Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 2, 1953, p. 3

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thursday april 2nd ims the acton free press acton ontario page three lowes work stoppages the number of work stoppages rising from industrial disputes in canada during 1952 was consider ably lower than the figure for 1991 although total time loss was much usher hon milton f gregg minister of labour pointed out that rfatle total time loss was higher ttaut in 1651 it still represented on ly 02 per cent of the total estimat ed working time of nonagricultural wage and salary workers in cana half safe motorist hey there whys only one half of this crossing gate down gatekeeper we re half expect ing a train the greeks haveavmdrdfortt w hun the mask word tfaa talk a mile to get going it prov libmuy when mi bad to transport into fte rit needed f or the ooottractkn of irflpj ibdtcn too govornmobt purchased 2000 tost of ata fancn for the purpose aan faciqcntauy licked the tnnsporb ion problem another nice thing about sjav skaant fisbtnam h that a ghaa foaodub son tan to thne tkna i far as with other motah m fcs advaalasea actually ooatt bav too ahniiinum coopanyof t ltd akan makes windbreak mulching trees comparative results of three yean investigations at the forest nursery station indian head saak- indicated that proper mulching of trees may be a satisfactory method of establishing windbreaks spaced 4x4 feet under certain prairie conditions data obtained during the growing seasons of 1949 1950 and 1951 in- dlcated that mulching of trees grown since 1942 at the station in belts 4x4 feet tended to increase the water content of twigs this would increase their possibility of escaping drought injury the effect of mulches appeared to be more pronounced during seasons with subnormal amount of precipitation during the relatively dry periods of each growing season a greater amount of available moisture and a lower temperature were found in the surface soil of the root areas of trees under mulch as compared with those not mulched this would suggest that the increased water content of twigs taken from trees that were mulched could to a con siderable extent be due to the in sulating effect of mulch and its preventive influence from excessive losses of moisture by evaporation tbe possibility is not overlooked that mulches may also moderate ex cessive absorption of water bv root systems because of possible poorer aeration of soil results of these investigations have also indicated that the effects of mulching appeared to be more pronounced following more pro fashion hint the new slim narrow look is beautifully interpreted in this ray on crepe dress with its figure glorifying lines the trouble is you need a figure thats worth glorifying before you try buying i any of these extremely slim dress es spring and summer arc the best times of year to inaugurate a reducing scheme though for fresh fruits are coming into the market and its a pleasure to give up fattening desserts for fruit and meat and potatoes for a fresh salad added interest for this dross is provided by the neat peter pan collar bracelet length sleeves and pocket detail it would be especial ly attractive in navy with accesso fonged aiid hghter application of a spring tint of lemon yellow r popular white artificial mulch as compared heavier application but of shorter duration it is of considerable importance to note that no evidence was found 4o indicate that the various mulch what arc all 1 the twigs during the growing sea- proper control of rodents is es sential however if mulching is to be used successfully typical it wis parents day at a small countrj school mrs smith was sitting with her eyes glued on thej curtain when it suddenly rose on little harry jones attired in a toga friends romans countrymen- he declared lend me your ears leaning over her neighbors shoulder mrs smith was heard to comment in an iron whisper wouldn t be matty jones boy if he wasnt borrowing something nineu per ctnt milk production mo by truck canadian to market uundant piano sales service of hamilton new and used pianos pianos tunad repaired and rebuih for service and estimates phone 128 acton 7 easter suggestion baked ham and delicious coke our food store is featuring many combinations of fine food fand dfhuous cm a cola tin perfect refreshment for liappy oct asions soft pink curious hen house for she just curious they heard you were going to lay a sidewalk clearing auction sale f beg and grade shorthorn cattle bones poultry ford tractor farm implements and furniture the undersigned have received instructions from j a stokes to sell by public auction at his farm 3 miles north of nelson vil lage 2 miles south of lowvillc in the township of nelson on saturday april 4 commencing at 130 o clock sharp the following horses and harness brown gelding aged bay gelding aged set of heavy breeching harness odd collars horse blankets robts sleigh bells