Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 13, 1953, p. 1

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ht jvjrtim stn ft seventy ninth year no 6 acton ontario thursday august 13th 1953 eight home punt pages six cenli 71 of eligible voters cast ballot spend two hours in company of giant pythons in zoo train while aboul 800 acton adults and children gazed at the 31 foot lot giant python believed the largest ever captured at the zoo train tuesday no one got ns good n look at the snake as mike coxc and matt johnwn for two hours the two acton men worked nt n drain in thi none loo large cage of the two pythons while the snakes one colled on the floor and the other on an overhead pipe watched zoo train operator howard y barry n explorer himiclf stood by with a club while the job was being done the worit job of his plumbing career according to mike coxc t the african zoo train on a aiding at the station was open to the pub lie from noon until 10 at night inst tuesday sponsored locally by the ym s club which shared in the profits about wlhtlmmt ats in the cages on the silver and red train over 301 of them child ren music played outside as the local people filed through the train which was decorated with pictures of african natives nnd article of native equipment animals included a wild porcu pine wild llama lion tiger tapir kangaroo and the showstealing monkeys as well as colorful blrd and snakes while the viewers were most delighted by the antics of the monkeys the stars of the show were the giant pythonv while the two local men were working at the drain in the rage howard barry told them about the pythons as he stood by wiu his club he believes the giant python is about 300 years old siamese nat ives knew the beast was in a nearby swamp for many monlht before they were able to captur it they waited until it was full it eats live animals and wrapped itself around a limb he explained they then quickly cut the limb off the tree and caught the snake in a net it was sent to this continent for the zoo train the three century old anakc lay on the floor and didnl pay much attention to him mr coxe said but the smaller snake jutl 24 feet long watched him with its beady eyes hs blaok tongue dart tag in and out mr barry explains that the pyth ons seem to pay little attention to animals but suddenly will dart snatch and kill in a matter of sec onds to add to the workers discomfit ure chimpanzee in nearby cages were leaping and jumping nl their wiring which startling enough n itaclf it even worw whin mistak en for the split second uncoiling of a python mr barry approached mr coxi the morning of the zoo train up jxnriincc here and nked him if ht would come to the station and dn little job for him mike coxc doesnt care if he doesnt do n little job like thai again for quite a while the project was a financial mic cis for the acton ys men who assisted during the day taking tickets beausoleil island is scout camp site beausoleil island on chimney bay is the scene of the 1st acton scout troop camp this year under the leadership of dave dills and george elliott there are five campers wayne curric emmerson baxter bob marshall barry stew art and ron davidson jim dills bob coon and john creascy attend ed the camp for the weekend cars left hodenowsawnee the scout hall on saturday morning and arrived in honey harbor b 230 pm when equipment and scouts were taken by boat lo th camp site included on the site is a dock providing good swimming facilities a newly constructed din ing shelter and covered cooking fireplace ted tyler jr drove the troop equipment up and wllf duval and jim dills took the scouts scouts to return from the week long camp on sunday of this week special meeting confirms decision acton council met in special ses sion tuesday evening to discuss with parker regional office representative hydro e 1 e c t t i c power commission of hamilton and tom scott district engineer the possibility of removing the high tension power line from the public school property leased for playground purposes from baxter laboratories mr parker stated that the rep reaentatlves were not to try to in fluence the council but pointed out if the town would pay the s1200 aaked for removing the poles on this section the hjlpc would re locate the power line north of ac ton so that any future development in housing or subdixisions would not be interfered with the cot had been based on the request of the town for removal of the line at the school he fett thai the proposed location of the lint was only tentatim and wanted th iiws of the council on the propos ed site and a discussion on the oer all plan mr parker said h fel tha the ime should be moed outside the corporatm boundary or not moved at al the high school bonrd agreed to pa in c 000 for thi moval of the poles nt he site of tht new school the hepc wrr r to pro ceed with this work and hnd held up ht cons ruc lon urull time as the decision of was reached the line at the high school propem will be dowr acton boul evard to queen st from mill st council had nm hnrf f had 217 halton ladies attend assembly from halton county 317 ladies are expecting to attend sessions of the first canadian assembly of the associated country women of tre world in toronto being held from august 12 yesterday 16 august 23 sale of tickets in halton amounted to 217 it is reported some of the local womens in stitute members have donated old time costumes for use in some of the displays hooked rugs from the county are also entered in competition