Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1953, p. 4

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paqi four the acton free press acton ontario thunaday octodkn ttnd 1059 of actonians visiting outof town points and of visitors in acton homes e sun mrs h k suulike dearborn mich i visiting friends her hr iihi mn r j btxw toronto visited in acton day misses elisabeth and jean mof cat of toronto ntonl sunday wllh acton friends mr and mrs geoijie bomervllle vialtcd over the wick end m uin don and sarmu mr and mr h whmton have returned from vwilint m new york and toronto mr and mrs 1 o johnslui spent the wck utd in iort col borne and hamilton mr and mn r a gordon to ronto imlid at mr and mis g h uintis on sun las mr ami mrs j van flo l wait cd sundn w th mr imt mi llojd htshti geirktomi sund tfilom with mi nn i mn auhrn lu iu u mr and mrs mx iiue of umlph mr and mr tt j till nud joil of toroim til t mr and mi r i jhnston s nut in jfti rno mr and mrs onim o 1 im f albion ontnuo is tod uimndn with mrs smrs md m vs b don mr j mtxtlidrr lif it van lunff alan winnipeg mr and mr alana and drtw an visi ion thi ol mth m l ishman 1 ni in at and mrs oxfcishman mf atid mr knkt mcontrheorr and jnck md mi and mis go- don mcclitcheoii and ml t ed m u nd i on sundo mr iid mr kx rom ni tort i u montreal ih dr and mrs rosa and tit sseial dis last week lhl nd mrs lnnk macgibbon mrs coat ns of toronto it is itinj hi k in acton with hi r aon ps r ka cvs ru f tin aeon bapils huroh mr- cwhr u srd dtu rs mi and mi sidney johnson of toronto spent the week end with mr and mm uutfh hold mr lohnson was lhc speaker at tlu baptist church anniversary servte i mr and mrs karl lambeii and lis william hamilton aitnidtd nnlvertiary aorvhe al the stone horch centre inn rramoaa mr taylor of fergus wna iiuest spook r mr hnny mainprut in attend nn tin autumn board met llnti of the s nodical soeity of toionto and kliijisloit woman a mtsalonurv society being licld in calvin ln bitnnn church toronto r week end v i dill wie i f th n nth dr john mi i viouto mr hi ltd dull mai johiihton hiokwll knoidi himkxilh mi john hlak of the jlur n bxpml i si a forth and films of interest shown mens club tlu men a club of lit- united ehunti h lit their first monthly meoliim of the fall and wlntei season last wednesday ovuulnil with a fulr attendance mr thus cleltnlly nrenld nt upoiud tin meeting wllh the singing of th national anthem and mr leoig day at the piano fdlowod by u hymn and uev john dills led n prayer mi utllally dealt in mul tors nlallve to ilub adlvlllts a feature of the evening wm number of films shown by m john htemnrilo of klumiwi wlikh wen inleitallntl u llinmuh tin films aliow it dealt with scenes in miami florida toxaa california boulder ham on t oloradn ulver and of urout capullty some 40 mius wuh and tin mil lniu and a luifchl f aa ftt oumludluu with a null n f film devoltd t gait hvie hiiow al tlu omhislon if tlu film uk a fruh douse fire thought set by children d h ulli nd j d c hurch hantea mi- hl it mi mu engagements mr imt mrt edwin purjmin h t tnnoume tin i tifctn m i l thir untest daughti i tillnn t rtinn to robtrt demtiond onh t of mr and mrs john ihj williamt th itarnuti jo take iimet tfiv lmtlrtc grade eight wins card competition mtomtlnr 510 w ias inrcl hat hot i schvil pupiw in mh shirh ma soi nd mrk riissll irth of christ l s ild b pull a rttnl dr m i of kld si of brad reserved seats on sale now royal winter fair nov 1321 oder seats now for this colorful amual een featur ng the rc wlp muscat ride matinees wed 4 fi si 00 saturdays 1 50 si 00 evenings mon tues wed thurs 2 50 1 50 fndass and saturdays 3 00 2 00 including general admission enclose a self addressed envelope with our chque or monn ordi r to royal winter fair ro aj ottseum toronto onl topp nj tin ihil fir indimduil su in cliuss c mpcution kntd eitht placed first stthnr 2 worth of cards with 82 25 tlv gndt six and stm class of r mi keown ltnil sttond the profit from the wle of this card- is ustd to bu different it em for the ichoot iast year rym equipment was purchafd and trn ear a new set of book of know ledgi and a new duplicitor f 11 ul d i lllllh m mix rs ihi u lb 11 1 rdjvlt ri in xihf h ill a l lit i f r tibn i rkimis ull f mil jti miss ihyll 111 v supidld ih iirvln at th 11 nun i id i tnn overflow rowd i sl vifs oils attndd an al tin mon l tin it ill t ie moiiunu e iiinhle lo uai at in won ltd kim talor k k ls w