Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 13, 1953, p. 8

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paoi doht the acton free pbess acton ontario t1iuhsday auqust i3u 1j iqcainfws free taxi operated by good samaritan tmmm for tfcts ootmmm wo ooplmmoato in or seat to the free press oftvets wot very long before- school begin again alteration are un derway at the public school the pouring rain on sunday failed to dampen the spirits of tome fishermen on fairy lake who continued to dangle their tines through the downpour eaton s order office opened in acton last thursday in charge of the branch is kiss doris mclaren who was previously at the order office in brampton and orange vule the order office which is located where racbltns mens wear was formerly has been completely redecorated a calgary alberta couple were standing shivering at an isoated suburban bus stop on a bitterly cold sunday morning reports the iween readers digest as car after car being passed them by then a bartered avoid old coupe stopped the door open ed and a cracked voice snouted j cook on get in four carloads of parents and friend of the acton boys attend stj log camp ruddy near port ryerse oudd th upboute veiled the camp on sunday the camp is sponsored hy the acton innd eld ys mens club and the guetph y mca ditches on main st church st and brock st hardtopped this week washouts ly driver asked where they were the concert and picnic park last sunday were cancelled due to ram and will be held th s sunday if the weather is fine the citizens band will play a concert from 4 till 530 everyone attend ing is asked to bring a picnic i found and upon being told that i they were on their way to church the i he chuckled and said thought so i voting results by polls in county the following figures hae been compiled but have not ben checked kith official results burlington retting drrttdn no allen bennett mcphall s 9 19 113 x 13 181 8 19 7 1 139 10 23 93 oakvilu 11a 26 52 11b 17 55 11 7 108 isa 1 m 13s 3 96 14a 23 78 14b 36 70 13a 23 47 15b 18 54 16 6 87 ha 27 77 17b 18 78 ib 12 97 isa 12 88 ibb 3 73 aoa 8 91 mb 9 85 21a 35 89 mb 21 70 38 16 106 ozokgktown 27 35 120 2 28 105 29 8 146 30 44 118 31 30 81 39 19 156 33 59 96 milton 34a 6 73 34b 3 67 35 7 67 36 15 93 37 8 100 38 15 97 bronte 3 32 75 4qa 28 60 40b m 69 ukjukhinu 41 w 63 nassagawkya trafalgar 15 103 this is a taxi you know on catching the look of surprise on the faces of his passengers he explained yep the good sam ar tan taxi been operating in calgary for 16 years and never charged a cent asked the reason for his kindly action the old gentleman replied i get a kick out of watching the peoples faces and it gives me a lift too and be droe on to the church two miles awaj the story reports that inquiries into the ownership of the car pro duced the information that the dner was over 70 and that ever sundav for 16 years in sun rain i snow he had dm en his car to hospitals m calgary suburbs to lake home nurses and interns com ng off dutv and then had patrol j ed isolated bus jtops and picked up stranded people furthermore the owmr of the good sanuntan taxi had no pension and worked for his living every day except sundayl 1953 fair dates announced for fall fair dates for the 1953 fall ev ents in ontario hae been announc ed by the agricultural societies branch of the department of ag ri culture and readers will find in terest in several in the list below acton september 1819 milton september 2526 georgetown october 23 aberfoyle september 22 23 arthur september 2930 bolton october 23 caledon september 2526 erin october 9 10 12 markham october 13 orangeviue september 1516 shelbourne september 3223 streetsville october 23 cne august 28september 12 royal winter fair november 1321 appeals red tape at effects office napier moore in his column in the financial post says he recently visited a settlers effects office in a customs building there was a young dutchman there he was a gardener we wanted clearance of his tools so that he could start work they were upstairs and had been