Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 15, 1953, p. 2

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jg the aqiqn rt purs acton ontario lfshsm new plant halton county miwmen h been tell ted for this year and it i to be hoped thai toon will emerge a plan that will unify the rwme of equalized it it ome years now ilnce a coun ty assessor with staff wai installed in office to carry out a plan of assessing that had approval of thjs provincial department experts from queen s park assisted in giving direction to the plan and the task of completely revising assess ment procedure was undertaken we believe tome bookt were supplied to make the plan uni form some of us recall when a municipal officer was a man who did all assessing police work and practically all the work of the town it took a man of exceptional ability and under present arrangements we doubt if such a man could be found to do all these obs it was to improve our assessing and equalizing of municipal tax allot ment that the present system was inaugurated it waslso felt that costly court proceedings of arriving at an equalized figure would be avoided the recenf court ruling on equalization has shown that the plan isjahrorr successful work ing on evidence produced the court has decided that four of the municipalities of the county were unequally assessed it may be that some years later and after several more interpretations of proper assessment with fairness to all a plan may be evolved that will be nearer perfection the fact remains that in halton the new assessment plan did not eliminate court proceedings to get an equalized basis the same procedure was necessary that was used over 30 years ago those who pay taxes may well ask how long it will take to get the new system working and what are the planners at queen s park doing to make their system operative being a pioneer in such now schemes of improvement has its handi caps it might be interesting to know what the plan has cost in halton to date and t this time to make a study of its value in a speech on honesty mark ttroin said that as a boy h saw a cart of melons which sorely tempted him i sneaked up to the cart and stole a melon 1 went into the alley to devour it but i no toontr ttt my teeth into it than i paused a strange feeling came oner me t camt to a quick conclusion firmly i walked up to that cart replaced that melon and took a ripe one sidewalks for rent every winter there seems to be a surplus of town sidewalks in spring and summer side walks are quite a convenience for pedestrians but come the first fall of snow and a lot of their usefulness disappears under the snow an un shovelled sidewalk isn t as easy to walk upon as a well plowed roadway and the pedestrian takes to the roadway and increases the danger of ec cidents we don t know the solution the chap over 50 is continuously being reminded that it is dan gerous to his heart to shovel snow the chaps under 50 have grown up in the motor age and are more and more inclined to give up walking and shovelling we have heard folks argue and point to ex amples of towns and cities where the clearing of sidewalks is another service performed by the municipality where such is the case the cost is of course another item that makes municipal taxes and rents higher somebody has to be paid for every service performed there was a time when thespeaalists field was quite a narrow one we may yet see the day when the chore of clearing sidewalks which any boy can do will become a specialized job and of course every school boy knows a specialist is a highly paid individual ifs rather interesting to note that seldom are applications made to councils for new sidewalks during the winter months for rent signs are not common these days but for the next month or two such signs might wett adorn certain side walks in town we speak for that fast dimmish ing part of our population who are strll pedes trians and have rights as well as those who travel almost exclusively by motor car if you don t pet everything you icant think oj trie thrno you dont pet that you dont want sy thi todb old days mav have seemed better now fields satuday afternoon we spent some tune c