening neighbors and friends of mr and mrs mai rolm leltch nee lila bamel gathered to honor them on their recent marriage cards were ptay ed after which mr errett currte read an appropriate address and the presentation of a chrome kit chen table and chairs wa made the groom in a few well chosen words thanked all for the gip lunch was served by the ladles after which dancing wa enjoyed for a couple of hours with music bring supplied by messrs oacar locker and e woods mm hugh mv rehoujte of pel roll a spent several dayi with- he parent rev and mrs foreman who have both been ul but ar- i now convalescing mrs dan wlnfr and roung soi miurned home fnm thr ho pi al last thursday mr jennie hunter left on sa urdar for a holtdav with relatives in cleveland ohio he also plans to visit in florida and othem points women institute meeftk mrs gordon aitken was hostess ft r the month it meeting of the women a institute mrs d g robertson presided and mix nor man mckenue read the minutes and correspondence the roll call how to welcome a new citlxen stressed friendliness and the golden rule do unto others as you would have then do unto you a paper on citizenship and ed ueation- was read jn the convenor mrs george grand mm norman mckenzie played an instrumental and mrs a d mckinney read portion from the hand book the hostess assisted by mix r smith and mrs w awrcy served a dainty lunch at the close lost hern

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