re suits of the judging are not yet available how halton centres voted burlinrton 220 1670 10h4 oak villi 201 1301 1183 acton no 601 b42 georgetown 223 h02 604 milton a 40a mm bronu 78 204 2s7 kquimnk 114 h02 lift i nassagnwi a us 311 ml nt ison v1 nun mih rrnfnlgar 213 vg 1424 cinunnuil mum r i 20 25 totals 17mi 97bi itfs7j lihs l f mi nol offuinl totals 75 per cent vote return h hosking with almost 75 per cent of tht iligwe voters exercising their franchise hmry hosking was cl- ecttd in south wellington to re turn lo ottawa for another session as federal government representnl ive tht liberal plurality was cut to 482 votes by a strong iwing to conservative in the north alfred hales the pc candidate captured erin village and erin township which were added to south wei hngton for the first lime this year it is believed to be the first time since confederation in 1887 that this section has given a majority to the conservative candidate the election was one of the most ktenly conttstcd in south wei tinglon for many years tom withers was the cc f candidate total votes were as follows hales 8706 hosking 9188 with trs 2 472 mr hosking secured 45 per cent of the total vote mr hales 43 per cent and mr withers 12 per cent the size of the vote was a wr prise with many holidayert re turning temporarily on election day there were 20388 ballot cast of a possible 27207 eramosa favored the l bcral candidate by 591 votes to 521 the cjcf candidate polled u erin township voted 588 for hale 5 for hosking and 57 for withers the total noncity vote was 3 015 for the liberals lo 2335 the cjc f candidate received only 807 votes outside of guelph the total vote outside the city was 72 75 per cent of the possible total the aecondot thisycar sscric ot sco liters training courses at blue springs scout reserve opened on saturday august fith under the adership of assistant district commissioner john a snow of the york central district this course for scoutmasttrs and assistant scoutmasters ib of whom are in attendance mr snow who in business life is general contractor at wlllowdale ont is a more than usually cxper i lenccd scout er he has taken part n ncl canadinn and world jamborees siptimbcr and rover moots and last year was hnngt at scouter in change of the canndnt lo ln smart niw contingent of boy scouts to the tn school carribean jamboree held in jam the school bell alca id acton youngs the vohime of wood in a matui forest does not increase propi cutting permits new growth and a perpetual harvest 18 scouters attend blue springs course prime minister louis st laurent wis overwhelmingly returned as canada s head in t fed clecliortwonbay with thet1berat party holding 171 of the total 265 mats changes underway at public school halton elects s bennett as 20172 cast ballots minllv nnrl nnnrln nrtiirm 1 thi lihii syliil nntn it q mkhiwn vuts i iii i of 211 172 unl ulmom 71 nliiik thi pt mn in st tmllols in t t ihi limll i hi ohm rviiiki pnit ii ir m nliillnn liv ilnirnil in 1 tt i r put m nti in h slinl y allin tin 1 it i il patty i n ill aviiiliihli s its with 171 1 hi him i vat with ml si lis 1hi c r linn 23 m nth a pledge lo airw ill her const it u nu whillur umrvolivc lib erj ccr or othtrwis affiliated with dignil hiikhty and loyally wit made by h lions newly ilcct tid ftdural mim ala trtu mphim i ot tin 265 i opposition i ciiilll li mid olhn victory meelin hi north f thi county with option of gcoigelown ht 1w9 i lection that chow lliuh peleavcj to represent th iibhtiarnlfe mil its county the uberal candidate won town hall monday night jubilant ntiitportar- from c part of the county jammid the public school w iridium hul assisting mr snow on the present year course are provincial field com issioners arthur u jackson of brighton and c robin sharp of north bay district secretary pctir e woodgcr of thornhill and dm trict commissioner fred cumrmrs 11 of wlllowdale district w is picnic at lowville a moat enjoyable picnic war held it lowville park by the hal ton district women s institute a disc roll by the pmidcnls and secretaries was won by mrs a coulson while the largest grin was awarded lo mrs r anderson baby ashwell was the youngct present and mrs lantz of actot the oldest mrs gostlc was the best guesaer being one jelly bean rrom the correct number in the jar and edith powell guessed thi reicopper contest closest the boyt i and girls vied with each other several races all being awarded some token for their effort c school board memoirs nre connid ennti having tht bill pul in a cairn omrwhire on the nchon grounds the old fashi ncd belfry which contained the bell has been com plitcly removed and the troni slopi of the roof is being refining ed the old porch ihrough which the school was rntrred is being replac ed by a new entrance of modern design in keeping with the trim appcirancc of ihc new addition wide brick piers will support the rntrancc which is to be construct io of brick ind glass new doors will lend into the school proper new sidewalks will be a new feature in the fall new paving will lead right around the new school to the kindergarten class rooms and a new walk will go from the front of the new school across to the high school which is to be used for publc school pur poses w roszell and h gordon started the alterations at the school about two weeks ago and expect to hive them completed by the first day oi school mlmi dennett reach id milton about 10 pm wilh stan ky hall mpp in a victorious civilcudi of cars leaving the car nhe was surrounded and kisned by