Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 2, 1953, p. 7

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thursday july tad 1m theacton rrk press acton ontario namaoawtya adopts ftoaduoni halton now has two township which hava adopted road signs trafalgar wu the first township to rtct algu at all road intoratcuoto recently naaaagawaya followed nilt in both townships tha atina ra date and attractive many visitors to the county have com- merited favorably on this progress atv step certainly thr is no cum for fclumg lost tn ellhar ot the two townships mentioned and wt would extend our congratulations to um mtmbera ot trafalgar nd nas aagaweya councils fibst ontawo dai1v day ptovu namkd lucckhh illustrating in marked degree the importance ot the dairy industry in the economy ot the province aomr a000 ontario farmers joined hands with the ontario department ot agriculture on wednesday june it when ontario first dairy day was celebrated from early in the morning until late in the afternoon ontario farm era from as far east as ottawa and as far north as parry sound con- verged on the farm of mervln shants near alma where with western and central ontario farm ers they were able to witness the latest developments in all branches of the dairy industry particular interest was evinced m tha pole loafing bam located on the shanti farm as well as the opera tion of the milking parlor and bam drying ot hay in addition the 1st eenievelopments tn tongerepptnrj were demonstrated and the pro miti also included lectures on mtlk testing and quality production davfa pcllettcrio milton and mil dred parkinson htllsburg were elected as ontarios first dairy man and dairy maid each county junior farmer association was invited to nrirntnate a candidate for each title hsltun juniors under the leadership of president harold tyrrell nominated dave pcllettcrio ot palermo juniors and barbara cunningham of norvsl juniors along with the honor daw nnd mildred each received so dollar cheque calf club mkmbcaa mket during the past week halton calf club member held two meetings on monday night halton a 4h beef and dual purpose club members met at campbell farm near mot- friendly challenge make the mki road test h 4 ways be ii a faw youll drive has with am- rthancc nsolim 1 usance a the best wn ever aw kated nottustan mfmw gasohstt ali make tha swasut road teat youll bt cost- aucad at kebtce gwes you lastt startvntw ngaa oatrolkd totanttty hktora mm aasiar cold emtnt ttarta pcatar frcedota froaa vapor lock fasti accaatkn- a n nasrvt power ot your aaijaa wata youaeed it m yours with sag gfaaaara gaaohnc qtftcktft wammik4 that 1y wanatdup eapat ta ftu lass greater economy tad ska a of eagtac strain lonocft muuaoiyw naeal faruw fi f th ra luaaawa start pfonni that now taak f with rtuaik 4 sstoi tst here the young people under the leadership ot art bennett as sistant agricultural representative had the privilege ot working tut two excellent classes ot scotch shorthorns t c amua and j r whltelock were the official judges on friday evening some so of the members of holsteln and jersey and guernsey calt clubs met at tha farm ot mac alexander near nor- again the young people had tht privilege ot judging and giving reasons on two very tine classes of jrrseya tor which art dennett and j k whltelock acted as the official judges following short business meetings the respective programs concluded with moving pictures at both points we were privileged to listen lo the young people giving their reasons orally it was little short of an inspiration lo see those young people ranging from it to m years incualve step out and present their reasons clearly and for the most pari wllh logic all cattlk at milton fair miiht bk nrgativr to bangs at a recent meeting of the halton agricultural society in response to a request from a joint meeting re presenting the halton holslcin jer sey and guernsey club it was de rided that at the milton fair on september ttth all cattle exhibited mvist be negative to the blood teat the regulation in question d as follows- health rang- dkwaar all ot dairy cattle t beet cattle t3 market cattle except steers and 4i nuraocow mustbe accompan ied by a certificate issued by an of ficer ot either the health ot ani mals division of the ontario vete rinary college showing a negative blood test tor llang disease con ducted within 00 days ot the date or the show certificates will be issued cowrlng bulls which haw passed a negative blood test within six immths of the show and cattle from herds dealt with under the departments bangs disease con- trol fpollcy which arc listed a bnng disease tree or herds under the policy in good standing vaccinated heifers tinder 10 ntos ot age wll he permitted to show tthout blood test providing a vac cination certificate signed by a re gistered veterinarian la produced by the owner showing that the ant mal has been cclnatcd at the proper age balrr8 rtsv tjwtd progrvsa was ntadc the 1 part ot last week in handling wine ot the ism ha crop mid what n crop no one should go short of ha this ear hay balers would aptar to b the popular wav of taking off the crop certainly under present conditions with the shortakc of labour it is about llu only solution on many farms as one dritm through the countrv ewry thing iwinls to a heavy crip as titdicated previoutty the ha crop is excellent the same is true of the tall wheat and in gem prospects point lo a better than atiage crop of spring grain dur- utk the past week conxtderable of the crn crop was ftnalb planted while ei late wnduions would appeal to oe idntl tor ipuek gcrtm- nation nnd who knows wv may still gel n air irop ot corn waadserckreatad if attacked early there are few weeds which can not be eradicated if attacked before they become firmly established