Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 16, 1953, p. 2

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twb acton free press acion on1ario tiiuhmiiay jul v lath 1w1 wwwwihi be the u back again we an bidt again n he daik we lei week 0 and itatt ii raport vary enoyeble holu day nwproptlaniartnlcoeupletdty and it can maiuxba wamtd on lha lummat alec- ken vmsr llajowd to ba prepared and while your adllof anjona of lha partnera hadnl operet- ad a linotype tor tome tlma tha two of ut did managa to put in typa and print or 5000 namai in the county llitt lha hydro ttaff on omvartlon to 60 cycla vllltad the plant on two dayt and look inlorme hon and wa collected lha mall avary day until friday yet lha bllndi wera drawn and lha door wal lockad but two ol the tlaft hill hava lomo holiday dua tham on friday wa wara convincad tome new parti ware needed tor tha unotypa machine wa pur chaaad tha pant and friday afternoon preilded at a meeting ot tha executive committee of the can adlan weakly newtpapart attoclallon saturday wa had nothing whatever to do with newtpeper work but coming home from hanover on sunday morning wo noticed lha door open at the durham chronicle office and dropped in tor a chat with editor george cadogan juittlmtffli ifflsyjl edltort to get away frwrr 1he tnteretn thatbaeomepartoijhairiiie avary day of the year itt fortunate that motl of them like their work mora ssrvica mora taxm a letter from county council to munlclpelltiet in helton vlewt with uttlflable alarm the mount ing cotti of the care of indigent patients the let ter it conttructlve and offert tome tuggattiont for coping with application and getting the coopera tlon of cltizent to meet this item which contribute to the load of municipal taxes in 1945 the total account for hospitalization of indigent patients in halton was 1673 31 in 1950 the total had more than doubled and was 18048 05 the budget allowance for this item for halton in 1953 it 32500 00 and judging by tha accounts coming into municipal councils it will reach tharamount the heavy expenditure cannot be chargedpartlcularly to any one municipality the cost it mounting and it appears to be a trend of theyimet councilt are unable to keep taxes down and provide these services the poor ye have with oldfoshioiwd a former rwldtnt and itlll an ardent reader ol live home town papw wrote in recently and inked if we would tupply him with the nemei ol those who 50 yean ego wrote the entrance exam inetiont we were glad to comply with the ie quest and we were interested in those result perhaps it s because we may be considered old fashioned it is significant that 50 years ago ihe boys end girls had to try to get entrance xamlnationt out of 25 who wrote there were 16 successful the marks were published and we know ust how proud those boys and girls were in their achieve ment fifty yean later well be that they erf mill proud of the work and effort they made to secure this standard in their school work in those days not many went on to high school a d there wa no compulsion to attend school after the public school leaving had been attained looking today over that list of names of 50 years ago we are convinced that the educational standards provided a very good background for life in the world of today we are not so sure that the educational expenditure of today is giving as great an incentive to the young people thoset health scheme will take more free enterprise from your pay the good old days may have seemed better l a muni holiday leaves you plenty of umc or reading and sleeping of court the former u more informative ami the latter la mure enjoyable h wm how ever tntersottni to took over some of ihe deluge nf election campaign material and have time at leaat to understand ii one thing struck me rather forcibly the ccf conaerva uvea and the liberals are all dangling ihe national health theme bait for the voter its quite possible that the plan la good but then its another acheme that any government ran llnsnci only after it haa collected plus admlnf tratlon coat the amount it re turns to the people that la peculiar to all the things govern menta give to the people moat people are capable of ad mlnuterlng their own weekly pay cheque without handing over a large portion fur the government to give back after it haa paid ae countanu clerks mailer and any number ot other employee aa ive tried to point out this ta nol the fault of any one type of government in particular indeed the parson moat at fault la prob ably the elector who haa to have hla vote bought with auch plana it aeema general knowledge that governments are not the moat ef ftcenl producers the fact was proven recently in ihe province of i haaasli hew an where the l t government started nationalising induatry ljut month after eight