Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 30, 1953, p. 6

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rmfifcsxtt the acton free pmss acton oniadio thursday april 30th 1im buying or selling your home land or farm take advantage of a e lepage ltd for prompt courteous service drawing cronts from our fivo offlcm your nearest representative mrs a m cowie ooorgjutuwit 5mk acton taxi and snack bar 10 mm st r phone 260r 24 hour taxi service l our cars are radio dispatched out of town trips a specialty phone 2oqr for prompt serve canada soldiers like those of the airborne infantry are be i ping m guard canada ready to drop inio action wherever dansjee threaten the young man who joins the arm and has com pleted hi infantry training may then volunteer to start trainmg for the proud wings of canada s sol die n o the sky and yourself mow does a nun choose a job he examine the pay the worionjc conditions die opportunities or advaocemeni dse fmanctal security from every one of these aspects an army career is excellent and more oo monotony of being stuck for years in one place petition plans after 20 years service medical and dean care whenever deeded without regard for com or tunc opportunities for training and advancesneat in the army tdoay are truly outstanding in the army sohsarak s a esses life then arc d but wh you go tn the arssry you uww jm l your cosnrades trained ngbung men who share with voe the a of euluary life if you dunk an army career is for you about the opportunities for service wrth the infantry rn m the canadian army challenges and dangtti know you can rely o yee or eoeje to pam the anna- d rou are i to 40 veers of aaa and able to meet army test requirements applicants should brsaf fcertti oerttacatcs or other proof of age when reporting for interne for ml tarfvrbratioa apply rtgkt away to ne 13 personnel dapot waks house hdeoai charlotte sh ottawa oaf no 5 p depot artflwy pork booot st kingston ont amy ttecrvthng centre 90 richmond street west toronto ont no 7 renpnoel dapot wohetey bomxta oxford ixobem stslondon ont amy racrwamq centra 230 mom st w north boy ont army recrvrtmg centra joassa sheet armoury 200 jomes si north hamilton ont ihoa meat conbunlttion trends in lfo the dominion bureau of hnlls lies recently released ihe follnwlnu estimate of per capita consiimp tlon otiheal 1 canada in v2 with corresponding average for 193s3s in bracket beef 44 fl lb imt fc venl 7 lb 1 10 5 lb mutton nnd inmh 1 lb vfl lb i lb 5 8 lb canned tnrata 7 j lb lb the estimates are bnsed upon the production in inspected channel which is definitely known plus estimates of the amount produced in non itispccud chnnntls and kill ed on fanivs thi inttrr rlifliris ire never definitely known but can be appmxlmnti d from census data and other records at thi moment pnvious estimates for 1111 and other rccml enrs nr ixlng revised to mnkr- them more mm parable with 192 figures it is of interest to note ihnl com pared hi pre war consumption fig urr pork and canned meats show quite siiable increase while con sumption of beef ea1 lamb and offals has declined tht tubstmi ttal price rise in beef relative it pork since the war placed pork in a strong competitive position for shore of the consumers dollar but recenllv beef prices have been re turning to a mon normal relation ship in ihe united slate despite relative high beef prices per capita consumption of beef has in ctewd more over pre war figures than pork this is attributed by some authorities to the american pretennci tor beef out pork in which the exccssivclj fit cute from lard hogs is a factor recently meat- type hogs have bocia i mending a premium on u s m els world hog numhfrs tithn downward estimates compiled by tht u s office of foreign agricultural b lations indiciti that the recent downward trend in hog populat ion on his continent is general lrld numbers at jimnry 1 19o3 arc est inn ted at 301 millions rom pared to lait vears record totil of 307 million this is the flrit vear since 1946 that world hog numbers declined tht prt ml figure is onlv about 4 per cent higher thin the pre ir 1936 40 aunsc w hik at tht same lime human popul la t ion of the world has inert ised v close to is per cent at the beginning of 19s3 europe sia and smth mirici all show ed slight increases in hog popu 1 1 ion compared to 1952 but di created hog numbers in the united states aiinda arueiitlna atlilta lia and new zealand mure than it act the increases shown in a few nountrlna an estimate of world rattle mini ben at january i lm 1i iwl been published hut ii will b sur prising if last year reeint total of 21 mlllloiir is not aialn eacaad ihli fwhlonhint out or itu uvkftrocm prior riiprolttn finance minister abbntt tab menl in ihe hnuse of ommnns n march 27ln wns ihe nrnt oftielal indication of the probable osl in the citnndlnn treasury of ihe 1012 price support program for taltli and hogs although substantial sur plus tmmlntf sllll remain to be disposed of in the a of in i f the