Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 15, 1953, p. 9

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thursday october 151h 1053 the acton free press acton ontario page nine wears mce duster over strapless gown white gladioli and mums were placed in the chancel of westmin ter united church orangeviile tor the marriage o marion eliza beth wilson daughter of mrs lei wilson of orangeviile and wesley donald storey son of mr and mrs clifford storey or rr 4 ac ton rev ronald arkwright officlat ed for the four o clock ceremony on september 26 r t fines orangeviile the brides uncle gave her in mar rlage her wedding gown was in white hylon net over taffeta with a strapless lace top over this she wore a floorlength duster coat of queen anne lace which fealur ed a mandarin collar and long sleeves a cap of embroidered lace and seed pearls held her veil of silk illusion which was edged with lace her cascade bouquet was of red roses strapless gowns of nylon net over taffeta with lace boleros were worn by the attendants the maid of honor miss shirley roberts or angevllle wore yellow with a semicascade of bronze mums mbs helen snider of orangeviile as bridesmaid wore blue with pink mums bridesmaid miss joyce ho ley of orangeviile earned yellow mums against mauve all wore matching flower headdresses groomsman was harry cann ns of brampton brother in law of the groom ushers were bruce storey acton and murray hunter orange vi he wedding music was plajid by miss edith white the lords pray er and because were sung bj mrs arnold patterson the church parlors were the set ting for the reception which fol owed when the brides mother re ceived wearing a gown of blue crepe with lace navy accessories and a corsage of pink roses the grooms mother assisted wearing powder blue corded taffeta with navy accessories and pink roses guests were present from bar- ne toronto brampton acton belfountain guelph and grand valley as well as orangeviile leaving the bride chose to wear a grey suit with navy accessories over this was a full length viokt coat her corsage was of red earn ations tedderryan nuptials in toronto church the wedding took place in st barnabas anglican church toron o rev roland hill oficiatinfc of sylvia may ryan daughter of mr and mrs albert ryan formerly of acton and john albert teddei eon of mr and mrs frank h tedder given in marriage by her father the bride chose a strapless gown of white satin and lace with a long sleeved flower embroidered jacktl her fingertip veil was held bv a tiara she carried a cascade of red roses miss margaret prior wa- ma d of honor in a strapless gown of mauve satin with matching bolero jacket and shoulder length veil she carried a cascade of jcllow roses george d draper was best mar ushers were franklin prior and william langford receiving the bride s mother wore a light blue flowered lace dress while the grooms mother as sisted in a pink lace gown bo h wore navy accessories and corsages of white carnations value stainless sum double tub washer gcateojitt to piece tyt gttomtu tu gib iikmm two caldwil bath tow two caldwll god tow two foe clotki onewmad hoawhod dobw sw two pillow camt aad one aym hoimspunaiiwool biaxial hw 5 or tradein no money down 175 weekly all this with the most popular washer in canada for more tkon 50 yean the leader more old tacawia every year than any other make beatty washes cleaner fait wohlng claan wo thing tlmxjvlnj woifian kav bn lh beatty tpffciatry for 50 yean tnvy y you clean whiter clothe in half the tlm beatty wirings drier bafty giant pren wnnst hot nevat bn quailed lor jelling water out of the clothe hoi balloon rolh eaiy thift lover and pieiiure control beatty lasts longer sturdy timpu ball beanng mechanitm direct drive na beltt runt more smoothly and quietly and far outlaid other typet talbot hardware 22 mill stmt e chronicles of ginger farm written specialty or jh acfcm tree press by gwendoline p clarke f muds if you ever intend visit ing for thi first time somconi who lives in n niw tub division let me advise you to find out the exact location of the house other wise you may find yourself on thi same sort of wild goosi host somi friends ind 1 experienced t few wick ago when i was in ot law a the postal address of the per wii i wanttd to call on whs quir ries po no street no house name or number so 1 nalurallj