Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 2, 1953, p. 6

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the acton fbef press acton ontario tinjrsday april 2nd iwi easter as easter comes again we find the world still busy beating its plougshares into guns tanks air planes and other weapons of war eight years after world war ii the world s still restless there is no peace nor in the foreseeable future can we hope to find the peace which christ hoped two thousand years ago would permeate me hearts of his people jesus faced the cross with a faith that made the symbol of defeat a symbol of triumph this is the faith that challenged a civilization in dis integration to build up a newer and finer civiliza tton and to make that faith dominant emerging from the new day which dawned with the resur rection of our lord men through faith became aware of forces working towards the creation of a better world a deeper instinct to spiritual need and a newer conception of their relationship to god and to their fellow men this is the faith which challenges the world today the faith that we can do away with war and poverty and disease must take possession of us before we can move into a world set free from fhese ancient scourges says an eminent divine quite unlike our feverish fears and restless an xieties and short sighted plans is the calm ex pec tation the confident hope the courageous adven ture inspired by such a christian faith the remedy is sq simple ust intelligence and fidelity to the teachings of jesus nothing stands in the way except the obstacles we have either put in the way or permitted to remain there few of us appreciate the possible splendor of the human life at its best and few of us seem to be lieve that the best is within the reach of the ordinary at this eastertide let us rededicate ourselves to the cause of christ let us turn again towards the light that will lead the world from the dan gerous path rt is travelling that a long and lasting peace may again return to the world 1 th true spark of religious and ctml liberty be kindled it will burn human oency cannot extinguish it like the earth central fire il may be smothered for a time th ocean may oteruhim it moun rams may press it dotim but ils inherent and unconquerable ore will heave both frw ocean and the land and at some ttm or other m some place or other the i alcana u til i reak out and flam up to heat en in close cooperation in reading the proceedings of acton council s plan for annexation of properties and land we were pleased to note the cooperative spirit in which the matter was approached that acton s boundanes are badly defined has no argument and few citizens realize the exact location of town boundaries or where the town ends and the town ship begins the need for straightening of these lines has been evident for many years the first effort at any readjustment and correction was made over 35 years ago a partial adjustment was made a few years agp we have watched the problem present itself down through the years at many council meet ings most councils agreed the boundaries should be straightened but hesitated to tackle the ob the present council is therefore to be commend ed not only for making a start at the work but also for going about it in cooperation with many of the owners who will be affected by the change reading between the lines of the industrial committees report to council it is quite evident that many of the owners of properties have been consulted before the final steps have been taken much can be accomplished when such matters are quietly discussed m a cooperative spirit an equalized basis ot count assessment has brought about a change too and w th values the same in towns and adio rung townships d fferenc es in taes are not at such variance the steps have been taken and the matter w ii rece ve a tention now of the municipal board for decision canada s fast expanding plastics industry rovld chalk up as much as 20 more butnes thu year than last many taryw scale expan stums and nw egwtpntenf programs ore note compietnl a nation mourns on tuesday of this week the inst final tubules were paid and dowager queui mary ws hid t rest al the age of 86 years she was grandmother of the young queen whose coronation will loke place in a few months a great nation mourns her passing and chenshes the memory of a queen whose example to her people will always be an inspiration with a majestic manner and bearing personi fying the gracious surety and stability of the british monarchy of her era she lived to see the close of five reigns when queen viclona died in 1901 she was the duchess of york nine years later as the princess of wales she attended the funeral of king edward vii her husband george v was removed from the throne by death in 1936 and less than a year later her eldest son edward vim now duke of windsor abdicated be fore a squall of constitutional controversy her second son george vi died february 6 1952 and was succeeded by her granddaughter queen ftizabeth ii a family mourns the passing of a beloved mother and grandmother and millions