Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 2, 1953, p. 7

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thursday april 2nd ibm the acton free press acton ontario page three lower work storpaosb the number of work stoppafea riling from industrial duputei in canada during uk2 was consider ably lower than the figure for 1991 although total time loss was much higher hon milton f gregg minister of labour pointed out that while total time loan waa higher jhn in 1051 it still represented on- fy 026 per cent of the total estimat ed working time of non agricultural wage and salary workers in cana- half safe motorist hey there why s only one half of this crossing gate downt gatekeeper we re half expect ing a train the greeks have a word for rr wiioan the magic word tbat tabs a mole to get going it prob- frttwetkart lumi 0a waaaj stoanthy when greek mqlc-drtf- en feed to tranapoct into ska mated interior roofing matenv ah needed for the conrtroctlon of aafugee anchors the gown gwrchased 2000 tons of ala ttnam for the purpose set axsoentahy beted the transports- gkkn problem another nke thing about aaa tetonms ughtneai h that a ghaa pounoafa goal two to thn tfcma jftru with other metah b an meant that ahmdnon wfth eat to advantagea actually coata haa too ajnmlmim oosapaay of i ltd akaax makes windbreak mulching trees comparative result of three years investigations at the forest nursery station indian head sak indicated that proper mulching of trees may be a satisfactory method of establishing windbreaks spaced 4x4 feet under certain prairie conditions data obtained during the growing leaaoru of 1mb 1950 and 1991 in dlcated that mulching of treat grown since 1942 at the station in belts 4x4 feet tended to increase the water content of twigs this would increase their possibility of escaping drought injury the effect of mulches appeared to be more pronounced during aeaaona with subnormal nraount of precipitation during the relatively dry periods of each growing season a greater amount of available moisture and a lower temperature were found in the surface soil of the root area of trees under mulch aa compared with those not mulched this would suggest that the increased water content of twigs taken from trees that were mulched could to a con hlderable extent be due to the in milnting effect of mulch and lis preventive influence from excewive latsis of moisture by ovnporalion the powlblllly ii not overlooked that mulches may nhomodtnle i- ceslw absorption of water hv root ivstems because of posstbli poorer juration of toil remits of these invmtiriulons have also indicated that thi iftects of mulching appeared to be more pronounced following more pro fashion hint the new slim narrow look is beautifully interpreted in this ray on crtpe dress with its flgun glorifying lines the troubli i you need a figure that s wonh glorifying before you try buying any of these extremely slim dnss esl spring and mmmer aj tlu in it unit s of year to inaugural n reducing scheme though for fn th fi ults an toming into the market and lis a pleasure to give up fill tt ni ntl diam rts for fiult and meat and potatoes for a fresh salad added intinst foi this provided by the ntat piter pan tollar bract kt kngth siclvih and pocket detail it would be espcilal ly attractive in navy with accessor longed and lighter application of tlnt uino nrtlflclal mulch as compared heavier application but of shorter duration it is of considerable importance to note that no evidence wni found to indic th th v mulch i smntfietayram the twlfts during the growing sea son proper ctinlrol of lodents is t sermjal however if mulihlng is lo be used wrrofsfully typical it was pnnnb day at n small country school mrs smith waa sitting with her eves glued on the curtain when it suddenly rose on little harry jones attired in a toga friends romans countrymen he dtclared lend mt vour ears leaning over her neighbors ihoulder mrs smith was heard lo comment in an iron whlspoi wouldn t be matt jonis boy i he wasnl borrowing something nineu per cml of canadian milk production movi s t market by truck piano sales service of hamilton new and used pianos pianoi tund replrd and rebuih for service and estimates phone 128 acton easter suggestion baked ham and delicious coke our food store is featuring many combinations of fine food nnd delicious cot a cola th perfect n freshment i for happy occasions 6 bottle qms cartel 00 the orangeville bottling works oranoevole ont phone 137w hott pink or i ho uko for 7 just rurioils tiny hord n kouifc lo lay a sidt walk clearing auction sale of reg and flrade shorthorn calue l horses poultry ford tractor farm implemrnta and furniture the undersigned have received instructions from j a stokes to sell by public auction at his farm j miles north of nelson vil lag 2 miles south of lowvilk in the township of nelson on saturday april 4 commencing at 130 o clock sharp ihc following