Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 18, 1953, p. 6

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page six thewij l cton ontario thursday 3unt 18th friendly challenge make the mhi road test flew reuawrflfollne is 4 woysbhr a frwmtte youll dnve laager far 1cm with ww reliance gounc jftm rdnnce u tbe best wcse ever mar keted- notjastuiiiatitmkisbsoam imt mm 8 wtw gnihm lbkc tbt 500auk rnd test yoall be caa- mnccd reliance gnres yon easnt startsnew nasi controlled volatility factors neu cold enpab on ironi tj greater freedom irom rapot lock faster accaaatiofl ih tbe rese power of yonx ens wben yon need it is your with taw bcnance gasoline qukxer warm41psa tho ocigmy waimcdopenpde in fir lea tone greater economy and leas ml of engine strain longeft moeagcyou tnnel tartber tor less with not r start proving that now tank op with nr reliance svay vijrrewijjbl sasl now moro irian ever vouquiavor reliance halton farmfrs isit michigan the 1953 bus jour sponsored by the halton soil and crop improe ment association as held on mon day tuesday and wednesdaj of last week slxlvslx halton farm folk participated in the ient which necessitated two buses the first point visited was the fanshaw dam near london there len johnson secretary of the thames valley authority conduct ed the party on a tour of the huge project and described the conser vatlon program which has been undertaken while in middlesex the group had the opportunity of seeing something of the havoc resulting from tbe cyclone in late may all of the group had seen something of the damage done in halton by smaller twisters in former years however one has to see the wreck age in the various communities of western ontario to appreciate how lightly we in this county have got off in the past in middlesex alone well over 70 bams and some 30 houses were totally demolished and many others were badly damaged along with the wrecking of the buildings went the destruction of avenues and groves nof shade trees in brief it was one of the most tragic sights we have ever seen and one which we hope never to see again the effects of the cyclone were also observed in samia true the business section ot this city is get ting back on its feet and while the debris had been cleaned from 4he sueo tt may tw1djn wpre noted where the top storey was missing and reconstruction w ork as under way the group also had the opportunity of a two hour tour through the immense imperial oil plant and also a dnve through chemical vale along the st clair tuesday saw the party m mich igan where they visited five dif fcrent farms the highlight here was the farm of frank jacobs near armada on this 120 acre farm e six upright silos and the op orator is a real grass silage en thus last mr jacobs has been using grass silage for the past 17 years and it was the general con senus of opinion among the group that if there is an authority on the subject he is the man he seemed to be equally well versed in soils fertilizers rotations etc in short was with difficulty that our visit re was brought to a conclusion another farm which aroused keen interest was that of huff it son near romeo here their herd of polled jerseys is being kept in the barnyard instead of the herd being turned out to pasture fresh s is cut daily and fed in racks the cattle also have the run of their loafing pens where dry cat bay is also available in other words huff k son practice loose housing with a ave stall milking parlor operated by one man their announcement did a garrett will be on holidays from june 30th until august 4th in hn abiotic dr john scon al 191 woolwich st hono 421 gimlph will bo available sunday june 21st shots for dress or leisure wear 3 95 m 7 95 boxek shotts 1 00 to 1 65 beits maces kexchkfs t shuts etc ties smart patterns 1 00 to 1 00 tow 100 ntion sockees 1 00 to si 50 pyjamas plain and ttripm 4 9stoo50 cardigans puuoveks 4 95 to 4 95 special values minted onms oajy 79c yd laew nylon pantos wh te and colors iystav printed or plain really smart only 1 39 yd chimrwit rayon pantos 2 to 1 4 years 29ct6 69c knskay sun dresses 2 to 6 years 1 69 to 1 w curtains curtain nets drafcrcs plastics bam is also equipped with a hav drier for cut hay the final day saw the party at the ford museum at dearborn some twelve miles outside ot dc troit we cin only suggest to our readers that this point alone justi flea the trip here there is some thing of interest for all members of the familv however when planning a visit be sure and allow for at least a half day enroute home through essex county a visit was made to the subsection at woodslea where a study of ro tations on heavy clay soils is being made of the effect of brillum on soil texture in all the party covered 595 miles during the three days and in so far as we could determine all 68 haltonites returned home tired but more than satisfied with the three day program twilight weed meeting well attended the first weed meeting of its kind ever held in