Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 8, 1953, p. 1

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ithe jvftim sftt tft seventy ninth year no 14 acton ontario thursday october bth 1953 ton home print pagei six cent plan 35600 hydro debenture issue 5j their sixtieth wedding anniversary was marked by mr and mrs william g camble park ave with open house sunday many friends and neighbors brought congratulations and best wishes for many more years of happiness together the immediate family enjoyed a turkey dinner saturday the couple is pictured cutting their diamond anniversary cake name chansen io puc succeeds j r mac arthur ctofi council was rmlif id it lln n r nl ir ninlmn mnnd inr ot iht nsifmation of inblii i tililits c ommismon chairman k mir arthur fficli immedialeh oimul appointtd c m hanstn n out thi lint pired piirl of mr m icarthur s ti rm w hich runs until lit c mbt i 1951 council also ordtnd it p n itum tif tin lis lw uithn iruij iiu i lion i si tin iiiistin 1 ipi o iiltn tit i iliu in iii uimmlmi n t lib i h ill tlu prist nt thm in in liuip at prist nt oni commission r is ilectid diamond wedding marked by couple sunday october 4 was a red litur day for mr and mn william o gamble 21 park ave acton when they ci lebratcd thtlr 60th widding anniversary on saturday a turkey iimu r was enjoytd by thi imimdinti fam ily brotht r and sisters of tin couple and their pastor mid hi- witi rtv ind mrs e a currt a happy timt logillur wns uijoyni by 27 and many pictures wci t taken during the afternoon thi popularity of this cat n mid couple was cvidinccd byht num bir of iw irhbors and frimds wh calkd io bring conkriitulalioiis oi sunday when mr and mrs gam ble win ut humi durum tin uf tornoon thtj win ably assist d by ihtir daukhlir n law mrs al bcrt gamble who provldi d n beautiful weddirik cuki whith cm tred the table mrs j r and mr d ii johnston mti mrs fred cleave rtceived the guists and sirving wer mimbers of iht family many cards and lifts win rt coivui b the couple who un still enjouik rood htalth oultif town gut sis were from victoria british columbia fonthill toronlj and hamilton two sisttrs of mrs gambli both uvir 80 years of am ailinded both with broktn limbs mrs j rtid rnntly brok her lig and miss milissa johnston hi r ai m both list in alton mr ind mrs gambit win mir rttd october i 1893 al lh home if iht bridi s pin ills tin htt mr ind mrs hibtrt johnston two milts north of acion for m vera i tars the 1 sd on iht adjoining farm from thtri tluy mimd to a farm in lramosa until sn n jcirs ago thty livtd hurt hun lh mivtd li ihur prisinl homt in acion their family i tumls of h pinnl- and albtrt win hv s it hesphr rotations learn of ymca objectives tilt lik of hie y m a in lit world iiimmunlly ut hirm and in acion was hit subject of u mosl uutrktihk talk by mr u swhmull limiral sun my of alton y i hie mtmbirs of aelon lioiiu dub on tuisday ivtning mr schmull who ricuill tiuu fium amsurdiim holland i h ivi chaikt- of lh acton y told i i so in- of ins win id xpuiimts n his 21 ymih in ymca woik h d niid out tin mid in this pit i nl day of kadiit is mid aiilomulit htlp rs in uui tvuvdiiy lif st i i usiiik of tin building of mind in h mi mil i d lh imin liuiiis fin llliy bodi- auti ound thinking in asktd fur hi udvn and guiiitmt of ill io mki the ymca a f iiu f i g iid u alton mr sihmull wis ihmktd by ail pidhury ind fount i distuil k vi i tiur pjrlradtcof porl cndil us irhsrjjtotraioihigiicnjrat hie nilltuik mrs w watkins hostess to group tilt st pit mhi udits aid v i of mr wilim i dd afttiuo n pr idtd ind i ns- f tin mm i in rad tin h smilh it the mini riiikirmnts for iht mn dicidd i kj supp i sold called 500 times at auction iti urn i uld i old pit 1 1 of tlilnii for n nickel lirtidrs of nil sires and dtslnptioiik tliaiimtd hands sutur day in hit third annual ys m n s million salt vohinlur audiomir roy hindi and jink rlliolt in id the doualtd furrnlun piuduit housihold urlidis and ivi n amm lis up for iht iniiriliiir u wd l sit and wniuii fur hit tpmk in is fron lln jliout h in as will it- it bunks ami sold s allhoukh d it thin par lily tin i in inspicft j lh ihiuukluul 111 pnpplis i hitk i and i id ith fn puiih pnt i at th ids il