Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 30, 1953, p. 2

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the acton free press acton ontario thursday april xhh ims off again on againl it would appear that there are some weak jneuesjn our system of free enterprise a short time ago afcton council decided to allow rent con trots to pass away as other wartime restrictions 1 have gone last week council voted to request that rent controls be put in force again we have always favored the plan of taking off controls which were instituted as a result of wartime conditions it would seem that seven years after the close of the last world war normal conditions would allow relaxation of controls in moat fields it would appear however that housing conditions and rentals in acton must j have gone out of control when the restrictions were lifted one hesitates to comment unless rental increases are substantiated by facts in writing and figures rumors are very difficult to pin down we do not believe however that council decision would be so quickly reversed without some good grounds it is to be hoped that our fair and free enter prise system of dealing with one another will soon have become adusted so that controls will i not be necessary in rental and other fields every one is entitled to a fair profit on investment but likewise the buyer or tenant is entitled to a fair nonev he pays ifv the money he pays now wnu owe has coma up with an august 0m for the federal election this year but vacation these dove are of jttch importance that such a date srvms rather improbable a fine record of service last week we printed in our news columns a message from halton s wtember of parliament hughes cleaver in which he bade farewell to the people of halton in his public office many of us recall that it seems only a few years since mr cleaver came into the limelight as representative for halton for 16 years he has been halton s representa five at ottawa it is a tribute to his ability and his willingness to serve all the people that he has won every election which he contested we can not wonder at his desire for retirement from his public duties his calls have been many and they have been fulfilled w thout regard to the political leanings of any one we have personally known mr cleaver for many years we know something of the esteem in which he s held by h s colleagues in ottawa we know a i rile of the heavy load he carried ir the government and during these years we in t mately know of many calls he answered from those whose needs required his attention we could relate many incidents that we know of that had his attention because he felt he represented all the people of halton county we pin with other friends of hughes cleaver in halton in wishing him many years of happ ness in the leisure that may be his and in expressing appreciation of the fine public service he gave to this county as its representative for 16 years this greater toronto metropolitan arta s certatnli torn thing thai almost pushing the lest button off a jot o officials tn the city we re quite happy to be far enough away to not come into the problems that are bound to be encountered close to the homes the editor of the midland free press herald has evidently been s ttmg up nights burning the midnight oil doing some calculat ng n his hobby of delv ng into certain stat st cs wh ch make n terest ng read ng n v ew ol h mg federal election for i perta ns to the exclus e and nat on w de serv ce rendered by weekl newspapers he comes up w th the fact hat n 1 3 7 tt dt rl const tuenc ls about 53 per cent t tie ktal the only newspapers pub shed are veek itjwi papers an add t onal 48 coi st tuenc es are served by both weekl es and da 1 es whereas n only 66 constituenc es or ust one quartet of the total th home newspaper is a da ly right across canada the only home news papers in over half the federal constituencies are the locat weekly newspaper newspaper whtch because of their local emphasis have the highest readership per copy of any news or advert sing medium the solution mr john t stubbs retiring president of the ontario secondary school teacheri federation hit the headlines when he foretold a serious teacher shortage in ontario by the year 1958 saying there are now 6100 high school teachers he believed another 4000 would be needed in a few years because of an enrollment of 707000 pupils in the public schools which would greatly increase the present total of 141 000 in the high schools school boards are frantically building schools in an endeavor to meet the present overcrowding and in anticipation of future needs boys and girls who used to walk or get a ride to school now have the school bus make a call morning and night in spite of it all teaching jobs are not proving attractive enough to keep sufficient on the ob in spite of the attractiveness of new schools and greater facilities for young people we find a lack of desire on the part of the majority to continue on to higher education from