Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 27, 1953, p. 5

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thursday august i7th 11133 the acton free press acton ontario pack nvi flower arranging shown to institute the august meeting of the wo mens institute was held at the home of mrs klooster the instil i ute ode wis sung with mrs gor don allken accompanying on the organ fourteen members answer ed the roll call name a weed i will pull every time i see it the secretary mrs wilfred awrey read the minutes and correspond ence mrs ken stubbington was elected assistant secretary treas urer for the balance of the year the motto if you brood over your troubles you 11 have a good hatch was the subject of a two minute speech by mrs ken stubbington mrs e fisher convener for ag riculture and canadian industries read a paper dealing with this subject a very interesting de monstratlon and talk on floral ar nragements was given by mrs a mckmnej the meeting closed with the singing of the national anthem and lunch was served by the hostess assisted by mrs g robertson and mrs e archibald carrots jadged six girls of the ospringe will ing gardeners met at the home of miss doris fines on tuesday after noon for their final meeting wilma beescm read her club story the roll call was answered by display ing two vegetables of any variety a discussion followed on the qual ity of same plans were nude for achieve merit day after which a judging competition of carrots was held dlea swueady hiss potter of woodstock has h s holden optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas st guelph been engaged as assistant teacher with mrs white for the local school coapta honarad mr and mrs jack pytell are lilting with mr and mrs r j matthews on saturday evening mr and mrs matthews entertained at a miscellaneous shower in their honor as they had recently been married a number of neighbors and friends attended and the young couple received a nice array of useful gifts following a 30day furlough they will return to ham iton where jack ls stationed with hmcs star district visitor mr and mrs fred hahn and sons of kapuskasing and master george drury of toronto were recent guests with mr and mrs george grundy and family master terry struthers of pres ton spent a few days holiday with his grandparents mr and mrs james struthers and mrs a bulloch reg and nancy spent their vacation at kearney in northern ontario miss marlcne morgan of toronto visited for a few days with miss marilyn young both went to acton where they visited with their uncle and aunt mr and mrs norman robertson for several days master brian robertson spent a week in guelph with his brother and sister in law mr and mrs douglas robertson and sharon mr and mrs j wright mr and mrs donald brono mr and mrs andy orosz and bonnie of welland spent a weekend with mrs george cook and jack miss ruth awrey of orton visit ed for a week with mr and mrs wilfred awrey and family master ross awrey visited in orton with mr and mrs john awrey recent visitors with mr and sincere sympathy is extended to mnr gil lojhejrtrddeir hasa stfcw jwtmiirm passing of mp oil following i serious operation mrs gil was holidaying with relati in hoi the time but fiewnome for the funeral at canada day- sight ladles of the local wo mens institute attended canada day at maple leaf gardens tor onto on friday and report an ex cellent day those attending in eluded mr gordon altken mrs wilfred awrey miss doris fines mrs harold smith mrs george grundy mrs h r howard mrs oeorge young and mrs bobertson pounding the spoftts beat with a vwiyarn 46ttccmc i wish to announce that i have sold my clothing business to mr gordon mc cutcheon who will take possession on august 31 1953 at this time i would like to thank my friends and customers for their patron age over the years and would ask their continued support for my successor wm coopeft were mr and mrs ellas hall lome and ray hlusburgh mr aiulmrs s macdonaldt- stewart and jim acton mr and mrs george mcmillan toronto muriel returned to toronto with them lor a holiday rev and mrs foreman are vis iting with their daughter and son in law rev and mrs moorehouse at petrolia mr cam aitken and two dough ers of toronto and miss barbara evans of toronto were recent vis iters with mr and mrs gordon altken and family mrs mckee of saskatchewan is visiting with her daughter and son in law mr and mrs el wood jackson mr and mrs george robertson are on a motor trip to timmins where they will vufit wtih their son and daughter in law mr and mrs george robertson and son friends of mr herman klooster are pleased to learn he was able to