ex mined by customs but they could not be released without an approv ed entry form the forms having been completed in triplicate he was then told that the entry must go through routine channels and that it would be at least three days before he could get bis box in faltering english in weariness and distress the young dutchman begged that he be allowed to take the completed and stamped entry upstairs so mat he could get his tools but be was told the entry must go through in the regular way the dutchman said but w hy iqust i wait three days when my box has been examined and passed and is just upstairs the authority snapped ou re luckv some people have to i months the dutchman spoke one s ence bi fore he strode out he you are school children transportation every year pollock and campbell manufacturer of high grade memorials memorial engraving tklkthonk mu births marriages deaths etc born mccutcheon to mr and mrs lyal mccutcbeon tnec helen west on friday august 7 1953 at guclph general hospital a daughter heather lorn ferrott 5 in lt john new brunswick to mr and mrs wll fred b perrott nice joyce des sureaulti a son wilfred david on saturday august 8 1953 mccellowa edward and al dora inee mccauuyl mill st acton are very happy to an nounce the birth of their dauh ter ai the nursing home acton august 12 mother and babe fine bonus mr and mrs tom bonus ure er hap to announce thi arrival of their daughur pals ann on sunday august 9 1953 a little sister for micha i huh and joan mother and baby just fine died burrows at sl josephs pilul gutlph on tutsda ut 11 1953 albert danul i rows bt loved husband of i tha wannamakr of 166 wil st dear father of simla tipfather of mr- andrw lann itvahi h ld t miun ijhu atii fuiural h inn cmlth whin i rat ht d rydaytowitices are regular features at ledgers iga more production wider markets both the capacity and the out put of the canadian newsprint nulls have increased substantially m recent years but they have not grown as fast as the other seg ments of the pulp and paper m dustry of this country before the war newsprint took more than to per cent o total canadian pulp produced it now takes about 63 per cent newsprint output is about 65 per cent greate- than prewar hut the productn of pulps for uses other than news print is three and a half to foir times as great canadian newsprint has how ever by no means lost ground in world markets canadas share of world newsprint production m twelve vrars has risen from some 40 per cent to about m per cent j and newsprint exporta from canada increased from 75 per cent o 81 per cent of all newsprint moving in internal oral trade but canadian pulps have set an even faser pace before the war canada usually shipped between ten and fifteen per cent of all pulp moving in in errational jade but now canada i accounts for a third of this trade and has become the leading pulp erpoer in the world in 1939 caradiar pulp went to some thir- cen coun r m today it moves f twertv sx countries this jrcater d veroficaion of ouput rd mikj bv leading indus m canada helps to poid r eas tig itab v 0 ie ecviomy award contract for addition to milton high school at 19710 j b mackcrie s r were awarded te cornact or bu d ri je rew- hbrt c asseoom a m or high sckvi a a ender prce of 619 710 ot the nonh halto- high school dtnc- boatl at tseir meetng thursday of last week this haltor frm has the corac for the coostrucr of htilrf pachase f add ii aid geottp ii h vhv had e- held up aid k cjt rp j r ed hr neg at oni ca ed r a o fe prew- 1 in ew of hfe mo or was passed a neg- a ons regarding the puc o it gec-re-cn- be d co mu intj a actoc milton and ceoxe town and was the lower of apt- bids for the wrk awarding th contract now completes the bu id jag contracts for the north halto- high svooj dtrct competwl dates are juw 1st of 1954 a leler m c f lea heard solicitor ror ih lowi of actoi sub mitted a proposal and deeds for jic 1 board rart a road and stree allowacce off the forth cd of ttr prop- r acon for a com ru at on of m ii siree in ttew o he fact that paoting of