is umm iisuj nilnlslt pcr as injd ahd wjjl attendlil mondav tvniint mr rkhnid hun n is m at ion to a film in roniiittion with hit mtns club f si allhin inn ih ii k i im was m iharm of tlu pro jttlor th film fntui btin th powtr within dcaliiij v 1 1 1 chunh f etikiiihi uluilits ii iauinafad mission groups hear mrs zledman umhe of mtiol busy nea i ies ami quit k o ilii iitnfolk onitkly txlliiituh flu bt lb ml nh by ihllditi ro ka before ii uul imyoiul on sunday morning wt4n luad townwhlp workmen ai w idenlnil the i rooked lill the mhool making it miilt dangerous for holh molnilau ihllditii dim r injuria we extend the sympathy of the titlire eummtiiilly to mr and mia harold lliowu in tlio deulli of her brother kollh jnyic who afler u brave otiuggli to nisivoi fiom a ftuttitltd nplm anil iaiiilynlh pons rd iiuav on friday in tnuiiln oomnal lluipltal f ullarn luumd mua f collins of the w t liranb ih purlmeiil of atfrlt iiltuie toioitl i ndti ltd u most inatrutt u let tut ant dist itaslon meetlnu on tiillui 1 aithllin in ih mm miniilv in i lineh us mem ulu hall wlirlay hurt it anniversary mm s 1 ih 1 i al ilaiyli h 11 iilumn lhanksglvlnu w n hunduy night for all tlu it tin mr ilia ii m was guesl spoil hi i janle huher snug a soln mission hand gave a number and the akin family of osiirlnge sang all were much enjoyed miss maiy jennings look iht otrlpluro study mr ituwi tluswt lht mqrtlng wllh prayer w a moel the w a lliol last week al hie hum of mm kdiuiihd ih pies id nl mia maiahal presided i h mm ling opemd wllh iht w a mnd hymn prayer and mili nut or ritttons ah canidinn north wtsi and th onnl th film al through w is vrj ml r stint rmt wi s fell in town la- vtik in co miction with ernie sigsw rlh s fatal accident m thanksgiving day ivininj on no 24 hiffhwnj sundav it st johns t hurch wjs children s ixty and outh sunday with rc r e prict in charge of the mr nnd mr r rgils were v diy evening mel e about 00 mothers at kindergarten tea about 50 mnt hi rs of children ul lending auhuol for tin first llim this yar gathered lu the klndu garten room thursduy aflernnon of lust week fm the miiitial klndtr gallon na apnnsorid by the lloim id ndhonl association mrs it mean wetenmed the mothers mi half of the hume nnd hchnol mrs j hurst niilllnid the work f group to iho parents mrs j dills ihu kindergarten toucher plained uumt the open night lo in held ut the school after the report is are given out hilt intrndiied her asalatanl miss king tea and refreshmciila weri pi joyd mrs w wolf and mi ii h parker poured a fl i imputing hmidwirk ill iluyid iibiul i hi ru in th irt hi ura dltp rued on b half of tin company i would like to exprlss our firatl tud to iht act n r ir br k id for the fast and efficient methods us d to cor with our recent fire mai 1 also extend our gratitude to the person thit notified th tv mm in the plinl md to fdwnrd h in nnd fergus quce for holding th fire under control until the brinnde arrived a p green fire brick co ltd g v barbau came from holland to canada in 1927 a brollur of it vildhuls of a ion jan veldhuls died hunday at hla resident 210 ifouifwood ave hamilton mr v 111 ula was m hr came ui aiiada from holland in 11137 he had htmi a rosldant of humllbm for tin ut 14 yvars mr vetdhuu wti a rsllrsd wholeasla florial iii- was s member of phllfdl lawmaila he la auivlvl by bio wife mar i a iluiightrr murtls vmlillt ut hihrelur htn- b- hn m of hamllloii cutuu j ut wlrf new clitliios thine alatara threa hrotbrm and ii r bu1 tlmrr funeral atuvlio waa halt wd niday in humillm foil i uy kilinneil u w ii r i metif last chance if you havo not already taken your lucky ballot into bob rldtdalss don t delaydo it today you may bo the lucky winner of a luxurious ilp in lining topcoat draw will take place this saturday night ida brand specials sold on a moneyback guarantee antacid stomach powder 59c 149 prompt relief from indigesli regular prices 75c 1 95 cascara tablets 5 gr 100t reg 39c administratrix auction sale estate of the late km wilson avtrel in the village of hillsburgh saturday october xlth at 1 00 o clock h res cattle implements and large line of good furnilurc fillinjure will he snlrl first the annual meeting of the acton conservative association auction sale of pare bred and grade hotateln owe and hrtrrra dairy equip ment and lark hoc tht undersigned hit received ins ructions from h r q johnston to m 11 bv public auction at his farm lot 2 con 6 township of nassugawija 