horses and harness brown gilding aged bay geldinfi agtd bet of heavy breeching harms odd collars hurst blankets robit slwgh bells registered short horn cattlbl red rig shorthorn cow due time of sale 4 years old 1 grey reg shorthorn cow calf at sido years old 1 red reg shorthorn ht ifcr cilx at sidt 1 rl shorthorn heifer 16 mos old open 1 red reg shorthorn ul 2 years old grade shorthorn catti e 1 red cow calf at sidt 4 years old 1 red cow calf it side i yeirs old 1 bin com t ilf it sidt 1 rt d hdftr duo june 15 1 rom hufir dm m i 1 holstein hoifir dui may s 1 holltin cow milking bred fb 11 1 red t ow milking bred fb 27 1 r d ht ifir ib months old 1 fit slur 2 jiars d 1 biby beef thi ls in ixr pit inallv bmdy rd of cittli and anvono roquir tnj breeding si nk would do we 1 t itlnd this sale pol ltry poui try equip mftft hay ind ci over sefd 200 white sussi x hens hying 80 per cent blood tested fishers breed 19 breeding roasters sime bned elettnc broodtr 2 cml brooders brooder house 10x12 wind for hydro brooder house 8xr witrr founttint 2 smill broider houses fct dcrs etc building 12x20 fnmc suttiblc for rinse 250 biles mixed hiv seenl bus red clover seed re clcined farm implements tract or etc ford tract ir with ligh s and tins loaded 1 vears old md ha ionder deerborn plow 2 furrow cockshutt double dhc md 3 section drag cultn ator corkshult minure spreader cock shutt dump rake bain wigon mh gnin binder 6 f mh movtr ft flit ht rick mh ha tidder slush scnper mh seed drill 11 hoe root pulpcr m h land roller steel bag truck team disc 14 plate 3 sect ion harrov 4 section harrow hav fork m h wheel cultivator 2 fleury plows no 21 wheelbar row 1 wheel trailer for car ex tension ladder 2 single scufflers fanning mill car ropesand pulleys hog troughs seel water trough hog crates wood water trough fence stretchers hand power clippers grain bags a no of cedar fence posts post hole spoon and bar oil drums electric fencer cvclone seeder- quantity of heavr poultry fence quanltv of lumber cross cut saw mh cream separator with motor el ectric pail heater milk pails plank for gravel box forks shovels chains doubletree necktokes etc prrryrtttre mendelssohn piano extension table and tehllrs to match- kitchen cup board with high glass top moffat electric stove 4 burner high oven flndlav circulator heater coal or wood mctarvs white enamel es cort cook stove coal or wood s eel bed wood bedroom suit with dreser and wash cmiehes beattv elertric washln machine 25 evele old fashioned chest of drawr dalsv chum cla s chum bitter bowl and ladle k few odd dishes and num ernas small household effects tfrms ch settlement wi h clrk div of sale vo reserve as the firm is sold and poinetor is giving up farm nr refreshment booth hmdlev f flliott a ctionwrs ph rokwood 19r3 or 1t7j milton l mcwllan clerk b2 m chronicles of ginger form written apeciallv for the aeto frtt pmw by owendollne p clarke my column this wetk will i hope bo of special interest to w i members tvorywhtrl you aee i am all enthused about thi big event that is coming up this suitinur whtn rural canada nit rtalns hie a c w w and tin imut ttithused i gt t ht mini amiititl 1 am when hoiiio iik onith up with hit iuklkon and who oi what is tin a w v so now just in east tlicre aie i ftw worm n itadlng this column who still tlon t know and would llkt on nnnwtr to that anmi num ion i will glvt it lo tni right bin mtl now tht at ww kiv ii us full till is tin aanikliiud iitmti wmntn of lit woilti ltn puiu st ih to promote print gonti ft lliiwslili anil i in ttt r until i hlaiittlng tx tw n ut il worm n it all mill im and in ludth nil rural oignnlallunn of tilt 1iirlil the assmiatlon wasoignni rd hi 133 nl sltukholni swuimi its ftist ptihltitnt was mis alfut watt n naitu familial to all w i in i its in hi tit pnslth nt in itiiymoiui sayrl a frltndly lit sy in talk ions your m xt ilimi ntlgliliour so that nit mix is nf tin asno in tlun may ikcoiiu in ttt i artiuiilnted with pioples from ottii r tmintrks and tin ir wnv of living t onfert nc s art tuld in a diffiiuil country i nth points of inlrcat about 70 or iso mbiri trovstd tin iuitt hrldht o canada nml win givtn an of ml wtlcomt lv hit lion v 11 mt tstcn n idii tin tu nm il cinf iiilt was in ixiiiilnn lniliiui uthgiilts from 32 itiial orgamatlons wiic tot innv of tin i in ntlv tiitumi duntif tin onfiiincts hid natui hv initios iblt nltliiiugli tin oi nm illon was slill actlvi in 1947 tht ac ww t agun this timt in holland then win 21 tit ui itis from cana ii intluding mis huth summtis nd miss anna p j wis all told then win n prt m nt iiim s from ii mtitins now it is cnnad is inn to d ih nuitninmt from august 12 21 he rcdiriittd wtmiui s instituti s uf canada fwic and tin ir sistir organization list 1 1 s i mi rts of qihikc will bt tin official hosttss groups at ihi royal york hottl in tot ontti dtltgatts from it hast 25 counlrus an txpeclid n from pakistan bvpt and i il nnon