registered shorttl o r n cattle 1 red reg shorthorn co due time of sale 4 years old 1 grey reg shorthorn cow calf at side 5 years old 1 red reg shorthorn htifer calf at side 1 reg shorthorn heifer 16 mos old open 1 red reg shorthorn bull 2 years old grade shorthorn cattle 1 red cow calf at side 4 jeirs old 1 red cow calf at side 5 years old 1 bint cow cilf it side 1 rti heifer due june 15 1 roin htifer due may 5 1 hois to in heifer diic may i 1 holu in cow milking bred f 11 1 rod cow mitkinr bred feb 27 i rid heifer 18 months old 1 fit steer 2 jears old 1 bib beef this 15 in ixct ptionallv breedj h rd of catth ind anvone requir ing breeding itotk would do we i t itt nd this sale poultry poultry equip ment hay ind ct ovfr seed 200 white sussex hens hying 80 per cent btood tested fishers breed 19 breeding roasters sam br qd electric brooder 2 coal brooders brooder house 10x12 wind for hydr brooder house 8x8 witer fountiins 2 small broider houses feedtrs eu buildtnr 12x20 frame suinblo for jingc 250 bales mixed hiv sevcnl bus red clover seed re clcined farm impiements tract or ftr ford tnclnr with lights and tirts loaded 1 veins old md hn lender dee rborn plow 2 furrow cockshutt double disc md 3 section drag cultivator corkshutl minurc spreader cock shim dump rake bain wignn m h gmn binder 6 f m h mow r 1 ft fill hi rick mh ha t eider slush scraper mh seed drill 11 hoe re t pulper v h land roller steel bag chronicles of ginger farm written specialty or the aeo free prat by gwendoline p cbtrfce my column this week will i hope be of special interest to w i members everywhere you see i am all enthused about the big event that is coming up this summer when rural canada entertains the a c w and the more enthused i get the more amazed 1 am when some one comes up with the question and who or what is the a c w v so now just in case there are a few women reading this column who still don t know and would like an answer to that same que tion i will give it to you right here and now the ac ww given its full title is the associated country women of the world its purpose is to promote peace good fellowship and better understanding between iral women of all nations and m eludes ail rural organizations of the world the association was organiz ed iri 1933 at stockholm sweden its first president was mrs alfred watt a name familiar to all wi members its present prcsidtnt is mrs raymond sayre a friendly lit as easy to talk to as your nextdoor neighbour so that members of the associa tion may become better acquainted with peoples from other countries and their way of living conferences are held in a different country each time in 1936 the a c w w met in sttpnrajui points of interest members crossed the peace bridge into canada and were givtn an of ficial welcome b the hon t b mc ques ten in 1939 tht triennial conference was in london england delegates from 32 rural organisations were present mam of them in native costume dining the war world conferences were nntunllj inipos siblc although the organization was still active in 1947 the ac ww met again this time in hollind there were 21 delegites from cana da including mrs hugh summers ind miss anna p lewis all told there were reprtsentatis from 12 nations now it is canadds turn to do the ntertaining from august 12 23 the federated women s institutes of canada fwic and their sister organization les circles de fen leres of quebec will be the official hostess groups at the royal york hotel in toronto delegates from it least 25 countries nre expected ven frpm pakistan egypt and leb anon and possibly from japan and jamaica so you see bir things are shi m up for the w i in cinadi n itur all prepantions in already under and have been for some t me one of the big events will h the canada dav progrim to be hi id it the maple leaf g irdms in fi in it is hoped the prime miniitei of canada the rt if n loins st laurent will officiully ope n the con monie s this will be on fndi au t 21 tun w 11 be i musn il cnalridi f the stnr if cimdi dominion of destm presented b the fw ihitcnde will hae con tinuous action full e rehi stra chorus of mixed voices soloists i lirce cast of acti rs units if the inned forces members of tht monnlies together with vinous inimits ve hicles and other spetiil feitures production m nagers o w fonder nnd ljrr mec met music directed bv s limit 1 herscnhorn singing stir will b frnest adim on saturdiv august 22 the ptrfoi miner will be repeated and will hi open to the public s there v on have it tidies omi thini to loeik forw ird t th il s trulv cimdian from which viu mi harn many thinks ibout the earh historv i c in i ti if u saw lh narviltiu mm int ih it was put on in guelpti n june lm7 let there be likht ihi n v hi will not want to m s this pageinl either dominion of deshnv now about plins fi r von t it tend to eir w 1 tirnch in mi di tickets fr cinidi dav celebra poef s corner good fltlday 1953 if we should harbor malice in our hearts how