prl support board exported some 70 2 million pounds of rnrraas beef the united kingdom at a cost of 31 4 millions for the new zen land beef which anada took in exchange and sold in the united states net proceeds amounted some 8 4 millions lonving a net lrew of 21 millions on this oper ntlon in addition thi board ikwkhl and tnnnid m million pounds of biindes but fmm thi buffer out moit of whit h wns shipped to greece toul loss on thii product wns slightly over half n million dollars other price support operations f he board included the punhase of 850 head of cattle in western can ada which wert placed on com munity pastures and later sold np proximately it coil the supplying of nearly 2 5 million pounds of ieot to canadian troops in korea at no loss to the board thus the total loss rta1l7ed on beef lupport operations up to mireh 31 1912 was about 23 5 millions with 14 8 ion pounds of carciss beef 5 9 ion pounds of boneless manu fictured bttf and 28 562 pounds of frozen oftils still rcmiimnr in tht boird s hands in tht cave of pork tot il losses to dite include ibout 6 millions on nits of 25 million pounds of cin ha pork and ibout s2 7 millions on froztn cuts resold to the tratje including stongc ind hindling chirfits al mirch list tht prices support bmrd still held somt thing r 70 million ptiunds at tinmd pork ind 10 million pounds of pork whnt furthtr losses w i 1 ntuillv b reiliztd on ihtse pn is cinnot yet be determintd the upward tiuid in pork mirktli intt tht close of tht vt ir has il nd tnihli d the bo ird to disp t f its mirpus puk holdings to ui t fritviv f n ijtiuifr rftmtittk i salade tea bags i his trli clearing auction sale of dual purpose cattle pick ap baler farm implements grain furniture etc tht undersigned hac received instructions from i harrylprice to sell by public auction at h s firm lot 10 con 6 twp of traf algar 5 miles east of milton on satlrday may 2nd 1953 at 1 o clock the following t horsps harness etc 2 ilrthuron mares aged 1 hacknt ptrchiron mac agtd set of hti diuble brtt thing harness odd col iin odd bndlts blankcls skigh btlls dc cows and young cattle- t rid durham cows frcih 1 dur han cow due in july 1 white ilur him tow fresh 2 hereford cows fresh 1 poll angu cow freh 5 duiliim cows milkmt brtd to fr shtn in august 2 blue durham iws milking bred to freshi n in december 1 ro in durham co v milking brtd to frtshen in dcctm lier 1 red durhun tow milking i mil brtd 3 durham stet rs rising 2 ars old 1 durham heift r rising inh old just brd 2 durham haft r cah is 9 months old 1 iir f rd bab btefs 8 months old 7 i durham heifer cakes 3 hereford calves note this ls a mlllirid lot of dual purpose cows and h if rs grain and sfed 1w bus mixed grain oats and barlev so biu erban oats rerhand xl lb irtd clivir seed rttli anrd quan niv if timothv seid implements ftc int puk upbdtr modfl 50t with m uor and in good mechanical condition m tractor double disc mh f t rt il rcr cnin drill 11 disc mh grain binder 7 ft model sb int rntwer aft cut oil bath md farm wagon on rubber like new m h side rake dump rake 3 section bbtsel cultivator 3strtioi drag harrows- 3 furrow cockshutt tractor plow narrow bottom walk ing plow steel land roller 2 row corn seuffler cockshutt manure spreader seuffler flat hav nek m d clover buncher root pulper mh cream separator with m itor no 9 32 ft extension ladder plat form scales fanning nrill hog weighing scales complete with crate hog crate post halt auger 2 electric fencers hav knife nay fork and car senior new oil drums and pump grease gun stone boat 2 steel wder drums enlonv house 8x10 forks bars shovels etc furniture chesterfield bed with chair to match brown iclour upholstering 2 occasional chairs walnut platform rocker walnut gateleg table walnut 20 m 1 double doar frlgidalre refngerat or 2 cook stoves white namel finish mantel radio single steel bed springs and mattress new steel bed u ith springs new steel double bed and sprnpt 2 chests of drawers odd dressers odd wash stands odd chairs odd table kitchen cupboard and other small h useh effects tfrms cwh wlement r erk dar of sale no reserve as farm i sold ihe pronrietor is retiring htnolfy nd elliott george currie clerk b 46 2 tore if wool nod or ion and il wondirfiil pl nui te perman nit although us v rv lallnrnd its kt 111 f mlnlik yon ii noli tho lit w fumy wiilslllne somi plenled sklma oti sole ret inlly nrr wanhiible an advantage of living in this day and aae while plealed nylon sklru are not ne ihrse hilfst fabrics made with m vnrlrtv of synthetics appear woven and warm you will are thi e fnbrtcn used more and more famous pudding is much like sausage why dots nobody i ver speak of whltt puddings nowadays i haven t had one for ags said gilbtrt harding whtn a black pudding stringer had betn one of the occupations that tht uam had to guess in thi famous british broadcasyrik corporation televtaon program whats my line the british viewing public ill heart stirred by the thought that mr harding had not listed