concluded that once quarries was located the rest would be eisy i could n t have made a biggir mis take wi fiund quirncs without my ttoube east of ottawa wi alio found new sub divisioi s plenlj of them we wander d u out road and down the next we stopped to inquire fiom it least 1 dozen persons did any one know whin mrs f lived no body dd i nnumnncd tin di s cnplion of thi hmist in her lii letter a nici littli five roonud bynilow iboul two years old but that discriptu n smtid stores and sions of other houses thit we passed and iht roads struts oi whattver tluy nil them one wjs jcactlj bkl another all the iamu length and width with front lawns and cement walks kadinj to al most identical bungilowt or cot lagcsjjic only noticeable dictucjicc possibly the front door no doubt thi inside of uk house showed a little more individuality but from the outside any person might bi excused if hi didn t nc ognize his own dwelling and walk ed into the wrong house by mis take in fact 1 know a man who did just that and was qu tt sur priced whin a woman who wtisn t his wife cam forward to greet him just to keep the record st night i might add tins man was a total abstainer well to cut a long stor short w never did find mrs r and then as luck would have it mrs f callid here one day last week higbecup aa unprotecj wrphsshfawir and i shi didn t hi- i tore i mifchl add hi didnt hivi an tri uble in loc ting us- m don i mm f nd tw i that look ixacth aliki f lh tin rhitlc llll of h ii fem 44y completely d froi ther urn though farm folk hu liken to pa n 1 1 n t the r ilhir pink or jellow but of course tint time may come mii mir cm tell espec free pyrex bowl nothing to send fori a psuel blue pyrex bowl u now pecked lojide erery gut sit package of pnnccii soip flikei thi iman untie bowl it guaranteed bci rctuunt collect a complete bowl offered free so you ii ry prince the prrt soap ukei thai waih jpobt clothe fluffw white yet are o mild ihey can actually be used in a baby bath today get ihe giant slie princeti flake 1th th- frw pifrx rl n1 tsw lly if one had paint thai needed ting up the cost of paint being lite a consideration in hi si old houses for initance uur dining room is 18 ful square inu bid room and the living room18 x 21 bujing paper and paint fur rooms at size rinllj runs into momy will our bride and groom have returned from their honejmuou to vaiuouvir island and hav sit up housikeeping in oakville far in ougli away lo be completely on r own but neai enough so that make useful gifts wa presbytery for part worker j ho atnin tea i th october meeting of ihe daughtir- of kn i h id on moiuiiv chin thetr qui frequ they were in for suppei now with a married daughle mairitd son we really fn have a family a stiorl family wait until i tell y u condncu d h i of our other family we have im i thi t if the mi h was tnt ijt countj presbytery ortobtrl lhp women s association held of fimibtlh jaiy ailtumn ua al s pnui s uimpd presidint took charg cnurch milton thursday october un 1st in order that the members this was canada night afi thi opening cenmony iht n mi vice the i ight of 1iv londuited b mrs a j buch nsssu d bj barbara anderson flinbith jany ported two little kitten supposed lo bring one home for daughter but whin 1 saw the two together i hadn t the heart to pari them so i brought them both hotm th me tippy and honey jusi love them but mltchie white uses all the swea words in his cal voc bularly and the kittens reply in kind tonight we reall hid quili picnic two dogs two n and two kittens all in the house it the same time ind ill wnnting to bi ed i lookid after thi dogs f r 1 nd put thur dishes out in tin loodshed then i shut off lh kit tins in the sunroom and fid tin ts in the kihhen when llu v re through i pm thi m nilsui d lit tin kittens in truly iii i never t dull moment ir und this hou e we inn st i h ift i if th ivd id w bought slxly ying pullets iflir filing our moult ng hens thi pullets are hybrids rock ind himpshire crowed nice qimt contintrd lil tie biddies or so we thought unit thtm ninning around in the lane the mun iiidow frimts in the pen have ng but mother window silferfa their wings f liberty pirtner call ed me for help jilsc as i was get ting dinner we mamged to run the pulhts irito the cow stable and ntually caught them but be lieve me it took longer to do than it does to write it potatoes