Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 16, 1953, p. 1

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ht jutm m seventy eighth year no 41 acton ontario thursday april 16th 1953 eight home print pogeisu conn iet s3 halign county raw at 575 artillery to parade fire salute padre spea at serv in park three bands have already agreed anizatlons attended the coronation to participate in the parade and drumhead service in acton on sun day hay 31 and the speaker fori the service in the parte has been mcured the coronation commit tee is itm m plans for the attornoon event which will rftark the coronation of queen elizabeth ii the royal canadian field ar tillery trumpet band from guelph guelph pipe band and acton cit- inma band plan to parade with the school children more bands may be added as plans progress members of the nrtillerv will also fire a gun salute the parade is expected to march from the station to the park along mill and then main st which w be gay w red white and bi decorations and picturts of f fljjrue th corn nation decoratii ie pons from busim ssmen and dustries and look fnrwird to dec orations throughout the w holt town as well as along the route o the parade the school children will each carry a flag as they march to the park the service there is under the direction of the acton ministerial association the speaker will be the padre of the roval canadian meld artulerv rev crawford smith of st andrews church m guelph large pictures of the quern have been ordered too lor thi decorations representatives of various ore committee meeting last thursday since then dr a j bucbatnn the chairman with mayor dr f g oakea have attended a meeting of the guelph coronation committet for ideas which might be adapted to acton s plana donations have been made tor the committees use in the coron ation celebration further plans will be announced as they are made district deputy visits acton lodge about 150 masons from wellinj ton district and other surround i districts nsembled in walk esquesing group hold annual social the esquiring federation of ag riculture held its annual social ev ning on april 8 at stewarttowi community hall when an enjoy able evening w is spent all the prizes were donated three by acton m rchants and thret by tht ones in the southern put of the township winners or the euchre were ladies first mrs ab robinson ac ton second mn wium gtorg lown and third mrs muuro of toronto men first mr ed dav tnpurt milton fcetond mi mic al tx uidtr hornbv third mi c am bintlau gtorgitovii will tape bicycles to avoid accidents business hid 111 in lltt ttel nini ruttii from i cton rotwrv club vrvbod ii pt to pro tidtnts tht appl two fire alarms within half hour before the acton fire bngid hid returned to tht art hull from n firi mondav afternoon tht sin n sounded the alnrtn for a second blire neither of the fires whii h win reported within nbout hilf m hour of t ich other was serious about 130 pm the ilarm was turned in that thtrt wis i fire n the reforestation nn a behind guelph st tht flames which hid ippirntlv sprad from the r ul roid tricks win burning und biush md hid stirtil up th t s ovr 400 feet of hos wis qimkh 1 ud hv th fmmin fiom th liuu county secretary is wms speaker tin hnstiin stw irdship sn retirv or hilton count tresbvt riil wis jiist spi iker when the united church wmb held its hast r thmko ring met ling tu sdm att rnoon in the sundiv si hool room of tht church tht prsiduit miss m burnett was in chnrj ind introduced thi sptnktr miss blnnshaid o u n uiikl ho pike lo ib nit lio s n hnstun tevvud hir us from nthtr alton hurt hi had bun mvitd t luciul th limn hind i nited asion vv as tht official visit of dis public school on siturdav montlhg isit of ffi tnct dtputv grind master d k i bthv bartleman to w ilker lodg ihmbtt with a number of grind lodgt hymn m memory of late b mason a variety of band instrumental and solo selections was enjoyeo last sunday evening in the roxv theatre when the lome scot band presented a concert under the direction of bandmaster a peirott numbers played bv the smartly uniformed bandsmen wcrt introduced by the master of ccn monies mayor f g oakes mr perrott spoke bnofly ard introduced the hvmn unlo th hills which was plaved in mem ory of the late bert mason joseph seelen plaved accordion solos and a young bov from bram pton sang acton residents plivmg with th lornt scots sundaj were chalcj lanclsbornugh chirlcs kingsm ken allen riv gnevv georg smith jos p seelen ind nino sralda incinerator blaze spreads to garage flames threitening the irani garage at thr home of k timbers main street south wen quickh extinguished bv firemen thursdiv afternoon about 1 p m gn caught fire from an incinenlor and flames spread to the garage wl was next