3 miles west of mil t in on wfdkehdat october a coninuncmg at 2 o clock sharp the f tltowttig registered holsterns gntciirth de kol freah aua 38 not bred gawsgarth rag apple n dm oct 30 mercedes poprh d ami nd a heifer born march 11 ivj h kh acr slur queen hel f r lon june 24 1952 dair equnmfjtt i t u rsal i ii i milking machlm wi h pi i h used 14 j ears hogs i erk o w h 10 s 1 york ow with 9 pigs grade holste1ns 3 h is eir ctv5 frssh 1 morth nol bred 1 helstein cow due no 7 t ho sletn cow due no 12 v h lslein cow due feb ii i ho e n due mirch 10 1 hoist em cow due mav ti i tftatetn wv d ju 19 1 hoist n co due jan 19 i holstem heifer due jti 3 1 hoi iffin heifer due feb 25 1 holsie n heifer due june 11 1 guernsey heifer due mar7 3 houtn hei fers ih tears old open 1 holste n heifer 1 tear old 1 holste n hel fer 11 mon h old 1 holstem hei fer 10 months old i holstem hei fe- 7 months old these cattle are all tounr and heifers laccinated terms cash with clerk drr of mle no reserve as a recent injurr ntifmtatcs the proprietor go nj iht dairy i tw htvtjley andelttott auctioneers will be held m acton town hall thursday october 29th at 8 p m cleaning fluid 4 01 reg 35c 10 oz 69c idol agar 16 oz 40 oz res 7c 1 5 mercurochrome with rod oz rogour joc penetrating liniment 4 oz reg 45c witch hazel 4 oz and 16 oz reg 30c 75c 29c 39c 59c 59c 1 19 15c 39c 23c 59c ihonf r dro in iit jrovjj ajbabkidsdal6 i t weekend special 6 only mens tweed coats 100 pure wool just right for going back and forth to work on cold morning this weekend only regular to 4500 995 mens and boys wear 37 mill st phone 225 christmas cards shop now for the best selection of excellent assortments 50 cards it selection all cards inl sure to delight imlxrs of iht family i our best vnlui for 98c our finest selection tift lo iv cirds especial l s lect d for wide appeal family assortment 1 50 distinctive cards is is in c xcell nl assort nl of bett r qu ility ds 21 cards for 1 00 powder puffs reg 10c value 2 for 15c vacuum bottles british made 98c 1 we have a good crop of safebuy used cars 1951 plymouth 1949 mucukt 194s dodge 1936 plymouth guild motors mofxury lincoln meteor dealer idas own famous bronchida cough syrup prompt relief from bronchial oughs the finest product of its kind 8 ox bottle 75c writing pads ida s own economy brand note size reg 10c 2 for 15c ladies letter reg 15 2 for 19c halibut liver oil capsules a d v tamns 75c 1 29 a 79 clours manfii 6bc 1 13 halo shampoo 39c 65c ftbc hudntil egg cremt shampoo 75c 1 25 2 00 h idnut horn permanent re fill 1 i hudnut cnmt rinse 75c 135 200 liht md bright 1 iid fsihr fare cream spe cul 150 size 1 19 pond s nr 1 skin stl c linnse 65c 39c rybutol b- vitamin capsule free offer bui the 55 9t the combimti i t tl 9b t i e rbutoi in offer and get iroo ton absorbine jr 1 19 2 39 alki seltzer 34c 6fic mltnburj s haliborarigc 1 00 1 75 3 25 apu s ii baby pants 39c r aspirin special 29c child rens aspirin free with f r cular pack rih betns w ir chnsps enerjcts 60s 5 95 dr chases ere food 9c i 9r c larasil 6c 1 19 trushay the beforehand lotion special offer i get the new 9 or thrift sut r y pjlcfcd al- we have had the pleasure of equipping one of the acton districts largest farms with massey harris equipment and now offer the following for sale no 44 si rndflrd tr ictor belt pulley calcium 195 ferguson tjactor 20 85 modfl 1951 ford w th mounted mower steel wigon rubber t red sleel wagon no 11 mh manure sprtickr on rubber irar tor hitch i h c 7 binder on steel i i hc 28 plate landem disc 7 93 value for only 5 95 plus a free smooth flow d sp riser fits the medium zed twnle too 1 both for coopers drug store e s cooper phm b master loader for m h 44 standard tractor charlynn pjmp no 6 m h 7 scm mounted mower i h c 15 run fert i set dr ii grass box tractor h tch power lift no i8mh 3 b nder on rubber no 33 cockshutt one way d sc 5 i h c 4 goble d sc depth gauges 4 sect on s mh no 14 sprmgtooth harrow and evener 40 plate cocvshutt double d sc 3 s ct ons fleury b sset spr ngtooth haitom an i evener two i h c model 4fj0 pto spreaders no 26 m h 3 furrow plow steel wh 23a bottom no 8 i h c 7 f e i r t vaor 2 row i h c sem mounted voa this equipment is in remarkably good condition h has boon well maintained and is offered at very reasonable price s l any o tr nterested in murt allison masseyharhis sales and iamcf georgetown tuavgh 73291

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