ihj d ulu r i d sa bllil hild it h hun walkins on tut 4rs f mtcuif iiu udiulid iht bti- th mis d mtl i wanted r32ioupuity sxauutdlc donatmni for he ill dm wnk vnlunliir ilirks i urdiy isslsunls imludid soim f hit nimhtis of tin y s m u s 1 id i s auxiliuy mini fimits of ill sum add d i tin tlubs tnasury fm us pi j ft ill hit sib an not y 1 libul i d v ly i lib v is itfl vu aft i tlu puc seeks approval 35600 capital outlay at tin it riuular m in ulilitl s intiiihmiii f ontiili fm tupilul wititm lh riilhiwitik ilhi my sluniiiitdiiitnii ijiuhi ntiubihiatnii in tiiinsroiniis i 2m mi w ill i ll jit mllliol tk hi lili j 1 liuisday vi ninit of last wit k acum iub- i to obtain th approval of thi mr pc xpudiliith up lo ditimtiir 31 llfs4 tiiuilllns is i hiuik ilnwn of tlu hint upiind fn jllilkhi siork innldliik in xins of slimutm j ixtnimon to distribution kysttin 4 wo linn is uloitti typo 100 n w iruik 111 imk1 hot lank viitli ill mxm to bi finaiuid fioif vaildl nnidi and a slunitts ind tb fliiintliik has i u t up by briefly distressed at nursery school i tin prupo ii ry i 1lnvrnn burt wtikttmwtlli imp ut nntdtuttrtrir nrinwrr in must i isis i oi 1 ii in nnisuv sthoil moiitiiy a f vi 4-juml- lid had 111 of s on widmsday uij lis 1 mid huiik wtdru srlay htttily laiittiik tht livllnii with mra i ii ssisint wis abl first appn dust or destiny much appreciated sn ii tin n to on y mon i ii wuikuik the lam bttwi nl housi his from will st us hit lam a d attly mi fett dtir was t b i a this prox riy nl and it wool xlltlldltui io vices lay fo- uj atund tountil iiudini oitolt r 5 renard- inu in w aludifi bids for hip dinpo al plunt hi h t pc advisd by letter tluy win villititi to pay thi- sum of vmh fr tht 25 hp motor at the ixlipuuip i list in li u f tonvtr ion i if i y fl wd tin 11 ish h ill sui i ru d tin cosl v i in t unrnisskji mi thty sh id uid ix j275 was of thi opin- ii pi the34 and isommuulid to ii s 11 ij j d f a olllll t ul skmmj tins in d fol 1x bills a j bs nth thi tould not d i d qu tab t ckh v- 1 of u t i iw i ll i ind i hi is id i i nn ml 1 1 kmmii nltntiii of id hufn ar for municipal ofhcuk tin j nk shtth pn tisitd tlu it uktn n anclliiik h s i ix jt 1 ippi al th sal of lh last mt t tint count i is- a si i if m ii s ill h r red it sa j pjp s i of w i the und quid bu operalld irom in c mm tul rl the lane bptwrpn coopers dni 3nndlt rgthc purchao of bilsrj sur and he bu idinfi owmd bs hi to b usid in 11 town mr and mrs wilds propirn dipjrtmniu miludnfi watir hyd- owncrs nolirid the council thx mtttr lllt tax a would not allow this business to bi j mint ticc cost of iht machine operated trom thi urn and thj r ported at m 000 and th com cmin ttce ordend ihe license can mi u tiommtnded thai the cosl celled i could be spread over four dipart a lhhfrom g- g hewatm- gtorrewwn repn sen ting shi oln m fud council lhi beink held responsible to am unit f 25 a da for our siid the j hi dur ing math i ik at mat luni could i ami numerous hi pus f i ma h tluitfro that tin- i oat lually lietwcn wim ji d the hydro arrounu seven ys men at regional conference mrs- ray watson dies at grimsby r m i i i f i men is dehviq oi nquns six montrs t the mr sht oralt h the commit recommended payment of ihe me share owards tht machmt ubjicl to approval of the puc out c 1 and b a show ing of hands tntaivth approved purchase of htir portion of the machmt hew son appeannc befon major oakes tp r said th txntenlion was tin mpson and councillor tur shrrn was nil rh tin jpo to mcel w ma in t it sa ti had uud son rckardinj the propost d bu id 1 iik if t iku t fr ntink on tht i in m in rattti i- c tutnir tt illnw ind mr if he pi c umiii l s uwiud bs tht town ard bix ill ru litni if j sh y i th io w uld rtqu n s r v win tlu s r d d frxm w how st i r i i t v i th ihrh ciunci f i would in- an ex j ft bob mcarthur this week resigned from the public utilities gommtsatort n which he has served for a number of years he leaves his position with the acton free press this week after 27 years to become a member of the staff of the maniioulin expositor at little current urges interest in affairs of world pi r f t s s pr v s r v id w- 1f rrd ut h hid ih n n i- i d pr s i r c s ed l i hull ii d j dsltl s 1 w h c ut