in britain and the commonwealth mourn the passing of a woman who was an example of integrity stead fastness and kindly sympathy there is still time to conecjk yoirewter ffreetinos by sending yeur contribution to the easter seal fund pf crippled children planners and builders in view of the fact that so much new housing is needed in acton to meet present needs we read with much interest a special article this week tn the financial post the article dealt in particular with the prefabricated houses that are coming on the market tn another popular magazine we came across the story of assembly line houset that were being constructed by a firm in the united states it was all very interesting but not as informa ttve as we would want if we were searching for living quarters the items were like many other articles on the market today they failed to give the whole story particularly the whole cost most folks when they byy a commodity want to know the complete cost so that they may decide if it fits into their budget for instance one firm has a lot of designs and shapes that run in price from 3 161 to 4 654 that looks real attractive io the couple seeking a home but to these prices must be added the cost of the lot the basement plumbing heating masonry plaster materials wiring and storm win dows and doors if desired a short time ago we added these items on as estimated and the price was no longer attractive when the sum total of a home was estimated there seems to be no end of plans for build mg homes but in some place along the line they become very confusing to the prospective home owner in the meantime the housing shortage becomes more acute and it appears that we need fewer planners and mpre builders to solve the present housing shortage a student of human nature says he notices th middle class consists of those trho man aor io hie in public like the rich do and by in in j m pnrote uke th poor do always ready no matter what the disaster in times of war or m peacetime the red cross appears to be al ways ready to meet the emerqency that this cneat organization stands a1 the ready m all times to serve humanity s a real tr bute to those who administer its affa rs the red cross is mak ng t annual appeal for knds now in order that t may always be pre pared t needs your continued support we know there are many calls these days and they are w orthy ones to help suffering humanity the world over the red cross has been the one organiza tton that meets every call keep rt ready by being i generous as you can with your donat on to its once a year appeal for funds we hoi r no more right to consume hoppi nrss unthout poduono it than to consume wealth u thomt productwo a g b shau- ll arton jfm jprpha th only paper ever published in arto founded in 1873 and published every thursday at 56 mill sv e acton ont member of the audit bureau of cirruls lions the c w s a and the ontarioquebec division of the c w na advertising rates on request subscriptions par able in advance j2s0 in canada 3 50 in the united states ix months 1 50 single copies 6c authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa g a ddls editor and publisher business and editorial office telephone 174 w north east wist s outh new sport 1w 1 w silurdiy ulkht in uortfi n tuns suw u m lwl1 i 11 i miiillmi iporl ijiirn- wft plnil n lit hi ntv spurt 1 uiitlv ciitiniitk n l vnrinu h sn llu i igemvn ii nd1 it ii nimuiiid lhi urn mikhl l ll al imiii i urn i i ii i i h tin turn nf llu n tin i li ihimfi nil tin t un would in drawn mainly from 1 l y ai a inn tnliy wliliii hut a miicthiiful to sell lown hall georgetown council is uillliik f r under for thi null of in uiwn hall thin and havi purchnsd n lot on the highway foi a iuw arc hall different next time if you should happen to park in the wrong plac in trafalgar town ship sometime don i be mirprised if you gel a police letter fnim chit t fred ollvir the letter will say where and whtn the infraction oc curred and note that the mxl time it will cost you money the court esy letter concludes please diivt saftlj eaater lack did you know thai m w clothe at easier were believed to bring luck lor the whole year in ancit nl days an old english verse snvt on easter let you clothes be new or else be sun you will it rut sniint jeesstj tnls kind of trouble was report ed from oakville in one of the towns two weekly papers but likely the same thing happens around here how many people work in youi factory about two thirds sprint in south sometimes there is a remarkable difference in the weather from the north of hal ton and the south last saturday night for instance there was rain falling throughout the county and milton streets were vet and muddy right at the mountain however snow began io appear suddenly along the sides of the road and there was quite a covering of snow in acton likely this difference in wcithe r accounts for the fact that oakville residents are a bit ahead of the morc norlherly towns this sprint a butterfly has already been re porlid to the paper ind tturt is m id in ont of thi pipt rs r stnwbtrrv plints w11 sm crocuses nrt bl