and possibly from japan ind jamaica so vtm see big tilings an sh i m tip for tin w i in itndn n lur lv prtparitlnns r ititady uniii r iv and hnve 1m r fn soim 1 mi one of the big units uill tht canada in piojniin to be li id it maple ltaf cartlms in t n s hi pit tin im mminli f canada tin rt il n i urns st liunnt will off u illy op n tin rt monn s this will in in rntln aut t 21 tlun will in i i ism 1 i i 1 id f tht sttn- if cimdi domini n f dtstin pns nttd bv thi 1- w c this cih cirit will hive con inuoiis nition full ithisln cht rus f mixtd v ncis sloists l isl of acti rs units f tht irmed fortis membiis if tin mountus totilher with annus ininnk vi is ind other spitnl feiluris pniduction m matt rs o w fnnu r ind iorrv met i net music dintted b simiii i ht rs nhorn singing stir 11 bt frmst adim- on siturda august 22 the ptrformince will bt reptited and will bi optn to the publ ic so then on hav i it hdies omi thing lo look forw ird 1 1 thi is trul cin idi in fro n which ou ham manv things ibout thi historv of cuiidi if v u saw tin mrillm in ul thit as put on in guelph in junt 147 let there be t nht thi n vi u iu not want to m ss this pageant thi r dominion of i stin now about pi ins for ou to at tend to e t rj w i br inch in im da tickets fur cantdi div celebra poets corner good friday 1v53 if wi ffhnulii harbor mallei in our hearts ii iw could we kneel commune- with lol in prayer asking forgiveness for hort comlngi of ur own ml lendtr meriy share if wt should holt forglvtiieas frmn a friend who iame lo us with sorrow in his eyes how tan wi etr hom lo gain thi peace of paradbu i ord tt arh ibtr aywurtl hi ii tn that tarthly gain fui oftin mt am lofls the only way lo rem h our g al is bv thv ruggid enuii btrtram l nlghtingib lions will in si nt llu number of tkkt ta will h ptntl umiii uit uf of tht inaiith lo whim the tkkt ta will in givni tuih hi until will ttt nth foi ltt if think tliiw ovi r tan fullv wi fin nils ki i august 21 fm if vim t tn anil tin n if you are oik of tin in kv oiitx t host n to n in n tit nut titiillib l itatly lo m 1 1 pi tin iiiv unlit n tin opportunity nifiv not tiimi your wav ngalii dutit think of attt tiding the a ww nf inr is im itinr duty ii ih mint than that it is a ptlvl i k uikt wtik i was al u pnsa mf iiu with tht f wl plan ning htmid antl a nion i iipabh and fiituilly giotri f w ih haul 1 find 1 lit v an ban at wmk tiviiif to maki thla a ww confiiinii si torn to n im it is our job is w i im mixta to git in hinil hum nml in lp maki thin big i int a shncs fi i tin wi in pur- lit ular iini foi iht honor of as u wh ih how about 11 fi iks thk lowly gunny aock is n th i imt4iik ttail rt ports trie fin in tlal p st hut canada n ki tft miiiiu rtutiiiiis nurlutlnk aiiililtiiiux 10 l million a yt u nimp tltlvi bag industry an fai from liappv ih mt tin irtud wli n india s burlap wt tit on it wild pi it i timing iti 1010 and mlil pip r bug maktts bid things pnllv inn li thilt own wav liny nil into mirkit ifl i murk i trad ilnnally mipplnd by tin uli big m ik r tltlt fntls flour potnt ois sugar wit just a f w of th ink v iluine prntliitls thit ml into llu pptr hag imkt rs lip thi pribhtt was only oiu of kn ping pin with dimimd in tht pnw i ss sihs o rmd up r 71hj hut now things in tiilti nnt th burlap pritt pit tm has cracktd buying or selling your home land or farm take advantage of a e lepage ltd for prompt courteous service drawing client from our flv offttfts your nearest rep retenta live mrs a m cowi ovorgattywn 304r see itt ililtr jgluw- only 38900 with th ir w th 1 ist yt ir jnd thi h ik is b itk tin tin birgur tt r ig mi allmfti bus fiw t hum 1000 000 pmplo sulwhlmt in 44wktmh teres an rca victor engineered electron k marvel the magic moo nor su like an engineer jaiidc your ict to bring yiu trytl clear pictures true toliic mhind free of diilurtion hen truly ii tclcvulon al lit ben othr outstanding jtqtfeuoc- ftaturts ultra sensitive tuning modern cabinet styling new circuit design builtin antenna manning electric phone 230 acton ont futom land of sunshine a flying tide hip to havana where you ipend two nights and one day sightseeing ii a feature of thit attractive tour in flonda you visit st augustine stiver springs tampa and st petersburg in miami you enjoy a tour of miami and miami beach then the scentc south bay cruise and a trip to key wett and theres sightseeing all the way when you go by but asfc your aoeaf for mi avtafs otthkmd w hound mr fade fiom touonto bltfkl to dm wcuks hotel hoo k ii moots har01d wiles agent weil cathy ft oot in th kitchen and to fttt it bafrra we have our story folk my age med to dnnk milk too juet as much aa you young mae a wise old doctor who knows a lot about it eaya anilk keeps my bones strong and straight just like its helping yours to grow daisy foods sirvici buriau i fnmtimmrttbtatoa paimtnf by nw a canadian aril j s hallam

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