Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 13, 1953, p. 2

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the acton free press acton ontario thursday august 13th 1bss ear away fields cities seem to have o habit of crediting new methods to american cities despite the fact that the thing may have been used in towns surround ing the city for some time acton citizens may be interested to note that according to a report from a toronto newspaper water consumers in the metropolitan area may find an additional item marked sewage charge at the bottom of their water bills if a recom mendatton of the acting metropolitan works com missioner receives favorable consideration metropolitan works committee yesterday heard leslie allan acting works commissioner argue a direct relationship between the amount of water used by a consumer and the amount of sewage from his house mr allan said the sewage charge should be a percentage of the water bill the user would pay for sewage disposal rather then the taxpay et he said the system is in operation in many american cities a system somewhat similar was introduced with the operation of the sewage disposal sys tern in acton and evidently this community must have been early pion in th field it quite obvious too that the city of toronto officials be cause of their size are too busy studying amerl can cities to notice the work of smaller com munities within 50 miles next big event with the fall fair prize lists being made ready for printing we are reminded that summer is on the wane and the fall fairs will soon take over and become the favored meeting places for folks from all over they become not only a place to see the products of the farms and the best of our agricultural products but a yearly reunion for friends to meet other friends from the home town there are plenty of folks who wouldn t miss acton fair for any other attraction it is these folks who make the habit of attending regularly that get the most good of these yearly reunions at the fair this is written ust to remind all those who want to meet old friends in the home town that the weekend they should plan to come to acton is september 18th and 19th preparations are now underway to present for one and all the best local fair possible and udg ing from the material now in the printers hands the 1953 fair is going to be the best yet a bountiful harvest recently we have had several little trips off the highways and down the concession lines and there s nothing finer anywhere than to see on tario farmlands this year farmers tell us that they are harvesting the best crops in their recollection hay was bountiful and filled the barns the grain crops now being cut are so heavy that the fields seem full of gram in the stooks truly those who live in this part of the world have cause for thankfulness we read this week of the problems of farmers in some other areas on this continent near elk hart kan l w dickenson farms 1 120 acres this year he planted 600 acres of maizea low growing gram sorghum developed for semlartd lands by state experiment stations only 300 acres were left by july and these were being rapidly smothered by dust f a riley in the same kansas area who farms 1180 acres plant ed 750 acres of maize by july he had lost 150 acres and was losing more every day their ex periences are typical of southwest kansas holiday for strings a political science professor has come up with suggestion- of changing the voting systenlma doesn t think a straight proportional representa 4ivesystem such-as-is-uted- in british columbia reading bef wn th unmt many shades of opinion given on why we vote for candidate by hartley cotea during the heat of the recent election campaign which accord ing to the filberts was deader than last year a mackerel when com pared to it forefathers some utterances were heard that wouldn t do credit to a budgie bird now that the fuss haa nib sided and people can examine some of their opinions with im partial views there must be some red faces but people being people there orcn t likely to be mnny in the light of what ia fajr nnd decent it is fairly safe to- say that most people think seriously of the idea of voting however there art always a few to whom a thought is ns fnr nwny as china and oifn some this multitude in which are members of both sexes can whomp up assorted reasons of every description for their special candidate look said the indy to me there are three candidates in this riding which one is which 1 don t know but that fella there in the election posters hns got tht most beautiful face i ever did set thats where my x is going if we told the lady that if the truth were known his beautiful face wasn t likely to help him a bit in the house of commons we might as well drop dead to some folks bless their shrunken little heads beauty is synonymous with ability if we all followed the lady s methodof choosing a candid you can well imagine the restflt a stage full of girls clad in bath ingsutts and men with bulging muscles parading in front of the populace for votes and then there the fella who says my father was a all his life and his father and his fathers father and what was good enough for them is good enough for me well maybe his father was a but because his father