Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 26, 1953, p. 6

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cjbbes jj cvrr w p rargatv4g fj1m atws twibsdxy february sol un ul ifl from haltons farm lands kecofto comtlbnon bt junior homkmakeks the largett number of girls to participate in junior club work completed their fall project sleep tag garments by attending the halton county achievement day on saturday february m in milton town hall one hundrvd rids displncd the colorful pyjamas and housecoats they had made for manv of thes young girls this was their first at tempi at sewinje these rirls proud ly displayed their pj jamas during the afternoon program vell over two hundred were in attendance for the afternoon pro gram which also included com ments on club exhibits l up b the members of the clubs the following girls commented for their club bettj price brookville alice wilkinson acton marion bird ashgrovc jean ridtcr elallinafad jean ayres hornbv kathleen ktrkpatrick limehouse ann cox nelson jean rae omirh mariln heslop palermo demonstrations on sleepinr garments ind bu in nnteiial for j sletpmr garments wire pn wnted bj the folio vi ink ctubs lou ville scotch block noral and ash mr f g clarke the homt eco nomist for halton countv announc ed thai the spring project a foods unit entitled the milki wav would commence in march the hoimrmking club unit chos in bv the girls for next fall was being well dressed and well groomed i spoons were presented p all garden clubs application forms arc no ready for membership in the girls home garden club for 1953 girls be twecn the ages of 12 and 28 who have a plot large enough to plant a family garden hc40 feet or 38x 7s reel may join a garden club one girl may participate in garden club work for a maximum of three years members will obtain their seeds throiirh the dtpnrtment of agriculture and will receive in strttction in garden culture land sciping and the growing of flowers from a local leader the ir vtge tables and flowers will bo displayed nt an achievement day m august for further information get in touch with mr j e whuluk d- partnunt of agriculture milton or with the home economist mrs e clarke newmarket ont thf hog sitdatiov in attempting to discuss the hog silmtion one must of necessity re vieiv the marketings of the past vear our hog marketings in 1952 show ed an increase of 36 fl- ov i r ibm being the third highest in the historv of cinadi in iounriyfiguns our marketings in 1952 totalled nnih 6 700fhm hogs in comparison t npproxinnteh 7 im 000 in 1943 and r 863 000 in 1944 in short the nnrkt tings of hogs in im and 1944 were tht highest in the historv of canada it should be recalled however that in 1943 wi exported nearly wo million lbs of bacon ham ind pork products practic all to grea in 144 our bicon export britain garments tf the ear c cxporled no pork pvk pleled sleeping halton countv junior farmers as wiation countv honors ci rtifiritis were prtsmted jnn mclauglin nor val and mirgarel bird ashgrove on completer of then mxth home miking club unit let it snow let it blow every days a perfect drying day products to great brtlu totil exports of u- thii 26 lbs more per poundb put on than at any other ttnve in the feeding per iod this summary would not be com plete without some reference to out slocks of meat and poultry in stor age according to tht monthly re port of the dominion bureau ol statistics here is the picture at the beginning of the year the heavy into storage movement of pork during december was f course associated with the speed up in marketings to mc the sup port price change tin substantial reduction in poul trv slocks over n vear ago nflccl thi busk trade in poultry pnrlicu larly turkevs which moved at low tr prices this year were it not for the substantial ipiantitv t to r0 millions lbs i of tinned poik still on hand the yeai e nd st xk pomlinn could ht con side red relatively latisfictorj in u s on januiry 1 the u s d a it port shows thi number of inttle as 163 high r thin i vear ajo a the lirgest on n cold 18 mill held compared to s 0 million i vnr ind 1947 ii avtiaie of 4 3 n lion thir poik stocks it jin 1 1913 totilu d 108 million lbs up 1b8 mil lion over december but down 4 million lbs from last veil f- astern hog market above the support lvel although the support prtfe for hogs was low ered by 5 00 per cwt on janmrv 1st hog prices have in the- main runained well abo e the support price when one studies with the wfestingbouse clothes dryer you never need to lift another heavy basket of soggy wet domes when it so easy to own a westidjrboiuc clothes dryer dry your laundry fresh air sweet in any wntber the auto- naac vesting house way so easy to own month 135c manning electric phono 230 acton chief 1 canned ham ind 1 1 most en tirelj to us e in those figures is icvtiud the tcasnn vvh om marktu ind stong is hai foi the most part been fill id to cipicitv during ihe pist 12 months our mirki tings in 1952 slimmed in mcreise in evetv put of c inadi from a 14 increase in the man times to nearlv 49 increase in western canada ontario hog mn k tings reached an all time high of iomc 2187000 hogs or an in