could we kneel commune with god in prayer asking forgiveness for short comings of our own his tender mercy share if we should hold forgiveness from a friend who came to us with sorrow in his eyes how can we e er hope to gain the peace of paradise lord teach these of ours that earthly gain ay ward hearts so often means the only way to reach our goal is by thy rugged cross bertram e nightingale tions willbe sent the number of tickets will depend upon the size of the branch to whom the tickets will be given each branch will de cide for itself thitik this over cire fully wi friends keep august 21 free if vou can and then if you are one of the luckv ones chosen to re present our branch be ready to ac cept the invitation the opportunity miy not come your wiv again don t think of attending the a c ww conference is one more duty it is more than that it is a privi lege last week i was at a press conference with the fwic plan ning board and a more capable and fritndly group of women it would be hard to find thev are hird at work trvmg to make this a c w w conference second to none ft is our job as w i members to get bo hind thm and help ma re this big event a success for the w i in pir- ticular and tor the honor of canada as a whole how about it folks buying or selling your home land or farm take advantage of a e lepage ltd for prompt courteous service drawing clionh from our flvo offices your nearest representative mrs a m cowie georgetown 504r iirit0r ihch afill5flmfbalj the lowly gunny sick is en th comebick tnil reports the finan cial post but canada s knft manu fieturer nurturing an ambitious 10 12 million a year competitive bag industry ire fir from happv ibout the trend when indii s burlap went on ils wild price mmpige in 1950 and 1 951 piper bag makers had things preltv much their own way they cut into market ifter market trad itiunall supplied by the jute bag miker cittle feeds lour potat oes sugar were just a few of the big volume products thit fell into tht piper bag mike rs lip the problem was onlv one of keeping pace with demand in the process sales zoeiined up 100 71w but now things are different th burlap price picture has cracked wide open with i more thin 50 t price cut in the list year and the jute bag is bick on the bargin counter igun television wifh the exclusive new jffcicjfariitor an rca victorengineered electron- ic marvel the magic monitor acts f like m engineer inside your set to bring you crymalciear picture irue- toliie sound free of distortion here truly is television at its best other outstanding only 38900 features alberta his fewer thin 1000000 people subsisting on 44 000 000 icres f lind ultrasensitive tuning modern cabinet styimq new circuit design builtin antenna manning electric phone 230 acton ont fmloa land of sunshine a flying tide trip to havana where you spend two nighti and one day sightteeing it a feature of hut attractive tour in honda you visit st auguthne silver springs tampa and st petersburg in miami you eoy a tour of miami and miami beach then the scenic south bay cruise and a trip to key west and theres sightteeing all the way when you go by bus a4 your aomt fer lew detafc olikkmd w hound tmp fare fiom tokonto statt to dkmg hcuidfs hom oom k ii mows itainml harold wiles agent 6 bottle q a i i mi i lit n4ftwrle the orangeviile bottling works orangevtue ont phone 137w fork mh wheel cultivator 2 fleurv plow no 21 wheelbar row 2 wheel trailer for car ex tension ladder j sinnle scuffters fanning mill car ropes and pulleys hok troughs s eel water trough hog crate wood water trouirh fence stretchers hand power clippers grain bag a of cedar fence posts post hole poon and bar oil drums electric fencer cvclone seeder quantity of heavv poultry fence quan it of lumber cross cut saw m h cream separator with motor el ectric pall heater milk pails plank for gravel box forks shovels chains doubletree neckrokes etc i prjrntnjki mendelssohn piano extension table and 1 chairs to match kitchen cup board with high i1tw top moffat electri stove 4 burner high oven flndlav circulator heater coal or wood vclrvs white enimel es cort cook stove coal or wood s eel bed wood bedroom suite ith dreiser and w ash stind cnurhc beattv electnc wahin michine 25 o rle old fa5hioned chest of drawee daisv chum cla s churn bitter bowl ind i idle few odd dlihc and num emus smtll household effects tfhms settlement wi h clrk div of sale jo rrve t the fim ii win and proprietor is givine up farm nc rttfreshment booth hindlev flliott a irtloneer ph rokwood 19r3 or 1t7j milton u mcmillan clerk b-s- tlimlea wall cathy if ont in ua utefaen and 111 fat it btbn am turn our story folk my ag naad to drmk milk too juat u much aa you young mai a mae old doctor who knows a lot bout it aaya milk keep my boom stoonf and atraifht juat like iti helping youra to row dairy foods 1 frvm tiukrimloi7 pamtmg by at wefljbwn canodta ariiat j 3 hatlam

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