b l studios with don falrbalrn raid forsee and the staff who help prepare the neighborly i ews broadcast for sunday mornings don it yo ing away next week and he editor and son jim have agreed 10 fill in on january ifh in his ab sence it has been some yeau since we visited a radio station and in those years the buildings and equipment have changed used to be everything went on the air from the studio andperformers had to be before the microphone at the lime of broadcasting we had the privilege on saturday of viewing the equiprnent now in use news gathering machines tape and disc recording equipment and all the other gadgets were in view in other words we made a back shop tour of radio on saturday and found it most inlerest mg of course the real otfject of our visit was to get acquainted with those who help prepare items from the 210 weekly newspapers each week and scan every column to see that not one birthday of those over 90 is overlooked we re re lieved to find it s only don fairbairn who is being absent on january 25 and the staff of expenenc ed helpers will remain behind to guide us and arrange the broadcast we assure you that after the week end of january 25 it will be some years lefore our next visit as we have said before we do not change our positions at our years and are glad the broadcast is to be shared jointly by the editor and one of his sons neu lor forma hoi e been imuut they iaru only a itltle from last year in form only in essence ihcy are the tame you pay one omment says they will save you a lot of rouble and irritation now isn i that nice the weather with one of the worst ice storms in several years in the district there isn t any subject much more important this week than the weather some of us can remember the winter days when the weather became beastly in the winter months we ust stayed indoors until it moderated a day or so wasn t so important and it gave some lime to catch up with reading and indoor activity of course the wood box had to be kept filled and some outdoor excursions were necessary but visiting out of town was not considered it s different today since we have become mechanized an ice storm can be crippling to everyone travel by motor car is treacherous hydro service and telephone communications have a record of continuous service which when interrupted seem mdispensible every factory and home has equipment that makes electric power essential this goes for the farm today as well as the urban home when you pick up the telephone and communication is not possible until lines are repaired you seem shut in yes the weather is a very important factor in our conduct of business and home life man has done many things for greater living comfort but when the weather gets beastly he is still pretty well licked until it moderates back in 1903 pram ike lasue el la pre praa at thursday jsnaary is i ml in a review of ttu f mam ltd and liuaiiuma year jiml ohdud lirad niroou says that cumula last week iiiiiluteif irtim a inmlneas ootid of lew the inimit tuuieaaful yuai in tver history mr percy mecmd of buffalo ny una klmlly fuiwardril to the liourd if education a fmnimllu cony of the magna charta the wirt has n atiutted the bfirelary to at know iike mr securd a llmuly and inucli appreciated gift thin magnificent historical document will he suitably framed and will occupy a plant of honor on 1lie wall of the school where 30 years ago mr secord pent many studious daya of ida boyhood the annual entertainment ot the qapllhtsunday bthool waa held laid friday ftvenjng when a good com pany of puieuta unit friends cafne to hear the acholufs give thtli songs und letltalluiia a feature which was pleasing to al wan the phono graph mtmuged by mi jon of georgetown 7 he impel intendeiil mr a a warden nreanitrt i lit nckotlatlonti fur i hi uapoaal of ttu dominion hotel have littn lumpleud and mi ltulurl agnew him so hi mil lit hotel pioptity und fuitiiiihihhif to mtoais luiuy und lliiiiklna uf cuifill ul u h flgtir mi atn w hiu had tin kpulidm id krtpiui om ot lir mist ouhily hiujib in tin movnut and that hia efforts hnu turn iipimiutkd ia tht fdil hint in m now i4li to miim with ii wtlltiinud umptttuu mrs a tin w