ended up by jumping into the pond thot docsn t mean that he b got to follow suit we would suggest to him that since his father and his fathers father wen s then prob nbly he is o rit then there s the gi nt whoa got to nd up on th winning sldv lie a real prophet hi knows months in advance how tht next ilce lion will turn out and is will ing to take on nil comers in a full ktnle argument whin the eleclmn in over and his particular parly dldnt gtl into power there s no moaningor groaning no sine he voted for ih winners what about all the in ik before the content just trying to put you off the track it s a secret ballot aln t if now we have disposed of three irksome characters we enn gel at the wife who sqys to her husband as they go to the polls who will i vote for john for all she knows john might advise her to vote for some party that has as its platform the abolition of the kit chen sink its a tribute to his judgment yes bul not particular ly generous to her own thinking continued on pagt three the good old days may have seemed better the people have chosen the canadian elections are over and the elect ors have chosen their government for the next four or five years it is well that a working mapr ity has been given and that guidance will not be hampered in the policies which must be adhered to in the next few years a government of small majority or made up of a combination of more than one group is invariably a weak government a stronger opposition in numbers might have had a bigger influence but it will give those who are in opposition a greater need for alertness the results have proven that canadians have confidence in the liberal administration and the mandate given on monday is a challenge to the liberal government to maintain a good record in the years ahead and keep canada in the eminent position it has attained among the nations of the world prime minister st laurent and his col leagues may well have pride in the confidence given by ihe electors but the trust placed is also a challenge for good government for all canad lans from coast to coast halton did not share in the liberal sweep and after 18 years of having a representative on the government side have chosen to send to ottawa a member who will sit in the opposition benches the county has been alternately conservative and liberal with the members in the house of com mons and the ontario legislature being more of ten conservative than liberal party candidates down through the years the election has been decided and now it be hooves us all to do our own part in helping to make canada a better place to live and work ould be good throughout the whole of canada but he argues there can be a mixed system to get the good effects of each leave the rural areas and most districts as they are but for the large urban centres where more than five mps are elected he suggests proportional representa tion coming right after a national election with all its confusion we wonder why anyone would want to add more confusion to our present system personally we think that we have gone through a period of too much reform and we might better spend a little time getting accustomed to the re visions that have been sold to the public and not found entirely workable yet we have had new methods of assessment which will take some years to get properly ad lusted we have been trying radical reforms in our educational system with doubtful improve ment we have had controls of most everything tried in both times of war and in peace we have oyorgolo labor laws relation boards and unions which do not appear to give satisfaction to any groups wouldn f it be nice to have a period of less planning by the professional fixers and a little more individualism for all the people maybe if we all understood the things we have and work ed on them assiduously we would find they weren t entirely wrong and didn t need as much fixing and changing as the professors would lead us to believe but lets lay off selling any more new schemes to the governments for a while they are liable to buy them or include them in their next political platforms north w south back in 1903 taken from the bm of the free press of tnmday aligns 11 ims ratepayers generally will ap predate the announcement that the rate of taxation this year has been struck at the low figure of nine teen mills two reasons may be given for the reduction from tht rate of twenty three mills of lat yenr first there was no small pox expenditure and second rigid economy has characterized all the controllable expenditure of the municipality for the year the two house belonging to the john lawsnn estate were sold last week the cottage at ihc corn er of agnci and flgln streets was purchased by mr t w shaw of the aclon tanning co for 700 mr shaw has oecupled this cozy home for some yean the new house at the corner of church and willow slreeti has c uric into the possession of mr w j chapman of w h storey and son lid the price paid was 1700 mr chap man will proceed at once to com plctc the exterior which when finished will give him a very handsome and commodious resi dence the annual picnic of the moth odist sunday school last thursday afternoon was ideal and thoroughly enjoyable the pleasant picnic grounds of ex warden warrens b