Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 19, 1953, p. 2

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acton needs acton ha had boards of trade chambers of commerce and many such organizations down through the years for a time they seem to flourish and do a good ob of community service but always they seem to wither and die after a few years of activity we have heard of various reasons for the folding up and the post modems are of no consequence in these present days of expansion on every tide the need for business men banding together tp keep acton abreast of the times is great in some respects acton is on the fringe of industrial guidance the industrial commission of hamilton takes in the section as far north as milton and the industrial commission of toronto cbmes as far north west as brampton any industrial growth that is to come to acton wilt require the initiation and effort of citizens of acton and district there is no discounting the need for the in dividual effort of every citizen and we could name many who have made outstanding con tnbutions councils have been aggressive and successful in our industrial and municipal growth banding together in a chamber of commerce will give greater strength to our individual efforts there are many ways in which business men of acton can make the town a better place to live snltt needed a chamber of commerce and canbenefil9 accommodation for200 pupils in acton 270 in milfon and 260 in georgetown each of the schools can readily be enlarged to provide for double this enrolment when the time comes for such a step preattyby having an affiliation with other such groups across canada noctn e ast wist h- double attendance foreseen those who may think the present expansion of high schools unnecessary may well consider that the official estimate of high school attend ance is that the next 12 years will see thd enrol ment doubled from its present figure our school population says the financial post is growing at a much faster rate than our total population and for quite a few years at least it will keep on growing fast regardless of almost any other factor because of the present and recent high birth rate most of the youngsters who will be entering high school 12 years from now are already here we might as well make up our minds that we are going to have to provide schools end teachers for a lot more students in the next dozen years and this service is going to cost a great deal of money it is well to provide for this increased attend snce over a period of years residents of the north halton district will be pleased to learn that the present expansion being made in the schools at acton milton and georgetown is being made with an eye to the future the preliminary sketch es provide for additions at all three schools when they are required it is well to spread the load over a period and this is being does in the build wwk napsiain hahoji ijrnviwraerrgwrrwms this is budget day and canadians will know the best and the worsi of the dominion taxation plan for the year ahead finance minister abbott needs sympathetic under standing as uell at criticism cow jumped over the moon a statement by h h hannam president of the c f a regarding the cow and the auto has been receiving considerable attention he it credited with saying that from the point of view of national policy we treat our automobile better than the dairy cow the speaker gives a good case for the cow and her efficiency and the pay and labor of farmers and those who work in the in dustry and a comparison with the automotive in dustry we are quite in agreement with the argument and we are all in favor of the rights and efficiency of the cow we often wonder if this very efficient farm animal had not had so much interference from man man made organizations and govern ment regulations if the industry would not be better off we well remember the fine dairy but ter that we used to enoy and which is no longer available we do know that the percentage of butter fat and the grades of milk offered to con sumers is much more confusing now than in the days when there were no government regula tions advertisements tell housewives of powder ed condensed milks and a multitude of recipes for its use we hear of one group saying there is a butter shortage and another group denying the statement the poor cow and those who feed and care for her are still efficient but how the pub lie is confused with deliveries and distribution of the dairy industry products small wonder that substitutes creep in and aie accepted so few people are acquainted with the efficient dairy cow which is described by mr hannam as the best and oldest forage harvest ing machine on the market she is equipped with a mower and grinder onbne end and a manure spreader on the other in between is an extreme l complex and highly ef f oe it