thursday hay utb ik3 the acton free press acton ontario childrens education guaranteed saving government allowances family anowmcs chaqvas can roost for futw um tha bank of montraal while your family allowance cheques are intended first and foremost to help you pay for your tounxsters day today expenses interior srrnrattng for exparl color schama suparior workmanship and th latast sunworltry watarfasr wallpapan call eyril e ulttt decorator hockwooo 51 uno 5 they can also be used to give them a good start in agricultural or other college courses later in life if you deposit every family al lowance cheque for one child in a b of m savings account there will be over 1300 including interest in it by the time the age of 16 is reached points out gordon oder actons bank of montreal manager and through the years this nest- egg will always be immediately available should emergency or op portunity arise by this means you can do much to make sure that your youngsters mill have every chance to earn a good living when they start their own career or when your farm is passed on to them if you cant manage to set aside the whole cheque try to bank at leasf a part of it regularly youu find the practice w 111 pay off in the future so next time you receive your familv allow ance cheque why not drop into the b of m and open a savings account in vour youngsters name when you do that you 11 be building security and opportunity into his or her future and that gives anv pircnt a wonderful fctl ing for every gallon of gasoline jour car uses about 10 000 gallons of pass through the air cleaner in acton on mondays tuesdays and wednesdays each week 830am 4 30pm other times by appointment just drop a nota to box 575 acton or phone 95 on abova data if you have car insurance with us and you change cars your new car is automatically covered for 14 days just let us know the year and make body type serial number engine number and model if any in casa of a claim all kinds of insurance call collect to guelph 4686j or mr tims guelph 5526 n b wright tvntytt real estate and insurance acton and gurph picture news from cil thi travh trend this summer will be coronation wards for many this housewife may not be one of those to sec london i dramatic celebrations but she s about to follow the trend in home decoration by giving hex walls the dramatic interest of new deep tones royal red windsor blue or am other of the nine special coronation colours now obtainable in c i l s washable rubber base paint speed easy satin tales on tintypes back in 1898 the steam fire engine pictured abovi was ac tons pride and joy in fire pro tection the last big are it serv ed at was the big bcardmorc fire in 1924 many of us recall that the streams thrown from the steam fire pumper were bigger than what emerged from the towns newly completed water works sjstem of that time the fire pumper purchased by the village in the 90 5 was kept until the last war when there was a need for scrap and the equipment was sold the steam pumper gave efficient service and its chief handicap was the delay in getting water on the fire former resident interred at acton rev r h armstrong conducted funeral service in acton on wed nesday maj 20 for helen mae skip- pen the former helen barber who died may 17 in kitchener water loo hospital friends from toronto huntsville stratford kitchener georgetown shegiuandah gore bay st marys hamilton wood stock milton and acton attended the service which preceded inter ment in fairview cemetery acton the late mrs skippen attended acton public and continuation school humberside collegiate in toronto and stratford normal school she taught school in gore bav until she was married in no ember 1935 at espanola at the time of her death she was living in kitchener mrs skippen was active in the work of the church and w a at st andrew s presbjtcnan church stratford mrs skippen had been ill for tt fiw ears pallbearers were allan d lclsh man huntsville norman richards stratford orrie lamb acton ro bert appcl stratford kitchener manning stratford and newton hurst acton the manv floral tributes attesting to the csttim in which mrs skip pen was held win from the follow ing mr and mrs l w hewitt mr md mrs robtrt apptl and billy mr and mrs john barber family mr jim mccaij ind jeannie marg ind toots mrs john k lushnvm mrs d gage and pat tin newell familv imptnal oil ltd hamilton district management ivan and neil purv 11 mr u ard mr gibbons mr mclean mrs turtur mrs jus tian mr and mrs kitch manning don and ellen mcquatrie and fim lh marv and clarinet purvis rita and bill smith dr ind jein kinds cimiron ind jtan leishman allan and hazel leishrmn ind familv sttidmts gore bav high school the hurst familv imperial oil staff kitchimr mrs gag and rie mr and mrs norm an richards and mrs rtchirds lncle allan leishman mr and mrs don mcfiddtn marr foxv and echo mcdoujill mrs j 111 r miss a i ilbf m t mrs w st rn th met it fiti il khinor liluwi mri ill th hirrv and i hil u in n mimc mini ind stiff after the firemen reached the fire hall the fire had to tx kindled and then it was neccssarj to get a team of horses or sufficknt men to haul the engine to one of the half dozen sources of water av lilablu these sources were situated at various spots in town and supplied by undtrgrouni pipe