this lard would nterfer w th the build re of fourc extensons of the bu td inc the request was not granted wve- t g-m- a oacf t d- ro- oqu e at dtj rjl md a georcetown a he preso and hat all contray motions pass ed be rescinded a etter from bowes bap s church m miltor requested the us of the h gh schoo audrcium to hold sundar scvol clawes eac- sudday permission was noi fran ed and the seeretarr vas instrne- ed o replv out in ng the board poa- or merarw matjp c co k j- d rrt aid pu mi idfd a nee f town las thudit a4tom phone 110 sui ie 110 ll continuous shows nightly from 7 pja matinees saturdays and holidays at 2 cm frisat aug 1415 pius technrcchot cartoon fuooy duddy widdy montues aug 1718 it 2 3u pm lnunntn cimttry colian in auon on lridfl aurut 1953 susan crossman beloved w ifi of thi lite edwin tiddi col man and dtar moth r f william h of hamilton gertrude tmrs h ambrout t of wantads 4 r jm wkdnesdat latk8t time fok in8cbt10n iates no charge tor announcements of births mar r la jet deaths and engagements mmemoriam 50c plus 10c per line for verses articles for sale kent etc 2c a word minimum cash 55c if not paid until after insertion 50c box no to this office 15c additional coming events 10c per count line 50c minimum cards ot thanks floo for solo for sale garage 1hone 464 wanted for sale 8 ork pigs seven wetks old j c lripps rr i ow salj cucumbers b jour own baskets darwin in hj quctn bt l or phone lj iklsh honey 1r sal 20i lb in oii wntauun colm mictoll 4j lanurin bt uhont 184w a hoh sa1f kifrikirator u loiulii m rui niiibli u l nils t dinrtd ihoiu b4r u outii st ror bala i kj uiti mat i h n kuii 1 stni unit r ma iiihia ixn ild hlv i toil sa1 b duro shllow will pr un nouni imph ti m tor pump and ik in ltd i mk o irdoi hum phmu milt in 431rl4 t for sljvj h use in ijnl roim with balli ui ait r tin with bath mu bi smi jfiir six oiunk 1j8 guelph st m sttdula bert e georgetown and glennap mrs j l mcmahon toronto in her 92nd vear funtrat servici was held m georgi tow n on monda auru t 10 lntermt nt grit n wood cimct erv georgetown cards of thanks i w ish to thank friends and neighbors for flowers fruit candj cigarettes get well cards and an ont who railed it my home and of d red htlp in any way special thanks to the lad of guclph who got help and got us the hospiril tht r k ndnts will always be re membercd edward teddy cole pius two short subjects tkhnkolot caktoon wedthurs aug 1920 aha i ia tumaud stuwi amdtbde lion jean simmons victor mature robert newton maurice evans and alan young amlrocl pius news of the wottd ttchnkcho cartoon coming events this office connot be responsible tor conflicting dates o events office of robinson business col lege open every day during aug ust for enrolments for fall term commencing september 1 b 94 norval junior farmers hockey club dance huttonville park wednesdav august 19 modernair es orchestra admission 75c b 9 2 tennis tennis giant round rob in tournament for members of ac ton tennis club on tuesday even ing at 7 jo pm general meeting will follow in cae of rain wed nesda a annual rally nassagaweya fed eration of agriculture brookviue thursday august 20 630 p m soft ball game acton vs brookviue junior farmers horse shoe pitching content races moving pictures and dance alex near s orchestra refreshment booth admisison 50- each for sa1e 1939 dodgi sidan for sale npw- crorrctoii hoinv also comb honi cut kijiis and potatoes at roikhavui apiar us r r 4 acton phoiu 284j4 for sale used lawn mow ni w ly repaired 4 1 ford t pick up in good condition ford coach verj good throuhoi phom 308m for sale solid rtd brick house seven rooms hardwood floors excellent location tt reasonable mrs j c matthi teli phone 204 wantedfull and part time help for work in rcstiuraitl apply watsons dairy bar wanted to rent 4 to 5 room apartment for office manager nwrned 8 viar old boj pbone 92 e g franklin wantld udy for gtntraluf- fice work ixptrum iirtftrable good salary and work t t condil- lons daxttr luboratoriim a wan1u to bui smalf houst must hi niminiblt btwitn lulnh und tornnlo mrs allili 