halton was staged on friday evening last at the farm of medford pewtress in trafalgar township despite un favorable weather conditions some 60 were on hand for the excellent program stanley young fleldman for the crops seeds and weeds branch of the ontario department of agriculture was the special speaker certainly it was a pro gram which anyone interested in weed control could ill afford to miss in the county of halton weeds are costing hundreds of thousands oft douarsannuall munlcipi authorities in the county in many cases are spending anywhere from 1500 to 2000 annually on road side spraying some are doing a excellent job and others quite thej reverse it would seem logical to us that in the future when such a meeting is being held that town ship and countv authorities might well see to it that those charged with the responsibility of control ling roadside weeds are in attend ance chemical weed killers mar it one of the greatest advances in agricultural science of the past ten years however it is er obvious as one goes about the county that there is a tremendous difference in the results being secured in short 15 00 per mile in some munici palities is giving much better con trol or results than 30 00 per mile in others it would therefore seem logical to us that it is about time that the tax payer should be in quiring why cholera control program continues latest reports from veterinarians assigned to cholera control and eradication duty in ontario indi catc that outbreaks have now been definitely confirmed to date on a total of 35 premises in eleven western ontario counties in each case so far hogs passing through community sales have been the cause of the infection a methodical routine check of all lots of hogs sold in these chan ncls has now been completed and this procedure has been lnstru mental in detecting potential cases even before visible symptoms an evident efforts are still continu mg to track down the source of original infection there arc a number of possible ways in which the irus could have entered the province and all avenues are being carefull explored hog prices higher hogs continued to advance sharp in price during may in both u s and canadian markets at chicago the may average price rf 23 60 per cwt for live hogs set a new record for the month eclips mg the previous high of 22 40 in 1947 the remarkable advance of 00 per cwt in chicago hogs since december is unprecedented and unforseen bv the most sangu me forcastcrs the toronto hog market follow ig the lead of montreal and chi cagn also advanced in may the price of 34 00 per cwt for grade a dressed hogs at the close of the month was the highest level since the first week in september 1951 v hen the price was 36 25 direct contrast to hogs the cattle trade continues to be feat ured by relatively heavy supplies and little change in prices beef is moving m substantial volume into retail channels now that it is priced attractivelv in relation to beef dollar now stretching the jokes one heard not so long ago on the alleged high price of bet f stock are already passed recent calculations by the amer lean meat institute point out that m relation to earnings of indus trial workers beef prices are no at the lowest point on record for which reliable data are available i with an hours pay the average u s factory workt r can now take home u2 lbs of round steak com pared to only 12 lbs in 1829 or 28 lbs of rib roast compared to 1 5 lbs in 1828 going back to i9m an hours wages would buy only one pound of steak or a little over one pound of prime rto roast jack kntjible the average jack rabb i can kep up a up sppid of 35 or 40 mile an hur for considerable distances in a sirs ght run he can tw quick overtaken b greyhounds but not br ord narv dogs i really a western american hare the jack rabbit bounds fnm ten to fifteen feet in length when runn ng diesel tractor hrst of kind in canada when a glenming new diesel tnclor and trailer wtlh an all ovtr mingth of 45 feet drove through actons stm is lost wetk many stopped to suire nt thi hugt trans port the first of its kind to in sold in canada the vehicle which wns sold to fred mcllor through lome girner molok left wed ncsdav of list week for brandon manitoba from toronto travelling 24 hours a day the truck was ex pected to be back in toronto with another loid in about a week i the dlesel cab over engine trac tor is the first of its kind sold in canada the engine is located be i neath the high cab rather than under the hood in front behind the drivers seats is a bunk as the i truck is on the road day and night driving the new tractor and trailer to brandon and back are harold bellamy of acton and mur ray mcfarlane of georgetown fuel tank of the transport con tains 130 gallons height of the metal trailer is 11 feet six inches its empty weight is 14 690 pounds loaded the trans port will weigh about 69 000 pounds altogether 34 and a half tons variety of showers honor ruth smith ruth smith a recent bride