leave the guelph hospital on fri day where he had been receiving treatment for several days mrs d g robertson and brian spent a couple of days in stratford with her borther and family mr and mrs reg carter miss laureen webb of guelph township is visiting with mr and mrs gordon robertson and family mr and mrs carmen griffin have returned home from south bend indiana and are staying ith mr and mrs thomas fines mr griffin has commenced build ing a notice on ltnd he purchased from mr fines miss jean howard is spending a few days holiday with her par ents mr and mrs h r howard jean spent the summer at a resort on lake suncoe and plans to re turn to her studies at ryerson in slitute toronto in the near fut ure jwlraw now open on spaedvale ava em at northeast clly limits thursfn aug 2718 millionaire for christy eleanor parker fred mcmurray sat men aug 2931 the miracle of fatima angela clark gilbert roland tumwi sept 11 double featvre criminal lawyhf and the lawlrsf nassagaweya s s no 7 at birthday party in lowville park ttiucfri sept t comw canyon- hedy lamarr ray milland bex ohlea oaea 1ji ma always color cartoon and neva childrens playobound 2 shows nightly rain or clear mr ind mrs w kennedy tended a b rthday party for father mr fall on sunday lowville park visitors in the home of mr and mrs f hetzel a few days last week were mr and mrs borick and mr and mrs dais of cleve land ohio vis tort at the home of mr and mrs o lockir o surdiy v mr and m s john i ucker famih of orion scleral lid n of he bl bees inst uu a tendi he a c v v toro o tr di f las we and report d i underfill im thresh nj 1 t rd of the d in this sect i the rams demonstrated conclu sively on saturday that they can win when they have a full team on hand and the desire al though it was only the first game of what could be a long series there was no indication that the indians have any surprises in store for the acton crew when they resume on saturday at caledonia reluctance of the iroquois leave the reservation on saturday nights was evident in their poor following they fielded only nine men against an acton team at full strength for the first time months why didnt the indians have full team on hand especially for the play offst well we discussed that with an old fellow name of long boat one night in caledonia when acton played there he had seen a lot of lacrosse in his day played when he was younger and now has two sons on the ohswekcn team he was typical of the elderly men who watched the game they sat silently now and again making ob servations but showing no emotion or excitability this particular longboat waa a blood relation of tom longboat the great indian runner who carried canada s colors into the olympics and had the eyes of the world on him with his track and field exploits tom longboat was conside one of if not the be i nmnerjuoilijjv american scene mb longboat was full of stories about his distinguished relation he knew him well but that is another story what the venerable old man said in effect was that the good days are gone for the indian he remembers when every lad on the reservation aspired to play for the lacrosse team we had some good teams in those days he said and we played the best there was now the young men don t seem to care whether they play or not was his complaint we used to nave two teams on the reservation one on the far end and another here in the lower end there s only one now and ft has to draw from both ends of the reserve the tall handsome indians from the far end of the reserve are the mohawks descendants of joseph brants warlike tribe who played a big part in the war of 1812 between the states and canada the lower end is the fade ration of tribes known as the iroquois or the six nations the mohawks although a part of the confederacy stick closer together and relatively few live on the lower end of the reservation tribes on the lower end are the oneideas onondigas cayugas tus caroros and the scnecas they are of smaller stature which makes the mohiwks a race apart we bent the mohawks in three straight game last year said mr longboat and since that time they hivtn i had a iicrossc team we ve umalgamited this year that s why thty re called the iroquois the six nation we ve only r a young team now he observed but they ought to be pretty good in two or three years beat bits acton juveniles bowed out of the baseball race on tuesday night when they lost their second straight game to port credit by a 4 3 score the port boys had just a bit more on the ball than the acton lads and managed to scrip through for a win it was a wik of elimination for acton teams eistns the mens softball