manufactur ng plant specially des gned for the convets on of large quant ties of pasture s lage and hay into natures most nearly perfect food m ik h first uw in canada of a new patented bnck thai u sweeping the us utth industry promotion has required in three bedroom brick hour that trill rent to lou income families for ts a month report the finan cinl poit i often spend an hour or more in rtecntna out a desk or drotcer the hardest task ducrmunohno ttcfcrt keeping and eliminating and irhen tm done you thtnk i i e changed it no le merely rearranged i betty ter a common brotherhood this week of february 15 to 22 is known as brotherhood week throughout canada the week has the endorsation of leaders of the dominion and provinces we think we live in a good com munity during brotherhood week let us resolve to keep our community a place where people live and help live in a spirit of brotherhood for all races and creeds let us have unity without uniformity it is well to have a week specially set apart for feelings of brotherhood but only when we live out the principles of brotherhood for 52 weeks of the year will peace come to this troubl ed world and a new era be ushered m it requires tolerance and understanding to make a common bond among all races and creeds and throwing away of prejudice but the day will come when weha a com brotherhood no race track no gigantic race truck for hallnn countyl wuh the announcement thil 400 acru have been pure h used by the ontario jockey tlub nc lr mutton rumours that the rnce truck would move to trafilgar township hive been squashed new county church georgetown a two uton y brick factory building has bicn purchiscd for use as a church anil living quarters by the ptntccostil church the new church will be called zlon tablcrnack and tin pastor will bo rev f m fletcher flmi fonda georgetown a flood relief fund started off with a 100 donation from the town acton started off her fund list with a donation of 200 from the lakeside chapter iode council instigated the fund in georgetown while a special committee is in charge of conlri buttons in acton representatives of town organize tipns and council met in ookvilk too to organize a fund man blsjcd task j p coombe has already begun the mansized task of assessing the huge new ford plant in trafalgar mr coombe has also been engaged by the township council to assess other township industries and he expects th job will take several weeks mr coombe l he secretary of the good old days may have seemed better ihe ontario am cm or association and n director of ihe busimas plan ling assnclnua ltd ii has picked up fctson trafalgar s natcasmenl bnokgnund from township assessor edward dunham ounly hollaing project one of the urgi nl problem llnl has faitd c nmtdiin wclfnn aulhoritiis housing officials and in uusliil ctl7ins for yt ar is thi shortage of adciinu housing for rainillts who require ntcnmmo dntliin largt enough to suit their needs and inexpensive enough suit their pocketbooks says an article in the latest issue of hcalh and welfare published by the department of national hcifcth at ottawa the apartment block for older people nt burlington is pictured an example at low rental houslnp projects in canada which have been developed by the public spirited intlative of private citizens aided by legislation there ore not many of these projects and it is interest ing that one of them is located in the county report on ac ton ian mac sprowl takes up quite a few inch us of space in the georgetown herald last week as haltonjtes in that direction karn about the youngest president of acton fall fair back in 1903 rom the issue of the free pre of tharsday feb nary 19 1m3 reading between the lines the crystal ball seems bright and the week set apart this week may well be the start toward that ultimate goal of peace an earth tii tnll has gem otif or ossutanct lo the flood nn on at m england holland bel gium and the opportunity madi mailable or all ro help canadians utll do iheir vhare cutting the strings it was particularly interesting to municipalities that a board set up to investigate the distribution of provincial grants to municipalities recom mended a cutting of the strings that go with them every municipality receives grants from the prov ncial government on roads police fire pro tection and other items the disadvantage s that the municipality is forced to spend a dollar to gef a dollar this system often leads to an undue rtsh at be ng progress ve and certa nly robs the muncipal government of too much of its power it has been known for some time that th local town or townsh p counc i s the closest to the people that s eas ly understood when yot teal te how easy t s to qet the mayor or reeve on the phone compared to talking your way through a battery of clerks recept on sts pr vale ecretar es and a good many more before reach