Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 20, 1953, p. 2

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the acton free press acton 6ktario thlfasday august 20ih ims for parents only results of school examinations have been an nounced and many students are during these weeks before the opening of the high schools and universities making plans which will affect their lifetime parents are having a guiding in fluence too in helping young people make a choice of careers never were there greater opportunities offer ed the young people today for a continuance of their education school buildings and equipment are the most modern governments and mumci pahties are contributing funds to make school life attractive and the acquisition of an education easy to obtain even funds are provided for parents to assist in keeping children in scbool untrl they have attained the age of 16 years many parents however do not realize seemingly thai such assistance is for the benefit of the children the days otttyld labor and education only for the rich man s children are long past in canada every child whether he lives in town or country has an opportunity to receive an education at least until the age of 16 years it behooves par ents to see that their children are given the bene- those who have the perseverance for studies be yond that age the door is open parents have a duty and responsibility to their children to see that they get the advantages and are persuaded to continue their studies at school al least until the age of 16 such a grounding is splendid training and gives decided advantages that are useful all the way through life if yon would know and not be known iuh in a dtycouon it can happen here the news of world events has carried some rather disturbing items regarding the chaos in france it has become commonplace to read of the short lived governments that france has been having to find that services of the country were almost paralyzed by a strike of civil servants was therefore not wholly unexpected it is not necessary however to go over seas to get events that show that law and respect for the rights of others is lightly regarded by some groups ontario has a strike of transport workers and the incidents reported on the high ways of the province that are maintained by all the people of the province do not make for a feeling of confidence in our own people in northern ontario the strike of mine workers seems to be getting out of hand and mob rule seems all too prevalent none will deny the right of any worker to strike and remain away from work until his re quests are met but if we are to avoid chaos and complete paralysis of our form of living there must be a cessation of violence and mob rule employee and employer have a right to expect protection of life and property in the conduct of every day business if we are to avoid an exper lence similar to that which france is now having ttis tim t m f tcrmalntain law and order canadian show window the canadian national exposition which has grown from a small agricultural fair to the world s largest annual exposition will mark its 75th an niversary this year with some of the most out standing features and attractions in its history now an event which attracts visitors from far beyond canada s borders the cne will play host to more than 3 000 000 people who come to look at the show window of the dominion open daily except sunday from friday august 28 to saturday september 12 from the opening day when field marshall viscount montgomery of alamem deputy sup reme commander of the north atlantic treaty organization will officially declare the biq 75th year cne open to closing there is something for every member of the family the cne leads off the annua fall events that tenure can adian aqr culture and industry and art such im portant gatherings each year it can be finished those who may have been pessimistic over the advantages of a swimming pool in acton would view the project in a new light if they visited any summer day at the first phase of the project in the park and saw the 50 or 60 children enoying the facilities of the unlor pool we are well aware that the present pool is not the project on hch aeon embrked few yrs go ii 4 7 7 merely a start but it is a start which proves the program planned can be carried out if all the cm zens have a resolution of purpose to carry on the proiect the junior pool for children up to 10 years of