was honored at a miscellaneous shower given by miss frances jones long branch mrs a grant and mrs e heron were hostesses with mrs g twaites at a kitchen and pantry shower mrs a holmes tendered a miscellaneous shower and a com munity shower for the couple was held in lorn school presentations were also made by the ladies aid of knox church and the ladies euchre club a presentation was madetoftuthj from the daughters of knox of which group she was a member and a shower was given b the girls of the beardmorc office a presents tion was also made by thi staff of the beardmore office ow at 405060 hal youre crazy i sasltaaaiiii mymn try guild holds last meeting of season st albans guild held the final mteting before the summer season in the pnrhh hall on june 3 th president mr sutton presided the mmuus of tht pnvious meet ing were read by the secretiry mrs c cook nnd the financial re port given by the treasurer mrs newton then wis an unusually small tltendanee and those present did not fivor holding the annual june closing party as is customary mrs cook reported on the pur chase of temporary drapes pending the completion of the upstai s walls arrangements were made to supply and prepare the sandwiches for the annual sundiy school and congregational picnic church decoration is simple beautiful on his visit to st josephs church last week bishop ryan congratul ated the parish on the beauty of their newly decorated church the interior and entrance have just re ccntly been redecorated the celling in pale green and walls in ivory with matching woodgrain trim and symbols highlight of the redccoration is the sanctuary in three design sten cil work this is jn two shades of green and gold tint with crosses standing out in the design au woodwork in the vestry has been painted in a pale green with match ing ceiling and ivory walls the altar and entire furnishings have also been repainted new marboleum flooring has been faidano attic insulated the pews in the main body of the church ind ihe pullman scats for iehildrnavlbeen xcgramed and varnished to match the decorating scheme new pews have been in stalled in the galkry and new kneeling benches throughout thi whole church book cases nnd hit holders have been added to the the entiri atmosphere is one ut beauty and simplicity and the par ish may well be proud of the ichievcment last jear the federal government collected 25 million from new foundland in direct taxes and re turned 45 million to the province in subsidies welfare payments and grants pollock and campbell manufacturer of high grade memorials memorial engraving 61 wator si north gait telethons ml h s h0lden optofncttnt eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas st ouelph you havent enough ready cash on hand to buy oner- the b of m has helped thousands ot canadian farmers overcome this problem by providing them with credit through farm im provement loams perhaps we can help you obtain the necessary credit too why not talk it ovefwith our nearest b of m manager iw fi ask for our rolder quiz for a go- f fft ahead farmer mm a remember when you ask for a loan at the b of m you do not ask a favour bank of montreal gf llll uiimh acton branch gordon oder manager working with canadians in tveky waik of tlfe since 1117 come and see our field demonstration how to make betterhayf aster with the revolutionary ferguson rake see amazing gentleness watch this remarkable see cleaner hay well scatter rocks and stones in new kind of rake gently lift hay from the swath and take it directly to the windrow with a feather touch action that save sthe precious nutrients in your hay and well prove its gentle by raking delicate light bulbs from swath to windrow without breaking a single one see the fastest rake ever built the ferguson side delivery rake can be operated at speeds up to 10 miles an hour without fatigue damage to the rake and without shattering precious leaves see minimum handling of hay watch as we use the handkerchief test to prove that the ferguson side delivery rake moves hay from swath to wind row in a true sideward mot on and jn half the dis tance ord nar ly required the swaths and then show you how the ferguson side delivery rake delivers none of them to the windrows see profitable raking to dramatize the fact that this rake doesn t leave crop profits in your fields well pick up dollar bills with it and deposit them in the windrow with finders keepers on the money see light fluffy windrows we ii let you try to pick up hay from the windrow with a pole you won t be able to because there ii be no roping or tangling that so often spoils hay and when you look at the w ndrows you ii see that the rich leaves are lucked n protected from the sun s harsh rays be sure to come out date june 20th time 2 pm place e braida farm just east of acton on no 7 highway lome garner motors o acton phone 452 ea1l j mcconachie your farm equ pment representat ve rapt31v

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