thfr most vulnerable period la when there are just a rewjrjdivlduals how do new weeds arrive pro- bahly the majority still come in with seed and teed ai they did in wms presents gift to mrs qibb the awaste helpers meeting of thr balhnatad w m s wa held nt he home of mr j kirkwood rv- enh with an attendance of alur the business part of the meet- mg the scripture lesson was read fcv- mrs qibb toihtotd bv prayer b mrs j allan mrs f smith read a story of a new canadian family and their struggles tor existence how they fond help and encouragement through the church mrs f j short ill sang the new canadian version of o canada which is us- l at the church ot all nations in toronto mrs m miuughlm gave a piano why mttht tak rose a reading on what s ri with llu thiiirh as k in mrs a stairrt which stresstm the thought the emihh as a landmark of trn munuimt lilm entitled nekinmm with m x shown of a oung houm wif who lound jo and peu m louung the ohurvh and iwcommg i inn i of the arious imn hmh gtxnitvv enriching home vi 1 community lite prtvntation was mvl- to mt tlibb of costume jeyellr fivm ih member- of thi lvms mrs cibb thanks th udiev vaing she ould alwyy ivm mur the happy mloyv ship f working with tin m nowrnomtlwgvbr toucmielton reliance complete pccoratigg strvkt painting wr hanoino oinral rttaws savf now bv using quality paints and guarantkd workmanship david cohen painter and decorator the days ot the pioneer and home trader minv newer garden and forage plants are now being tested and used and seeds of thec are veiv likely to contain weed seeda from fsrawsy places nursery itwk wllh soil on the roots is another very common source ot new weed introduction long distance truck ing tourists from distant points are all potential carriers of plant seeds and parts now that highway traffic la so speedy and such long distances covered the menace of weed intro- euchre and dance st auan1 paiiw hau friday july 3rd m im pm good music phizes and refreshments auspice acton progreulw conmrvatlvs allocation admission free com and meat your candidate duclton from remoter places ta tar greater than in ihe dsys ot the ox carl and horse drawn vehhirt where can we expect to find new species probably ihe moat llkel i spots are in gardens and forage i plant areas but roadside railway varda nnd hghla of way parking and camping grounds are common locations tor slrsnge and unknown plants what should be done arnnit them if found the wisest course to lake on finding strange plant is lo gather ii and send it in ihe nearest institution where botanists or plant laannomlata can idenllfy it if it is not a weed or a potential weed no harm la done and one a mind la i rest concerning it it it is a weed likely to become a menace ihen prompt remedial action should be taken if so advised it i unwise to wntt until the plants have obtained a good foothold before taking aillon your nearesl experimental farm or university la the logical place lo send suspected plants for idenliflcatltin research has developed ihe surt- agnge an instrument itial detects mratchca as small as one millionth ot an inch it is used in shops and factories p determine the average roughness of highly machined sur faces of such parts tut pistons gear teeth clutch faring crank shaft bearings and cylinder linings which call for precision flla buying a new car or a good used one if you areand if you are financing any part of it see us first wi can pthamci tt pod you cost our rmm tk fewm btalmbm why 4it ywi ptlm mm cflmtcmfg hmmt wlm vflmfg tm win 0 mmstttflml ot elw used cars and private deais a1so financed call cchiect tcttfaf rial estate and insurance acton and outu iirrkhk voi m m a wkalth w womftkrfil fkttrk trsatiliomally ismtiae ha alway- pnllel tamlanu of fine ear mmfrt mrntrnianeis latty and athaneetl fralures at a cmitettll mo let prie lake the famou ismtiae htkhhitprrion entiinev for inlaitee ivnliae inat hvylinlrr engine u general motor loel prim i right atwl the aih highly rrhh lel eititno in the tmlotr vnil intnliae thrift n ha dramatical incrrcil horrmnnr ftvr motthers ntorv vjtrilinii wrlvvrnisnif than rur hrlre kitoentbee timv thai ionttav fur ofter ou tit ner nvtrtng a ait option at extra til trtilx no other ear in the pricv ratttit tt lvrtlrt can ctmtiiarr tth ionltac tor all round alwe iltpendalu1it and athaneed feature n ur ismiimc tlralec and had out for miurein kartipri mokks t ihookk from llreeo jul one reatm hx pnnllac ha mt a leading plare in pnhlie fatr wwre twtrrf than a other car thnh inmliar oftvrn vttu m beautiful mmleu t ehtmtr frmn each a masterjuvee of design ami eraflmanhli nd no olber ear ran aaatch pontlac dasxllng rainbow of extrritir color ltmttne color harmonle aswl luxwrlnwa elktrjeetl interior hat nwire extra roomlne ha lern elrerl engineered istto everx lm ismtiae ilnont increaing overall ir ami orh athanertl feature a erank4tteratrtl front nenliiane ami handmwue lanraniamew nlruimrnt jvanel are tamlanl riimuenl in all moihl mrs yh 3 vrut kkrikm here more proof of ionliae all round nneriorit kali intnturr offer voi a mlrvtton of kceal erir the lalhndrr wthnntler imuxe laurrnlian t hirftain ami t hieftatn ihluxe vgain onh invttiae offer ttm a rhtilre of arral aotimuatte trannitiin the aww finer lorrglidr optional at extra eot i the lathaavt deluxe am lurrntian wncv gie net awning arcercraliitst greater rrtumai and new ox reall mrforwance xml nrrtaewlar iknalhanir hxdra- matte lhte tional at extra eut hi the two t hirftain erte be u rxarlti the pwrr om want where u al it hc ou want it omim bftotori aawaaabaajaaaajaaajw wnere jo want it tnri ou want u ihmtiae aabaabfcaa mx t mm am m am an nmotlkrrhm climsvt sm im mlie jrmrmr lome garner motors limited main at bower acton phone 452

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