Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 2, 1953, p. 2

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the acton free press acton ontario thursday july 2nd 1 yung and with a future ymtrday canada marktd us 86th birthday young among the nations of the world canad ians have every reason for pride in the past and a glorious future in a forward outlook it was laurler we believe who said the 20th century belonged to canada and on every side canadians are witnessing the fulfilment of that prediction made at the start o the century the nearly five thousand miles stretching from ocean to ocean have 14009 429 people and predictions of doubling or trebling this popula tlon in the decades ahead seem well founded judging by reports that are in the news daily our natural resources are ust coming to view cana das population ts a young one too with 37 9 per cent under 20 years of age and 54 3 per cent be iween 20 and 65 years statistics unlimited could be quoted to verify the golden opportunities that are unfolding in canada and for those who make canada their home we came across a booklet the other day in which a canadian was defined we quote this sentence canadians are distinguished from the people of other nations not by their racial or cul twalbckgrouiwi appearance the distinctive mark of a canadian is aalitdjtnlnd toward his country and the rest of the world the definition of a canadian vient on in more detail but we liked that sentence canada is a great country its continued great ness and growth depend on the attitude of can adians on the forward outlook of canadians in developing this great country of ours candidate and voters will be pleased that at least the election campaign tcitl be short and alt trill hope tt is kept tweet more salesmore profits chesley had a vote on establishment of beve rage rooms and the voters decided in favor of go ing wet in drayton which has been dry for 20 years the trend was very much against the wets one of the men prominent in the wet campaign in the latter town said there are 70 widows in drayton and this gave the drys half the votes they needed to get 40 per cent of the total just why would any man write all the widows down as opposed to the sale of intoxicating beverages it may be that liquor had something to do with their widowhood we don t know here and there throughout the country the votes continue to be taken and occasionally a town changes its status from dry to wet but as a rule the trend is to stay dry as long as profits are high the liquor interests will continue to wid en their sales field net earnings of canada breweries ltd ust one company were 5 255 060 in 1952 sales of this company were 10 000 000 ahead of those of 1951 with such financial returns as an incentive the wets will seek each year for wider fields to market their products the widows however are not being fooled by the propoganda for more sales and more drunken men another year with this issue the free press starts its 79th year of continuous publication in acton while the paper had three editors m the first two or three years of publication the succeeding 76 years have seen only two editors at the helm the late h p moore was editor for 49 years and while the present editor has owned the paper for only 26 years it is 42 years smce our first assooa tion with the free press newspaper anniversaries like all birthdays ate a time when it is pleasant to express apprecia tion of the friendships formed down through the years and to affirm again the resolve to make the future even better than the past on th s anniversary when acton s newspaper is neanng the four score mark n record ng the news and history of ths town and distr ct we just want to say thank you for all the k ndly friendships and helpfulness thai has come our w ay and to assure all our readers advert sers and buyers of printing that iwllbe our constant a m to give our best serv ce n the pr ntmg field where our life work has been so long and so hap pily placed just another argument levying of taxes and the equalizing of the share municipalities end individuals shall pay is always an argumentlve point and is never settled so we might as well toss in this item which re cently appeared in a saskatchewan paper why not tax the man who lets his property go to wreck rather than the man who keeps his property in good condition as it is at present the man who employs the painter and the car penter to make his place of residence more at tractive and who thus improves the appearance of the whole neighborhood is penalized by in creased taxation while the man who allows his property to become an eyesore and thus de creases the value of his neighbors property is encouraged in his neglect by reduced taxation the slightest change in appearance of a property even to the extent of a storm porch never fails to catch the eagle eye of the assessor who incident ally is employed and paid by the assessment commission in reginaqot by the town hading bf ww ttw un indians knew what they were talking about in naming places tuen the amateur oardent hare good hope of turcett in this season of phenomena oroti th on holidays next week there will be no issue of your