tnjiid iht totiionnn of moth i iom mumm of mm ni rual iravttli h whu imlhiful at ion on friday vtnliitf laal lvunhot ump sons of si otjand act on in id ouir inttuiir for iiil itifttullutloh of offitira afhy ihiu hud bun dont a surprltx wus in store wliln the tump was invrtid to ixfomi tht km gis of mr und mrs robert at ntw ut tht dominion moul mr d ii titkraon m pocuplcd tht chair amongst tht touhtti not forkottin was tht hagjjls sir wilfred loiirhr whui iuii lionid at montreal on monday laughud ut anddtnkd tht atory so unniduoiihly published hy tht op position puptra that h li to rttln from the hovtrnimnt at ton is btlping out both orgt town and milton liotkty hams this ytaf frank grttn is slsnid with georgtuiwn and fd itydtr und jmi smith with milton thurftoav jan lahy 1 b nomw f att wit s outm back ih 1933 from the jaiua mt th vt mm al ihuraday jatmtary ii 111 n m low ahovela have not luteii nun it in dtmuiid uiio winter ilia idlh annua meeting of the nation t dimly hilhlreii a aid hmlity wan huld ut ilia gordon home with mr j m deny en pre biding julie a itlstnihulahed vinltor vuittd rtwaoiib orneru in hie pemonof mr judmtn c rewaon who kfl iheue par la m yeura ago kire tauaetl by an expluainii of a lanlurn tompletoly deslrttyud wll f red macdojiald a barn with con tenia at um scotch block the lou la partly covered by i nan ranee during the pant year the duke of devonshire chapter of the iotjr supplied 34 plnta of milk lo achihtl children the halton irealiytery of united church of canada met in milton or tuesday for the purpose of considering the rural problem in itu economic social and religious aapttta delegates wore present ruin the varmua rhargeu uf the 1iealiytery i be speakeiu of- the day were hon t c drury mr w 1 iihmi and irof 1errold etono in 1st uf rmonlo university and mmiblti of th dutch iteform chiirth m south atrira rimn the winuiptt rre i wt hum d tin iiihamt uwu david waldli ut ttie liiuic duiikhlti lu killuhky mtb j sojith in ilu t v nun of ikmolwr hi mr waldli taiiic a alton in llilii wlnri lit follow d hit trade of blukhmllh uiilil jiiuj win ii li r imviil to mumulm mr vuldi lihii mllh ut campfjeuvtif ihillsniuata haar laal tiallirday nlitlll all lb id phiina mi m hers in hurlliigloii t hanged i oolu midnight waa i he hoaun hour and al i hut airond the halloo uiwn a ninnlieui swilrhed into iiiufiirinlly wlui liu plan which ia gradually tiolog in trimlncad uiioiighuol ooada and the united hlalttf a lyilcal uiiiu ber ia nkuin mw the oyate ii iii permit more direit lung dls tance ralla mllunlana hureh mra a i macnabh of milton helping search the name ot ttomeone wto wnl seed of can adian maple to stonefqll cemetery harrogate england where can adlan aervica men are burled a canadian sent the seeds about five or at years ago now they have grown into a lovely avenue o maples and the secretary of lh adoption committee in harrogate la hunting the donors name mrs matnabb corresponds with the secretary since hor son is hurled in this english cemetery it seems a hopeleaa task jjd mrs macnabh bui she informed the milton weekly paper ihu wet k ot ihe aeauh aa a atari ht j drew la ii d12 milton urqrf rtttwn tn htvrln n oratliiwii i i k d 111 1 n 1 jfttl excessive speed hurts the purse fxctthlvt spud not only is lifi bul it also hurts thi bonk driving costs fin up ivuy tin hi accihrator jots dovn whi ipicd ls incnastd from 40 to nilcs nn hour giaolirji cotlt ump almost 30 ptr cint cutt o ul coasiimni goes up nlmost foui umis when spttd is men ascd from 40 to 85 miles an hour at thi sarni timt the cost of wear and on tires b two and a half times greater at the higher spctd ht increased seriousness of ac cidents at higher speeds is indl catcd by ffic records for 1951 in ontario cities the fatal rate fatal accidents per 100 accidents of all types reported was 07 or king s highways the corre- ponding rat was 24 or more than ihrct- times as high smith foils has decided to retain rent control by a counrij uote of t to i the council there oito pawed a rciolulion pro testing floobut the crittinjj rental adminiitro tlon of tht vtcm sttma to be bad but desirous of being retained we are all canadians politics in canada