the acton free press ac on ontario thursday october 8th ims f of al news rtawu for tms cotwim may be phoned ta im or cent to the free press office fa acto world wide communion servlc es were held in locml churches on sunday heat was off in the schools on wednesday morning repair wen quickly made ten black caps were noticed on a raspberry bush at the home of arthur griffin rr 2 on sunday mrs mulrson of guelph is now teaching grade two at the public school replacing mi bar rett don t forget to mail or phone the free press the names of your visitors or where you have been visiting every item for the person al column is welcome assessment notices have now all been mailed the total assess ment is higher this year with more assessable property resident ial industrial and commercial tax rate is 51 mills newest pastime among young actonians is making bracelets and other articles of plastic thongs micro plastics has been so rushed with sales the police have been needed to lineup the junior hob byists fete foreman wife at dinner saturday jrfispjhiffifptmtnir l with g a dills in the printing and publishing bus iness in acton for 28 years and n milton for 10 years leaves this week to become foreman of the manltoultn expositor published in little current on manitoulin is land mrs mac arthur and johnnj will join him later in little cur rent bob macarthur has been fore man in the printing plant for 12 years and has done much reporting of council and other public meet ings m both milton and acton he will be greatly missed on the staff with which he has been associated for so many years on saturday evening bob and mrs macarthur were honored at a staff dinner held at hawthorne lodge milton and bob was pre ented with a gold watch suitably engraved mrs macarthur v ho as for leveral years a member ol the slatt w as also preseflleav rnt gift mrs macarthur has since her marriage continued to write ten years ago column and has asmted at the office on many sions johnnv was also pre en ted w h a pen and pencil from he staff in an address read by publ sher g a dills the valued sen ices of bob and mrs macarth ur were reviewed and best wishes of all txtendtd for continued sue cess n the new field bob macarthur has not only been a good printer and newspap i actor but hai been a good c ren of the community he has ertd for 11 year on the ac ton pub c utilities commission and has been chairman of ihe fr sx of those vears he i also a pat master of walker lodge a f and a m h and mrs macarthur took a keen and active interest in the commumti as a whole and they will be missed in man circles and by mans friends thc have made here they have spfnt all their year in acton and district wishes of many friend go with them for continued success in their new home quite a few from town at tended georgetown fair on salur day in the week ending september 28 six cases of poliomyelitis were reported to the halton county health unit from burlington nel oakville milton and esques ing on october 3 a case was re ported from oakville making sev en in two weeks every wedding of locat interest is of interest to the free press wedding forms to assist in writing the event are available at the office accounts of showers and eresenlations are also interesting i read in the weekly paper please tell us about them mr mclean regional director formally presented miss fern brown with her long service pin when he visited acton post office this week miss brown was un able to attend the postmasters convention in peterborough to re ceive the pin there prue v inners at the scout mothers euchre last friday even ing in the scout hall were ladies first mrs mary matthews second mrs b anderson third mrs betty footitt men s first mrs may wilds second mr rose third mrs walter footitt ladies travelling mrs ethel lingard gentlemen s travelling lloyd masai cs m mr 2 4 canada savings bonds the mast attractive canada saving rands ever offered i the canadian people ctnada savings bonds offi a rood return with maximum security and nn readily turned into cash al face value at any time tht prtstnt scnts olfirs a combination of high 1 desirable feature 0 a higher interest yield than ever before 115 payment al your convenience either for rash or by regnlar monthly paymenla our representative details will be pleased to call and arrange all gairdner s gompamj limited 320 bay st toronto representative r f bean tel acton 585 new york city montreal quebec city er kingston london calgary winnipeg births marriages deaths etc died acton i m hurrying to finish before i run out of wood someone once said you only get out of a ob what you put in to it before you start that ad dition remodelling ob or any building effort for that matter consider what you are putting in to the ob if the materials are shoddy and second rate your work will be as permanent as a smoke ring in a hurricane do the ob right with the right mater ials we carry a complete line of building supplies check with us before you unlimber your saws and hammers woodctodu the best in where every attraction means show satisfaction continuous nightly from 7 00 p m matinees saturday and houdays at 2 pm frisat oct 910 extra 2 short subjects tcrnjicolor caktoon be sure to see the demonstration of accordion and juilar playinct at intermission time saturday nint watson al grimsby on mon day october 5 1953 nela hel dir wotatin beloved witc of w ha watson 2 st andew s ave grimsby funeral service was held at grimsby wednesday interment fairvuw ctmetcry acton lanoan at st josephs hos pital guelph on saturday oct ober 3 1953 alicia laogan daughter of the late john langan and mar rutledgc dear sister of elizabeth toronto may georgetown and kathleen mrs