veara aa a government enterprla a woollen mill was through in that period as the heglna leader pnat points out it managed to amaaa a total deficit of well over a half million dollars aa well as a lar explain each year a li in ihe official atatement an nuuncthg the change the govern ment admitted that it waa leaa caitable of operating a business than private enterprise it hid the horn interests which have purchased the mill i have investigated ihe situation and have satisfied themselves that this enterprise ran be tarried on profitably they therefore intend to operate a mill in saskatchewan indefinitely and expand lla opera tlona as economlr and market eon dltlofia warrant national health schemes and other enterprises being operated by governments are never ka et fckcnt as private enterprise and under the health plan fa the voter who loses a little more tree enterprise over hla own pay cheque perhaps 1 should have slept more snd read less on my holiday back in 1903 places along early lift when young people have 3trjrjsrjtoiartr for all to read had something that seems lacking today in our educational system we are in agreement with hon mr duntop the minister of education for the province that we need to get back to the three r 4 in our educa tional program and that all along the way hurdles must be tried and overcome to make successful men and when and where can a better start be ty north wist s outh constrptlon of electric pouter in ontario is running 14 per cent above a year oqq you always the problem is to decide who is poor and those who are not so poor keeping down taxes is a problem for every individual and only through cooperation of all can the task be accomplished the important thing now is w nrry elector to be wire mi name ii on the voters list mtr opinion itnl worth anuthtwo if u cant express it on aujnut 10th compulsory idleness cornell university has embarked upon a seven year nation wide survey in the united stat es to determine whether or not there is any truth in the belief that involuntary retirement based on age speeds op symptons of disease and even cjwrh why all this concern about older people remarks irving ledimer in occupational health published by the u s department of health edu cation and welfare probably because we see more of mem around than ever before although the population of the united states has doubled in the last half century the number of middle aged 45 to 64has tripled the number of persons over 65 has quadrupled one in every 12 per sons today is 65 there ate many pros and cons on the quest on of compulsory retirement at a set age mr ladi mer goes on in its favor are ease of opetaton fairness certainty and advance financial and psy chologtcal planning for all parties against t are the arguments of known venal on n aging and ability continued participation in production pos sible money savings by reduced pens oris and the satisfact on and well being of the nan who can and wants to wori the whole plan of compuls on i id def n te rules fails always to take nto con derat o that all humans are different and rules cannot be ap plied as with machines may speak her john dlefenbacker p c candl date in saskatchewan who has been speaking in ontario visited i a i r- j sybil bennett briefly in oeoige made than in our educational system from grade lo wwk he told nrr one right through the course hopes to apeak in halton lahr in the summer namehuoos we see where piinltau inter st ing item of old news like ml and 20 years ago in this paper got an oakvtllc paper into some troubli a newcomer to town working i the ford plant started hunt n tin n house he saw advertised for 4 000 he naked the police tur help in locating the owner ind thiy pointed out thnl although hi paper had thi right dale jul x ims hi was reading the old oak vllle column tht man t ports i thi tcwsaor went ml in high dudgeon rode la fataee with mrs rosa biddings th oakvtllc record star s m it- outtuary died a fabulous icroi i t old vienna and austrian roval mrs giddings h di i m the vttdou ol all through your life did you ever stop to think that m all the world there is only one newspaper that is really concerned with you and that is your home town paper big city dailies are only interested in you when you commit a crime break your neck or do something equally spectacular or foolish but your home town paper is interested in you all t your life over the year it tells f ifc rrea rrwa at r jet it 1im the two hundred and thirteenth anniversary of lha baltla ot itm boyna was celebrated in loyal ityte at georgetown by tha orangemen of ihe county the town was en fete from an early hi ur the parade was arrompan led by acton uronte fllen wllllama and laonrasown imuuu the base ball match between oakvlllc and acton waa not a very creditable exhibition