mm nit hire anyway new business wi knew the county wt boom ing but here s sorm thing to prove it since this turn last yt ir 119 ntw busincss addresses rn bun idded in oakville oakville r ii 1 and rr 2 ttu re irt 11 mw bus imssts on the run riulis monrj vol important did u want to go to florid i this winter and didn t go htm you though oud like to jo to ihi but ililn t nltiiid f y hi ii b inliiinuii in a ntate in nt m u i i ist wtk in tin oak villi inifilkii joumul by myk ly i wh li tt iv illng lhrouih rui ipt in i will it iliimn in the ptipt i lh tis itrliinly n in i liivolvti in trivtllitih hi it ik ml hi ii n just mil mini m mum g 1 mil i imp m y h 1 j u lull ihivt lhnlf import ml hut ik in 1 tt iv hint with d liiht louth by my iiutm- ik got on to tiuggi tt llu tx st kinds of ink mid in tybt that lan i llu wuy you wanted to go to florida treea for toronautn a tret planting emmony is in luded in burlington a coronation plans there will bt a parade with moats the afternoon of the cert many a free coronation ball and fireworks display for the evening the committee is also wonderinj about showing the televised wn numy publicly llair raising item gtorgl english who wrius the milton high school news column for the canadian champion had start ling news last wnk some of thi hlgh school girls havt evidently been dying their hair red the redheads around the school tan no ionger boast about their crown lng glories there are so many dyed in the wool pardon mi hair girls now that its hard t ull them apart he says pluck whin thingb are running crosswise and ttu engines out of gear when the road is rough and rocky and the sky is fjr from ckar when you re plainly up against it and you re surely out of luck thais the lime to use your cour age and to show your stock of pluck so when everything s against you and your plans are going wrong just fact the situation and keep going right along dont sit down and wail and whim per even though you may be stuck you re not absolutely helpless if you still possess your pluck anon many changes would greet former actonian in business 1h i ii rtnlnlv hiv i i it i f iiiiukoi in th hnsim mi kitiioii nil it puts thin ulumn inu tin llilil wik on llu sum d iljul 1 j ml in tition ih in lmbbh 11 will 111 poflxllll 1 wind tin in u ii a wk i ii ft lilt jlllt it lilt i it i ot mill tn i m in lisl a h uil mi ii up mill si on 111 miilh kill in ihi bin nun hlo k n xl to i a w hive iii li lllvt 1 1 nl tuiiiiit om rated by e hoi ell j mnssey nptialid i but ht r fthup llu re kind ricks hnl a beauty salon and klngtihntl and noble operated d restaurant all in fairly rtcent succession next door where the new roxy theatre now standi was the scene of on of ihe towns worst ires a restaurant barber shop and i think a shoe repair shop wen bumed out in sub z ro wrath r one morning across the street j leixhman sold the pool room to h water house in recent years dr a j buchanan still has his dental practice above lovell bros meat market i can t remember any changes in these two businesses the old gregory theatre next door was changed in very rcc enl years and now houses car roll large store with elsen s clothing store next door and apartments above from there to the corner you ii notice changes along the line toth s shoe repair is located in what used to be the royal cafe watson a dairy bar has taken over the seynuck restaurant jon we can remember it in bral das shoe store now operates in the store that john kenncy oper ated for many years mac pal lant owned this property and it was operated by a mr mcdon hid for w vtml iri elliot hi m tns rv ind dry g ds bus in w m lo ild on ttu torn t and t urn i it immlur iinv ch i ii in u in imnliuss locution picking up from til itoxy th atrc oi thi fniitli ide of th hint l w hi iik us i tit ml ins nitik trie is next wh r i 11 inud t hv hlk hh i i liih hhnp tin itoyal 1 is ii w win n tdw nd 4 for mtilv hid i liimiry uid bake a ilrown u opt rating thi fruit and gro try nlnrt in its prestnl loc it ion jaa gardiner follows agar con hasnard radio and a bargain store in the mall store next to wiltn bus depot if and wlks operatid a restaurant confectionary und bus depot for many yearn with the re tan rant being discontinued in fairly rec ent years 11 n farmer and the present lawyer c f leatherland are the only occupiers of the next stone building that can be recalled talbot s hardware and large warehouse on the corner across from the pout office moved there a number of years ago i can t re member the beardmorv cooper atlve that 1 understand was oper ated hire before this the post office is next a we continue up the street and h baxter purchased hassard s drug store and residence in very rc cnt years the bank of nova scotia ie one of the streets newer buildings where the town a first post office and later evan a meat market was located sandy mclean barber shop and that brings us up to the ymca where we 11 try and ftnishfronv next wctk for those former and present aclonians that are inter ested professional directory and travellers guide medical big mine market are mines ibout r ad to take r in uu