entry dropped their second game 10 georgetown in the first round of the provincial play downs on tuesday night it was a repeat of last year when c rgetown dropped the lo cals in two straight soccer game nr n friday night at 6 30 with lh n uch nlk d of act n ch b pla mt h st th act i cl h dropped nnmit n 1 m th r inst h rm an report acww meet wonderful twelve of the institute ladies at tended the ac ww in toronto pn friday and all report it was won derful and feel it was too bad that every person was not able to go and see h- the wmas had charge of the service on sunday mr garner of erin was juest speaker mr russ being on holidays mission circle met on friday night at the home of mary jen nlngs mr and mrs wm kentner of bolssevain manitoba who have been visiting their brothers and sisters returned to their home last week mr and mrs arnold mcenery and david spent a few days with mr and mrs ed adair and mrs w betts of blenheim stook threshing is the order of the day but if this good weather only continues a few days will be completed and all report splendid crops mr and mrs ed akltt or tor onto and mr and mrs speers and son visited with mr and robert mcenery mrs rockwood rev john ward conducts service rev john ward of gkielph con ducted service at the united church sunday mrs rev james neeve was rams rap indians 154 saturday in first game of playoff series to the wms executive of the united church last thursday afternoon there was a good attendance at the presbyterian church sunday morning with members of eden mills present next sunday will be the last for alternate services at eden mills presbyterian church improved in health miss mae hilts was able to re turn home during the week end from guelph general hospital fol lowing an attack of poison ivy friends of mr albert shultts re gret his accident due to a kick from a cow and hope he will soon be able to be around as usual bud holidaying a number of townfolk are away on holidays mr and mrs ralph hodgson and family are at spar row lake mr and mrs t c winlow and family are also al sparrow lake roy nightingale is holidaying at georgetown with sister and broth er in law mr and mrs tom clarke mr and mrs garnet petty and family have returned from a two week s holiday motoring through th united states mr and mrs herb saunders have returned from a holiday out of town congratulations to mr and mrs roy kjrvan on the birth of a daughter a sister for anne who spent two weeks with her grand father mr stewart s royce mr and mrs george a harris ind family of kirkland lake were in town last wednesday on a mot or trip slopping off at manitowan mg and staying overnight with mr crnrles harris and son gor don and coming on down to rock wood where they met mr richard harris and gave him a brief call dr and mrs k b waller also returned home last week from holidaying at kingston week end and sunday visitoi in town mr and mrs maurice hurd of weston mr norman lam bert of lions head mr roy day of toronto mrs ames of duluth minn on a brief visit to her moth er mrs e nickell and sister m ss m nnie nickell mr and mrs j e lambert and daughter patsy of kamiton arc hoidav ng with the formers par ents mr and mrs fred lamber mr wm g edwards his sold h farm on thi fifth line aboe rock wood with a full team on hand for the first time since early in the stoson acton rams had no trouble dlspos ing of ohswekcn iroquois in the first game of a best of seven play off scries hen last saturday night he rnms walloped thc shorthand d indians is 4 in a game that was so ont sided it was dull most of the way for the 500 fans who sat in to watch appearing with only enough men to field a team the indians asked for clemency wanting to play sfx man lacrosse until reinforcements arrived from the reservation they were granted their request and thc entire game was played thc six man variety although ohsweken had ample men to staff a team by the end of the first period acton had a 40 lead at the end of the first quarter a 6 2 edge at thc half led 9 2 at the end of the third quarter and rapped in six more in the final chapter to a pair by the visitors the rams could have increased the score by at least five more with better shooting but a combination of thomas in the in dmn nets and erratic shots kept the scort in respectable figures ken woods in particular was the victim of daylight robbery at thc hands of thomas he was in on at least four occasions eluding the en tire iroquois team with some clever stick work and feinting only to be beaten by the indian net minder right on his doorstep the iroquois had a few good chances when the acton defense went to sleep but norm young