Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1953, p. 3

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thursday july mth w33 the acton free press acton ontario page thru township of trafalgar requires one assistant assessor to act l flaldman in th assatsmsnt department soma axparienca is desirable applications stating qualifications and other details must be in writing and delivered to the clerk s office municipal hall trafalgar ont not later than 12 oclock noon tuesday august 4th 1953 s a featherstone clerk s- rsoh flobida orange 48 oz m tin wfl blended 48oz oq tm watl grapefruit ty k tangerine juice if j3o save 10 when you buy aylmeb choice oseah stylb corn 313 whole tin iso 2 tins 290 rinso detergent its new pro 38c 75c civic holiday special i corned beef heford tin 43c sundae sauce ohgcolato fudge bnttumtch minhiulftrti wakes uoz jab 29c 8pkcial konaboh margarine a 65c free p re booklet with heinz white pioklino vinegar 66c ttcookjooks obanny cookies 25 sunkist oranges 288s watermelon doz 25c eochu cabbages stzet5t celery stalks cucumbers bunch carrots 2 for 15c 2 for 15c 2 for 15c 2 for 17c esh daiiycetery hearts fteets green and wax fieins tomatoes ridrshes and green onions chronicles of ginger form written specially or the acton free preai by gwendoline p clarke the lonx nwiltul mmisuce in korui tins flinll become nn no- eompllshed fitt ind i urn sure wo an nil givjng n sigh ot rillcf tho ongnlii olt ngnln negotlntlona that hni piovafkd dining the inst few months hnvo bten sultjcii ntly dlsrounglng to mnkt us wonder whether hun would ever be pence id thii win id ngnin teneo unit it i wonduful woid and if uun it ninthlng tlrtd nations neid rifhl now mint ihin nn mint k h penii not onh from war but from tirv kind of umllut pmu within families pinu within in dustry pi ict in igikultuii in potilli- pc mi union k ihi win rinj ekments of nature and mist of all pi act in our hcnrls a man that pussi th all understanding tukin by and lirgi pi ace ins a far dtipor miming thin ussntioii ot hostilltus canada for insunu mav not now bi ailinty engaged in w ir on n baltltlleld but as lout as thtu is rnnllkt bilwuii labor and mnnngmient or bitwn your liberal candidate murray miphail llopic t i a con- and ai mi inllm mil si 1 annul hie dim ohm dls ngrt i mint within familk then ean ncir bi a in il pi ice pi aci tint is di fined ns hnrinonious n liitlons inning peoph i know pence of mind is what t cra ng fflqrc than ariyfldrrg else iri md 1 irmlslm many oltu r in s4al the sarai uay b ul th it kind of pnii is only poslbk if tvttwtru is woiking 1 ucomp lush it how minv iil doing just tint i wondti inst nljju wi hail inotlur di it lit i f tin l shirr- hi ud thumkrsioim win thi ram pilling down m hairlly kiuw whtthir lo be glid or sum glad foi the sun bikid riidni mil lit ids or sorrv becnusi of the bakd hiv still out in tht liild wi had a big llild of hay baled inst friday and wt ixpected to ttt i lot of it on saturday but for irious ri isons ihe help we had expected didn t show up so there w onlv pirtnir md a nclghbui to deal with over 700 bales of hay the boy who usmlly drives the tnctor was sick so i voluntiered to t ike his plate not because i wanted to but because i couldn t sit quiilly by watching the man in the field hopping on and off the tractor ind hindling bois as well the men olw ays say driving i model m is just the same as drlv inn i car to them maybe it is but not to me thi noise of the tractor bothers me and i am al wiys ifrnid of doing something wrong or unexpected ihnt migh cause an iccident my trouble is not ignorance of dinger but of beirtg too aware of it besides that i don t possess i pair of slacks or overalls skirts on a tneto especlallj in i wind ire somewhit of i mi nice ind cirtunly in em barrissment mibc i had better intst in a pair of slaiks just ir cise belter to be sifc thin sorr remember the time when the firm wis i nice sife plice for ehildren lo spend i hniidiy where the could even hep w ith the chorts or ihe hiing just so long is tho ki pt awi from thi bull pin or thi horses hind feet oi didn t in w ilking the high beim in thi bam it isn t i safe place children hne a natural loe machiner boys and