Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 8, 1953, p. 9

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mubsday october mh 1m9 the acton free press acton ontario paqs hu roil rt aammo 58 si georges square gueiph couplete eyesiqht msstvmm famous racin6 car driver always drove with a our between his teeth- nut to smoke buttokeep from emtin6hist0n6ue i6rrott5twlwsttwkwwi2immrovwsakff7wrcktcv2faa cqk tahes on tintypes jthrpugh town during omt tour tot3waemi vkmivvjss wjcw ww ww waw sistcwps w www v world champion plowmen to go hew tstwusheoarecohirs 6mn6 the 8i66est tradein auommkeintdwnl see us too tmte vms worn til in on um6miiewe guuiantecd soomultigg fmemehqw emuumuke meahswu6et mhstbtiojier msswleoogtl thompson motors although we have no data re corded by a t brown on the above picture we believe it shows the installation of the bell for the clock on the post office tower which was installed short ij after its erection in 1913 when we first looked at this picture we thought it was one of the old bell on the town hall we are not sure who the work man is adjusting the s ap- jparatus but h looks lisergcoxeet king who was for some years in charge of hydro in acton but we may be mistaken and wo 11 be glad to hear from george who now resides at massey ont if our identification is in error the other four men will be readily recognized by residents of 40 years ago at the extreme right is norman mcleod whj was in charge of j b mackenzie s acton plant and no doublt built 1 thesfructufc i the bell next photo br a t br we is jim anderson who was first cirelaker of the post office build ing and held the position until his death geo hynds a reeve of acton and who had care of the clock is shown with his hand on the structure ind at tht left is chester plank well known for cars in acton all of the four mm standing have since passed copyrighted thi champion plowmt n of nine europe nn countrus mid possibly the can idlan and us champions who will be com pi ting in the first world trnctor plowing mutch at co burg today and tomorrow october h nml 9 will have a look at our community this month their visits at difftnnl ontario ctntrts art part of i specnl lour arranged to show inurtst ng urban and rural aspects of linitliin lif on thmksgivink div ntxt mon dav tht group will lean niagari fills ass through hamilton mjltorj and at ion tnroult to fnn agnrul tural fur tht plownun are gut sis of th rnn agricultural wcitlj al luncheon from inert ihiv travt i to watt r loo kitchtmr drantford md gut ipli on wcdntsdiy of ntxt wet k the visitors will agim pass through alton on their wiy to to run to altogether ii countrus will com pek with countrus represented dcnrmrk norway ml mil grtit britiin gtrminv hollind north irtlind litpublic of in i ind swtdm tht uniud states md tan ad a nit ksso goldtn plow troph bh matic of world plowing sup rtmicv wis brought to omadi by alfred hall englind secretarv of tht world ch impionslup ploughing organisation it is i replica in mm rt or tht norfolk plow which wis in common use in tht earlv 18th ntun ind is the fortrunner of arly ill modern plows tht world championship plough mg organisation was only formed last yiar and camdi was given the honor of bting host to the first mitch ntxt year the competition will bin the republic of ireland try whale steak rare or medium newest piscatorial delicacy find ing favor on manitoba tables is deep fried white whale steak reports the financial post ratht r vaguely described as last ing like beef steak with a fish flavor small quantities of the fish arc now being distributed to win nipeg meat markets behind the venture is a group of minitoba businessmtn who organiz cd adanac whaling co in 1949 to fish for white whales out of church ill man this year for the first timt the art trving to enter tht product into the human consump hon market on a retain th lare picture news from cil fashion hint oops tab it easy young lady be polythene one of lifting tec shes holding a 9 pound polythene carboy used for storage and transport of chemicals mor familiar uses of versatile polythene are in fleiihlt baody squeeze bottles and protective film bags for fruit and vegetables a suit with classic lines like th s one is in stjle for eeral jear luckih the box jacket have b no means takin over and suits bought three or four tars ago arc still as smart i ever perhaps the skirts could be raised a little the are artualh too long in some of the clothe- sold in the frst ex tremil of the new look the ballerina suits sold then are the only ones which have gone out of stle they had fitted jackets and ver full skirts a great many were sold in paddj green if you recall in the illustration of the good hrvenmem son note the close ui ting hat this years and the novel ly twirled umbrella have you heard the latet umbrella news square ones instead of round for our definition this week we choose a term which typifies the kind of dress thit becomes quickly dated although its verj while still in the news it the ulip 1 ne the t te which rounds nut n abi v the bosm ltavmg hi d phram wais- and