home town paper getting out a newspaper is very interesting work there s scarcely a dull mo ment in a newspaper office but folks who do it every week in the year are ust like those who have other occupations they like a change and so the office will be closed while the staff goes on a wellearned holiday we hope you will not be inconvenienced by the omission of one week we even hope you will miss your regular weekly visitor so much that you will welcome even more cordially the issue of july 16th we know the staff will endy the holiday and come back prepared to give you a better local newspaper throughout the other weeks of the year and your editor may come up with some new viewpoints for the editorial out look what i in i nnmrt driving through tome of the imall one lore place and alio looking at some oi the mnwi applied to centres 1 began lo wonder how placet are named for instance primrose a mall one itore place ii teems to have none of the attractions of the attractive name it bears rote mont it not too far away and in that here seems to be tome con ncetlon to someone who evidently liked the rose family and had enough influence to have places named the indians seemed to have picked up more suitable names for placet thon the earlier white man perhaps because they knew the area at 11 was not as they wished it and they had little de aire to name things after them selves esqueiing for instance is an indian name meaning tht place or land of the tall pines which the indians would be quite famll tar with originally 1 m told a very lame pnrl of the township was covered with a growth of huge plni trees tries of a height of iv feet and four feet in dlnnwter nt the base being not at all uncommon there were of course many other species of i rets including oak ample bans wood dm walnut and butternut but the pines over shadowed thrm all both in ftlse and in numbers and it was from these the indians applied suit able name of course nanagaweya la an other example ot an indian name the name means the dividing of the waters and within the town ship part of the water flows into the grand river bailn and thence to lake erie while the other part finds its wsy to lake ontario the indians applied a name that meant something peculiar to that area naming acton was more of a personalized job the first name was danville which was derived from a young man who was clerk in the first dry goods store estab lished here by wheeler green the first grocery store was estab llshed by miller hemstreet who put up the sign danville grocery by miller llemstrecl adnmsvmic was the next name for the community derived from the first settlers zcnns rufus and euro adams robert swan the first postmaster came along in ih44 and dropped in his personal nott by fluggestlng the village be called acton he was a native of northumberland fngland the nnmes applied to centres by the white tittle r don t seem as meaningful at tht indian names xbt north i ait wist s outh js has entered us serond hall and prep arallotis for the exhibitions and fatrs pre noit taktna shape election promises put a price tag on every election promise suggests the financial post in this summer heat wave of election campaigning the heady draughts of political success or hopes of success won t do very much to tell the voter what the moon is gbing to cost it comments but he should remember and keep remembering that he is the one who will be paying the bills out of his pocket all the money must come governments cannot make it or earn it if the voter is told he really needs and wants bigger old age pensions higher farm subsidies or a new post office he has a perfect right to know exactly what each item will cost how much more it will add to his tax bill and if he is told that he will get all this and tax cuts too then he should also ask very bluntly where and how former ministers son wed in toronto a wedding of local interest was miltmnired in timothy eaton mini orial church when doris eileen smyhc the dniikhler of dr and mrs clifford hugh smyllt betnmt tht bride of louis randolph piek ring hoi of mrs piektrlntf and tin late rev louis plikerlng hev pltktrlng was a former minlsur it at ton unittd uiuuh i i il pissed away durimt his nun islrv hin ivtn in mmtini bv ti i father th bridt chose a gown or f noted vhite organdy and heavy gulpurt net her fingertip viil was gath nd to a brim trimmed with seed pi iris and the carried a toliniil bouqutl of swainsona mnr mclean mnthison maid of honor mrs robert smylii i ondon ont nnd virna moshor weie kow icd in aqua orgnnn with nltnpuss bodices tdgtd with self folds and t pped with gimps they wort halos of yellow marguerites and carriid colonial bouquttx of yellow marguerites scarlet carmtion pit als and orange roses john pickering was btjit rrnn nd ushers were donnld smylie jack fraumcm jim sutherland and glen wiggins receiving the bride s mother chose smoke gray organza with dusty pink accessories tht groom s mother wort lilac crepe with whit rcworics learning don t know if this yarn has a moral or not but this is the way we heard it a hill b ii v father and son were sitting on the side ot a mountain overlooking a valley a tra n came into view and the boy