igrovc was soj conven ient to town that every little lot in the primary class walked without any fatigue in the procession the school paraded at two o clock head ed by acton cornet band flags and banners and happy faces made a pleasant sight the rural school re open ncxl monday a welland man was fined 10 for selling newspapers on sunday mans mark is silent a smile accepts challenge down burlington way mayor h w smith has accepted ihc dial lcnw ef mayor john t armstrong of georgetown for a plowing com petition oakvillcs mayor flitly refused the chillenge to plow i the halton county plowint match in october milton ind act n rmyori hivcn t iccepted or re jcctcd the chilleiific bul neitlu i nm parliciilirly in fivor of the irnelor joum seek debenture approval the municipal board w 11 u asked to ipprove a debenture for new sidcwilk construction in council gave two readings ti i by hw te ell de benlures for 11000 for the new beware the racketeers judging from news reports from other towns the chimney repair racket is still prevalent in walkerton a man was convicted of fraud and sentenced to tail he had represented himself as a chimney repair man and obtained two cheques for 50 each from an elderly lady he had also obtained the lady s pension cheque a mason called in to inspect the work said the repairs per formed were not necessary this is only one of the rackets to which all are ubect and of which people who deal with strangers may become victims elderly people are chosen for the chimney repair racket because it is impossible for them to inspect the work and like wise impossible for them to know whether the chimney requires repairs there is only one way to avoid becoming a victim of these rackets do not deal with a strang er in every community there are tradesmen who are reliable they have to be reliable to continue to live in the community if anything goes wrong ou can easily contact them and have a correction made its always safer to do business with folks in your own town whether it s chimney repairs or some purchase that you desire to make or some magazines you are asked to subscribe for from some one who is going through college sty artmt xtt xzb tre only wper eoer puotokri in acton founded in 1875 and published every thursday at 56 mill st e acton onl member of the audit bureau of circula uons the c w n a and the ontarioquebec division of the c w n a advertising rates on request subscriptions pay sole m advance z50 in canada 350 in the united states six months 11 50 single copies 5c authorised as second class mail post office department ottawa g a dtfu editor and publisher business and editorial office telephone 174 new school at nerval growth of the suburban norvil irei w ill be rt fleeted in i new three room public school which will be ready for occupancy within the next ycir iccording to a report in the georgetown herald the j b mackenzie tender of 55 000 subject lo some downward revis ions for changes in plans will pare the cost of the building cost of the school equipped will be about 63 000 it is estimated arrested in georgetown two toronto men were arrested 1j st week by georgetown police who received a description from guelph city police the men were suspected of having stolen an el eclnc drill from the service hard ware guelph mayor protests construction bond st disappeared as oak ville s mayor j black reported being eas edoff the street as con tractors bulldozers gouged it and of being threatened by a developer who would put up two apartment buildings on reynolds st the sit uatlon evidently got straightened back in 1933 7 from the tans f fte free pre t thnradar agw itth 1bu quite a number from acton have been attending the fergus centen nial celebration this week in the opening softball fixture of the newly formed town league the town team beat thj tannery by the score erf 18 12 last friday the annual meeting and picnic of the wentworth hal- tonpcel press association was held art brampton the feature of the meeting was an informed ad- droiis by mr john g kirk wood editor of marketing toronto then 10th annual reunion f ihe descendants of ihe late thomas and filznbeth storey of nauagnwcya wan held on monday at the horn of mr wm frank hrst i n es queuing with about 135 in illend- ance the local post of the b e s j held its annual picnic in ihe park on civic holiday assembling be fore the grandstand president bud mcdonald started the races after supper a baseball match be tween the has beem and tbo would bes resulted in a score of j2ji in favor ot the has been the women s missionary society of the presbyterian church held their monthly meeting at the home of mn john moore speyslde died swackhamer at the home lot 1 concession 4 erin twp on sunday august 6 1933 frances catherine johnston beloved wife of austin swacfchamer aged 78 years no requests minister johnnie do y u say your prayerh every nighf johnnie no sir some nights i don t want anything out after meetings with conlnctor and council just another of the problems the expriiiding town menu lo be having dogs poisoned two bronte dogs have dud and an o ikville c mine lias survived a bout with irenic poisming w thin the past week to fxceed estimate odkville s new public librarj bmldine is lnme lo cost more than he 4 000 which ihe