age has proven ideal there is a need for a pool for the older groups too and for adequate dress ing rooms operatioejlf the unior pool too has shown the need for equipment to filter end treat the water regularly given time and the support of the whole community the project as originally planned can be completed but it is going to take the cooperation of all perhaps it will take longer than was first anticipated but worthwhile projects always require much effort at any rate there have been a bunch of new enthusiasts made this summer since the luni pool has been ley rfsoon be the men and women of to- nforrow speaking of nits in faxes tor hai en t heard much comment on the cut that every wage earner experienced m his pay enucl opt on ih ftrst of july sales insurance reading bfw n tfc lliw too bad acton has no chamber plenty of work for good group its ton btid yen it is too faod that acton can 1 boost a bonrd at trade or a chamber of com merce it isnt for lack of attempt at the organization but the groups formed just never seem to hold together long enough to accomp lish noticeable amounts of- good work there must be mnny things a group of that kind could do for the beturmtnt of the merchants and residents alike it would probably surprise most citizens just how many tourists leave it knowing nothing about it because there was nothing outstanding hen chambers of commerce don t have to be responsible for thi in traduction of giant industrhl plants they can conct rn thi m selves with the labcluni of tourist attractions rvery week alton s park is attracting visitors fnun gnnu r difttnnces than mn be mis pecttd nnd tht majority of l hi in will pass the entrance to thi im nee r c me te ry not ki withoot beinj sacrilifu his hit tntnnci toulti quit eisilv be mnrkid for ih mt rt nted visitors pnviint mar midi inri on the we e k e ntl i small sijn pointed out tht huronln hojdik and i drove a number of milts out of my wny to visft that attraction otherwise i would have mlsaed midland al together when i got there 1 wasn t disappointed either this iiimi the ideal season to think of tourist attractions but there on many othtr topic that could be considered by an activ co operative board of tradi or chambt r of commeree another of tht oulkui for chamber of commerce activity is tht providing of receimme ndauons to tht town council on local prob urns council is saddled with plenty of work already ond 1 imagini an actlye chamber could knin fnvorablt attention with some sound surge nitons just as 1 writt this column a letter arrived from tht graven hursl board of tr1 l lling about that ctntrt ond whnl it has to offi r to industry set king new lo that typt of work in ac has to tit funne lied thr ugh an indusli ml committee thil im suit would up h ip in thil the good old days may have seemed better back in 1903 from ike issae of the free press of thursday august m 1m1 the following residents of acton and vicinity left hire on tuesday on prospecting trips to the points nam ed mr and mrs alex mcgregor and daughter to cnrtwright thos wrtn lo hartnty alfred sontr to boisevain mrs wm l ishman and albert irishman to aiden chat gibbons to nttpawa stt wart mc arthur to winnipeg fndwillfnm son and thos nellis to mi rson sldm y met ait to wnwi ntsn don aid kopmnn to fdmonton isaac chrk to winnipei j btnnitt fi rm r hornby to winnipeg prnest wilson to medieim lint thi train winl through ht r in two sections both be inn irv linn h n iwded 1 ii ut oloml st ph n mntshiill preirhed n wiv int testing ind in it is not only a very foolish policy but a might hazardous one as well to regard advertis rng as wasted effort or to feel that by curtailing such expenses you are economizing the secret of success in the use of advertising is persistency if you must retrench curtail in any other de partment of your business but do not stop your advertising your most valuable busi ness asset is not your physical assets your buy ing contacts for stock or raw material not even your personnel it is the good will of your i diplaj pilch mt customers and prospects your future customers mor on bver d an irlicle on the when you stop or curtail any part of regu hover dim in the con lar advertising you are risking the loss of good yvill re elections of course ill the newspapers in thai we re id each wctk had articles about sybil benmlt detailing the celebrations in milton ifter the i lection results were tibuhted the georgetown pape r reflected the