the students who enter high school only a small percentage remain to complete the course most of them want to leave at 16 to take a place in industry wef ind that councils in making explanation er education costs as one of the big reasons back of the increase provincial governments are find mg it necessary to curtail building programs then of course we had the hope report from which we all hoped would emerge a solution to our educational problems perhaps alt of those interested were a bit confounded as we were by the very size of the volume we are frank to ad mit that we have never read it our educational problems are ones at which all point to the faults but little seems to be offer ed by way of solution it is not what men eat but what they digest that makes them strong not what toe saoe that makes us rich not what men read but what they remember that makes them learned and not what we preach but what we practice that makes us christians theje are great but common truths often forgotten by the glutton the spendthrift the bookworm and the hypocrite lord bacon acton driving park renamed became prospect park in 1890 idtlb when the town tut in m tar ted thinking of hanging the name of lusprel pnrk in honor of the oroiintlon nt their inst nuellng they wt ly authorised an invest notion into why the plot of land wnn originally named irospict on n utile- persona tnvcsttgn lion 1 can findnudcunuv record ed reason for the pnrk s pnncnt mime thr- pnrk innd wnu pur chased from william frigar smith following approvnl of the village ratepayers at nn election on sap tember 20 1b89 for 3 000 by inw 17a wnu pnsscd to authorize the taming of debenture a second by law was passed called 1r2 to provide for the regulation of prospect pnrk hitherto known as the acton drlv inn park the second bylaw provided ihnl bathing between 9 n m and until one hour after sunset is strictly forbidden except proper bathing costumes or bath ing trunks are worn bathing on sunday is strictly forbidden as far os i could find that by law passed in june 1b00 is still in force and dm for bathing on sunday could b it vied w h storey wni thi reive nt tin unit of this municipal enactment evidcnuy the park has had many lists and purposes in 1890 urykri wire cnlltd to use the park ni pnslure two undtrs wtrc received and the highist tender of 20 so for the use of the park during the summtr siasun us a horse pasture wns nccipttd by the village council tenders i tookttod- b no xhe dor of three locnl gentlemen was accepted at the fee jf 35 the park name was officially changed at a special meeting of acton council on june 8 1690 it was moved by dr lowrey see ended by john kenney that with the concurrence of the ac ton driving pork committee the name by which said park shall hereafter be known and deslgnat cd ihall bettospect pnrk the free press tile is the only available record of that motion since town minutes from april 1890 to about 1903 are missing no elaboration on the name or the organization of the driving park committee is available unless someone with a longer memory than mine can recau the incident in the same issue of the free press that recorded the change of name there was an item from niagara falls the item reported the finding of some woman s clothing at the entrance to pros pect park and it was believed to be owned by a woman who had committed suicide by going over the cataract i doubt that this event had any particular connection with the re naming of the park but it does seem peculiar that both items should appear in the same issue of the free prea then is tvldtntlv no partlcylnr reason for the naming of prospect park to rename the aril in honor of the coronation seems a llttk out of lint though since the pnrk is not n n w area and the good old days may have seemed better las srjwinjr azrsrt euro null on having itself been founded in th 19th century back in lv03 from the brae e free press ef thmraday april m ims a very enthusiastic meeting was held in the town hall tuesday cveningforlhe purposa o nrganj liing a baseball club for the year 1903 mr a j macklnnon was moved to the chair and after a sultabh address the following were elected hon president a o beardmore president a h devltt 1st vice president j a mcqrall 2nd vice president w a storey serelary w j gould treasurer c r mcintosh managing com mittee messrs h jeans h bauer i francis n patterson and r j macnabb it is the intention of the club to try to form a league with clubs like berlin waterloo preston hespeler and ouelph mr graham lawson has sold his farm in esquesing to mr william robertson of scotch block david a henderson of nassaga weyn has purchased from his father james henderson j p the homi stind mr john ioavcns has purchased from mr thos camer on lot 32 con 1 esqueiing i mr c hristupher j russell has pur chiwrl from mr j h denny parts of lots in esiiutsing ind frin 120 aens in all mr jimes mclam ncrrrtlv purchased the orchard and n rorbts the furniture ind under taking shops belonging l the stal hj north e