girls allk nothing pleises them better than to ride on the tnctor with daddy if daddy is foolish enough allow il children are quick to pick up the mechanics of driving but thev naturally haven t thi foresight to appreciate its potent ial danger many mothers through lack of knowledge are also sadly lacking in this respect a mother who would b horrified if johnny climbed the gite of the bull pen w ill w atch w ithotit protest is johnny climbs aboarcntthe tracto or ride the tongue drawing the hawagon too many little b an also ilowed to dne firm tractors he cm hindle thi traclor as will as his dad is phise one heirs ill loo often one fithir ut rocenlh hid to miki i trip lo t w n ind came homi t find his seeninr id s m dm ins their hih pi nil tnctor up ind down the birk 1 un mill neichbr childr n fou ind mirs ml ridim with him too harp i turn of thi wheel and hit for inutasid tixis oi di bt h h n hpi iksololih mm uliuid t xp ndltiiits fi mi tin iatm pnlv oi indiul fion nf lh splintir puitls m th du ha b i fi m plilf h m to plalf urn jk a b iiillful hilf billion iff ih n iiiiin il hiidkt he hius bun luininlltlnk lb msirva pirl mi st solimnly to re whkh will inireasi wg niiiiiin by jjrjgkr anotfur billion ilollars tint tlu u thin hts been talk in hilton bv tin on u i mdidili llntsuih things ki iplis ti li phnni s mil com f i hi loo ii idim ii h il ubst ml that torn n ilkin will run iiounl when tin iy arnn mil iirfom oieopirjl ij in six fiitlim mimtrles and nsl to toist in cinidi a mijor iimint of the ippropri itlon mth iiid by pirllimint was fir uii iiistruilion inslillilion and nun mm i of telephoiu teklvpi ind ink ss f icilitles for the arm d fori is mi hiding rulir stitions thi torj eindidnti cl nins this is free spending in the de fence dtpailmint point thret of the tory promlsis its for a dominion provinclil tix confi rence to n v isi our whole sstcm of tixatlori so that tax on homi s ind firm 1 inds for education hi ilth and other services i in bi subsl intnllv reduced reducing the tixes on homes and farm iinds for education and heilth services does not eliminate the costs of those services if the locil iiithorfties hive their share of the easts lightened and are there by enabled to reduce taxes thet proportlomtely the cost burden on the other governmental author ties goes up this move would of necessity involn an increise fidirit txpenditures the conservntive promise housing stites that the pirty will introdine i housing prognm which will mike it possible for smill in come eirni rs lo buj new homes this would be done by improving the u rim ind conditions undi r w hich houses cin be built ind purchised hue igiin these things cin ol be doni b subsidy higher fi denl expi nditures housing thin in now bung mide by ottiwi no country in the world his had a hikhe pniportiomte inert i5i in housing than wi hivi hid since the wa rut it is difficult to imagini how i conservative govornm ent could get more houses built without spending more monoy this is the sort of financ ing that is supposed to win friends for tho frustrated tories actually ithcr mr drew or any of his candidates npponr to be too familiar with sound flnnnilng and with all this talk about holidays i tan say only this if through apathy thi government is defeated on august 10 tho ivldtnco is that the pcoplt of c nnada and of h niton mav have mon holidays than well know whal to do with keep halton hnppv vole i iberol lit fori tliis artkh is lomluded wish to announte mv intention of speaking to the eletturs of this count v over station ckoc hamll on friday evening july iho 31st al u0d pm during this ap pulnttd time it will bt my prlvllcgt to discuss further issues of im- portiiiui conhutcd with this elec tion murray mcpfidil baxter labs make personnel changes huxtir ijibonitorles ine morton io illinois announied the fol- limint pi tnonni i ehaugi s his wnk ralph alk md who lias been pnsuknt sinn lim and in ii found- ir of tin oinpanv has ri signed as pttsidiut and will iiintimn to bo thi uupnralion h hief ixttutive in tin of fni or hah man william h inhmn 41 vice pn skk nt ami man im i sinct he situ ud wilh hnxlir in 1110 bicom- is pi i ski nt w it fiahnm is n liltagoan and was