counc 1 greed to put into the project lowest tender submitted wisn t a lre h deal over the 4 bilingual best two oakville girls who tried an adventure in understanding and visiled quebec home have return ed with reports of overwhelming hospitality an eagernes by french speaking people to go more than half wiy to cement relationships and a firm convict lonjbal canad ians should be bilingual margaret fell and gail alexander visited a storeowning family it grande baie on the saguenay river tennis coming back tennis is enjoying a lively come back since the last war in oakville according to the oakville trafalgar journil boasting a total of 30 lo 40 players the club holds mens nights tuesday evening and ladies nights on wednesday evenings to convene in muton the firemen s convention will next year be held in milton rep resenta lives of that towns brigade reported on returning from the on nual convention at thorold no obligations no opposition to a capital ex pcnditure of 20 000 by the town of milton for new sidewalks was raised at the ontario municipal board hearing recently in that town professional directory and travellers guide medical dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st aclon office phone 78 residence 115 church st e phone 154 sy at the united church of canada acton ontario a friendly church rev e a currey ba bd minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 60 miss o m lampmrd a t cm organist and choir leader sunday august 16th 1953 10 00 am sunday school for character development 1100 am morning worship thought for the week this is what christianity is for to teach men the art of life and its whole curriculum lies to one word learn of me rannnymmul baptist chutch acton dwigbt l patterson pastor 19 wilbur sl phone 2j thursday august 13 830 prayer and bible study sunday august 16tk 1953 10 00 am sunday school with classes for all ages 1100 a jn morning worship 7 00 pm we extend a hearty welcome to the congregations of he anglican presbyterian and united churches to unite w th us for the comb ned e en dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river su entrance river street acton ontario phone 38 dental dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office leishman block mill st office hours b a m to 6 pm x ray telephone 148 dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 am to 6 pjn telephone 19 acton veterinary b d young bvsc c l young d v aa veterinary surgeons office brookville ontario phone milton 165r21 f g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox ave acton phone 130 legal c f leatherland barrister a solicitor notary pabbft office hours 10 00 am 12 00 am 1 00 pm 5 00 pjn saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone res 151 acton lever hoskin chartered accountants successors lo jenkins and hardt 1305 metropolitan bldg 44 victoria st toronto em 4 9181 gerald a candler chartered accountant monday to friday 79 pm saturday from 9 am chiropractor d j armstrong doctor of chlronractls 15 frederick st n acton phone 550 miscellaneous the victor b rumley funeral home funeral home heated anboiaaap- phone 30 night or day serving the community for 48 years presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev robert h armstrong ma rd minister sunday august 16th 1953 9 45 am church school 11 00 am morning worship 700 pm service in the bap i si church a warm welcome awaits you l estate and insurance st aldans church anglican rev ralph e price ra bj3 wright real estate and insurance f l wright n b wright 20 wilbur st 69 macdonnell st acton ont guelph ont phone 95 phone4915w valuators realtors insurers member appraisal institute of canada members guelph and district real estate board members guelph and district insurance agents association w r bracken eleventh sunday after trinity august leth 1953 1 1 15 am choral communion 7 00 pm evening service in the baptist church all welcome he is truly great who hath greal love he 15 truk great that 1 tile n himself and thlt makrth no account of any height of honor he is truly wie that accounteth all earthly things nothing that he may win christ he i trulv learned that doeth the wrill of god and forsaketh his phone 28 acton list your farms business or house with us we invite you to use our facilities in securing a purchase for your property lloyd ejaalhte rr no 6 guelph phone hespeler 701 salesman t 11 thoma a kempis r f bean general imuran 83 mill st acton phone 585 office hours 9 am 3 pm 530 pm 9 pm travellers guide gray coach lnnes coaches leave acton daylight saving time eaatbound 638 am 838 am 1133 am 208 pm 5 08 pm 833 pm ut p m b958 pm westbound 10 27 am 12 52 pm 257 pm 527 pm 777 pm 9 12 pm 1132 pm 112 am sun to kit chener only i a daily except sunday and hou- b saturday days sunday and nott- c an api an national daily 5 40 a m daily except sun days 955 im t1ft pm sunday- only 8 16 p m daily except sun day flyer at georgetown 902 am daily flyer at georgetown luil daily except sunday and man- day 2 22 am sunday and monday only 1x08 am daily except son- day 848 am a50 pjn oagstan 7 44 pjn daily except saturday and sunday 548 pm saturday on ly 138 pjn sunday only 903 am flagstop sunday only flyer at guelph 7 0s pm

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