crease or 265 over 1951 which mirks the sharpest variation for inv vtar in the past ten the per centage increase was greater in the west than in the east being 4fl7- in the former area as compared with z in the latter even so eastern canada produced 64 3 of the total marketings to present the picture in another wav our marketings averaged 12s620 hogs per week a figure which exceeds our domestic re quirements bj approximately 35 000 hogs per week on the other hand our exports of xjrk products were the lowest for my ear in the past 20 years and irovided an outlet for a very small percentage of surplus tjiis resulted n the excess over domestic require nents being stored in cans ouj bi surplus in 1952 was only nadc possible by the big frozen vheat crop of 1952 in other words we diverted a large volume of grain normally grown and sold for human food into livestock production and came up w ith a 27 surplus of hogs needless to add the outbreak of foot and mouth disease made this really serious ajong with the sharp increase in our marketings in 1952 has gone a decrease in the quality of our hogs right across canada here in hal ton our percentage of a s has drop ped from 41 in 1951 to 367 in 1952 in ontario from 35 3 in 1951 to 33 2 in 1952 and in canada from 313 in 1951 to 2851 as a matter of fact it would seem that ever since we dropped out of the british market our producers have lost interest m qualitv in our opinion this is bad reason ing on thi part of our producers si nc thi domestic market has be et mi thi most important if not the nlv on tkt quality should be stres sed if pork is lo hold its position in competition with other classes of uat in 1112 pork sold it a much lower piie than betf now that the price if thist two meats bears a closer n lationship to om mother it should lk obvious that if our do islic market is to continue to ab m rb hlooo hots or mon pvr wctk juilitv must not ml be munturi ed but improved too much finish lirfrih nsponsible for the rfrop m quilitv ontario ind cmadian swim producers as n w hok ap panntlv fail to n aim that while th list m or 11 lbs cm be put on ir npidh it nivertheless costs idencti would indicate that supply ind flunand ire still the basic fnc tois influencing anv mirket price our marketings here in ontirio horn jin ki to fib 7 totilled 172 8f agnnst 244 902 for the same period in 1912 in quebec the cam pinlive figures nt 89 049 hogs n 1913 igainst 172 178 in 1912 the estimate of the frdrnl de pirtmi nt of agi iculture for the first three rlionths of 1913 reprc in incrnse of ipproximatelv or the west and i decrease of in the east for all f canada the estimate forecasts i decreisc of in hog marketings for this three month period certainlv if their estimates are anvwhere nearly cor rect that would indicate heavy marketings during the month of march notice to creditors and othkks in the ecute o robert vyae ah persons having claims against the estate of robert vyse late of t townsh of esq in the cuuiity of halton farniur deceased who died on or about the twenty third day of december 1952 ae required to send particulars and proofs thereof to the undersigned before the seventh day of march 95 when t ass w bedis tnbu ed among the parties legally entitled thereto having regard only o the claims which shall have been lied dated at acton ontario this twelfth day of february 1953 c f leatherland acton ont i333 solicitor for the executors case for forums stated by mtmber following ii the text of an ad dress delivered in the ontario legls lature recently by the member from halton county stanley l hall mr speaker in rising in this assembly to speak on this budget debate and in my humble way to try and contribute something to the welfare of my fellow men and also to this wonderful country that it is my privilege to live in firtt i would like to say that 1 am canadian born a citizenship that i am proud of and i would say that 1 have a right to be but with that i have a great respon sibillty as a citizen mr speaker the subject that i wish to sptak on is the greatest way of life and the greatest basic indus try of our country agriculture my ancestry helped grow the first agricultural products of this great countrv and we hove farmed in this country for six generations my people came to this country because thi hid faith in it faith in whit this new cotmtr held in stori for ihtm ind also faith in what thiy ton id bring with lhem to n now 1 ind and thev wilh other pioneers of this land established those things tint thej had faith in those british institutions of freedom that havi ind the founditions of our westi rn christian civilization our christian home ind churches where evi ry one cm wirship god iccording i ihe dielitis of his own conscience our schools ind the right of ihe use of i free fnnchlse where people hive the right elect wh evci form of government they rfnslre mr speiktr tod ly one brinch of agriculture is asking some form or protection from foreign materials that are coming on our m in ed much to the economy ol this country but agriculture has never been to blame for the collapse of our economy whenever a depression come factories must close