of the game only five innings were played and theae were rharsclerlted poles acton tirooght home the ullver trophy a ciimpaiiy it interested rlttiens rmemhlcd in the baptist last thursday evening to llaten to an address on the importanre or organising efforu lor the pieaerval ton of the linl day from the en rroarhtnenln of greedy corporations and individuals not satisfied wtth the sla days in which to labor rev t albert moore general secretary of the provincial alliance toronto was the speaker vivid comparl son of tha quiet peaceful ssbbath of thirty years ago with that of today with ita sunday trains pleas um excursions and other forms ot deberrstlon were made canada has been but recently discovered by the outside world induitrlal concerns csre only for dividends vivid reference was made to the fftwtir engineering news record osti matra that trustee corp canada umftcd will spmd 4000000 to build 336 steel trunr houses on the 88acre stkth tne trafalgar pro perty mora exbjaasdaa us time we should be thinking ot a greater burlington said town councillor gordon ruaby recently he introduced a resolution o set up a committee to go inlo the question of either amalgamating ur i irmtnit a metropolitan area witi niit and hat flnirthtru town ships expansion i ans mt m anv hre in tht n unly hae brin d cussed i bur him ton before too dinner parties the saturday night millinery snd dressmaking orders and various other matters thought irwly entered into table decorations of ropes ot marguerites and fairy candle lent a daintiness and iharm to the re cherche spread at the second golf hekl on the pretty lawn of mr and mrs h h holmes flows avenue least frank mr in tosh and ba ryder sre playing a aertm of la noise malrhea with thv orlllla back in j933 rtaaa law at ik rrsa tnm at tineas lair it 1mi yesterday wai the glorious twelfth and arton orange lodge telrtitaled in fergus the hi alban i sunday school ptcnk was held on saturday after noon to ktverutt park in guelph a splendid outing was enjoyed tha acltm tennu tlub team played the first tournament series with st george hurrh team ot georgetown georgetown lad la took three matches to two by the aclon ladles arton men look every law of the ave events this week they played with sr- james club of guelph in the cries of the west am ontario tennis lesgue ouelph won both tha latuea snd the gantva- nwsi sections but acton player gave ihem a struggle all the way miss usbel cnwle has boon painted to tha staff of th ouatpai collegiate miss cowle has been teaching the past iwn yeara in kin cardlne hon cha mrcres waa the speaker last friday evening at th hall dr r k anderson member of the federal parliament also gave an address tv pioneer cemetery commit tee sre receiving encouragement and donations to assist in the pro ject of erecting a cairn and pre paring the ground tor re seeding professional directory and travellers guide you are bcn and n he brlh oss sr the story of you the story begins as good stones should at ty ihe beginning notices there is announcemenl that your mother and father have been blessed with you then dad and mom go away on a trip and take you with them so your name appears in the social and personal columns the years pass and you go to school every so often your name ap pears in the school results sometimes at the top cf your class sometimes at the bottom but al ways there oabk wa outsundmi in fun x lit and mrs giddln nmc to oak vilk about to tar ago mr gtddings vus born in v ensa and u mimbtr of th famed spanish riding school to which only royalty a admitted but because of lur prowess in thr attddu sh wa allowed t rid with tht younk empress of austni m the crystal chandellcnd palace i whert thi school was ronducled j and where the perfceth trained you are on the hockey team or the ball team lipplian horses piruutted and pran l tn ti v as you grow older and your name is mentioned many times you golf bowl go to summer camp with tne reserve take part in ihe music festival aet in a p you nam i in the pa then comes the great moment of the early part of your lifehigh school graduation and per haps a high reward you cut it out for your grand al 1 trafalgar township was well ni resented al the polish alliani friendly societj picnic held jul reem mnted prime minister st laur it at the un riling ot a memorial gmera vladyla slkorski of the speakers and teata gar pol ice chief fred oliver and constable harry wilton came away loaded between them they had 73 quarts of beer and fie bottu of 1 quor children to see then perhaps college and home taken m an effort to ho that for the holidays your name appears often youl pmc are dtrtervnt rrum hh i polish ones m p da id croll rep graduate and your home town paper is ust as pioud of you as your parents are you come home and go to work n dad s busi ness