turned to his father and sa d paw what makes that there engine go reckon i don 1 r ghlly know son a plane vent by high overhead paw what keeps that there a rplane up n the sky i d know son a motorboa sk mmed by on the valley r ver paw what makes that there boat go w thout no paddle ka n t say as i know son after some m nules the boy said paw you don i m nd f i asks you quest ons does ou nope that s the way you learn ings s h arton 3m f ybb the only paper i er published n acton founded in 1875 and published eerv thursday at w mill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circuls tions the cwna and the ontario quebec du lsion of the c 1 n a advertising rates on request subscriptions pav able in adtance kl50 in canada 350 in the united state mx months si w single copies 6c authonxed as second class mail post off ice department ottawa g a f3ei editor and publisher business and editorial office telephone 174 two whet led lovi the vicar was talking s nously to one of the young nun in the pmsh john he said i heir lint ou have been raising false hopes m maidt n hearts i don t hk such bt ha iour rumor whispers that jou are engaged to one girl ir this village another in little mit chin and a third in brenchlrv how cm ou do such a thing looked n bit shtepish as in wt 11 sir i vc got a bicycl john plied daily farm eages without board were 860 in bc in earlv 1 9i3 compared to 6 20 in alberta and ontario 56 10 in siskatchewan 5 70 in quebec 5 50 in manitoba and 5 20 in the marltlmes unaanal cray concerning farm which is a little dlaunce outside ha hon yet will be of intereit to the farmer of this county la an item which tells that a is acre field of rape la in full bloom in chinituacouiy the bloom ing 1 the very unuiual result of a mild winter and wet spring the fuller brothera who own the farm have been growing rape for yean and this i the first tlmedt has survived the winter fven the older generation of farmers cannbt recall having ncen any in bloom the article reports the fuller are now wondering how to harvest the novel crop the present quotation for rape seed is 920 a cwt su says the georgetown paper it certainly looks like a better prospect than a half drowned field of spring grain best fish story yet the best fish story we vo heard in le county so fnr this year comes from qlen williams where says the georgetown herald n young hollander clarence bakker caught a 21 inch brown trout there mlghtn t be anything too unusual about this except for the fact that clarence had neither rod he was standing betid a shallow part of the river when he suddenly bent down and scouped tht fish up in his hands out of the ater clarence had phnty of evidence tht re wtrt several people swimming nnd others looking on weddingfn torontoi of ntwestjn jtcjcom ann elizabeth hussty daughter of mrs husscv and tht late grorgi hussey became the bride of glenn gartlin in an ovining ctn monv in the churth of the htsur mttlon toronto mr fnrdin is the son of mrs nt ison garden and the late mr garden who wire forme rly at ton n sldi nls the btidt chrnu n gown of lighl blue silk shantung fashion d with a v neckline nnd bouffant skirt six won i whlti straw hat and while aieisorits and tarried oi thid1 and ruses on a white bibli mis fli7iibelh nignill was her only iltoidant in n midnight blot frock with whltt at e usuries and a cor sage of crmm roses heitiving nl tin guild o f a ails tht bride shisttr mrs t f 1 hompson wort a tin ss of nm ood crepe and a eoisagt of ton loses tht grooms mother atnisttd arlng a blink and whltt print pt drtss with m itching nccis and a eorsagt of rtd roses was visiting in brampton this week well now nature being what she is the snake or makes has grown to a presentable ft and i- rays are said to have shown tta reptile to be comfortably enaoonem in the victims tummy the problem appears to be that the make u of a poisonous variety and observers fear any attempt to dislodge the boarder may cause it to bits the woman- with fatal results we have no solution to offer but we offer the unfortunate woman this consoling thought lucky it wnsn t a crocodile liases to fard gray conch lines are now run ning additional buses between to ronto and oakvllle and hamilton and oakvllle to transport ford workers to lh plant meanwhile the oakvllle transportation comp any has discontinued its bin route from the halton town to the plant in trafalgar until there are more passengers bites far fishermen mosquitoes have been driving fishermen away from their favorite streams halton county game war den dudley hitchcox says fisher men at the sixteen and twelve mile erteks an killing bib two ways nchml far mktan milton s school board faced with overcrowding at tht school has de cided to purchase a portable build ing the board also plans to pur- ehaae pfttpfly just ouuida ui uau yuu- i def f futility its trying to convince a healthy boy that he hnsn i room for oni mori pitce of ht hnakcs alive this story comes from brampton it st tins that a woman in the unittd stales drank some water probably by mfstakt nnd accord ing to tht tale tht water contain d stuikt iggs tht ticklish evt nt came to light wht n the party in tiutslion for a new school site f