from hendersons pond the hose was carried on extra reels and had to ol laid to the are there wis much valuabk time lost in getting water on the fire by the process but once steam was up the streams ofwaer would rip off shingles or siding ind smash in window glass to the delight of all except the owner of the building the gen eral idva was to t volume of witcr on thi confligrition an often water dimagc was as great is fire damigi but u cm be sud lhat all during the years a fire never got out of hand and no sec tions of town were wiped out by fire on parade the brass and nickle of the old engine was polished until it glittered and a team of horses drew the equipment and john williams supplied the team and handled the reins from the seat up franl the hook and lad photo der brigade and the coal wngon and host reels were driwn by men and made quite a showing in the picture tlu steam pum per wi working from the link besidi the town hall steam was up and a t brown mido the photo just as the whistle was blowing to signal that water was being turned in the hose lines we don t know who the an mm in in the picture but possibly htnry gnndell was the engineer and alt bauer his assistant the story of fires and of are ti otiiiittecto coul it indefinite lingth and this old picturt will ricill minv mem or ics for ihostjover fiflv acton his hid threi fire trucks since lips md tich of them more ef ftcunt ihin the other the davs of pi intity of witcr have be n kivm over to speed in reiching thi firi and minimum amounts of wittr ind chemicals art used the fin brigades of to day git mort calls but fires are stopped in the early stages by prompt action the steam pumper served will in its day given the present adequate and readv supply of watir it operated on the same principle as present day pumpers feoftire copyrighted salam hes changing the nations landscape you m ly sec the result of what he is doing in ihc city v changing ikylinc or oui where the corn rows till in ihe mushrooming suhurhs or in ihc new look at mam street a mellow old own when miny a vat an l lol once slood he helps fill it with a fine new school where jou used to sec a building thai was an eyesore ou nuy now vec 1 new ipartmcnl house store or post ofikc that he played a role in providing thanls lit part o hinvtoaayhpuici nw here and there or row on row in community after community new black ribbons of asphult tic town lo town somewhere a new bridge is built new industnil plants too are sometimes the by products of his h bjmd prrhnp- one of them has provided you with a job who lit rcprnenn all the millions of life insurance polu yholders in cam it and it s money from their premium which life insurance companies invest lor ihcm ttut nukes possible such improvements as these throulno 11 the nation so if ou in 1 life insurance policyholder building security for your family and yourself yon re also helping to build a belter c amdi i at your service a tio d 6f andennttev n m f mm p thi fwmjy mcwrity imv on kml the life insurance companies in canada it is good gnitraaifp lo own ufa tawranca uhi your old stove is worth f as a tradein on an empire tudor gas range during this special sale 1 uhi lliv i t 1 mr in i m mirk t jrgt t iy barb r skit pn h r na v i a i iher j i n i batir check these dream kitchen features builtin i amp illuminate generoun tabletop working surface top hunter lift hi inmantly for immediate maximum heal onehour minute minder lime your cooking without clock- watctiing automatic oven hrat control given rim fcurnmfrrr baking heavy innulation krept heat in the oven and nut of vour kitchen holler hearing lulmut broiler for drlioouh nteakti and chopn rooked the nmokelejtn way warming oven and i tilitv tniparlmenl with plate rack mtnguvnv -thrlvit- and pullout towrl rurka 4s ull str4tld toke advontoe of this special sole i fltst mo fot apples or a tonic for tomatoes could describe the work earned out 10 cili new soiltesting laboratorr at montreal a a free acme to farmers for sick plants and poor yields ipasualty the result of a deficieorr of one or more essential plant foods in the sotl chief soil chemist jean leilerc points out that soils can vary greatly even in ooe locality savs chamblr county quebec has some m rvpes ui aaautt aiiaiam 4vfw 9m tarvive t tm woi mm w bu to ot a i ortoa la hbno ontocmid wrikwmkta1 curtain aot kymliin oerytk um canadian industries limited montreal a be poefs corner farmer s wife by mary ellen arlry j u n thr fie d- my dear ee vou all day ling matching vou and loving you htart is filled th mg i as the eventide dravvs near f srm is hushed and till ting we the an sink low nd the furthes hill regular price 22400 tradein allowance 5000 you pay only 1744m budt tcrau if dnirrd start now to cook with sp gat ihe modem foil that c0es wwhere superior propane limited 565 woolwich street guelph ontario serving ovb 13000 customirs throughout southern ontario tl m i heir mr t t ring cros the ivng im porch n vt ir a ti 1 vp mil tc flam n mv a k vh khned k weit1i did vou hear nbivut the man who v as ruined bv unit id w ealth mail this coupon out rapramfitattv will call to explain hill pedal offer and dhcuu sp gas service at no obugahon la youv to suruioi mtofami umttb dept ol 565 woolwich st guelph ontaric tdt ne man umi muo wlifc p cmi ku