Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1953, p. 1

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ht sittm tn tt seventy ninth year no 4 acton ontario thursday july 30th i95j eight home print pages six cents fifty years of married ufe have been spent in acton by mr and mrs james wilds who marked their golden wedding anni versary on monday july 27 many friends and relatives attended a dinner and reception at st alban s parish hall when euchre and dancing concluded the evening s celebrations mr and mrs wilds ore pictured with the three tiered wedding cake which was trim med with gold tender accepted for the georgeto ad the tender of j b mackenzie and son lor the buildinc of thi four room addition to o orjt town hujh school wns acceplt d at a nutting of north hul ton distrui board on mtmdav evening tht price is 11 000 less irn adjustment in costs on thi scitnci room tquipnunt win it pi ins are lo be iltertd tht deputation that isittd tht department of ed in ition m toronto last thursdnv npoittd that tin ihpirtmtnl would not considt r i torn pliti iiiw school fin giijdi wn it had tntn pomlid out thm if a m w school was undirtnktn tin fir ml allovvmci would bt on tin priori bisis of 20000 pti ilassnom rithn thin tht grant thil hid bun illowid oi n basis of 30 000 pt i el iwoim ii wns n ported ui it tht idvict of un department was to attipt tin prestnt tender it wis istimald tint 118 000 golden wedding dinner reception their golden wedding nnnivers nry was hoppilv marked on mon day july 27 by mr and mrs james wilds congratulations and best wishes were expressed bj many relatives and friends at i dinner and reception in st albnn s parish hnll guests from pnlmtrston toront clifford guelph vineland ham ilton milton georgetown and ac ton enjoyed dinner included among the guests were four aunts md six uncles of the couple the tables were decorated with sweet pens in gold vases and gold candles a three tiered wedding cake wis trimmed with gold bis kets of garden flowers were an attractive iddition to the decont mrs r l davidson president of the women s institute presented mrs wilds with a mulli colored bouquet of gladioli on behalf of the ladies of the w i an address was read by mrs fred anderson serving the dinner were mrs w denny mrs fred anderson mrs bert davidson ind mrs earl lam bert thl reception was attended bv 87 relatives and friends each of signed a golden anniversary civic holiday its civic holiday en monday and to allow the staff the enjoy able long weekend advertisers are asked to choose illustrations for display advertising on satur day moraine or not later uuun tuesday at 11 am the usual deadline of tuesday at 4 pm will apply on regular display advertls ing and wednesday noon on clas sified advertising first trail ride for 25 in district mauve lact over atin with acor sage of tilisman roses ind bibvs breath progressive euchre wis played with the following winner ladles first mrs earl marsh ill second mrs hollow ay consolation mrs rose gtntlemins first vic mas sey second william marshill con solution mr kingsmill dincing followed with musi provided by gtorgi fountain charles mason and garnet rost with william dcnnv cilling off lunch wis sirved bv friends mr and mrs wilds who haw lived in ailon all ihtir mirned lift wort tht rttipitnts of mm boiutiful jifus on the mcislon of iht joth innivcrjary of their nnrruje mr wilds wis born in anon ind mrs wilds lh former i illit mcc nnsh wis bom in fs qui sine township tin w n mirritd in cton in 1xh with ihi in mom pirformtd bv h v m ti d smith dd on sunday 25 riders numbers of tht w slern horse association took their first trail ride with horsi s and ridt rs from toronto kilchtner rockwood acton and intervening points taking part stirling from i uckv lltndtr sons ranch on no 7 highwiy near silvcrcreek with william h itch as trail biss tht riders movtd out through dalhnafad into caltdon it was a colorful proctssion thit j wound its w iv through ihe beauti 1 ful ciledon hills imtos pilomm os aploosa and the more staid colors i of buckskins blacks and bnvs with thur western attired ndi rs resttd for the noon hour at credit forks the return trip wis through bel dersons