ng anyone as mportant as the premier of the piovmce the group set up in 1v5i by the frost govern ment to study the tax and grant arrangements has completed if study in time for immediate relief it is certainly to be hoped the suggestion will re ceive the attention it deserves and mun o polities will again be given more of the authority they are entitled to whil s your stakt in acton your thought on the future h is sur prising to n that actons 680 residences are mostly owned 01 being purchased by ihe occupanls with a minority being rented thil ii good for any town because it provides the back bone of interest in municipal affairs and the pro gress of the town many towns the size and type it acton have been to a certain ex tent selfcontained the merchan did not have to consider them selves in competition with thoe businesses in other nearby centres as they do now that has never seemed to be the case in acton i being on a main highwaj oxcii i knt scnhfce has jalways been of i fered lo guelph and toronto put ting the locil merchint in compt i tition with the larger stores for trie important purchasing dollar i more recently as trips away bt come more friqut nt ind more c m i mon they become mon burden somi thus then seems to bi ptrhips only to i mill ixtent i cirliin realization thit locil mr offer t p qinlih ood il be cose i hind if innhmg roi s thi product m u will i t comforting feeling thit is t g od irtnd t ilmos is importinl mun l us indnstn il ind td nrlust id in run lid in llu grccd for ih uthli of mon nxitnn mo l ipl working hi it ind i lirg imn cin lx un ktnnunlil it is impo ibli to undcrs ind ftcitions ind posmbiliti itotml cxpini in but i md net nth ihit mr ult of i surt in atlmti surprised me dguns ccphin whit settle mont of i 150 mm industry m m it requi li arimt rt jims the 0lv pop ever published in aefoi founded in 1875 and published every thursday at s6 vill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of cirrula tions the c w n a and the ontarioquebec di tsion of the c w n a advertising rates on request subscriptions pay able in dance 2 w in canada s3 so in the united states six months si 50 single copies 6c authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa g a duij editor and publuher jusiness and editorial office telephone 174 loml men 22 new school rooms 18 new teachers 500 000 in retail siles consumption of 6 600 acres o firm produce 320 cars and semes ind 2 w0 000 more revenue in municipal tixation those arc united slites figures and seem ti me to be a little exaggerated for this end of the continent but they do tell a story it seems important that the con munity with 50 small industnis which grow with the town will be a much more stable centre with a more sound economy than centre that puts on a drive and tracts five large industries that squat in the town and ask for all the services if acton fails lo progress il will be the fault of the town it is well ind favorably locited ind in i position to choose tbt industry it wints to aft net one official from i nearby cinir tdd me recentiv t good min m dustnes don t wint to settle in t roni nr himiltnn they cm t afford lind along the much toltd qui en fli7ibilh wiv but ih v settle in tht in i if th hrrrhr back in 1933 from the f the free fram m tharaday february 1 imi in th preamt month of fibruary each day of tht week oicuri four tlmen thia hu happen id but 1 tlmm in the last 112 y nrs in tht nixt fifty yiirs it will ocuir five times in 1014 102 1911 1042 and 1b53 acton horse sale association have arranged for their semi an 1 sale of horse to be held here on thursday 19th march then will be offered for bale by auction about alxty hordes also buggit a harness and robes mr r j mc nabb secretary of the organ iz atlon will forward catalogues on request knox church in her beautiful new and rcapendent dress will be re opened next sunday the con gregatlon will have a special in teres in the re opening service be cause the rev j w rae a former pastor who took the initiative in the erection of the church eight years ago will preach a popular move at the present time on the part of the municipal council would be the emulation of numerous other towns in ontario by passing a by law prohibiting ihe stic of cigirettes or fixing i license fee which would be pro htbitive cipt joseph c langton of com pany 6 acton adjutint of the 20th hilton regiment lome rifles his icceptcd the command of nj 2 company canadian armv sirvice itocneeaannncgrtotq the- company ill nut bi ver lirge tht tttil tstibli hmnn beini ly 35 of mvn winter wea nl of th pojit wick splendid in i firy uik thtim who tuned int station cfqa on saturday morning had the pleasure of hearing an acton artist ort the radio vernon agnew son of mr and mrs o r agnew acton sung over the air from thai station the three act comedy presented in the town hall last evening by