duuittd al lln unlvtistly of tiktik i hi tiitivtd n huthelor f sunti kjie in chinilslry in mi and a m m ihfl ff was a liarln daws h u lllin ii tin putt nt law firm m fori joining vorlh nd ooi in 1113 nuttrsr- mnrserprrb44whir me to rixtrr ni rr chemist in und hat buu vmhl pitsklent- n xhirgr of- production and ite i uih sinii hh2 bi conns execu ivi vici pnsidint niuriii m nissil is from st an- kii low i ii nti ivid ii biehilor if siinu dttru in lumistry nt si olnf colli gt in 1ul followed iv an m s ind a ph d at tho uni- usiiv of wisionsln in wi dr at tim trii palatine lllm poets corner ti1e vauif of a 8mii e a smile casts nothing but gives much it ennches thosi who rtci ivi it without mtkint poorer those who gn it il tikis but a momml but the memory of it somillmcs lisls forever none is so rich or mighty thil hi can git ilong without it and none is so poor that he cannot be made rich by it a smile crtates happiness in the home fostt rs goodwill in business and is n countersign of friendship it brings rest to the weary chter to tin discouraged sunshini to the sad and li nilures best antidote for trouble ytt it cannot in bought begged borrowed or stolen for ii is something that is of no vilut to anyone until it is mvm iwi anotiifr scot little angus wis uym a i riillir bill for his birlhdij at the locil drugstore hi hid till bill chmged into silver then he crossed lo the grocer ind lskcd for a bill for tht changi he repeited the proci ss sivenl times finally his filhi r isked for in explanation well sud angus sooner oi liter s meonc is going to make a mistake ind its not going to bo special i idajwucqf magnesia t6ozreg 35c 27c 32 oz regt0c tc special values and reminders for thursday friday and saturday hot weather needs 2 98 1 95 v 99c protect your eyes from harmful rays polaroid voyageur sun glasses z polaroid fits ons 2 50 zephyr avialion special real value kiddies novelty designs 25c 29c glaremastor 98c tone ray quality glasses 3 50 a 00 up to 1 0 00 sun clip extra lighl weight its over glasses 1 50 cameras and films kodak duaflox ii fll tens 16 75 kocfok duaflex ii f8 lens 25 50 kodak tourist folding camera 620 29 00 kodak pony camera 828 35 75 wilh field case 42 85 kochk pony camera 135 41 00 with held case 48 35 120 620 vonchrome film 50c duopak 2 rolls 95c 127 venclirome film 45c duopak 2 rolls 85c for foot comfort mrincn s quinsina foot powder blue jay corn plasters absorbine jr i d a corn remedy zim buk ointment dr scholl s zino pads ilh phenyllium 65c 35c 1 19 2 39 35c 50c 45c 60c ida milk of magnesia tablets 1 00 s reg 39c 29c 300 s reg 89c filfmshes c j 0 ives new ip and zest id a health salts i da special i wax paper 00 ft roll heavy grade paper in box with metal cutting edge reg 34c 28c 2 for 55c i d a special toilet tissue soft white 650 sheets to each wrapped roll regular 2 for 29c 1 roils for 23c 4 rolls for 45c more ida values lowcut weekend specials bring you extra savings on these i d a products peroxide 4 16 oz reg 19c 29c 45c 14c 23c 37c mineral oil 16 oi rag 55c 40 oz rag 1 10 43c 7c idasal tablets 5 grain 300t rag 89c seidlitz powders box of 7 rag 29c vegetable laxative tablet reg 45c 59c 23c 37c coopers drug store e s cooper phm b phone 87 acton think k n d to hit iht rm i 1 thrcr eh ldrt t h n is n iw to pi h h from perating i n the irm thit is n t thi iinnt i i i spirusihil t md theirs i keep oung children r m net rs ind tht r unj li snuffed iul or i bod ppltd fir ifi jut ii stthont faned trt i vl pfr sfrmcf llv waued i k st re ml isktxl r i do and ih i ul i c sh id d ed hc bill shi tiled the trro ti his issitnn in hr birk r fwl th is m and se tf trn i- 1 nou t sell ct at a corner on main street a community springs up and as it grou s a branch bank opens its doors this pattern basic in canadas development has been repeated again and again in pioneer areas i illages ton ns and cities through local branches the chartered banks bring to small communities as well as large the same broad range of banking service thrrr irr rtrrw 1 ftn tntwhr4 of ljnau twncmthank erring thr hnl 11c rwnl of carujun tift jrnrrl in the put ten jean the banks serving your community

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