195 sihrbiril ai t ir nto j wantti iniiii man to kurn sin 1 1 melul nd plunibini trade t uh implowiunt apilj bill hi tnd pirr limitui or phom 464 u wantld iii siptnilur lya i idv inn nr ni nn and boird in ir li lanl family n objettlin to i mill wriu bix ii fru press icfi wan1h sum mi ho n id on tin irt vi ihonxihhlj wk i w itih f r c rt i n iuw n mis and md ihim i u writi clips 180 colburm oakvilh ont farm promptly for sanitary iwsnl telephone collect george- town 11 orguelph 3334 gordon young umitkd it paying prices for poultry this week fowl alive 31 dressox 37c chicken alive 32c dressed 39c a barmtt and son huttonville grading station phone brampton 343 rl4 nverse charges a a way to make moiuy that a what ou are looking fir just sell our 250 ktiaranteed necessities in yur surroundings write for full particulars and we will lell you how familex d pt 5 1600 de lorimur montreal house and lot for sale s3 000 one acre ground ideal gar den soil good water supply house partl remodelled handyman could complete in spare time loc ated in milage close to school church etc apply or w rite to huntlc ginenl store orton ont a 6 2 for sale used tkucks and tractors 4 ford tractors from 1947 to 1950 1 1949 inter h tractor 1 1950 ford half ton pick up 1 1949 ford half ion pick up 1 1948 chcv 3 ton stake 1 1946 ford 3 ton hoist and body earlt motors sales service phone 51bw hilton ont b cecil a carr optometrist oonra dougta si for sale 1942 chev sedan 1940 ford sedan 1936 ford sedan 2 1951 ford h ton pickps tractors and eqsuptnent 1951 ford tractor with 11x38 rear tires 1941 ford tractor equipped with step up transmission 1 102 twin power 6 cylinder mascy harris tractor 1 front end loader 1 angle dorer to fit ford or ferg uson tractor thompson motors phone 69 acton ontario baar24es by coon vastv k4j mduiir for sale 1950 ford coach 1950 monarch sedan 1950 chev coach 1m9 ford club coupe 1947 mercury coach 1947 ford sedan 1947 pontiac coach 1946 ford coach 1940 pontiac coupe 1940 hudson sedan 1948 chev 3 ton stake 1946 ford 3ton with hoist and body open monday wednesday friday and saturday evenings 7 pjrx to 9 pjn for car sales only uakly motors wanted more broil r growers eded you can t loa on our deal wc give you a guaranteed r price at the limt yon pur chase your chicks if the price is higher jou ket it t it n lower you gel the floor price in addition to above wo can supply you with ihe best broiler chicks that money will buy and at competitive prices wanted flocks to supply us with hatching ecus also wanted to pur chase choice pullet all ages twfddlf chick hatcheries ltd fergus ont b for rent for rent two rooms heated 136 guelph st a miscellaneous cress corn salve for sure relief your druggist sells cress wart remover leaves no scaia a3tf washer repairs rolls parts complete overhauls bnlsra radio sod electric georgetown phone 463 rosy theatre bmg aft geqrgegibson will be pleased to pick up your lejd stock 24 hour service call bclwood collect 23m1 a tt sewing machines sales actd service repairs to all make ernies radio and electric phom 465 rnxy theitre bldg george town tf kitchener upholstery have your chesterfield suite reup holstered for as little as m re- finishing and slip cover work for prompt and efficient service eab 103 arton one weeks service a commercial and domest ic upholstering add look and comfort with skilled restyllng your furniture can be handsome a new again low cost call us one week service phone 88 acton a immm 51vw vultoh ont eie proud of our printing j fours if yoti want lumber winch rt so tough and durable that the termite got tockaw from look ng af it wo have it sprue ptno or tfc finest hardwoods we have rt at mo nght prk drop in and aden a woodctoi i f socim j q statiokiky iiuututs call at thi acton free press h s h0lden vprofnotfist eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas st ouhfh jntprinr s exp1 color tchomo oqqobnono soporior workmanship and fno laeesg aonwonftv waaorlao wopapar call oiuru t mx decorator si rmoll

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