page xiattv the acton tree press acton ontario thursday june ltth 1 optomrun 58 st georges square guhph formerly occupied by mr ep head complete eyesight service dkivk ins dftlve on last yer canadian paid over s millions to watch their favorite film characters perform on converted cow pastures lays the financial post in an article drive in theatres there are already over 100 of the wedge shaped open air amuse ment palaces dotting the canadian countryside another 30 will in built this year of u million worth of harvest lug machinery sold in canndn in 1951 50 million worth was u tlu prairie provinces watch the thursday telegram and daily star for special values at ledgers iga 29c s9c 27c 47c 29c 59c fathers day sunday june 21st sunday june 21st is the day that we salute father a token of our tove and respect helps convey our unspoken feelings below are a few of thenumerous gifts your i d a druggist has in stock for dad popular oiftt of shaving essentials by gillette 50 blue hades in handy dfapwimf attractive father s day carton contains five dispensers each holding 1 0 gillette blue blades 2 50 deluxe rocket razor set onepiece razor and 10blade dispenser n easy opening styrene case 159 special billfold regular i 50 100 shaving brush regular 00 2 98 yardley shaving bowl 150 after shave iotion 125100 invisible talcum 125 cologne 200 pens pen and pencil sets parker 21 pen and pencil set 10 00 eversharp retract able ball point pen 195 paper mate pen 198 waterman s 350 pen a pencil r 500 sun glasses polaroid zephyr 1 95 polaroid voyageur or flightline 298 aviat on special 99c toneray 4 00 to 1 0 00 toneray slipovers 3 50 and 4 00 powder puff special regular 10c be 2 for 15c vacuum bottles top quality only 98c mt4d 7vu6 june 15th calif eic ointment 1 00 curads ik 40c jsc petto 4tc t fronts tangel ointment 75c menthoutum c 88c hilton antiseptic 3c sdc nupercainal ointment 100 adhesive tape 19c 30c up bandaid or handi tape 15c ssc ssc elastoplast dressings joe 40c eye cups 10c nnt aid kits 3 ub etc medicine glass 10c coopers dm16 st0be compohhv prim plm personal swvic drug stores special values and reminders for thursday friday and saturday ida brand specials sold on a moneyback guarantee cleaning ruid and spot remover 4 10 oi 29c 57c reg 35c 69c flaxseed whole 16 oz contain- reg 35c 29c glycerine t rose water smooth rough skin 4 oz 33c reg 45c magnesia tablets easy to carry 100 300 reg 39c 89c milk of magnesia gonttaactfng laxative 16 32 oz reg 35c 60c vitamin b1 tablets 1 mgm 100 30c reg 37c 79c to june 20th uojruenune tubes 63c si 00 calamine lotion aoo thing ntins 30c 30c mercurochrorne with ap- plica tor rod reg 30c 14c ointments bora nc sulphur zinc re sc 40c is 33c oil of ytnte reg ssceoc be 4c penetrating liniment 4 at ret 5c 37c spirits of ammonia aromatic 1 or re 25c lie chronicles written specialty for the acton free prew v qwendallne f clarfca glory im the iun la dunlng miy it mi continue th n perhaps it will not lie mciiuarv for mi to light uil ftiniiiie twin i i yesterday after nil it in the middle of junt no thnl la not exactly an unreason nble hope quite npnrt from thi neciwlty of one warm wrath i jor haying which ha not ycl started at gtngtr farm we shall wtlcome sunny lavs so thai our in particular of mix present visitors can ail out in thi gnrdtn you ace wi havt nlect lulty here re ruperntlng after a ihouldir opt ra hon whuh means shi has a cast from her neck to her waist im mobilising e shoulder and arm complitely fresh air and sunshine during the day will nalurrilly help tur to ship better at nighl joy is also hen so the him hrlps to look aftr the olhir which is fortunate is i may be away tor a day or two n xt k if w an ml to in vulwd with haying lut siturdiy g od fortiim came my way for the first time in months i went to an auction sale where i km w most of the stuff to be offirid was rnllv good and in cxcellint condition 1 looked it over the nlkht before nnd came awiy wishing i could afford to buy tw oil paintings thit win included in the sale siturdny came nnd t big crowd and a good buying orowd asthere were many col uiors itinvs anion thi chint and glass i shut my ie- tnd nrs l most of the birgiins that were go ins undi r the ininnur but i wish cd the aiiihonctr would get round to felling the pictures becaust i fell 1 e mldn t drag myself away until i knew w hit hftppi nod to them but the pictures wort in thu living room along with the piano nnd w limit furniture and the con unts of thit room wire the last to bo sold at list the tabic was sold the chesterfield suiti the piano and a beautiful a hat not but pictures were on the floor leaning up against a wall people stood in front of them and the auctioneer was mov ing away the pictures being out of his sight someone said the pictures you haven t sold the pictures so the pictures were brought forwird bidding start ed unbelievably low the auction eer caught my eye and f nodded another bid and then another i nodded again the bidding stopped i waited breathlessly was no one going to raise my last bid as i waited i suddenly reajized that however much they were admired and they were admired not everyone would want those pictures they were entirely too big and un suitable for the average modem home that also was the the executors were letting the pictures be sold no room for them anyw here even as family heir looms they are 16 by 40 and were painted by an artist in the family many years ago once more the auctioneer look ed around ladies and gentle man this is a crime these beautiful oil paintings but they ve got to be sold and finally those unbelievable words sold here to mrs clarke the pictun- were mine actuallv i brought them home and part ner liked them as much as i did 1 then came the job of hanging them a vcrv ticklish matter indeed even a good picture can be ruined b being unsuitably hung especial ly one in oils we tried them here and we