thuhsday mahch wh i53 the acton free press acton ontario paos turks h hero lift sensational amazing new super powered act quickly i during this i voductory period we will give yot an extra big allowance tor your old cleaner but you must be prompt save 20 t 30 see live demonstration at our store at once manning electric phone 230 acton ont be sure coop label seed it li your guaranty of highest quality hardiness vitality plant with confidence harvest with pride seed grain fence supplies fertilizer coop quality feeds purina feeds halton cooperative supplies hud office free del very roure days branch offico milton 127 -hon- georgetown to chronicles of ginger farm written specially for the acton free press by gwendoline p clarke we shall soon be living on the outskirts of our county town- close to qjitw industrial plant that is unless present plans arc drastic ally changed not our plans i d6n t mean we are moving otf the farm far from it it just is that the town is stretching is boundaries and coming out to meet us not tm mediately of course things like that don t happen overnight there will be arguments and counter arguments annexation by laws and all that sort of thing but the change will come eventually you can t stop progress even if you hap pen to be agin it our small county town of milton has been practically at a standstill for years and years and now sud denly it looks as if we might see a bit of mushroom growth and why not the huge ford plant is only about 20 miles away malton airport and its industries is miles two rail ways by pass the town a bfg fac tory which until now was milton main industry can supply every type of screw nail likely to be cat led for and there is all kinds of farm land that can probably be bought for industrial sites and building projects one of our neighbors recently sold his farm to a steel company to be the site of a new factory no doubt there will be more farm land going the same way and there will certainly be plenty of farms sliced up when the new- montreal to windsor highway goes through th s district crossing no 25 at an at present undetermined point perhaps you think it is a shame so much good farm land should be taken up that way 1 quite agree it seems like economic suicide to thus undermine one of its mast pro ductive areas what it has been generally agreed is canada s basic industry agriculture but perhaps it s just as well i guess we have reached the stage when many farmers think the pro verbial worm knew what it was do ing when it turned so when farmers in this and other industrial areas are given a good offer for their property it is usually accepted of course any farmer worthy of the name hates to see the old place go to have fac torles and storage sheds built on his fertile fields but then on the one hand he remembers the price of cat tie and hogs the glut of milk on the market the threatened decrease in the price of that same milk to the farmer to say nothing about mar gar ne and the possible inroads of synthetic dairy products very few farmers however want to sec a ban i edible oils on the other hand the farmer thinks of the fellows who work in industry of the returns for their labor and short working day as compared with his own and he figures he might just as well be go ting a share of the big wages him self instead of making a bare living and by his hard work adding to the surplus that already exists many farmers sons have already got on the industrial band wagon so that the greater number of farms are owned and operated by older men and it is these same men that we find only too glad to dispose of their farms f the pr cc offered is good enough what w 11 be the result maybe i or 15 years from now a middle aged couple mr and mrs rip van winkle will decide to take a run out to the country to get away from it all they will drive for miles and all they will see is huge chimney stacks and flat top fac tories mrs van winkle will turn to her husband and exclaim in dis 9 but rip i thought we were to take a drive through the country where is the country rip where are all the lovely farm places we used to know the contented cows grazing on tree shaded pas tures i was even hoping wc might find a farmhouse where we could buy some real milk or perhaps a little cream i am so tired of syn thetic products why is it so hard to get real dairy produce now rip well now that s a long story a story of supplj and demand syn thetic products caused many farm ers to go out of business there are still dairy farms farther out in the country but dairy products are now in the luxury class the general publ c has to be content with syn thetics they wanted them in the first place because they were cheaper now they have what they asked for and don t 1 ke what they have got loo well well then we might as well go home rip we haven t time to drive any farther and i was so hoping we could hae gone home with some real milk said mrs van w nkle w ith a sigh and oh m wouldn t it hae been a treat she added cecil a carr optometrst guelph b douglas si fashion hint the model is holding easter lilies and we get the point she recom mend her stunning empire waist ed dress for an easter outfit the dress is in sheer wool crepe de tailed to bring out the very best in you the matching stole is still a high fashion favourite provided you can manage it stoles are often awkward in winter when we have to wear coats too but they definite ly have advantages in other peoples houses where we never can tell about draughts and the favorite heat level and of course they re attractive too tomatoes picked for canning must be judged by their color to the right degree of ripeness wo men employed by tomato pickers or graders frequently paint their finger nails the color of the ripen ed tomato at its most perfect stage so that a high degree of uniformity may be maintained nofcbiru w wonder how moch finer yon can get than the aluminum wire oaed in delicate apparatus which records the earth tremors drawn out almost to the vanish ing point it is about onetwelfth ttwl diagnotor of a human hah one pound- of ajumwum would make enough of this unbelievably fine wire to stretch 20000 miles i we know no more striking example of the way people make on of the lightness and strength of aluminum for all sorts of jobs our research and technical men are constantly tackling new ques tions brought to tbem by can dian manufacturers who look to aluminum in developing new pro ducts or better products or pro- docts hurt cost leas ahnrtinum company of canada ltd aleut poets corner three gateb if yovi are tempted to reveal a tale to you someone has told about another make it pass before you speak three gates of gold these narrow gates first is it true then la it needful in your mind give truthful answer and the next is last and narrowest is it kind and if to reach your lipa at last it passes through thes gateways three then you may tell the tale nor fear what the result of speech may be from the arabian last year 13 000 veterans in can adlan hospitals engaged in health promoting profitable work through the red cross arts and crafts pro gram acton taxi and snack bar 10 mill st w phone 260r 2tflour taxi service our cars are radicfdi5atched out of town trips a speclahy phone 260r for prompt courteous service want ad page where old friends meet for good you can save a lot of precious time by hitching up a tractor instead of your horses and we can likely help you bay that tractor now tractors come under farm improvements and a temporary lack of ready cash is a poor reason to hold up any farm improve ment that goes for most all farm implements that make for increased production and thereby increased income if you ve made up your mind to get a tractor some time why wait any longer come in and talk over a b of m farm improvement loan with us just as soon as jou find it con venient you i be surprised how little it costs and what easy repayment terms can be arranged bank o montreal my bank frilfttf8w gordon oder minago wokiae with t i d i s in evex ill of ufe 5 i h c e 18 17 mint sale moores famous saniflat washable flat oil paint manufacturers clearance sale to make way for a new line ah fresh stock in beoufrfol modern colours o a durable washable finish for walls and ceilings of living rooms bedrooms dining rooms e easily applied wait brush or roller gal qt an now now talbot hardware 22 mill st e acton phone 76