to the lumber pile o b mackenzie and son damage wis limited to i ne of tht garage ict rs rt wor bro bartleman compli mented the officers and especially i worshipful master l w lovtll on the high excellence of the dogrt e work which was conferred on bro thus c i winlov after the degree work of tht evening rt wor bro bartlim in presented wor bro a j buchan an the immediate past master of walktr lodge wrth his past mas jewel wor bro v b rum ley presented to wor bro roy mc intosh of oshawa on behalf of walker lodge a life membership certificate o walker lodge a cold plate luncheon was ser under the direction of junior w den george wingate assisted b number of ladies which was i joed very much wor master l w lovell w ls toast master for the eening and called upon bro fred dawkms to propose the toast to grand lodg which was replied to bv rt woi bro bartleman the district dep utv commented on the friendliness of members of walker lodge and how visitors were alwavs nmde to feel at home there he took for h s subject the topic is miwnn religion he outlined some of n tenets which hae to be subscnb i lo before joining misonry h pointed out that mason r dot s no specif any religion but cindtdat s must hne a belief in th txistenu supreme being being a m i son will not mike a christian i nbld but will help inv pus to be t bttter chnsttin th sptnikt r mid he stited thit tin religion holds muh for mankind u xxi mison is t good church got r ind carries thr prectpts f mimr into his eerydv life nnd businiss tht district deputv con i hided wtr bro j buchanin pio posed the toist to the visitors which wis responded to b woi mister eirl wilson of speed lodgt guelph wor bro mimrd wi- son of merctr lodge fergus ind rt wor bro john heap gutlpi grind junior warden for the pr i vine of ontario the junior wirden toast pi o jstd by junior warden geoig w ngalt bnught the enjoviiili int ting lo i close i iriuk wi m b m imt 1 thi fut hill th udntch humid 1 tin ii i but iids ind 12 noon and and 3 p m supplis i on jiind for 100 bi clts sihtr tipt is applid to the handlebirs ind front forks with d tape btmg applied to the rear fender the lapt glows bnlltantl reflect ing htadlights and is i definite safety precaution for tht summer i months ahtad pirents ire isked to co opt rate with club officials in miking this plan a succtss farmers consider group advantages a meeting of farnurs in broi k illt hall on tuesdav tvtning cf this week discussed tht federat oi of agriculture md tht fanni rs tnui trmk i dublin ttnnuiv wmri i tire i as out of control a lirgi dar bush whsclowl lngtlamp j workmtn on a tiwnship ti hid stopped to hlp fight f in bi fun tht bnt idt arm pit manv participattd in tht issions and somt expres ed opinion that i new orjinizalion might hi better and solve somi the troublts that have bttn count red bv farmers the work of the federation ilso upheld and a list of fid ion actiwtits wis reviewed n clsion wis reiched at the mn but phns wen mido to rtview situation saskatchewan band has balance tu bv mi- it i mr 1irktlt county rate up road rate 225 mi countv cnumil igrni tu th r tommendiitlons of the finance com mitt i that n bv law in drawn lo istihtlsh tht county null nite at nulls mi incimst n three quarter s of a mill ovtr inst ynr when uny m 1 i in iikulni sission on luisdiiv of thii week a giinrul inert ust o p i iti mil isl iiiuliibiiltil to th intrtasi itt iv e- ford riafalfciii said tin tstiiiiiitii xpindituiis m mid in siitlolinj vvliih uvtnut wns i si mi ul d il suijioo 1 iv hk a lulniei uf l4 5tl7tt2 to in raised by u ni i i il t vv i t nulls on th jmiliitl isssfnnnt the r id levy ls nt l2 1921 ti ipprov d i r in miss bin ill mis b m w it think it hid th vm who h id t 7 meitmg euiitludd nuts wt r itrved lliuv ttrrlc thr r ud to mi mh rs ii i iff k ikifson p ii u ihl with tin f im insututn ii ilfflllllt i i olitut i tho j ids f i th w douglas dies in toronto hospital a wl known ind highly respect the following item from swift tm rtsident of the speyside dlstnct cuircnt saskatchtwin will b of willnm douglas passid away m inttrest to actonians w ho htai d the swift current band plav il toneert in acton park lat lum mi r swift current sask tin swift current boys band has it last been able to add up all of tht many items of expense conntcttd with their trup to toronto lit september tht totil cost of th trip to ontirto was sllottls m ter paving all expenses tht bind committee finds thit it his a b il anct of 2 300 this would seem to prov thit such huge undtrt tkinjs tan be handled successfully if ihtv are hindled bv the right kind of peopli ind in this cast we fei sure thit the btrjtst share of tht credit must go to bandmisti charie wirren sm il outlimd tin being ri dipntv r canida s popuhtion should ince b vond