should not be placed on a regional sectional or racial basis there are no minorities in canada we are all canadians regardless of racial origin language religion or politics and lhat is the way we should like tc see it continue setting groups of people apart for special re presentation in government would be contrary tc canada s hopes for a national oneness it may be natural that by living in colonic certain people should feel themselves a minority group indeed they are if they persisf in living off by themselves but when new people come to canada we think they should be ready to ac cept their responsibilities to the great majority and fb become a part of canadianism saint john telegraph journal the oitji piper ftswr jbrihed fai acton tmmdcsj to irs and jjsw every thursday at 58 ifell m at actob 0y member ol the audit bureau of clrcubj bona the cwjia and tbe ontarioquebec division of the cwjja adverttittt rtta oh request sobsavfptions pay able ia advmace vl90 in canada s5d ia the united sute mobtbt ujsth single copies fc authorized as second clan hail post office department ottawa c a dplt mttar and pabbatter business and editorial office telephone 174 paper on lapland on wi program jiorii pit it- r did in hit- ni in iht ni at plti and siont mldm m fo i buildintf whidi win i1 ml employment hy 7l i uplink se uni tilkk hit- nit haiili d hal n u rriduy v iilnjia m in luy third oman hlp tor tlk l3 tilt blllllll 11 duo aguul mtllul- m jiinuiiry miflinif i campbi llvilli womlns ii met at the home of mrr j k mahun oil wtdntday with mr otirji infills pi i aiding and open ink with group sliming a new ra itesoluliun poem itullluti and all rivaling the mary var collect lit roll mil was unswi red by a tut i vt nt ua auricultur mri i hiyd bayliy gave the mmti- ary h port mri a t moon irf tn a ra nport mrs j k mahon t iiilt nport an aprmi shuwer will bt n id in liru iry at tht meittrik whin n flhrby dlstrlct pr sid01 will bt tin ituihl sixnktr plana wee it f ir a fashion show u m- held in millon town hall n xt marth mrs hoy iurkt r fiavt inurtstn i urn nt tviuls mr william milnnn jav piptr on lapland mri gam whntfy nndcrtd a solo actumpan iid by mrs lloyd cnwford wh then save th hltthlighls of ln fishing indilstry mrs j k mahon ennducttd a miwlcal content with mrx leonard and rson belnj th wlnmr i thlincctink clowd with thi quicn rorcahmint commit tei wen mrs gordon mcphail mrs lloyd bayky mrs lcnnard an drews mrs garnet whalcy who assisted the hostess llh riit i alum liruval uf an addition in ttm ht- mtmiil lh chooslhi of sybil baa i lot i and dlari allen as candldstaa fur the nem rudaral olucllon open iuu of the new public school roao liaving pnisrani ofiilructlon of the new holl tlciihon tnuldlna si gtiime a hui ill tentfliillul treat lun uf the flic area ireditium lr lvu lug ouirtou am i h iniriituiutiu of dial photifut und fire area operation the tlciald uuo rhoae lh oft blorlca aa far aa thtt county a whole was u wire rued beginning with ihe usmjsimtjiit appeal oilier nwa aluriea which mk th bis ten include defeat 9 poultry marketing athome by vot of ontario piuurymsn ppenlnf of italian centennial manor croatfpn of fire arete with milton acton nd aeorsetown election of b rschltn as actons mayor m of the hotleat dbtrict eloetiotw 10 years choice of dave pelmlel aa head of ontario junior fimun a eleitinn of wilfred lilrd u lqueii inga deputy reeve in one uf tb- ftrt auih eleitioiu in yearn choice uf a hornby man jam taylor lo a high mwoiiic office grand euiid lrintlial ihe accident at ijlvcn irtk lii which two young ltok witdl iinn wckc burned 1 1 iteulti ill if r thr miuart dai 1 nut oimikim tlla i the iliyut wllllri full in willi il twit 11 ol toll ki i pi 1 i jlulll ini traraicark wlrkaon oukvillt li iid stui rnciil kd ih 1 al tan turn wli il y sj wus thp dutiui r wmiun for 1012 01 miaw i pillltrd liul week iftiiiatil j ueph wlckaon r v it iiflhur on man i fi hla wll professional directory and travellers guide muic al dr w g c kenney phralclan and huriron otficcntymuii hlck mill si at ion offlcr phooe ii rraldcncr hurch kl phone im dr d a garrett fhyalfuut and hurjroo tttnwr of witlnw and klvtr tntraiut lliv i stmt at tun ontario