tried them there separately ami inpalrs finally u- rfrthd work of institute for 50 years told i bannot kburn women institute met at the home of mrs win ros zell recently the meeting opening i with the institute ode and lords i prayer the roll call a common error made by motorists was well l responded to donation wen aent in the i children s aid society and to the district to help cover expenses of shipping clothing and quilts to unitarian services the ahort course somt thing to wear is to bi held in july and acton junior institute is to be invited a summary of women s instil ute work in the past fifty yeata wan given by mrs c stony a delicious lunch was served by h istim and commlttet ifsitat tfiey looked their best either side of the door facing nest windows there they catch the light and change every hour as the sun moves from east to west but i am for getting i haven t described tht pictures to you one is a sunset in early winter the ground lightly covered with snow a voung buck deer stands in the foreground head to w md seeking questioning with a new awareness of life the oth picture probablv late fall mountain veiled in mist against sombre dull yellow skr the rocky foreground dark with bracken and on the lonely trail stands one atal wart tag a shaggy old warrior obviously alert to everr danger that threatens creature of the wild i don t pretend to any knowledge of art but i know what i like and the sort of pictures i want to livi with i only hope they are not of fensive to any critics of art wio happen to visit ginger farm last saturday i saw yet anothei picture ut of a very different kind a picture of real life th picture of an elderly lady going home from hospital her faded eyes bright with excitement she sat an hhrbackr seat ottne fasuy car a nurse was tucking ner in with pil lows and blankets for greater coin fort the hospital is often the best place to be when idness strike but ob that wonderful day when the doctor smiles and sajj well i think tomorrow we can send you home home castle or cottage it baa one universal meaning it is the place where we belong e s coooer phm b phone 7 ac poetscorner my dad a fathers day poem my dad was very special so good and yet sdeh fun he was everything a dad should ix and i he n maybe so met hi always had the time to hiar a ilttli tale of woe or fix that favorite doll of mine that had u broken toe i lovi to think of holidays win n wo would fish and awlm oh how i luvfd th llttlt trips i wan so proud of him when winter came wed skite and ride a bob sled d iwn the trail then wi d take some fri nds bi k home and till thi w irdisi tales in the eviiilnks w would gatlu r round and all begin to sing dad played the harmonica jnd mom the violin ik loved such songs as nilli gray and till we meet again i never hear those songs but vha i feel a little pain it was just twelve years at to day 1 kissed him un tin hik i tiki to think he km w it but he was so very weak then gk1 came and to k him hu homi up in tht sky it brokf my h art 1 1 lost him i think i know just why god needed daddy i juit like n for little girls up there who never knew jasl wlnl it was to have snmeom that cared i miss you daddy very much and also may i say i think of you most all the ti n t jut in fain r i div jean rohi rts chapman rofumnla sc halton rural girls softball schedule thursday july jo olenwiulams at hornby norval at lultonvllle campbellvllle at palermo monday august 3 palermo at omagh haltonvule at olenwiu lams campbellvllle at norval thursday august 8 norval it palermo omngh at hal ton vl lie hornby at campbellvllle million a dat the canadian oil industry will spend an estimated i million a day in 1953 for expansion and de vilopinent alone says the financial post wanted young women for factory work apply baxter laboratories of canada ltd acton ont monday june 22 ornish it n va timpbell villi ilglnuiilnn hornby it palermo thursdiy juni 2 glenwilli n it omajh hnltonville it campt ville norvnl at hornby monday june 29 pilermo il hiltonvllll omagh at hornby norval at glcnwlllfams thursday july 2 glen williams at palermo cimpbellvlile at omigh haltonvillc at hornby monday july 6 hornby at glen williams hiltonville at norval palermo at cimpbeuville thursday july 9 omngh at pal ermo glinwllllams at haltonvillc norval at campbellvllle monday july 13 palermo at norval haltonvillc at omagh campbcllville at hornby thursday july 16 norval at omagh glcnwluisms at campbell ville palermo at hornby monday july 20 omagh at glen williams campbell ville at haltonvillc hornby at norval thursday july 23 haltonvillc at palermo hornby at omagh glen williams at norval monday july 27 palermo at glenwilllams omagh at campbell ville hornby at haltonville special priced june 19 to july 4 infants childrens dresses sizfs up io 8 years sun dresses and blouses buy one at 198 buy one at 2 98 buy one at 398 buy one at 495 and get one at half price and get any dress at vi price large stock to choose from 200 off ladies slacks mcgowans specialty shop main st where your dollar goes further tl 643 georgetown asphait shingles x sidings bendi ortf soid cofoun roll roofings aipholl and tarred sheathing a felts builtup roofing materials bisco wauboards buriey board buriey tile plastic cements a waterproof paints roof coatings fleece une rock wool insulation micafu a for plaster concrete and insulation scotch dkeft scotland u now expenaienting with a new source of meat rein deer have been imported into the highlands in the hope that they will thnve and provide additional food supplies it has been nine centimes since laamour4ooted were last seen in the area bishop asphalt papers uamt axe ronwv kaikm pjo n po aufmaau a modern plumbing rt hon louis st laurent is coming to halton county be sure to hear him at a mammoth rally wallace park oakville friday june 26 at 3 pm in case of rain the prime minister w1u speak in oakvtue memorial arena