the is 000 000 n toronto list friday fihiwing at illntss of about a week a son o the late george douglas and marg artt minson he wis bom i streetsville september 12 1872 he resided in guelph for a number il vtars prior lo going to spewdc where h owntd the general stou in tarlier yt irs he wis a builder ind carpenter btsides his wifi he itaves n son douglis nnd a brother thin l histirs predeeeased him symp thv of miny friends in the tommunilj goes out in thtir btreavimcn mr douglas was a membc- o knox church acton and the fun irnl strvice on mondiv afternoon i was conducted by his minister rev r h artmtiong interment was in furvuw ctmeterv acton i the pillbeirei s were messrs john moon goldic gillies hobeit dndgt herbeit dndge btn rn btruson ind willnm mcdonald 1 town six groups show surpluson520perations a surplus of a 009 so on th town opt the auditors report iihmittid r eourril meeting thi wrtk the vtrrwork drp i board planning boird public shihl ixvird d strict also ctprtsii sorphist n th pa were rw rded on th twer opt rmons ih board leaver an 1 hoskin town audit ors pointed out in th report thit the surplus on town operations re suited from an lncrease in supple mentarv assessment fire grant i turns for 19s2 is indicated in ipproval it th am revulir mrtil hdo etectrir librarv nd rth haiti n hjgh schnl it untions df t unetis twml anl cm bird si dtfui a surplus of s23 38 99 was reported ctmeterv board and 8 3s for the citizens band the band re rved a total of 1057 47 for en stteijnirtjh it kements dunng the year and a decrease in street light ex penditures ind welfare revenue n recreation and communitv serwc s went up with expenditures going down the water orks department re corded a surplus of 3 801 47 on the years operations that involvsed re venue of 1919627 with expendit public school board report ed a surplus of s11 04 on e penditures of 59 693 49 with it t me of 69 m4 53 the north halton high school district board reported surplus o 1 4 237 03 on expenditures s1s2 817 09 expenditures m town operations ures totalling 13 594 80 a deficit during 1952 totalled 208735 15 all of 77356 on sewer operations w as dtbentures presently in effect will bom bv the waterworks depart by paid bv 1972 taxes receivable ment a the end of the vear were 3284 the hydro department reported cost o fire protection during the on recommehdution orihochuri ivtufldlne rommittip couifril pi vdyrrrhtdetiiiik the gnviltlol- foinur rtsiduicc in th buildi f ii offic puipoits ind thi trt on of i vault with nffltt tiii miit at i cost of 10000 mmibirs tndorsid a rt solution pousored bv smile nnd atkinson that an invtslig ition bt mad by tht tounty engintir is to the ul ition of spied in built up an is sirvtd by the county road system particularly the guelph line south of tht queen eli7ibtth highway and highvviy two council turned down i proposal lo celebrate the county centennial this year is they felt it should hivebem arranged last year snm suggested it could bt left in the hinds of tht different fall fairs but u was pointed out milton strved their centtnmal in l with m appropri itt lertmony a numbt i of grants were ipprov ed to tht halton junior f irnn rs 25 halton plowmen s association 200 md tht sam amounts to th milton fair boird tht acton filr the giorgitown rair lh cand lan n itional institute for thi blind t0 salvation armv 700 halton music festivil 100 llos pital for sick children 2i0 md 500 nch to th iirnt scots rt gi ment and the lome slots re mt nl il band lt col j r birbtr wis pr s ent to rtport on th acliv its of t regiment duiinj th past year following an inv sligatinn coin 1 ippnived th purthise of fi r s of lind f r r fun station u issigiwvi township from th th hi pr id nnk psite for si 200 ives tnfalgir wis r d mspulor f u itil r it pivis i i ippoi nils tr sl ussful fight whn milton council grintfd thi ir n tpii st iblish i b irri if irlntr i heir thin ipp ik in w thdnwiiih from thi kim si hi oi an i ovi 20 nt piyi rs t mpns d i d h gal ion which presented i pttition ti council last tuesdiy if irm on two idmtinl pi titiotu pr sn l by the ratepayers of zimm rm u l md bell public school seci ms asked council to s iblish this boird to heir their cise in i nection with withdriwing fn m u present pub it schn i irei and to re establish thi former si hon iict ion the pititun also ihirgii nelson township officials w th rr fusing this rejueft ind sought lttrimi trtistttierri us f iri vuti can throw them th n is no voting- power irr thr north o the township and w art foiled to do something v do not wi h to w n solelv run fiom tht uiith mr micnub charged when isked why their problems hid in i n tamed ovtr siuh a long period the spokesman said polil mil pikconhulinc is thc di legal ion ippliud d wirden george