ast wist s outh crib tournament in the legion zone crib tourna ment at acton recently strectsville placed first brampton second and oakvllle third port credit ind milton also sent crib ptggirs to tht match the three top teams will play at preston in may m play offs more on ford wc afttn menubn the huge mw ford plant in this column but think everyone m halton is inter cstcd even though the plant is v ill south latest item is thit the pi int will bt iquipptd aith i tektjpe muh ine ford officinls cm commune itc with inv bnnch in cimdi bv punching t keyboard vlnofher wciisjxijur it sums thit hilt n coun hi tii thtr niftspipcr brunt is i hii 1 pipi r iwr sit ml tin di iditid by kin fmin wh s p suit nt of tin chimbir f c in inn ind nnn it r f th dunn 11 buik lheri thi first cop t 1 p ipi r iitni d by m mbi in 1 nnuil ind the chimb r w is 1 iffl i nft fur 10 wi rmm t in n but kini it hid 12 pijjcs of id trt si mints inns ind ftitur bumper tnpe i isl wick in alton the rotar 1 ins tpplicd illuminating tipe to the application of the golden rule in our business i the bumpers of bicclis in tow 1 in effort to pi ifter dirk christianity in business recently we listened to an address by a young man who is publicity manager of one of canada s largest merchandising concerns with stores from coast to coast we were rather surprised when he i told his audience that a survey had revealed that n large majority of the people did not believe the ri advertising of soap manufacturers and in some t other products the disbelievers in the claims for 1 1 these products were in the majority the theme of his address was christianity in business and it did seem as he went on telling of some business practices of today that there was room for a lot more of the spirit of christ and members of the junior board f trade in the city who are spon soring the campaign hope that thi use of the tape will become stan dard practice in ontario the tape which has fragment- of glass im pregnated m the surface can bi seen more thin half a mile on cleir night play ball reports the georgetown henld tin or twelve aspiring ball pliy irs attendid the first practue list week for georgetown s 1953 inltr mednte team ng those who ire look n for a b rth 1 tht u 1 relations today wc found that during the extraordinary con ditions of war that governments had to put on controls to limit the greedy in their share we found that the greed for money often made men sell things to the enemy which were used to kill their fellow countrymen we sometimes wonder about the sincerity of our own peace negotiations and ust how badly peace is des red the greed for money like other habits seems to increase w th the acquirement of more money the urge for bigger bus ness drives men and women to tass hat n the end often hr g on an early dt 1 th li was qu e a g ither g m me o heard i t address we refer to mi v of ihem thanked tr e speaker for h s ol tspokt 1 ess ge there 1 netd for lore c s 1 v ouri vtryday i fe 1 1 ct or l bus ess tl ere are d ff cult es pract c ng such a sc i of ie goi lrger if an there are n preach ng 1 but t see ns aenerally admi ted that such chi s in i nq nisi come f the world s to survive is al thtre is no infiino inih nature 11 ays irui prat r and severe u u alti ayj in the right and the faults and error 1 all 1 our j ha tv t defiri tnconrpet ency but rex eait tt secreti to the competent the truthful and the pure goethe tk ou ppr ever published in acton roubdd tn uto ud published every thurwuy at u kill st t arton ont member of tke audit burau of circula tions the c wna and the ontarioquebec division of the c w na avrtisii rmtes 00 rqmst subscrlptimm par ble in advance l50 in csoada 330 in the united states six months 50 single copiea 8c authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa g a duu editor and pwbtter business and editorial office telephone 174 c sci trni thi toronto police rmi ils b uglit tome of the tapi to suck to thi rear bumpers of thtir cruisirs ind motorcycles st imp al gillis keith king w illers pit dillon tom bickit giurgi birtoer ind chirlie ji n mr rumors in thit vctenn giorm chiplin ind andy ritih will im tikinj 1 hind tn th con hint dutus this si as 11 win mninifftr dimd p tl on thi s n f mr ind mrs prink p ns n if s hr rnik h i ikint i r tht m in u mint if ii mm lie pirk ths hi his ixii conner ul with th pirk inn thi prist nt 01 rn r g rdm vimin ind j m mi ruk 11 link it mr iboul 10 vnrs k thi m minitir pi ins t hivi 1 juki h x 111 the pmlion f 1 ink nitht dancing neil bridpe work aill inmminci umin nr layinj the concrete on no 24 hifihwi from guelph to the bndgi nst of osprinnc the old bndj will be replaced by a new one at the urne time rrufsmsroetij morrow backml933 fran the brae w the frea preai if thiway april rt ins quite a little snow flurry yester day the start of ihe race for the- f pot fiom the- gveden na commenced patterson s meat market has new delivery rig neatly paint and of modern design at the stratrord musical fes tival last week c mcarthur of