c it ins itutd p i mini k t i duk it ix h re chap 1 o f hi d s tu ir mi i t n k 1 b r fi it t u h n m j cra ha pe s tt b ir i m i j i r ii d m t 1 t r mo i il i i oi ltd v k r r h b oks f- s ti wh t pr 1 1 a c i f n i t i d d f mrs r ii rn lik r i rs- n wo rid alfa rs a i di i d sund is st pi n b in and r al mdu i s i s i i dis wtrt ij h sihmull at l n y giniral s cntari maiiull jl11 a and g w mckii f silurdi v ents tnlj win ithndid is i iu 1 cook jack mcft ach juk greir and charles kirkncss both mr kirkntv and mi greer took part in a panel disiuss i iht ff r i t ion on membership aiid mr jmc r it kn7ii iookd ifttr the mimliii r im s ship form it t pc hufl 2u3 yi io mil 41 m 17 11 itut 10290 21 am 1 10 isby in ij ble w is th fir t f lln p insured by the fi or unhts on bi half f eirtj wh ch rt iivn sundav it totalltd i hoped other films n ir aid mrs johi had livd i rt k r it it grm ago sht was ii dr in t d hurt h hi i d i 11040859 waurwork areoante hiardmore co mdse m wiiace a tit man ltd i mdr 02 is r b mceaihern mdf z 00 pac fc flush tank c supp l 73 baxter labi joluimn 6j0 tht forest pol c nduslrj is pirptti ttcurt d n r- tenlhs f thi fori ms a wned by the peopk of cnada r grit stone isby or nor hern elec supp can brais co supp mm f w mavti ani mr d b sd jrd w ac a 1 n pored lha m na s tred der uff haltoi h it j h- t mas n bd rr djrtr f t jiiawat t k- ii rn r sm a t i his n o h nn rie- t nfi uk ms blow ihatked h ard mr- iurkbla pimted w i- a g f tie member were distn sd i ar iha mr r macahir n appear ad sd ia ar jeck i i rect rl onta man to hi d thf adm i s u quird b h cod l mo d t i j d 1 an ckid to rarr n a- a trsti i u d f i i i r i thi ul uffitit staff aj naubl j fc for tht hand int i h regula m at p a d sposal r coivtrm of ji haidei i pump at the pum h uc n w used i pa h as a stand b for f jrvuc vb i tjujiriji va increase pnsure n t ma i s d t e m d b b a t d ar as onsdtd t he pc jrnr ai on was left to h fered sm6 for he mi or with coi ummtw lo c ns der version estimated at r5 ctunci n rec ved 109 s2 of re decided to conuct the fm marsha xti r f i r aukus bfor ukiiti nv aein the ptvml pivt rypon ut he villi stpterrber showrd rines of 10 and ached n 1 oss m les driver b he cru ser c d ng secnars s i rj aid mrs w wolfe expted aj irtc a i r of the chapter r to ood work sum of monev was oted c it headquar ers for boxe bt nl tu canadian boss thonksatvmg text mmut aakea a sjaart wrk ek news artielea adverttif mta sl ar 131824 uric 1 and they had cunsiotod io ar their share of the cost a re- mmmdatiin to this iffect sroujd madi to round on monday it uai decided maytr oakes ou d no o ht pcler to see a nn ir machine m operation to that uld be arrived at by far frisur and saturday at- as early m pssssfbk nejt week mtulcuaal 1 tneitnwurn georgetown mi ton and acton compet ng are shown from the left in the back are paul barber georgetown trophy w nner of the 880 peter hurst acton umor champion emmerson baxter ac ton bantam champion don dasvk ns acton senior champion also holding the winning school trophy won by acton wayne artj c acton nfermediate champton eileen oates georgetown senior cham pon and betty anderson milton un c champion three girls were tied for the bantam champtonshrp and the tie was not broken mniay supr h ught r mlm i rep rted i a so amp use to take p r had rh ved th hydn it f ine i dew a ik chairman mararhur subm tted hn rrjjn1 n in m he commn siop take effect imrr daey as he was lav ng or o uke up a new posit on he rxpreoed apprec ation of the crpera on g ven by members of the commission and staff durrg j- i term of office the actor puc accepted with rete- the reaignatmn of chair man macarthur from the eomm s- non as of october 1 ism 25 year pin given ro fokmsbuctonian a is year ptn as psntd to omer acon res dent stan hack- e a the daverpon tsolts of the gereral eectnc company recent- y he befan work lh j coi- pr in 1bi7 but lost totae time jie pol year so hu oo ous ten ice dates from 19a bom- n scotland came to cnda at ar early he attended both pubue and hjffe vyooi n acton klamed he has a 10- year old soa hi parcala mr ard mrs j markie and a sister miss phyllis macfcie live in actoo

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