lcs in w nurd tht delegation the speaker must ktep to the point of argument in connection with their requests reeve r ii shannon burlirjcton ud he fell council xhould grant it rtquist while deputyreeve john atkinson nelson said he wet tomed the appointment of such a board adding but 1 am somewhat disappointed that some cannot re concile thtmselveji to decisions of those chosen and elected fur dut les in the municipality county solicitor k y dick was ilkd to live his opinion regarding th act pertilning to the oppiin nunl of i board of arbitral on hr felt thi net rferred to schix 1 sections but not to a school artn mr mucnab pointed out the dele gallon disigreed with th solicitors mt rpit t ition is they hid obtained inform ition this procedure was tin ir only right this was obtained by th higher officials in thc de tnrtment of education on motion of deputy reeve h c mckirr milton ind reeve h shinnon a resolution was ap proved to establish a boird of arb itratlon to consider the appeal of the nlcpnycrs of thi bell and 2 mi mi rnnn school sections and th it th ho ird torn prise of the louniv judgt or his ippomtte th iiubliv schoi i inspector ind three others onlv nelson township rep r s nt it vis nfr lined from voting thi linrri of arbitration wil ust of judg w n robinson or his ippomtoe l l skuce public school innpeetor edwin h irrop milton reeve l a mc arthur oikville ind george cur orgrtnwn the a surplus of 10 061 81 with expend tturvs of 101 379 69 and receipts o 911144087 the library showed a surplus of 4922 and 127181 of books purchased and the planning vear was 247315 and police pro tection 8614 01 copies of the complete auditors report will be available al town office in a few weeks new school addition at campbellville will soon be completed and the primary grades shown in the top photo now in the masonic hall will be moved to their bright new quarters the ad dition at the campbellville school has large windows on one side rubber tile floors deflective lighting and many new features miss june wat kins is the teacher of the primary group the bot torn photo shows one of the new rooms in the addition it up to h j ng to pr vision his situiti n hi school s atom ird of j thur i rbilr- for the tgit i ih viiwed e boird stiblished i rhool ai furher stated thit officials the nt pavers t trv th nr tern for a pi nod thre vc if thev were not mtisfied time thev u id i ions to withdraw the speak i thev had exhausted all av for them t withdraw now nought to hiv establish he board lo hear thei bell section has tolerati d thc inefficient manner of opera on f our school section or a i ng tim and we are not setting a precedent in asking council to approve of our requests under the act when questioned aj to who would pav the corta of uch a heannfi mr macnab said his group would be happy to pay the cacti u the saving in the first yea- of operating the section under the old system would more than rover the costs reeve russell smale nelson asked that a resolution of his coun cil passed march 23 be read which said the council and the board would be willing lo make improve ments in the schools in question reeve l a mcarthur oakville stated almost 90 per cent of the people in these areas approved of withdrawing and i feel w should grant their wishes and appoint this board of arbitration dr m mccready addresses iode th status of women ut an index if civilization dr margaret mc nadv principal of micdonald institute guelph ind president of th ontino educational anoctat inn derlired when he iddresscf th iaksidr chapter 1 o d e tu isdiv ening in the legion hall shi s nd other countries cannoi i xpert the east t pr gress until j men s slitus w raised there vast change are affecting our hi mi hi said and homemakers m e be wll educated she tres cd thit mitnmony is actually n profession md jjhousewife needs training an other professionals do telling of her own work ai macdonald lnrtitute in guelph she ited thai home economtca li out n a limb at present ince the c vrrnment will not give granu for home economic facilities 1 don t think it s really meant they re lust hard pressed she aam dr mccreadv was vntroduced and thanked by mrs wallace and presented with a bouquet of rpring flowerm regent mm g mcrtenije was n charge it was decided tn the bu mew session lo five flag holder and picture of the queen to the public school to donate to the cox onation rommittm to aend gvfu to eakimo and to arnnge ir a coronation dance a piano solo by mrs c heard was enoyed ddtebknce i was told to stop in here and buy either a camiaole or a caaaer- ole but for the life of me i cant remember which well sir if you ii tell me wht kind of a chicken you propos- put in rt perhapi i can help yo

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