thr exciled crowd which chceret and fcinj milt n members of the lome bcoli regimental pipe ban j marched to the const rvative com mitlce rooms next the bell tele phone office and with a wild skirl of pipes and beating drums ted o victory parade to thi town hall there miss bennett jipokc thank ing her supporter and pledging her loyalty to their interests she was introduced by a s nicholson of burlington a cheering throng of at least 500 filled the hall to ai plaud and sing for she s a jolly cood fellow and lit me call you sweetheart a broom was presented lo miss bennett tor her pledged house cleaning in thi house of commons and she carried other gifts of magnificent roses and lilies the defeated liberal candidate murray mcphail and the county a retired liberal member hughrs cleaver came lo the hall lo con gratulate miss bennctl following the meeting mis ben nett mr hall and the pipers again paraded up main st later in the evening the cavalcade drove to the south of the county lo meet till more enthusiastic supporters acton milton nassagaweya es quesing and bronte gave a plural ity to murray mcphail while miss bennett won a plurality in her home town of georgetown bur hngton oakvllle nelson and tra falgar the liberal vote then came pluralities in all the municipalities total plurality of 1 42q over mtst nefineh hdwaflsinthfttnf hi riding for the progressive con- i rvatives this expenditure and did not how the project could be financed at the present time members of council poined ou that the corporation does not own ibj land al lh publie aehooi rtw just leased on a yearly bans from baxter laboratories of tfcnada ltd the following motion was ther tailed and a recorded ote taken with all members appro ing tha we confirm our motion not m spend the 1j00 required to nve the line from the school property leased from baxter laboratones- ah members of council were preaent at this meeting and kayo- f g oakes presided strike 734 mill rate for township frin townships lax rnti was struck at 73 4 mills al a meeting of council on aurusi 1th at hlllsburgh the rale breaka down as follows county road expenditure 0b town ship rale 10 general schoom 1 high school 83 orion police village 11 hlllsburgh police village 15 hllls burgh public library 2 with a maxi mum of s3 to any assessment school art as and union school motions art to be assi ssrd for the amount required by the trustee boards as follows school area no 1 nlm mills school ana no 2 nine mills union schools that receive no gmeral grants oss no 2 erin village and erin township together with the balance due from 1852 an error in requisition 28 mills ss no 6 caledon and erin 10 4 ss no 13 172 eramosa s a us s not 0 and 7 20 s mills a by law was passed prohibiting the injury fouling filling up or en cumbering rivers streamj or other water courses in the township and providing the penalties for viola tions twenty five dollars received from the halton mutual fire insurance co was to be forwarded to the erin village treasurer for services of the village fire department at the barn fire at f ashom acton treasurer was to b paid 100 for the services of the acton fire department and eramoaa treasurer 1100 for the services of the oodfirebrtgade at a sheep accounts amounting to 953 road account of s103z28 wer passed for payment ptpbts and drummbts surround mtts sybil bennett q c shortly after she learn ed she had been elected as halton s first woman representative in the federal government friends wait to congratulate the progressive conservative candidate in the party committee rooms at mihon a parade to the town hall followed miss bennett was accorded a plurality of 1204 votes m the election monday with al most71 per cent of those eligible in the county casting their ballots miss bennett earned a bouquet of roses and wore titles pmned to her grey dress nationally the liberal party claimed a decisive majority taking 171 of the 265 seats available n parliament the conservatives will be the official opposition with so seats the c c f won 23 seats and social credit 15 and others six haltomtes have been re presented n ottawa by a liberal for the past 18 years hughej cleaver was the halton member for the entire 18 years he retired this yeay limehouse ladies hear of bees uses an instructive and interesting addreas on bees by mrs frank chisholm of hornby waa tte high light of the august meeting of limehouse womens institute held at the home of airs s klrfcpatrick recently mrs chisholm told of the queens drones and workers the uses of beeswax as well aa honey the motto no man is ever poor ho has a garden at his door was given by mrs ghtby and current event were taken by mrs h norton mrs geary was chairman for the meeting on agriculture and canadian industries some of the topics by the various conveners were use your franchise stop worrying and start uving jud ithqueen of england c a c bulletin weeds erradicated it attacked early mrs a norton favored with a i solo pretend which was enjoyed by all plans were made for the abort courses from the department and an invitation to join silverwood in tbeir short course on rug mak ing was accepted mrs ellerfat thanked tht apeak the hostess and assistants also ad who took part in the program after which the meeting closed with the queen burlington girl has poliomyelitis one new ease of pouomrtutsi heat been reported to the halton cooastr health untt dr bull director atv a 10rearold gni from burling ton is believed to bam polio

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