rock wood came second in class 19 for junior baritone or baas undcr 21 years last trlday three robbers anur cd the branch of the bank of mtat- real at bronte and escaped with 1600 county council reeonatderod a former decision and will await acton milton and oaorgetown fall fairs with grants of vi5 items of fifty yean ago that oc curred in and about acton at this time of year it is the intention of the village council to continue- to enforce the cow by law to the letter cow ownars should secure suitable pasturage at once the school trustee are having fifty maple tree planted in the school grounds the prospects for the acton cricket club are certainly very dood thn seaion the club now numbers over 50 members died sayers at the home church street acton ontario on sunday wroe-riutdtf- of agnes meuod m his 75th year professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w g c kenney physician and bargeou office in symou block 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence lift church st e phone 1u dr d a garrett physician and surgeon cornir of willow jnd river s entronc river street acton ontario phone 238 dr a i armstrong physician and burgeon offici 10i mill st east phonf 174 fttrinary oft d young bvsc l young dvm rtrrinary surreom i kvillt onlin i horn milt n ikirl g oake5 bv sc rurinarian ind id dental dr a j buchanan dental sargeon office leishman block mill st office hours 9 a m to 6 pm xray telephone 148 dr h leib dental burgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hour- bam to 6 p m tllephone 19 acton chiropractor d j armstrong doctor of hlropractlc 11 rndinck st n acton ihonr im lfgal offic act idnc 4 kn i honi 130 mlbtellaneoub hp at th united church of canada arlon ontario frifndl chlrch b rl m r 1 1 it baptist church acton dwikht 1 1 ittrrson pisti r 1 irw mil 111 bi t r ave 1 hon 206r sl mn m irrl st the victor b rumley funeral home funrral home heated ambvlaawe phone 30 night or day sermng the community for fve m lampard atcm rmt orjin t ind c ho r 1 adi r t nitid h irrh teacher of plane i n t d tnuch th irsday c f uatherland rarrturr a solicitor notary pvbu s 1000 am 1200 am 1 00 pm 100 pm it ird ly b ipp intmint only ortice 12 pi 1 ni res 131 acton lever hoskin chartered accountant successor to jfnkin8 and habdt 1305 metropolitan bldg 44 victoria st torontrj fm 4 9131 albert j crandell chartered accountant main strft georgetown office 6v4 re 176r op 14 1 k 1h h mom iph 4nd all da sjturdiy gfrald a candler harterrd accoonunt sl m ma 1 1 iqj 1101 in snnd i s h 1 r hn t in cil it nsriip 1 mx 1 m m rn ng v rhij s work ind u 1 in no 11 00 10 1 h 10 mod ecnin ai w i d jpnt st a lb an s church f ngllran rill h f frire b a bd t imphr lor ihc hm there is nothing in hitor t parallel the influence of jrsus chrlt ralph waldo emervin after presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev robkkt h akmbtkono la bj sunday may 3rd 1943 10 00 am church school 1100 am divine worship 7 00 pm evening worship a warm welcome awaits yoj north americas first water whvl to turn a millstone for the grinding of wheat was built at annapoliv nova scoua in 1c05 hi polhth stda fastfr maj 3rd 13 confirmation sunday 0 00 am holv communi n pc rial praer for those being confirmed 10 00 am church school 1100 am beginners c1sl 11 00 an confirmation sun da t offjciant and preacher the lord bishop of the diocese 7 00 pm eimiwmg and sermon frtdav mv it st pwhp and st james day 800 am holy communion young people especially mwt ed 10 os am to 100 p m ca for funds for the luxton memorial hall the rector will be in the church to receive contributions and pledges tor this fund during these hours erery member a porraer do partner shore travellers guide gray coach lines 0 ills ifwf ton t um s t ttround hfi in rt vf a 11 1 1 33 a i 633 pm b n sfih pm wetbond 10 2 3 57 p m ml pm sun to kit- 2 11 32 pm- 1 12 am chenit onlv a daily exceh sunday and holl days b saturday sunday and boll days canadian national railways daily 640 am daily except sun days ftm ajn 7 10 pjn sunday only s 1 pm daily except sun day flyer at georgetown 9 03 ajn daily flter at georgetown 10 11 rim tsttt and insl range s jhl real estate and insurance y 1 ii1k mt n b wright w tn st w macdonnel 8v tn n tuelph ont i h n i hone 4913w aloaton realtors bansram member appraisal institute of canada mmben guelph and district real estate board members guelpb and district insurance agents aaaocutlofl w r bracken real eatat l phone m aetaa list your farm busineaa or froam with us we invito you to um our facilities in aacutinj a yurc tor your property ltoyd k aaah rr ha gutlph phone hepelr 701 daily except sunday and koch da 222 am sunday and monday onk 12j8 am daily except sun day 8 48 am 50 prn oagalop 7 44 pm daily except saturgy and sunday 810 pjiu saturday on ly 238 pm- sunday only itfta flagstopi sunday only flyer al guelph 7 05 pm r f bean gcaeral faa 11 280 hill st acton pace s86 ofticxhoubs 9 ajn 3 pja 530 pjn 9 pjn

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