h ps vc- i dff the extra fullness of accen ed bj petal shaped pieces nalt al h ch und nit industry develops fire danger upped all of us are conscious these days of the fact that canada is undergo ing a stage of rapidly expanding in dustnal development wt are con tinualty learning of new discoveries of raw matt rials new production techmquts plant construction pro jects and many other developments mechanical and electrical ap pliances are tn much wider use than ever btfore improved methods of processing products such as wood paper textiles are being sought in addition many new oil develop ments have arisen ind all of these art helping to make canada n and more self sufficient these new developm are also accompanied w ith i continually increasing risk of firt ind iccident hizard ind this fict r is of tht utmost importance what would be the use of these trtmtndous activities if fire and ac cident hazards were not studied in orritr to pn serve tht dtvelopmtnt fire loshes continut to grow and unfortunately camdi his the un t nv nblt record of hav inj ont of the instil si per capita loss records it must be remembered that fire losses consist not onlv of the direct loss of buildings machinery and tents but loss of life ind injuries tn hundreds of canadians every vnr further the closing of prem ists damaged- or destroyed by fire affects the population men and wo m n ire thrown out of jobs until such time as the premises are re built and ready lor production of goods it is well know from statistics that tht major cause of fires is careless ness if every canadian exercised more care fire losses would dimin ish and sii futons of dollars would be sav eftnaay no thin of the lives and injuries suffered by countless per sons every yew durint tni ir stiv in cimdn tht ovtrstis it mis will iittend irnnv iwnts in heir honor is will as seeing the ontario and quebec countrvsidi dur ng this two wc ks tour during which hit worlds top plowmen will piss thiough town th v will visit tht six nations re t nrmtfoni wh re mr hnll mil i huf rnmlo htn indn watsons dairy bar the best of everything includes coke on ttianksfiving you want th best of everything for your family and guests naturally that includes coca cola served frosty cold m its own bottle put coke on your but each home needs two kinds of light it s time now to throw some light n the subject of proper lighting according to lighting experts very home needs two kinds jf lights general and specific for proper lighting of your sofi lamps should go at each end on a table about s3 inches high with the limp ibout 20 inches to the right or left of where jou are sitting a floor lamp should measure 47 inches from floor to shade and to shed proper light on your work should be about 15 inches to the right or left of vour work newest devict tor ovenll lighting the fluorescent bulb hidden be hind torniccs or shadow boxes for wtll distributtd light 1 p pn duel i 10000000 at tioooik 6 bottle qz carton oo aiilnil ii m cmcu m4w l u wmi fm ch u therangeville bottling works orangevilie ont phone 137w windowcuanincs a whiz n rim p n housewife she finds that a c 1 1 cetluloae sponge saves her a it of work im firwonf hppnp in th rrr pjil hrrame these sponges are ultra absorbent the flat surfaces oner large areas auickly and hen squeezed dnr rhev do double duty as a chamois availabl m sm colors blu green coral yellow and huff lw j mmww t you cos oat a ht wod from a blend of orion and wool looking wwt and nil stam neat htmier c drlon and wool blended fobra qvcfcty lose canadian industmes limited montreal notice to creditors m the estate of andy bachpteky use sf the uugje 41 ariu in utencesnly ot ral len tanner deceased inlaid linoleum and tiles rubber and plastic ttles quaker fux1rs and are required to tie the same wi h the undersigned executor or or be fore the 24th day of ocober 1933 after wh ch da e the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to jie chums of which notice shall have been given dated at new toron o th nth day of september 1963 e w grant bt7 lkehore rd new toronto ont solicitor for michael bachinsiy a executor congo leum congowaix quaker wall plastic wall tiles venetian blinds plywood aluminum moldings warns and cl sending machines for rent clement floor wall covering umust momf 440 stainless steel double tub washer tft stum4t tu hchh two ctll baa tjk two coldtnll 6m tnb two foe doth one timod hmmmt domt sum two pillow com ami one ayw all- wool blol 50 00 tradein no money down 175 weekly all this with the most popular mattt washis clfancft resvwatkifie cloefci t wvlsf n hav boon ike booty poctahy fw 50 yon tkoy fhw ram cuomo h clotho in half iho hsh mattt wrings driir boottv gani ptom wnnoot koi bom oaoalud of ffrim o- ol ru clothw hot bollooa to orrktl lovot and praw conkel washer in canada for more than 50 yean the leader more told oorisss anw typak in conjodo every yeor than any ohssr isalr 1cattt lasts longtt siwov lslo ballmonne ockaisi dirael dnve fo be ni woothty eot eoiatty ed m talbot hardware acton 11 mhi short

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