Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 29, 1953, p. 1

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rtfamjfett ft seventy ninth year no 17 acton ontaklo thursday octoiwr arh ivij ten home print pauei six conlk prize winners at the halton plowmq malch received qoods donated by halton merchant and indus try shown here are firtt prize winners in some of the classes that plowed ndges on thursday ol last week at the annual event from the left are j a randall brelau winner in the tiactors 3 furrow entry jack taylor burlington winner in tractor mounted plow class a howden milton winner tcnc tors in sod under 21 holding the bank of nova scotia irophy keith merry hornby winner in second class tractors in sod and glen jrwin milton in fronf winner in iracrois m sod under lo and second youngest plowman of the day nalton plowing match held o ruddel farm let iu huu utility clnsjtis al our plowlni rnukhen iml uiho let ui have perfection slutid j a unoll awtihtuht lipuly mlnim r of ali i culture tor ontario whin nddrt wilnk tin hulton plowmen nt tin n turn quot in tlu ntirvul inrikh hull follnwmk thi ii unnuiil nuitih in id or thuntdnj of limt wetk on tin v rt d ruddt 11 fiinn w hsum sink tuwnshin mnnj folk htttud mr citrroll an cnticul of thi nmnunt of hand lliik dun nt oui plow iiiu mntcht s nd whilt ndniutlhk lliut quite of ten plow mm hk nd too much umt on lln ii irnwns to lu cti irimt nt of uk ust of tin ii limd nt vt ithtliks peoph do not flock o nt pamwd burn out tin do jo to nit u iwlntcd pictuit it w bv tin spi uki r hint ii to u ninjoi nlitm do not tuki hum dliul from the piistuit f u id in n most ini rcitliii wn mr carroll who was pniidtnt of tlu rw lit world iluu inn mutth in id ntitr column nullinid objec tlvis of hikii a match and hit mi prvuitotik h allied l mim uf the visituik plow nun your count r atnltd nm of thi diliktitrs from finland to mr curroll li a land of freedom 11 wus pointed out b tilt uptuker thnt 25 ptr cud of tlu finnish people lust their imnuk and farms in thi war nith communist russia a dclcsntc from anothtr furop- en countr was impressed by the lack of class distinction in canada still unnthcr b tht ahundunct of rood land und its chmpntss when compared to tluil in most furopean ctuintrus the halton match in the opinion of munj was one of the most sue- ressful matches rcr held by the halton association in nn imt it was one of tht most beautiful ilv a total of 61 ndk win turned and tht first two or three ridcm in inch class would compare favurabh with an thing to ih seen btn hi n stated tht official judges wm burnt of gait and altx black and t it on a k displic t r think tluil is in fai m murium i u in n ll mm s lo sliikink mat hi i pin d lo admit th rudd ios 1id and niwtum ai in iks in till him his 111 utl m ii thi 1 iitidi xilitors who had bun lining tin lid udks and funn mm i i n- i i pink cmiki kld mount hik mm him s l uik piloti 1 in i and nwt illsp ikk mpli i 1hi n suiul s ma of hornln and sntiuir wilson of nm u rtpmttd tht ir tnumphs of a war ago h winniiik tin fsso sptciali for the l st riiljt s l tlnlton plow mt n in walkim plow and ttaitor i lasst s rtsihtln l aiiktlui pltasuik fintuu of tht hilton tniuh wn tht thri falhi r and on iimilmiiitions plowing at tht miuh the included j c tun niiikium a s t i ihi f h rnt this ittii and oi c 1 tntu jtik h ti1ot ind son ixn of school equipment for lorn planned tht tt uclu rs and parrnls of lirn sdiool hdd u ukissrul imlir i iintlv h proctt ds of whuh win i 1 pland in tht scli funds 1 winds ihi ink spur mid mm ml 1 rum inn tuuipmtiit for pupils tlier wirt about 11 uihls n pli with iuck pri7i w nm r a tollows indies high mrs i ng ir bob hnl la 1v mrs slew i gli r 1 din id uid mnrdin mn ompson tlic door pi mrs w brackt n mi i ialent-arrangd- ladies aid told the mtrlllh f kiiiik 11 shjl iiiuii udus aid uus l id in hit- class i mm ol tin ihmti i w 1 mdi iifu