ranch whtrt a wimti roast waicnjoycd by the riders women needed in ottawa drew we need women at ottawa b cause there is no plice in the whole of cinida thit netds j house cleining so bidly is the house of commons so if you send her with i broom or nut send sjbil btnnitt there on august 10 th hon george dn w ml loll il leidor of tht progressive coruservitiw partv told in tn thusnstic nidienct of mot e thin fioo il the brint bin tutsdav even former reeve wins speed boat race ex reeve of acton c h hnr rffon his gone in for nnolh r type of tompttition since he lift aitoi and we note in a rtcent untie of a toronto diily lhat siniess is still with him in winning rates whether on land or on ihe water bui htres the story which ippeared on tht event and we hasten to add our tongrotulitions too an interesting and xdtlng event took plice on big boshkung lnkt in haliburtnn highlands on thurs diy julv ifl 1811 ii wis tlu an nuil motor dnil rut stagtd bv tht tottikirs of don arvon a large crowd of spettators which lintd lhi shore of th- like ihnrid lo victory the arvonwood owned by harlliv hirrisun a clost sit ond wis thi id iwlll owned by williim j mcdonald mr hnrrison wis iwardtd lhi dawn tup pus tnlid bj mrs uomld mtdonild if montreal tht china iw ird wls presented by mr ralph veils of canity s point nj also tht silvtr trophy which will adorn his m intel for iint yt ir whtn it will bt compiled for igain in ism at thi iinnuij boil race in i xpn ssmg his thiinks foi thtsi trophies mr h urihon tx plimtd thit much of iht endit was which was mr d mcdomld o montreil mr mthtinald also ex pressed his appretiation of his mechanic who wis hit son bill mt donald after tht winners wen photom iphed bv ill tin uportus who wrt present thi y wtrt ton grituliltd by ihe onlookers and wishid iiirv suctiss in futurt midi luirs name three candidates at halt nomi thru tiudiiliitis wire nominated to contest th halton stat in the federal election august 10 nl tht nomination mirllng in milton town hall on monday of this w i k ahoiil 11 atttndtd tht met tint that saw stan allen nominnlid to rtpiestnl tht c cr sybil btnnitt named to rt present hit progressive oust rwtlivt s and murray mcphail nominated to repre stnl tht iibnils lulurnme officer i w cook rtttivid th nomina al tin loiirlusm ask d if iht wn community picnic is held at school f tin allotid tlm f r nominntii ns cindidaus d lo hi id a tmtting and nfl r i distussion the motion to adjourn w is m ide ustoinary to hold on wedncsdii of illy t h i the bth f lhi mtmbirs of thi vtuod w nd ind mrs w ids the work of the lidus mg of pirticul ir inlerit li farmi rs of hilton uuntj mi dr w cititi the fulun f tin pits ml minramml to kitp triditoni nnrkfls in brit un ind tht stirlin wcis oj i n to surplus mid it g iixts ho que sin ind thi pr i i fdi nl mmisitr if articuii in stium nt wh bother ihout thi brill h m irki is oini kiuntn di pendt nl ind frdt rick of cton grinds ns fn j mdd nuht i ui nil kiinddinghttr tht w ipon t i othi i i nl il1 h it rld lo dv i port i halt all vehicles for traffic survey officials of the department or lllghwan stopped all vehicles leaving clon on no 25 highway for several days last week com pfllns firures to assist in the plan ninjc of exits ind entrances for the proposed torontu lo windsor highhjv drivers of ears were jskrd where uiey lud come from where thc were going- and uhrthrr thev were travel hup on liusinrvi or pleasure the survey was mad at ihr outskirts of town the new hlrhwa would cross no 5 highway helwcrn acton and milton would bt required to build mid equip tht cdirgttiwii st ho 1 without tht punhilsi of the pro pomti thru urts tht st i i 1 1 ir n porti d thit no further involutions hid ixui en ttred into reg irding the land pur host and tht solicitor for the ven dor had virbnlh informed him thi board s offer would bt a ecpted trustei g a dills ngislered his opposition to the land purr hast ht argued that the prne was ex cessive at 2 000 per acn acton had been able to secure suiublt building land at ipproximately 900 per aero and had refused k buj land offered nt 2 000 pt r acn he felt that in view of the tosls nn r the i shmnlfs the land 800 welcome hon walter harris