pleisure of george tow nnns sinet it is the fint time in history thil i george tewn resident has iii m the rod eril houc scouts store the elutf cimdiin scout f r the nitionnt leagues brooklyn dodg trs bill hirns is planning lo op en i men and boys nr te re tn oakvllle we hope nobod smashes his show windows ittrt ttention tfith a bit of fine ri 1 est week in the oikv lie ird stir which report hit j the town line between n ls irt advertising is sales insurance it not only i m ind fsqucsmg townshps i i i flewded with ibnut 18 inchc nf produces immediate returns but insures a con wntor for distancr of 1w irds tinuation of business for you next year and ten its right up to mj knees garni jwirden dudle hitchcox limn erl years from now so onh moth r n keeping your name and your products before ure nn suppu itnt thi nmc the over 6 000 prospective customers who read l w rn u a a r r mr h ichrox ard ttsidirls i the free press each week is the proven policy of esque ng and issae many successful local business people wo id heilth or miit on wll like v it re itlvt s in oik lit fer sever ii mr nths this ill th fam ly s now slmd vh re ute lo he j l vinrr op ertj bj way of the pna me ci iii first sod tamed o n mondiy he f rm sod wt of flcl 11 turned it tht s 1 of th two phnts f r the onta r o slei products of miltor a built c began the job of r pplng open th s ip in earnest while im jffi nk inlerc vtert milto nuns spee il guests witct ed back in 1933 from the issae of the free fret of thartdsr aogast it 1931 corn on the cob is a seasonable item on the family menu just now the soflball karnes played twice a wetk art creating a bit of fun and keen interest quite a number frerni acton wo men s institute attended the birth day party of fden mills institute on wedne sday ef last wet k the work of actem pioneers ccmttcry is already making n marked improve mint thi struc lure to be built from tin stones will be in the form of n pt rgoli and the professional directory and travellers guide mfljicat the pi in ts w 11 miiufir i re leif ch iss s spr ngs ind hive ien ipme n fir nickel ind chrome pla nf bands at burlington acl m b ind men will til e pir in i bind nut m in isurling on ar em liter th m nth tht leidri of the bur mg in junior c mm un it rind mm i corlett si s lh 1 six binds h im si far iccepted m titions am onr tht e lv ih wirrin g ii rdinr h gh schml bind frtm w irrtn ohi the i hand ma hrolher f th burlington ban dmimer ind ht tw hm hr u sever il t r m in bid 1 gf h r canadians hate a long way to po before lhci equal the british in llieir tisjhci or lau and order in 1050 almost 20 000 persons were sent to jenl tn england and wales out of a population of over 41 million in the same lear ot er 8 000 canadian went lo jail out of a nopulnhnn o 14 million snmet tikt those forecasts how goes the u 5 to a large extent meai how goes canada washington is supposed to be chief len bi convinced that business will keep on humming for another year at least what happens then a crash the depression psychosis means that every time a forecast is made for a certain period gloomsters see the end coming at the cutoff date the weatherman has his problems acts of god are always stepping rn the economic forecaster has his too thinks the financial post acts of men are always there who can predict the kremlins way a year from now or when the market for can openers will be saturated but when a weatherman predicts a sunny weekend because that s as far as he can see ahead no one assumes that automatically aaon day will be raimna the same applies to business the u s forecast says nothing about how ft i ngs v ii look n august 1954 it doesn t say business then wilt start to go up go down or be the same it ust says bus ness looks good for a year ahead that s all ii sas and that should be enough fo mos of us dim irr for mturi doubtful consolitioi lint the br er ma moc ind do thf s thing seimcwhcrr elep one comes across the oikvillr- trafalcir journil tnkt time te i reports th it in thit town ibout 20f of surciss young men ire d dj ng the mi 1 tike time to th man they know thit letters ire out for them giving notice of poll tax w hich must be paid bv eer s nglp man oer 21 who doesn t pa anv property lax whafs wore- tlm reir exactb doubled poefs corner or w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in sjmon blewrk a mill st e aclon office phone 78 residence 115 church st e phone im dr da garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow ind river entrance rivtr street acton ontario phone 238 dfvtal c f leatheriand barrister solicitor notary office hours 10 00 am 12 00 loopm 500 saturdiys by ijipointmcnt n off in 22 ihont res 1 acton i ever 8 hoskin t bartered accountants succcsseirs to jfnkins and iiardt uoy metropolitan dldg 44 victoria st toronto im 4 9131 1wt1 aid he tax- t tike ibout 225 lisicd as eligibli pill tax one has pa d alread r ousbolm tn visit dr brock chisholm who long ago resigned as head of the it is the take time t pli it tion of wisdom tike timt to be f nt n id to happinpss n lts hitlhinjf igon to a tar o look iround ii short a dn to be selfish tike time to laugh it is the of the soul takt time to be courteous ii rk of a fienileman dr a j buchanan denul burgeon office irishman bleck mill st office hours 9 am to 6 p m x ray telephone 14r dr h leib denul sorjeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours 9 am to 6 p m telephone 19 acton veterinary ry at the b d young bvsc c l young d v m vrtetinarr svrfeena office brookville ontario phone milton 165r21 f g oakes bv sc veterinarian office and residence 24 knox avi acton phone 130 gerald a candler bartered accountant moiidiy to friday 7 9 p m s iturday from 9am chiropractor d j apmstrong doctor of chiropractic li frtdt rick si n acton phone mo miscellaneous the victor b rumley funeral home uaermi heme heated ambnlam phone 30 night or day birving the community for 46 year united church of canada acton ontario a friendly church rev e a carrey ba bd minister parsonage 29 bower aenue i phone 60 mm o m lanpard at cm organist and choir leader presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rt robert h armstrong ma bo minister 0i3 sundw auglst 23d 10 00 am sunday schw chancter development 11 00 am monnp worship thought for the week this is whi ri tian v 3 sinda mg1 st 94i am- chur h s h 11 00 3t m re v 00 pir se re church warm wt ome i st albans church anriican real estate and insurance wright real estate and insurance f l wright n b wright 20 v ilbur st 69 macdonnell st acton onl guelph ont phone 95 phone 4915w ainators realtars insarers member appraisal institute o canada memlers guelph and district real estate board members guelph and district insurance acenis association w r bracken travellers guide gray coach lines i coaciifs lfave acton idal ght saving ttmei i eaatbennd filtiam hmam 1133 a 218 pm 50spm 833 pm p ii b958 p m h estboand 1027 nm 12 w pm 2 57 r 527 pm 727 pm 9 12 1112 p m c a lail tn dajs b saturday sun to kjt- 01 sun da and hou- stinda and boll- 5ill artnn 3m frbb the only paper ewer published m acxon foundetd in 1875 and published eerr thuradav at 56 mill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circula tions the c w n a and the ontarioquebec division of the c w na advertising rates on request subscriptions par able in advance j250 in canada 3 50 in the united states six months si 50 single copies 6c authorized u second cliss mail post office department ottawa g a dills editor ond publisher business atmd editorial office telephone 174 rd lean of me baptist church acton dwight l patterson pastor 19 wilbur st phone 63j thursda augus 20 praer mee ng aid bible tud feuntjay august 23rd 1953 10 00 a m sunday school ji classes for all age 1100 am morning wtirsrip 00 pm we cordiallv rmte the congregat ons of the anglican presbyterian and united chu cies to lei owsb p h u i twelfth sunday kfter i trinity 1 augus 23rd 19s3 j 15 am morr rjt prc a 00 p m even rf nff r bap t churc i all welcome come c u wers- p real estate phone 2fi acton i ist our farms business or house uiih us we mite ou to use our facilities in securing a purchase for inur property uayd e aaliffe rr no 6 guelph phtne hespeler 701 ca n jo r r k ervice w norherr err or e r area of 15 m 11 or square i populator of 25 000 ala th rd the area ha a pop c 130000 j r f bean general bmun 83 mill st acton phone 583 office hours 9 ajn 1 pjb- 530 pm f pm railways btandmrd thse eaattmend daily 54q am daily except su- diyi 9 h a jn t ib pm sunday only 116 pm daily except su- day flyer at georgetown 9 02 ajn daily flyer at georgetown 10j1 nim daily except sunday and lion day 2jq ajn sunday and monday only 1241 ain dally except son- day lit im iu0 pm 7 44 pjn- daily except and sunday s 48 pan saturday c ly 1j6 pa sunday only ftfls aja flagxtop sunday only trt al guelph 70s pin fugatop

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