for dinner that day were overcooked tnd unsalted wi wonder is the hck of in tercsl on the part of farmers them selves responsible for miny f their problems rcmaininr unilv recently partner was out lo a meeting in regard to the markiling of ccrliin dairv products there was ihe president and ind three othi r firmirs partner a tnnquel was to bring thi men out am thur interest intormt problems to bi discussed est n bemj fid aiin v seen la ry period w jorraim kmgsm instructed bills on t would becime better chip nwiiinlnlcd guests were received w oy the president mrs belfprd nn savige of oakville and mrs j at i blair of milton the guest speakir mr- j l w hnlptnny pnsl pres dent of the dominion council wa chose as her subject the fruitful tree u mrs ko foster accompanied by r her daughter jennelle was guest pd outslindu lynda 1 lh an mviuitmn to attend a soloist fill rally of the girls groups of lunch was served by the execul the giitlph presbytenal to be held lve of halton presbytery wa at eluni wab accepted and plan- pou lea during the tea hour e made for transportation we mrs thomas hedley of bur- nominntions wirt conduct d ly secret billot with shirley mason and biverliy smith appointed is itineers iuw cinnda snng t hi fur brigado was t night by in mi an an inter sting qui did i w followed with all llu g ru nt pint in tin diiu sion th nilt i f tlii and mrs hunter reid of about 90 guests h undid from georgetown acton churchill tillinafad milville hornby low ville burlington bntite oakville june watkir her h ime for ik ti inttpot a damtv hi onjmit oncludd invited thi kn is to ihe november mee ilion w is irringed m mhers w i re wel- irvl by i il hour ing even- no modfl twi frund wen discuwini thiir ilomnbil iraubks whit modi i jour cur nsked oni h isnt no norl1 jht it i it s i hornbti ximpk clearing auction sale in the townshtp ot erin or lhe stock implements furniture etc walter lambert to s b public auction at his farm lot j on the fir lnu em about m miles north of no 7 hk i j ibou 3 miles west of saturday october 17th commencing at i o clock sharp the following horses and harness bay biltum mare about 1450 lbs 9 j rs old bay belgium gelding ibiut 1500 lbs 4 yrs old grey carnage gelding 7 y 0 g man genera purpose aged set of isjv hdrncsscollara nnd etc ffi- for just m down you can buy a canada swings bond d0w pitmen 01 v i fob a s0 bono s fob a sons tic itlmce us at sa of yon can buy your bend tor c or by instilment i your neiehbourhcoo b ot m brjr up wwsw aaon branch gorixn oder manage working with canadians in every walk of life since 1 hoos2 young york sms bred sep i york sow bred sept 17 york sow bred sep 15th york i s i bred st pi 16th th se ows uri d 11 pigs e ich at lust far r w i g i rk boar 8 mulls old ji ihr t shoats l pouitry 20llr m 14 t i tr 2 spr ng c p 12 rh re oxf 9 ewe imbs 3 re oxf d r i tj th cj hart i mcc rm ck ower 10 f dump d sc dr spr ng turnip siwer set set truck wi i umber wagon hay rack 2 cu ers 2 bugg is s lop sle gh g 1 a nui log burks section gr nd er grind stone post hole digger fvks hoot shovel ixg chi r oa ne barrels pcks boxes i hoppers wrenche augers axes crowbars cross cut saw and man articles too numerous to furniture 2 enamel beds bad st 1 7 rgs dressers wath stands tables kitchen chairs couch let ses quebec stove i h er milk pail puts- pans etc jthr homfn f will be sold rear the start of the sale apet th ma 1 art cles usually sold from the terms cash on dy of sale no ar cles to be removed t 11 e vd fo no reserve as the prop- etor reinng auctioneers hjvdley i ei j iott p 103 rtckwood or 1t7j m on frtd bapue clerk mr a harris cashier 6 umited special heinz tomato ketchup lloz btl 24c heinz chili sauced 39c tomato juice z 29c heinz beans w 2 35c heinz spaghetti kf 16c we are bepeatmg thu bed hot special miracle whip 73c ksaft salad dressing 32 oz jab swifts cleanser 2 27c pard dog food 2 isi 29c prem danked meat to 33c allsweet margarine 37c jeirel shortening 27c swiftning flfo 33c 8pk0ial miaoasa kist with peotst strawrerry jam 24oz jar 37c fhee kitchen shears with numilk fs 99c margarine m0 31c special carroll s own tea bags 30bao pko z9c 60 bag pko 57c grapefruit 96s florida 250 s oranges 5 for 25c doz 29c cello tomatoes pkg 17c i marsh potatoes hte35c 10 lb bag onions 29c cello carrots 2 for 25c

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