f n galloway burlington requiem mass at sl joseph s church acton tuesday morning interment greenwood cemetery georgetown van de ileuden at su joseph s hospital on wednesday septem ber 30 1853 petranella de mun beloved wife of william van de heijden in her 43rd year funeral service was held on fr day october 2 to sacred heart church rock wood interment al petcra cemetery oustic thompsonat the toronto gen eral hospital on monday octob er 5 1953 margaret maude thompson late of 225 rhodes ave dearly beloved sister of blanche mrs brooks jessie mrs ktlly toronto prudence mrs mason acton funeral service wednesday in toronto interment park lawn ctmetcry ch1sholm suddenly at his resi dencc rr 3 milton on thurs day oct i 1953 leonard will iam chisholm husband of the late jessie moffat dear father of elmer brantford and lloyd at home grandfather of douglas brantford in his 80th year rate re inter e ereetrtemfttery milton taylor on monday october 1953 katharine bernard dvarly loved wife of john taylor rock wood dear mother of frank and madeleine mrs ernest ben ham of rr 3 rock wood and sister or miss edith bernard rockwood in her 77th year funeral service wednesday at rockwood united church inter ment rockwood cemetery wantads latebt time for insertion tm wednebdat rates no charge for announcements of births marriages deaths and engagements in mcmnrlntn 50c plus 10c per line for verses articles for sale rent etc 2c a word minimum cash 35c if not paid until after insertion 0c box no to this office 15c additional coming events 10c per count line 50c minimum cards of thanks 50c for sals for sale ice box 50 lb aclty phone 72 wanted wanted 500 bus feed grade fall whtat lorraine farms phone for sale eight roomed house i on scene st apply anna novak for sale hardwood fool lengthb robl warne phone b8w3 i foriale 1950 dod d d vgas az box 33 frte press a wanted couple want to rent house in acton or district write box 30 free press a phone 156 or 40 agnes for sale 3 piece wine and green chesterfield suit phone 17j a for sale one blue tick and walker fox hound 4 years old phone 96w2 a mrs r r parker institute speaker mrs george fryer was hostess to the acton women s institute on thursday aflcrnon mrs r l dav di n ihp president was in charge of tin metting when the theme was health tht roll cill was answered bv tell t c some h ng i kr p in m med rirn chest tr m i irld b mr h l hen n ea rg to i if or lav mc u eat was riven from a per i a k wledgt a d ixptremt w ilh good adv c tht guel spt her mrs r r talk on rwrw al x- r ence n thanksgiving sunday midnite show 0 shown montues oct 1213 matinee monday at 2 p m in memoriam bilton in loving memory of a dear mother isabel billon whe passed away october 13 1947 in our garden of memories we nuet every day marj dons and gord clifford in loving mcmor of a dear wife and mother alici clifford who departed this life october 8 1948 aajy intho beautiful hills of god bv the valley of rest so fair stmitimiil somt da w whin wt will meet our loved one thcr ecr remembered bj husband and famil for sale gurney coal clrcu laling heater al shape 1000 115 main st n a for sale skus and poks ski b ols size 7 ladys whiti ska us sizt 7 phone 358m a for sale bulnvi crusader lady s wrist walch 2 years old like new phont 309j leaving for cai gary this sunday room for ont or two p lingers clarence r id phone frin 52r42 a for sale 42 plymouth coach awhrrtmotrmnmnnfl40 siti rttrs i rvr-vr-tr- im wr for sale rogers majestir console radio in good condit on 12 inch speaker gives excellent tone rtisonable phone 255r a for sale boys bicyde fully equipped 3 speed gears hub bnk s generator and lights apply 115 bower ave or phone 2q6r for sai e boys fawn statioi wagon oat si7e 14 boys navy blue suit size 14 2 wool sweaters practically new phone 64w a for sale 3 cords body hard wood scveril cords foot hard w ood duncan moffat phone 1 15rl4 rockv ood lot 27 con naisagawiya for sai e 1 oil coi whilt tnamol good c nditio baker ind hrucr with bin pk allan gord n 31 mam i or on saturdaj i good 1 ap wanted during day reasonable will mind children while mother works phone 444 w a 14 2 wanted lady for general of fice work experience preferabl good salary and working oondit- baxter laboratories atf wanted ushers or usheret tcs candy attendant for part time work evenings and week ends ap ply manager roxy theatre deadstock removed from you farm promptly for sanitary dis posal telephone collect george town 11 or guelph 3334 gordon young limited if wanted all kinds of wood nrk general repairs furniture finishing and rebuilding to your tastt pick up and delivery er palle larsen co col brown rgetown nrileapjtyxdrysdtte b5mc watftedctiatrs tableipiano7 donald btvd a nr any other farnllute to rurrilsh the renovited rooms at the v don ations will bt gratefully received or will offer reasonable price ac ton v mca phone 26b a looking for a future there is an opening in a mo ntwspaper and commercial print ing plant for a teen age youth to learn the printing trade latest equipment and pleasant working conditions combined with other benefits an opportunity for a sound future should have grade x cducilion and be prepared to learn apply by letter to the ac ton frei press acion ont a for rent room and board available for one man phone 396j a for rent 2 furnished bed- rooms or would mike good 2 room iparlment cenrattj 1 catcd write b x 23 frte press the meeting closed by tinging pack up your troubles and smile smile smile the comm tee serred lunch adding to the octal part of the afternoon mrs wm hamilton tendered thanks to un parker ail wbo contributed to the program and o the hostess palp and paper accounts for third of all the electric power