or start one of your own you meet the one and only g rl and your engagement s announced n the paper you are married and there is a de tailed account of your wedding as the years roll on your home town paper tells the story of your social 1 le your commun ty achievements the b rth of your ch idren the hon ors that come to you f nally at th end of your long and happy i te you appear m the obityary a p green plants hold joint picnic a p gntn ltd empli fri m acti n and wtston olint w th their familiis gathered fr di jum j8 at tirra cotti ft r ihi annual picnic th to thi mil tar tht arti n pltnl h i j i tied in thi mnl the plant wf rt ii f r he ifternotui as th kri up travt li i cotta m cars medical dr w g c kenney rhyatctan and korteas office in symon block 43a mill st el acton office rhasw ti retmenee us chareh st k phone 1 legal dr d a garrett rhysktan sad 8rgai cirner of willow and river su cntranci rier street acton ontario rhm txk dental fhn ride swir ii nk th prizes and the pimir iuprxr w th soft drinks re en am and hot do were etijoved mr gltbr of ih wosuin plant was in chnrgr of the i picnic poets corner the gardener 8psakh by marv ellen varlev he tree and flower one dtad now lie again in the breathless pnne after the inters leep j banner i dr a j buchanan dental bargee dif ce lcishman block mill st ott ice hours sam ulpm x ra telephone 1m dr h leib denial so office curner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 am to 8 pro telephone 1 acton across the earth and each of us can their special beauty reap there is so much 1 1 nrs in al the land that god has chocn for iii and i to see and w ith two lo ing hands i can dream and hape one mall corner tor the pr ik like pageanti c f ifatherland ttarrtatee o kolkltae nstry fvaaw office hours 100q am 1100 ojbv 1 00 p m 1 00 p jd saturdays by appointment only office 33 phone res 131 acton lever hoskin chartered aeeaantanta successors to jenkins and haatdt 1305 mrtr t htan bldg 44 viitnna st toronto rai 4 bui gerald a candier t bartered aeesoktauit cmutomtactom d j armstrong doctor of chlrsprsctta 15 tredenck st n aclon phone sm veterinary i b d young bvsc c l young dvrvi eteraaary hos office brookiue onuno phone muton hbr21 r g oaices bv sc mlmtlxankols the victor b rumley funeral honae rsoeral hoaae healed talk lla phone 30 mght or day vr ins the community for 4a years np at the untcrcmes i u hct irircs a dialioi thai mattv of return to icota m iiai niorwum morr uwry then uhvn ut i i ei frttlav thai im c vgh phynoatlv ttartivlarlv uhcre the eek end tnclndcd ur r hi- h tr dnrr at hitfh iced tft irttad rvdt m to h iotiotk ond twek united church of canada rton omurt frikndl chirch re e oarrry r bd v mister paronase s bower aenue phom 60 mtss o m luapaed vtru orkanist and choir leader 10 00 ml artrnt vtt press the only pspe 6 published 4 t f in tod in 1k and published everv thursday at v mill st e l1i n ont mtmtr jt the udlt bureau ot circula t nv tht n v and the ontario quebec division of the n adv ritoini rat ex on retuct surssc notions pa iv in adanc 2 w n canada j3v in thp inited ute v n nth 1 vi inkle cep e 6c ith ri od a jeeonii i u mail invt off cc depsrtmeol ottawa c 4- duu editor and pvbtuhrr business and editorial office telephone 174 sunda jl l lh imsundv school worsh p wk thouaht fo the ciwaecraied onetleit iin i wnmsn hs5 prom of aree uvfuwac far good tsan aij ie cvtual genius win ss iiw ise matr v taitr iaitttt church ton tvwisht l panere 19 wilbur l ph pas ss 10 00 am sunda sx hop am mormir i aros lod arkew thc sti w let v 90 iwto tut viuf o ti l-m- mesayterian church in canada knot rnwrn cton re robert r armstrong l rd mlntster jvl is slndxn 14 an cso too ai d v 00 t t ee office and residence 24 knox ave acton 1 rmne 130 real estate m inslrancl wright real estate and insurance f l wricht n b wright bur fr mbvvi nnell si c n vr i i nv im i h dr alaaurs realtan tsmorera i s p a va lel tule i-v- i jcih and rkirci r a fm e raj i n r f aio i ct l- raiivt vtal n q 3raccen ttavtum outot gray coach unh t om hfs lca1 actom m sa n time easfttmbti ft w a m h a m i l ajx tn w p u pnv us n 9bb pm weatbaand 3 37 p pm 9 13 pjn m sun to klv sun lay and faolt- v rdjx and hou- rhtu tmi uxa apoa ih l canadian natkmal raalaalay st auans church atvea re rijhe pry bk b lici 11 r p t u c vomit rsc hcrele 1 d- j i 10 a flu hauij except ji 4it iv im 10 pnv siukdoy iv ml pi dav except suav f ict i ucearcclotan svttt aaa lis f wt ai getirrctown 1011 mi wa 1h r tr w t kvenn iii ill welcomt 5 f bean overal tssraie mill t cton lir v5 office hovrs 9 aca xpm 30 p in i pax nd uosv dax am sunday and monday only 1101 am daily rxrept san- itsy amv 30 pn 44 j to dailr except satis sad sunday 148 i js only ia nasjstopi sunday geph t pai

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