mirktt where oils left jit in 1952 that question is posed by a special writer in the finjncn poit who inswcrs it this wnj sh irply mere nsed shjre turntmr impressive price mirkups buoyant undertone thesi have spelled a vastly improved mining market sentiment a favoribk climate hi created for new issues on the wi thi re hive undoubted v been more spectacular market pirform inc s on the toronto ind montreal h irds but coming on the heels of a fnrl cxtindid period of li thjrcy in mining issue prstnt icmilv could shape up as the fnrerunnir f something import dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block mill st acton office phone 18 residence church st phone 150 dr 0 a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river s fntrancc river street acton ontario phone 238 dr a i armstrong physician and surgeon office 105 mill st east phone 574 dental caster in tfje hurtbesb dr a j buchanan dental burgeon office le ishman block mill st office hours 9am to 6 p m x ray telfphone 14fl dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours d am to fl p m telephone 19 acton c f leatherland barrister solicitor notary office 22 phone res 151 acton lever hoskin bartered accountants successors tej jfnklnh ami hardy 1315 metropolitan uldg 44 vic ton j si toronto tm h 9131 albert j crandell harterrd accountant mim strict georgetown office 014 res 176r open wed md fri fvcnings and all day saturday ciiiropsactok baptist church acton dvtlght l patterson pastor parsonage 115 bower ave phone 206r thursday april 2 800 pra meeting and bible sludv sudav april 5th 1151 1000 im sundiy school 11 00 am easier si r ice re imetle the the hich will be observed h erd ninn of the lord- supo i 7 30 pm fvening service a hth will bt observed the r dinance of believers bapt sr monday april 6 a do mn peoples drama festival pi i presented by acton and hill burgh bypu am the remrrrcixon ond tte l- u nit ed church of canada acton ontario a friendly church rev e a carrey ba bd minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 80 mlno m lampard atom orginim and choir leader good fnda 1100 am oru h ur f divine worship easter sumai april 5 1953 10 00 am sundav school christian citizenship 1100 am morning worsh od news of easier 00 pm rveninti v rship ch ir will sins the fi- tr vetebinaey b d young bvsc c l young dvm etrrinary borgeons office brookville ontari phm milton 155r21 f g oakes b v sc rterinarun d j armstrong doctor of hlropraetle 15 frederick st n acton phone 550 mlbcrllamous the victor b rumley funeral home funeral home flealed anil phone 30 night or day serving the community for 46 years taia kir the th i st atbans chutch anghran rev ralph e price ba bd rector easter day april 5th 1953 8 30 ain holy communion i 10 00 am children s service 1 1 00 am- beginners class 1115 a jn festival choral com muni on 7 00 pm festival choral even song and sermon th lord is risen indeed thanks be to cod who pireth u th rtrx ory thrtmyh our lord jew christ st luke m 34 1 cor 15 57 good friday 1000 am matins ante commun km and address chnrt our passover jorriftc d for ws therefore let us keep ihe feast 1 cor 5 7 all welcome thought for the vwek i a sweet spr ngtime half ti world away sus christ aro for n dt th break of dav again it spnngm e bend p low we pray ess us lord of easter n th easter day easter greetings ti a 1 presbytebian chutch in canada knox cmmch acton re robest h armstrong mji roj mlnwrr good friday 1100 am divine worship sunday april 5th 1953 easter sunday 10 00 am sabbath school 1100 am drvine worship 12 15 pm bible clas 00 pm cantata rfal estate sd instrance wright real estate and insurance 1 i wright n b wright 0 witur st 69 macdnnell st art n ont cmelph ont i h ne 95 ph ne 491sw aluaton reallon insurors mimlxr appraisa institute f c anada m mbers iplph and district k al ftate board members guelph and d strict in irance agents asmmriation w r bracken real eatale insaranre phone 26 acton li1 vour farms h isiness ir hous- with us we invite vou to use our facilities in securing a purchase for vour property lloyd e aollffe rr no 8 guelph hespeler 01 olive m lampard atcm rmt organist and hoir leader lnittd church teacher of piano st nil lnited hurch thurvdajai st idit 14 park ave guelph th fl honf 298 travellers guide gray coach lines oa iits i fave acton 6 v am k5kam 1133 a nx ph f r srim pm 33 pm 8j1 p it lupm westboand in 3 am 12 52 pm 157 pjn sz7 pm 727 pm b 12 pjm 1132 pn 1 12 am isun to kh- hcner nh a itaih except sunday and holv- b saturday sunday and holl- canadian national rarways dail 6 40 a m daily except sitt- ivi 954 am 7 10 p m suodt ily b 16 pm daily except sttn- georgetown 9 02 aim at georgetown 0 11 i day fl dail 1pm sale r f bean general inaaranre 60 mill st acton phone 585 office hours 9am 3pm 530 pm 9 pm westbovbd da i except sunday and moo i day 2 22 am sunday and monday onh 12m am daily except sun day h4s am b50 pm flagitop 44 pm daily except saturday and sunday 6 10 pm saturday oa i ly 236 p m sunday only 9 43 bja flagstopi sunday only flyer at guelph 7 05 pm

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