ii lsl wink lh pxsid nt mr- h i mil ul ihnn pnsidd til uiplmr if u u s imd b mr- h ai ciiim n itd mi- it h 1iiki id m pi us i in m i p ili u g d vat y i i j i v l ilk 1 n o 1 in 1 i 1 il is- i 1 7 teachers attend federation meeting imsd it nuik pufili ii i t in fins fr m ih diti i iiidud ii k iiii mi ln w 11 m- in 1 101 1 mi oh s ii u ac r m i in ltu anuii pubhi iln il lo i m1iiik if hi t iirfu i s jmii h ii in tin ah- in of mi- iimbli mi i na bnndi r ud hi minute a donnin u of 20 ua imd 1 dwill for ixihahm 1 jill is ii 1 smi lo ih anc r fund it was d cidtd 1 h cir ii tniitiiik with prajtr mr alg i jirsidtd hid 17 turners w t unscramble cars in freak accident ii him i tol nil id i ll i 111 a i lk ii lhlludillll lo fllll out 111 fn k arcluiil dial hapi mod i i of acton mi sunduy whu onolahl h h lamlild it h f 1 il itigiiinld lii hi iph spur lulph wi p ih il d kt dint siniii hllllipm of llilll inl hi i n ti in iph mu johllslou 1 i i i tem1 of ih ih i kin ltu i ft flol i ih ii ii f i i di f kdlt m mlllll dil spurs and nil of mils tnniilid il ui grand jury reports on county bldgs ntidtafindlng 4w hill in ihne 1 luminal ihm hmd ut th iall at jiphbenhami9 predict 54 rate increase dies after crash qll actoh hydfo system t nilci th funiul in a tn da of 11 yu ld j impli 11 t of bu itoi h did f ill wi dil ion of hui in k 1 il oidit tiling in i d win n liilul lit u llilu ula mia 4 i 1111 llllktoll lsi ilolpl od ml- i 1 i ill d tlu ih ilhilm f hi m ii lldivi mi will ii ham gmlmm1s mi mi n uinuii iiitpli hnii1s molld ll n iil inhuia 1illin ii v m si wail hddu sit wait ii t 11 ssm ntk ii crm 1 f and ln slm k jiu flu ng inili f lllv bin 1 sln iw iruka illldd al ii j mli i of n 11 nd n juki y t in mili noil of ih r l ii dld in loionl ni jmspllnl an tmployce of ih mnuiiia t ikairuili in company he was work al hi mm of ilu audi i 4aiollici tnuuaiikt iui wjlu iiiiii in 1 inialinio hi nt fin tlfil mayni u oiikun i in 11 on ll l i willi iulilk ulllltlta o ifialon 111 tt rtpnlul 1 mnily 1111111 i mid iijui mil hit nilni 111 hydin niud ulijil i appioval iii onlnilu uydio h ii i ll ii iiwei com- 1 if a 11 pnul 11 hi 1111111 dli liluit lamil iipo ul d hy tllti ui11i imlll ilu in kl iiuihik pin ling u lnuklowi of thu vtluhmi tluik tuprlldllllli itn s m of hi humltoii hydio otiul off i e thpluin d hit nettd fi hit- mtiiliii imii fi liydnt sputlon of nil hiiildnign in lountv maintain 1 and optial piihlii fnnda lown i his ai 11 iidntjotis linudid 11 hud hn 1 vious tand i111 r hi mud juv ih hlhlh 1 us i- mows i da i hkslij f i ii 1 lv l in 1 nil foi 1 and jm y tt muililain alsjt as 1 rmill of huiiia lit h1 ii illy hfoir hud w rd f diulh of hi fiith r of u lit ail talk riu in nli 1 mill loll did will u ulti h dump iiuk div n in willum fi1 jil f u ll li11 iiku luiih w i 1 1 in 1 1 1 4111 f i i d ii alfi i w 1 us i 1 111 1 ijunri formally inducted at the pal lor of aclon liapliil church was ray costarus in a ipechil service ihufidoy rvuiiiny of idsl week miiiiilcis of the gut iph assofjrt i iiun ol idplis ihurches took part llm serviie cilleiuleil liy re scnlntivci 71 clistrid fidihit yrl mii ineiuhers of ihe ion miioteiml aibodohon 1 i ii scout apple day receipts 22868 i ii 2 guest speakers at anniversary p costome as movies taken gmhlt ili luaiou f madl ippl- i 11 hy lit hn- 11 it 1 mi 1 a ll s ut ll op hi day 1 s 1 ii 11 i 1 i i jm ui lay 1 ii g hi i i ml ap 1 ihr mnimii n lliut 1 y iimii gi t d i 1 i i my ih dy f ih d j i1 um aft ut dig lo ritnrri h in miii di dm ird n i prof t fi w u w irk is shfitui iu1 y i lh siouis mtid 1147 a oi plm is i t iju a v i 11 vamd hi dy nfi rir ui d ih hoys 11 on th sir is un i dfr to dor slordjy until u fihtirr ihr hn innn hi liuu ikd r wen vrvtd by ll mitlee mr w wntkn nd mr hui hy t d t christian reform group meet in y a d sine met ing of th i i iv phv f h chr st r h f c hurtli w i h id ii ailoi fnd 01 hir 10 w th r n ik ii kir pre grim