bnwlm- wilfred awrey of acton was cl ecled vice president at ihe awiv family reunion held recently it the old mill in gutlph president 1 frmst awrty of orton thln year tht awrtyi cell bratt tlitlr 200lh anniversary of ik dm llys arrival in north america it was in 1753 that a family turned auric nt stt sail from ireltn for professional directory and travellers guide medical disease take toll accidents heart accidents ire the chief cause of death among people under 40 years of age but over 40 heart dlsiast j takes the lead a life insurinet compiny survey of policy hoi hts hows siys the fmincial post accidents ciused marly 39 pi r cent of the deaths under 40 heirt disease was tht second greitest ciusc at ib per cent cancer ie enuntid fur 11 per cent between 40 nnd 10 iccidt nt cuised onlv 7 p r cent of the deaths but heirt diseisc accounted for 14 per cent nnd canctr 20 per ctnt over 60 the loll from accid cnts was only 2 per cent while heart diseise accounted for 68 per cent and cincer 16 per cent of tht deaths dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence 115 church st e phone 1 the offering of hydraulic power stt t ring gears in passenger ci is the culmination of more thin 20 vcars of engineering exptnmon ion and development work f at the united church of canada acton ontario a friendly church rev e a currey ba bd minister parsomge 29 bower aenue phone 60 mlss o m lampard a t c m organist ind choir leader stda jul 1th 1i3 1000 im sundi sen il suffer the little children to am un t me 1100 t m morninr worsh p h 1 communion mtssific com n un on th nights 00 pm- evening worship in ion service subject buildinr a life i thotiphr for the ueek the conmcrattd one talent nil i w imart h prnm se of a hrgei for good than presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev robert ii armstrong mji rd mlnuter sldy jl 5th 9 4 m church school 1100 imthe lords supter 00 p m service in ihe lnitet church a warm welc mc aaits oj tw thai wail upon the it omll renru heir trenprh st alban s church anillcn v ralph e price b a bd rector dr d a garrett physician and sarteon corner of willow and river su entrance river street acton ontario phone 238 dental dr a j buchanan dental surfeon office lcishman block mill st office hours 0 am lo 6pm x ray telephone 148 dr h leib dental burgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 am lo 6 p m telephone 10 acton veterinary legal c f eatherland barriiter solicitor notary office hours 10 00 am 12 00 ro 1 00 pm 3 00 pro saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone res 131 acton lever hosk1n chartered accountants successors to jenkin8 and uardt 1301 metropolitan bldtf 44 victoria st toronto em 4 9131 gerald a candler bartered accountant monday lo friday 7 9 pro s iturday from 9am 92 mill street e phone 561 atton chiropractor d j armstrong doctor of chiropractic 15 frederick st n acton phone 550 b d young b v sc c l young dvm veterinary surgeons office brookviue ontario i hone milton 165r21 f g oakes b v sc vclerlru fice and residence 24 knox avi acton phone 130 miscellaneous the victor b rumley funeral home funeral home heated inilmli phone 30 night or day strvink the communitj for 46 years real fstate and insurance wright real estate and insurance f i wright n b wright 20 wilbur st 69 macdonntu st acton ont guelph ont phone 91 phone 4915w valuators realtor iniurora member appraisal institute of canada members cuelph and district real estite board members guelph and dulnct insurince agents association travellers guide gray coach lines i oac hfs leave acton idavlijjht saving timci eitbd r3ham hham 1ij3 am 2uh pm 10h pm 633 pm 83 p m b9 58 p m weatboand 10 27 a m 12 52 pm 2 17 pm 127 pm 727 pm 9 12 p 11 32 pm 1 12 am sun to kit chener oph a daily i xccpl sunday and hou- davs b saturdav sunday and ho- lectual genius mi ll the baptist church acton dwirht l patterson pastor 19 wilbur st phone 62 juu 2 j30 ttina fnda jul 3 8ounj peoph siada- jul 5lh 1013 10 00 a m sunda school 1100 am morning ser ce too pm combined serv fifth sinda fter trinity juh 1 1953 lit am matin and ddrc- mr john f heap lav r 00 pm ecnnr senict in ion lnited church all welcome power steerinr sstem pi i pressure lo rk t i multiple w r b real estate inrce phone 26 acton list our farms business or house atth u w -invite- vm t use- eur facilities in securing a purchase for vour property lloyd e aullffc r r no 6 guelph phone hespeler 01 salesman the dn united church- plod trhen they said i 1 which operates steered are ty i wheels but full n alnas mailable i failure or if the running ffort he- ihe sioinng linkajn r f bean general imnrance 260 mill st acton phone 55 office hours 8 am 3 pro 5 30 p m b pm canadian national railways ttnrd time stb daih 5 40 a m daily except sun days 955 am 7 10 pm sunday i nly b18 pm dally except sun day flyer at georgetown 9 02 a n dail fiver t georgetown 1011 pm wettbwtd daily except sunday and mon day 2 22 am sunday and monday only 12 06 am dally except sun day 8 4s am 50 pn ifufstoe 7 44 p m dil except saturday nd- sundry 5 48 p in saturday n- pm suni only 9 03 am nagstopi sunday only flyer at guelph 7 05 p m

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