while puddings for s l decided to remtd tht di licit ncy white pud dings pound through his biter box in small p ickf ls and arrived by part 1 1 post in ijrgt boxes in all thru hundred and ightv tw of th is tasty scottish morsel rt ithtd hi fl it until in his n xt progrim he vas forced to ask th people not to send him any mort for imith as ht liked whiu pud dings and tlad as his frunils wt to at tipl s nil from him thrt hundr d ind i th v one of thim took a lot if iting a blaik pudduu is i tontocti i of v mou m mis fit and flav rmg mix d with i libtrd quantitv f iij s bl d packtd in skins lik sin lis and boiltd whit pud mof of u are ihtz- dy tbj what happena when a miidatn money emergency nfijt th family budget unfortunately many pfoplf to not knam that they can borro mo ugdet qutptyytrtxon nt the canadianjknall loan law ztsiaia aritf en i thi i but f i th i till bli all id hkil guards any man or woman who nrfa to bortow to meet a money emergmjcy organizations like household finance whoi- heartedly lupport th small loans act it protects you from unfair lending practices and enables ua to give jou the kind of quirk coo structive money help you want get more out of your pascheck v booklet money sfanajmf nt your budffit write household v inance consumer educatio- ofpaitment 80 richmond p w toronto ontario eitow id coodo i vis household finance saskatc iifwan swinf brfldfrs sal f ik m rent strength of hoj prices ln all v slimiil ited tht demand for breeding stoik appir nth iv product rs feel that it is a good t mi to 1 iv trts on qmlitv hi ihxh annuil spring silt if gislt r d brt d sow s ht id it ri gin i on mmh 25th in tht sask itchtw blood i i i si tti s ofttn ffricgtalio rswmi hi dt rs 7sso till rt ii iciid i in t ui it tt oplimi tit triml ir tin iv r age if m7h i was lilt lond high st in histoi v tht i inipion so w in itttd i r cord 400 i hit own ers clnrlis 1 llltlton nn f belle ph iint sask itcht u in hi kirts from hoi sin iviv i spondtnls acros iht ce iiintrv m it itt tint th di mind for bri d iws and ft di 1iis is irv kiui 1 primtil with prnes sharply hi i ind i nl t i m mv iv nlablt ui idinns i lit mm pork thin et l8 po unds f pik pir t lpili i 111 a e tnp iriii t i 44 1 pnind rvfceisouff motto satisfaction our a a motto is only a motto until ii it applied in actual fit painl it only paint until r appmad to torn turfoco than tt can b a thing of bauty colorful andunng and protocting docorating succott dapondt on mora than good paint our sarvic i designed to halp you chaoto tho right color to racommond th right paint for a satisfactory ob and to ghra yoa valaa tor your monay bring your dot orating quoshons to us with bonomin mooros paint fro color and application itooraturo you got tho highest quality and tho host vatuo oavwhirt f doublecrossed by signs of zodiac ihr hirthdt pibhis h iv 1 m 1 of st 1m i ind mali n st ipi r m i rt in th t its tnln i li nj b i t in th or st nun n mndt publit want t s th tik rus i hivim a tr i rs t s 111 f th k1 it ht m tht v rt veil th ri tish d mi h 1j1i11si 11 tl i r in p v imperv0 enamel for real satisfaction tho finost enamel mad impervo enamel with tha plats glass finish built in for lasting baavty try impervo m your mrchen the white stays white and the colon won t fade indoors or outdoors impervo enamel cant be beat just compare anywhere quality and price gallons 9 45 quarts 7 75 h lii al irfu ling b f i th been int ill gnct knw that unit r btluved in astn that he fillowed thi adv itt of astrolngt rs as to when bi cause f the conjunttion of surs and pi inls thit t me would b pro pitioik for this or that movi si th bntish tnlistod thi s r vies of a well known furop an astrologer louis de whol who had ftrd fmm nazidom i wohl would figure ou what the german astrol ogers were telling hitler as o asepcla for this or that venture and the british were alerted as to the possibility of hitler taking some important action within a cer tain period of time whether or not you believe that the heavenly bodies affect human traits cbaract er and desuny the fact remains that de wohl was right much more often than he w as w rong reports a best seller j dulamat b vry popular wt i restful low low finish ataket it ideal for tojdken and botarootn wees inly pt b r nmmr cauons si 75 uaw wood primelq her s oh item wtudi saves ooott e point moor inlerior wood msser b a heavy boded dense mdbg pem bd up a deslreble thkkneu of mm grain of plywood k a ouaits 1 95 gallons 6 30 ouaits si u spuing at last mv grandmother used to toll if i iman hr know uhm ihc vcrp buth miunk w imm homcsteadinft i aim mootrs 1953 cotoasmts aookin is now available git your prtt copt and lit us till you mom about this practical tub bccorating service talbot hardware the i glad the neighbor told mv grand mother ne april dav when the house m clean the garden planted j and the babv born then i know hat spring has come 22 mill st e acton phone 76 where you get moore paint value

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