to garden party meeting in park libi n candid n mtlhul it his mittm m ac lou it was said b nnn to bt tht fint st nutting ht id in tht county ind tht crowd also mjovtd tht out door met tine of a tint summtr tv mint ind tht jirdtn partv program pnscnted bv tht ddvis conci rt group of hamilton and tht band prnpratn pf actffrl urtn band purchase should not be made oth undt r bandmasti r a perrol ir members expressed approval of when hon walter harris told of the land purchase and that negot i tht prestnt value of the canadian intions be continued dollir and compared its dtprtssed the secretary read a letter from wdm when a const rvativt partv aclon eouncil giving a resolution uu in powir and told of the plice in whnh thej refused to piv for thit canada now held among tht hvdro powir line muons of th world ht was will h ot rail if flm vwdntsdiv vi ilttr 1 mn itw s mil ht u llit from the publn school pmin rtv ipplaudtd bv tin erowd ht dn v thi high sthool board hid ign ed ittintun to thi priori ss of canada to piv thtir costs and hvdro wx md tht piusptritv nijimil b all ti bt iked to gi l tht litu nmn ht did nt tlaim tint th libtnl ed a soon as posible so thil i mihmuu t i- siltlv n sp nstl l building work could bt dm f r tins mriiti ns bul ht did nitneed in mil un thu s mid u id rship ind mr biniett r hititt v pres h in ns idoi td hid t11 i f itti r tnl and informix tru r ird thi m puuitij i null in tin m labl plans md spttifi itioni for tht milton htraiv lvn u w mb mikiis f tin w i ild rtsidj in a week or h n t n t ui acton ndiinci murrx dirs w uw wsn uid f i this mil hul h ill n 1 ibti il indiddl w rk id hi first pi tf i tnarim th r jv n d nbh di h iii i 1 l i il j t rt n nt ciisi i 1 c im ml it if l j rt istn md sii i tli it in h lit in iinu un pn m mm islu md ll it c ibmi i t n mbi rs hv s km ti hit mttrsis of mur 11 hul md mr t 1 i r t ok this is 111 1 ldicition i f th d sin r n i lit 1 il li vtrnnunt to hivt him m tin hois of comm ms id hi pitdictid i promising fi turt for him in otl wj ht 1smi td tht nidi nrc lh tht south inc of h il ton a mild s pport murra mcphail m giles was chairman for the i tn ne and introducid thi progrim md arrinn mints for th tvmt rmdr bv ihp acton liberal asjocution mis sybil bunntt hjltoi ir dn w ind his p u sh p i tht fn uk of tht i ibtril pr o ollllllll d pitirr n md th lum thi tht p ist ir veirs u spi ri iindtr th ir j vi rnmi a is suffll ut proof of future i new water supply in operation year thi i for c i the nda i pt ntv during the list s mi s b nni tt slid wis en it naturil rtsoui n it tht libtnl idmimstntion mis btnnitt pirticulirly i corned ihe ma rs reeves and mtmbirs of town and township couneils who attended on th platform btsidts mr drew ind mtss bennett wen stanltv hal mla for hilton horn tom km nedv mivor ted smith of bur 1 in gton mjor g f thompson of milton and party officials a dance on tht deck followed the meeting pi vidid tlfijl 711 liii ns of m itih it imlil tin nd f uns ii w ti jumpirk slilnn 1m il d n mini si north went into i p i n on i irh m julv iflii dur iiil tin fnsl month ilmost hilf i jmilh ri t ill ns ws pump d thi in i mil w is tut in th ntxl fi w in nulls utilil in hbruir of this i ir ilirhk j ions wis providd for iht town from tht nt w supply md rui two million fiallons his bt n pnrnpid in april m ly and this watir supply is dlso aug iiniiud bv thi supply from the or ikinal spnne off hijjhwaj lb binriot khurn sch ibout w ptoplt ktthirtd with members of the worn n s institute for a social t vciilnji the projr im lit f in wilh i t imi of basebull followid bv i i es th winntis win is follows pre school agi kirls iihonni bmoks boys biiuii phillips 11 ind 1 yiars irls roii miry hnmks bovs jin mil hot 10 lo 12 years jirls jo 1 son ind jo i bcrumule all t strninbli for l net mnrjorii litted rat hr neth hot in giortc sol kddu st i i kniklit sho wilrmson i candy i little folks spot mcdomld thru in rvms ind km ns shot kiekuif lilt nbti pn women s institute went to mis wvn th bnnnockburn picnii w hi r ti it thi netink iindiiiiitis ir illowed tune but the majority snnll ittf ndanet at the did not witrinl the usual prokram iletallinjt uirllir elections somo of thost present