labour has vork people in the towns and cities go on relief but how about the farmer did you ever hear of a farmer going on relief did you cverhear of a former standing in the bhud hnc the farmers of this country have always fed the nation in good times and in bad but thousands of theso farmers have lost their farms through depressions which were no fault of their own every neces slty that the farmer buys today en joys a protective tariff that has to be pdld bv the farmer every moteft competition to certain animal pro ducts produced by that line of agri culture i expect that during this session we will hear from many ler honorable members on this ject we farmers believe we believe market where should deter me thcpncsweshould pay for those articles that are necessary in our way of making a living for our selves and our families mr speaker tfvojtte a com petitive market docs quality and service govern the price of the necessities we have to buy today agricultural products are prac ucally the only products that are sold on a competitive market to canada agriculture has contribut car or truck and all farm machln ery has m protective tariff agricultural products have to be sold on competitive market tub ject to the effect of supply and de mand mr speaker is it fair to the farmers of this province that for elgn vegetable oil or any other materia should be allowed to come into this country free of duty in competition to any agricultural pro duct and especially if they arc to displace any product that is pro duced from animal products mr speaker when you allow anything to happen that upsets the balance of nature then you arc eatining a very great injustice to our country our forests the wild life that live in the forests the fish fn our streams and lakes domestic ml mala and the soil of our country all exist on the balance of nature that was so arranged by the qreat creator of all things it is the top six inches of the soil that any country exists on and if there is not a balance of live atock to return to the soil those thine necessary to keep that soil in a fer tile condition then it will soon be come useless and will develop into a desert if we want an example go to egypt tmce the granary of the then known world mr speaker i would urge that the farmers of canada be given the same protec tion that is given all other produc ers and especially on those pro ducts that arc necessary for the production of food i bank here always open v hewslwvrywverim trouble when you bank by mail till bnk mail pi bnk in- isova stis riiiipli syhti in of hanking by h ou a 21lioiiratlay camitrywidr banking birviit l lake advantage of ibis timesaving service ask lour ni ighbourbood brant b of i in hank of nova stotia for i be su tal bankby mad envt iojm h i h y mi ltidi a elejkimt bbn a demsil receipt and a return envelope wben you ba e a ibeii to th osii tht res no need to go to tbe bank you bimply endorse ibt cheque pay to the order of i be bank of nova sotia your signature fill in your deposit slip addnss the return receipt to yourself and mad your deposit is re ordt d and your receipt mailed before the banks doors open making you the first customer of tbe day write for elrjimptive folder or aak one of our itaff lor details next time you are in the bank your bns manager is a good man to know acton he is w a woodburn serve canada when bill pile op get 50 to 1000 fast at household ftdanoel loam made without bankable security repayment tais to flt year hooane up to 24 months to repay phona or mop today for fast friendly dcpondabki acrvfcet tm n in canada household finance a strong canada today u caaenftaj if we are to preserve our freedom our own way of life freedom demands constant guard and effort by au who enjoy re a strong canada is tbe respoosibihry of at canadians and yourself accountant stenographer typist cook baker you can acquire one of these trades and skills and many more learn about the new enlarged opportunities for advancement for cooks learn about a trade that will give you a promising career free health services generous pension plan 30 days holiday a year all combine to make army service a sound caaeer for bright young men who are good emomgb to make tbe gradm in the army in the royal canadian army service corps the world will be your work shop korea germany and the far corners of canada the service corps goes wherever the canadian army goes you can go with them gain ing experience in your trade under interesting and at times exciting condirjoaa f ml art aflglbf tfyorel7 to 5 years of age and able to meet army test reawremtmtt applicants sboidd brmg berth certificates or other poof of age when reporting for mtervttw for fh moramtiob apply right away or writ to no 13paromwldaco wofln hoom foow chorion sh ottawa ons no 5 pantonnj dvpol arhllary pork booot 5trt kinguon ont canadian army emrhng station 90 richmond s w toronto ont no 7 paraonrwl depot wobakw barrocta oxford eiobth sta london ont army racnirting cantm 0 mam street wt north boy ont arnry racrurhng cntr james st anaoury 200jamist n homihon ont join tfa canadian army active force now

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