the acton thre months short course was a splendid presentation the solicitors blunder was one- of those suspicious tangles that cause no end of domestic troubles and involve several husbands and wivei the annual competition of the curlers of acton and georgetown for the peter smith trophy got under way on tuesday evening the rules call for four games in each town georgetown curler havi retained possession of the troptw up to the present this year acton won in the first game acton u im won in georgetown and tht giortlown liim playing in acton won acton intermediau hockey team ill not bt in thi play ft this yftir the oh a xtcutive dc euled against acton in favor ot guelph in spite o ry a dorrf- i rflfffv tfrr i mpi hjpgam i ii be plnjtd hen n mondij tht fun i f uw whitt puggaree aith richird mill isldl m hi id fron id six sixth concev mondij itlemoon tofi professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block mill st acton office phone 78 residence church st phone 150 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance river street acton ontario phone 238 armstrong c f leatherland barrister solicitor notary fofcu office 22 phone res 181 acton lever 8 hoskin bartered accountant successors to jenkins and hakdt 130 metropolitan bldg 44 victoria st toronto fm 4 9131 albert j crandell hartered aeeountant ao 13 24 the photognpht i i picturi of in old mm on his 98 birthdiv h thinktd the old m siving i hope 1 11 be around likt ur pictun whtn uiir 100 tht tild man rrphid wrn not ou link prett health dr h le1b ttmlal surgeon offic cornir mill i r ride rick streets office hours 9 am to l tei li honf 19 aci etfrinary united church of canada acton ontario a frifndi chlrch bd pan nge t urrey ba minister 29 bowir av phone 60 baptist church acton dvicht 1 latlerson pastor i irsi naje 115 bower ave phone 209r b d young bvsc c l young d v m wtcrtnary surgeons off rt nr tokvillt ontari 1 h in milt n tftsril f g oakes b v sc rterinarlan mbs o h lampard a t c m organist and choir leader slnday february 22nd 19v 10 00 a m sunda school for christian character 1100 am morning worship ou work and mines the sunaav school installation of teacher and officers 7 00 pm evening wornip our work and witness among the indians pictures solo bv i little indian girl speaker the rev austin c huston thought for the week as thv days so shall thv strength be deul 21 sbndan feariar 22nd 19s3 10 os am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 7 30 p m e ening service please note change of time of f ening service young peoples meeting this sur dav evening a home of thi dunks in georgetown presbyterian church in canada knox chcrch acton re kobekt h armstrong m bd minister slnda febrlar 22nd 1953 10 00 am church school 1100 a m morning worship 12 15 pm bible class 7 00 pm e ening worship they that iroit upon th lord thall renew their rtrewffth a warm welcome awaits jou st alaans church anxltcan ve ralph f price ba bd rector first slnda in lent february 22 19a3 0 00 imhoh com ii in i n 10 00 am church shw 11 00 am beginner clas 1100 am mfltini and serm n 00 pm evens ig and i in the sacrifices of cod are a hro ken jptnf a broken and a ronin heart o cod thnu intr not des psalm 51 1 all are welcomf i reai estatf and insurante wright real estate and insurance f i wright n b wright i jo wilbur st 69 macdonm ii st i acton ont guelph ont phone phtine 4915w valnatrb realtors inaaron member appraisal institute of canada i memberi guelph and district real estate board members guelph and district i insurance agents association w r bracken real estate insaranee 1 phone 26 acttr ijst our farm busim or hoin ilh us vtc mite vnu to us n facilities in securing a purchase f our propcru uvyi f aallftp r r no 6 guelph phone hrpeler 01 salesman r f bean general insurance 260 mill st acton phone ws office hours the victor b rumley funeral home funeral home heated ambulant i pht nt 31 night or day s rvint tht etimmuntty for i 46 yars olive m lampard at cm i rmt ornnn ind choir leader lniud c hurrh teacher of piano st idu unilid t hurch thurulav si dit 14 pirk ave guelph tfi fphovr 298 traveuers guide gray coach lines oaches leae acton rstbowtd 63k am kw im ijmam 20h pn 50b pm 633 pm sj3 pm ovt pm heslbovnal 10 r am 12s2 pra 2 57 9 a pm 27 pm t 12 bja 1132 pm i 12 am tsun o kh chcnr nh a daih ixcrpt sunday and fcotl dam b saturday sunday and hall canadian national railways paili 6 40 am daily except sua ldn m am 7 10 pm sunday nl k 16 pm daily except sun i dav fhir at f rorgrton 9 03 a m da u hir at gtrgclown 10 11 530 pm 9 pn m est bo and it xrt pt sundav and mon dj ram sunda and monday onh 123fl am daiv except sun- da k4h am 6s0 flafofct 7 44 p m daily except saturday and sunday 8 10 pm saturday on 1 236 pm sunday only so aun ifuurstopt sunday only flyer at guelph 7 05 pjn

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