fhonr 238 dr a i armstrong phyaicun and kurgcsn offici 105 mill st fjiit phone 574 dental uk8 million scheme a 40 million scheme prepared by the steel company of wale for the modernization of the weuh tioplate industry has been approv ed by the u k iron and steel fed eration principal item will be a the average worker in ontario new cold reduction mill at velindre makes 58 46 a week i near swansea qskotgs united church op canada acta oatasis a friendly church g rev ftt a canay a bj aooister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 organist and sunday january 18th 1953 10 00 am sunday school to com bat eva 1100 1 m momlnj worship sub ject let us look at our church our work and wit neac 7 00 p m evening worship sub ject my tirsl mixtion field thought for tht wttk r knowledge is worthless unless for a noble goal ued knoa cfnmotl aomw me kobckt h aucstkong sunday january 10th 1b53 imf am church school 1100 am morning service ij15 pm bible class 7 00 pjn evening worship thev tba wait warn 4tt lord shao mane htr strsajn- a warm welcome awaits you baptist church acton dwight l patterson pastor parsonage 115 bower ave phone 206r thursday january lb 830 week ly prayer meeting and bible study sunday january 18th 1953 10 00 am sunday school with classes for all ages hot amjktoming worship a sroryto tell to the nations 7 00 pm evening service 8 15 pjn waekly young people a friendly welcome awaits you- st albans church rev ralph e price ba bd rrcur second sunday after epiphany january 18 1953 8 30 am holy communion 10 00 am church scbool 1 1 00 am beginners class 1100 ajn holy eucharist 7 00 pm evensong and sermor all are welcome monday january 19 at 8 pm in tbe partaii hall tbe annual vestry meeting all memb of the parish should attend dr a j buchanan dental hargeon office leiflhman block mill st office hours b am to 8 p m x ray telephone 148 lftal c f uatheriand lurrialrr a nallhtar n ataxy pabha fjffic u i lirr iu- 151 aitfjn lever hoskin harfred arroununla sut ctkwira to jikinh ami iiabdt uu m troi lllun hldx 44 viiloiii st t iroiilii rm 4 ui31 a j crandeu c bartered aceaanlant mum sin- l georgetown tellpliune 054 chislopeactok dr h leib denial sargeati office corner mill and frederick streets office hours 0 am to 6 p m telephone 19 acton vrttunaaty 6 0 young bvsc c l young dvm veterinary sargeatw office brookvlue ontario phone milton 183r21 f g oakes vs b v sc veterinary bargeaif office and residence knox ae acton phone 130 d j armstrong drtr af calrapracue 11 frederick st n actm j phone 550 miscellaneous the victor b runatey funeral hoaai faneral haaw healed aaabalaai phone 30 night or day serving tha community for 48 years keal estaje and insurance wright real estate and insurance f l wright n b wright 20 wilbur st 89 macdonnell st acton ont guelph ont phone 95 phone 4815w vslaatars edtea laaarara member appraisal institute of canada members guelph and district real estate board members guelph and district insurance agents association olive m laaapard a t c a- rmt organist and choir leader united church teacher sf plana studio united church thursdays studio 14 park ave guelph telephone 296 tiavbicrs gunk gray coach unes coaches leave acton 838 an 1 sm a 7 1i2t 208 pm 508 p 833 pjn pm b58 pm 1027 am 1252 pm 257 dju i z7 pm 727 pm 9 12 paav 1122 pm 1 12 am sun to kit i chener onl a daily except sunday and boil days b saturday sunday and boll days w r bracken seal estate phone 28 acton list your farms business or house wilh us we invite you to use our facilities in securing a purchase for jour property lfrsytl e aauttc rr no 6 guelph phone hespeler 701 r f bean gesftttsl ehsawaawc 20 mxll st jccton phone 585 office hours t son 3 pna 5 jo pjn pm canadian national rahways daily 840 am daily eacept smsh days 954 ajn 710 pm suadaw only 818 ptm daily cscapt scav day flyer m georffttowb aus ib daily flyer at georgetown it 11 pm daily except sunday and lion- day u2 am sunday ana haataay only uja ajn daily czosfh saav day mb a-m- tlso pnv flagaap 744 nm daltf except saturdav and sunday avu pjsv b aav ly us mil sunday naif- m j8v flanup sunday only ftyar at guelph ix pm

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