came up with some fine save t kept them off the sheet comparatively quiet in the first two quarters the game livened up in the third stoma when both teams started to use some uncalled for tac tics the officials called eight pen alties six of them double sentences for fighting little ken watklns was the pick of the acton crew as he rapped in three goals and assisted on four more to lead the scoring his line- mate jack mann pumped fa three markers his last the prettiest of the night on a three way play and earned an assist while lloyd smith got two goals and as many assists as did rcvis bennett who heralded his return to uniform with a fine performance johnny krapek sniped two goals and an assist doug smith got one f each and fred kentner and gor dk burl n inch collected a goal bennett and ken woods both picked up an assist for thc iroquois c jacobs and c lcngboat with two tonls apiece wtro top hands while thomas play cd an outstanding game in goal thc serus resumes on saturday at caledonia returning here next wed sday night for thc third game ordinabt ttfc i haven t met your husband whats he like v just the ordinary type 43 around the waist 42 around the chest 02 around the golf course and a nuisance around the house sharp junior mamma lets buy junior a w cycle papa qo you think it will im prove his behavior mamma no but it will spread his meanness over a wider area ola intermediate lacrosse pjlayoffs iroquois vs acton rams wednesday sept 2 acton arena admission 50c children under 14 j5t lianrm fair h r ins nei i ri d t be ol i untr motion denifd a tla r re run 1 3l 1 ad t roke p rw 1 t c 1 m ink i m in ii c mmu m itor i f r r id i ai i f ht uh t lli ii th 1 ntf a s t or asked ft lie r rmde i m i n that i trdtr wha wa he mot on towi ird h h p pock henderson weaves two hitter for win campbell vi lie took a 3 2 lead in their seven game series with wat erdown al waterdown last night as they won a 5 0 game behind the brilliant iwo hit pitching of stan henderson for seven innings henderson was hooked up with gary day ir the brilliant pitchers duel as go ing into the eighth inning th score was 00 with henderson hav ing given up a hit to forth in thc first and one to day in the third and campbell ville s only hit had been a single by ken moore in the fourth to start the eighth lloyd early batted for bill cairns and was safe on in error by fetter the waterdown first baseman and took second on an overthrow ken moore sacrificed him to third bobby barlow drove him home with a single to centre but became the second out as he tried o stretch it into a double with two out dow ling singled and went to third on hugh barlows hit the latter then stole second and both runners scored on earl cairns h l when henderson was safe on an error cairns rounded third and ran home with he fourth run of the inning as waterdown threw behind the runner with one oul in the n nth early singled w ent to third on ken moore s hit and scored on a pass ball for the fifth ard final run of the game ken moore had wo h s f r campbelhille and bnb barlow dowlng hukhrirlo earl ca ns ind earh ri eich f rth and djv x waterdown s two h ts in gu ng ip two h t henderson wa ked tn and rick ut n n- f ri kao up seven h s announcement to my friends and customers i have disposed of my clothing business to mr robert ridsdale bob ridsdale is from galt ontario of a highly respected family and comes to acton with a very thorough knowledge of the clothing business i sincerely thank the people of acton and vicinity who during the past 22 years have shown their confldence in me by their con tinued patronage i hope that bob will be accorded the same confidence and patronage ban rocfui wfusave clover leaf cohoe salmon tall tin 53c kleenex 2 pkgi 35c shortening 1 lb 25c aylmer peaches 2 2fm hnt 45c johnstons wax hard gloss or glo coat crisco 1 lb 35c white beans 2 lbs 21c ideal catsup f 105 oz can 59c jam t red plum 32 oz ar 39c raspberry 35c strawberry 41c red rose tea orange pekoe peas 2 20oz tint 35c good luck i margarine 2 lb 75c p 4 g soap 3 bars 25c many other lines at clearing prices 32 oz bottle 24c announcement i am pleased to announce the purchase of the mens and boys wear business formerly operated by b d rachlin it is my sincere desire to place the best possible clothing values be the people of acton and district and thereby gain the same confidence that has been placed in ben rachlin i will endeavor to give comptete satisfaction with every purchase and trust that our customers will finl that bob rios- dales is a good place to buy good clothes thank you bu ridtdj

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