slid there were iioniin ilion mtetuiks when the hall wouidn t hold tht crowd annual picnic held by mission circle tht baptist mission irele met at tht homt of mrs w fryer recently wntn r eonducted some amumng kmnes- and- races thu wiunics- bcin mrs r lina gordon mrs hazel ripps ruth ijindsboroukh mary htid susan ami shirley cohen a d in iiius supper served by mrs mail i cnpps and hi r committee bi ufh m njoyablt iftertioon to a clost acton changeover set at middle of july 54 stiid lh 1 llloll 1 s ulh w tin onlaii is w k lhi i hint 1 i hv li in im s p i i iv st indirdition f g onitown ill ind slit tsvillt ire i vealed this ssnn lhjiiiiin hot rt ii s hinders iht is fn in pirt i f ii v ir s suindard ti in mtii of 1 100 lommcrc v i pi t itions is ldini th flat of in mo 1 li ml mist il i wilh r to 60 mi ll 111 i ii i l opt n ting area i m it rh ill h 11 mhi hi l 2 wi0 orr k f julj mil hj i fi t hkj third 19i4 ks of s pi mbo 194 t un b llvilli hdro syspm dom sin 70 cminurtiil it stiond wk f oft li r 194 sli lsvlllt pit i ulii ins n mission di mislic 400 r unm rn il ta third wik of o toln r 19m j ii i intiiipited thit for thi i 3c tl its m th se to mid up b h miicd mi in ea- k innhins i i it 4 000 t i y rs hi iddition it is i thit in rt hm jw0 in i 000 f ms ail ithtr be rd7 d or xrh ii if new n xl in nt ins r th in nt ow ntl bv l n irly i y ir u h takn eculp ustomers i d to en i n i r ind onh r tin rnossiry in rs md nplntm nt pjrts uscd hv imiustrnl plints the survey in ai ton wls comph twl this week and is now underway in milton some four to five months before ihanncovcr domestit and com meretol customers are visited by hydro ptrsonnl who take uitinga of tustomers frequency sensitive appliances chiirman saunders said also forming part of area l ar gtirlph ferirus flora rockwood md surrounding districts change mts tor thtse municipalities will be announced at a later date a 10 cycle trinsformer station li be built at a cusl of 1382 000 three milis west of brampton which will double the service to ftrimpton georgetown acton and str ttsvillc the chiksville transformer strfti in will bt dismantled on complilin tf th bnmpton stat ion whnh is srhi titled fo the inimer of 1954 r ri i i n v i tisit v i ilotilhnjt ilt4fl927 and aiid by 4 suthirn ontru hydn nst nrshvl m rd for i i inntiin t lh ml of the i i 1 utr of itsa onurio iu u hormri it b rt h siund mini thai t i m nd fi hv her frr detechostble acton polio case tt p ft iir iht murray mel hail ch ahi n ounc man from nassaa and the north of halton br riven an opportunilv to i rtpresent the county he introduced the halton countv health unit hon walter harris and asked his reports drtrctic this week of one audience to particularlv note that poanble case of polio m acton the this was one of the oppositions so- twoyearold was hospitalized early i called wornout members of cabi this week but at the time of receiv 1 n a man who had served in the kkf the report the tests had not been lt world war and an axcreskive completed i and sound minister of immigration halton candidates for the federal election august 10 were of ficiatly nominated at milton on monday when 31 gathered for the usual meeting that follows the official nominations speeches were not given by the candidate because of the small attendance shown from the left are stan allen ccf sybil bennett progressive con servative and murray mcphait liberal old timers recalled nomina tion meetings when the crowd touldn t get in the hail the candi dates are arranged m the p dure i- the order they will appear on the ballots fan i n 1 140119 in t th 223 u6 x hang d for 60 r t 1 ns to d m n u h ttlifd m ir app i hiding 233 r3s on ma i it48 refruerni 4q 178 rner and 124 11h n e rd utii ilui i 4 hv ai launched m op rating at ii in former 25 ivo the iv nmf 9oa00h rilioro rj of all rktsves will ulumauly u fvrtm b j lhr aled 7w000 dommi ruatomem who make thu prujtet the largest of iu kind ever to be undertaken the steady progress beirur made on thi tremendous program is u lunirated by the fact that approx imately 100010 customers t all elasaea received the higher power during the year ending june so

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