rirntd in both dutch and fiikl sh talks ud sing r k were pr th pn knm thi indii n r v mumford of ft rgiks ui it fh h ivny iitu nt 11 kuist i k rs lust sundy w h adon tin lid thurch th i v d mnimrirv minisiru f h iikrkit islmid h v c urr thr nhdi ng hi fiiiim th penal musical incuod nolo hy mr r ntlin dint hv mis dorotfn simm ni aid mr b vildhu s ind sol hy is n rj lnmln rt in ih nvirr u g r v mumf i 1 di rlirerf thnt ici n nird d ir th ifurch j will x oihtr isptct of otir es olhr au jrr cl m ring f r our i alm h- urg tti fnidly cirri h id ill ul meet nk in lffe f rm ii 11 w n arty i w ii oituhi r 1 i tht win 1 tin tf w rirjnirn iiir fi t r rr filth r undirlook pio or ri c ter j th t tf t1 prarr at the tt i i k c nd hh rn arms r j rf 1lt p t rrid fnm 1 cr p ir r v h iv tud pjrad d ahilt mcvirg t kr poll w i qiki- mr- h- dt ii hig r u y t d i s k al vi ry til cum ng m mil if id through the putn id othtr erybixly ri mir ftira novrrt trr wat mi fdr j s ar r d ivr mi lir k r ir a i urn i f rt t a 1 ir d in mr h7 1 or- a li ll i i hi ild hyd i ph i i i i k and pin mid i ii prop khul 111 flhhh for lytlt hull ii wub p mud i li imngtd mayoi hiha int krk ti an un jutk mwlaliie had liten hkjpilulitd and would lit off foi ahoui jivl wlki iowti of at- loiiity wiih givtn mra ritdmrt dining oil trmtjiiuro ulmliictt ar- lungimiiu wit iikuil t ii mm 1r- liihuil in ht liimdtd foi ft ikk tha tiriiniiiaiiin uli nuti u jfuvt mi s unpiiiuil powtr of ulloiny in utt fieirgious teaching begins in school wemy aixnn f iliyinn ti- uialioii in iii pulili m liool ixgun wdhtmluy moiiiintj hiv it k 11 iii is inking hi liulf lioui per lod wit gudib him and our luv limy with giudm fiv and eix an 1 uv ainuii tg wilh grud- v ii nd ughl j- ii tin i morgan 1 ho itomai cult lit iluldrtn 1 n ui 1 gi wil f tha ht all 1 f i th he j kgr mud und fui a uc li mg taught i llllnilt ne ki ml foi tilm in it v liny hmtblkk illw lkl i tio a hi for iiiulijitr iu h lift ll 1 ila d i hav rllgloua i th u li l em h yeur other acouu itlhrig ippls w i br in andr wji buny st wi hon davidson wayn urr km m roi baxter fir r iwwn ljuv it ilunir wuyn spins boh m talented violinist study groups guest mm jiiigr llniwilet an ac- miplild viilini who iiun lud- kd in monlrtuj aid lndon fng- tind and lit r uiiompuiiut mra k imy dhglittd immhera of th ail ii milan study group und lheir frii nds mondiiy ivining it the hie of mr w kult y both it ui mtifca oin from woodhridge me kiurmy i orgunitl in one f thi thurlhefl tht jn the progium of will over n h ur ul tiotn vanrd from a lul laiiy tin nel and mazurka h a mi dli y f fvou h ayngji piano j win hy mri ktarney alio drew ppriaivi applat full bob arrrwti ng 1111 john i mra m mecullough prwiident si n bairy k rkmas willard hal xi group irrfroduced hn hdy boh e und kfith mat brow i he adding tfiat ilie ply hrr vtfjtm rsch yrsr al the sriy family r union mrs e ilardi thinktd the urtuu a hrh f paper n tontert marcn o cortlnulng the regular rtudy wdi read ovir v vi joyed the unique pro- igmm itrfrrihmrnit and more in formal miuic by mra brownlec and mri kearney concluded the md krith mat amt ng wrf wayn mnhai dor ddvidxir hoy kirkriltu ii itohb iu and uroulmjil r duv d lit tor y iroruddi iupp ed t bantu ut pttssim and no mdi ik ndt nee quitt so important liing within uur the act i kr up mp sj ur itnai- n h pnsi hall th rtnt of the day i want you lu meeting flower were presented o h lp mi for a minute both of the apeclal guta ray costerus inducted as pastor i of baptist church last thursday d i a d i r r if a r- j t f it g if u xi p ui m 1 miss l snow heads elementary halton county school teachers apr out of tht rulres plowed b th fust pnt m ird- ert stcurtx th s w i m n jim unnihkhani cl nt it win and 1 uk h tutor john c tinniiighjm hqd tnki n th u m i im mh gi o t a- i of bip i tuirche m m bm w ii f o ii prs i d th c r nun i f ri t tem i if at t bit rh irch tluirdu lunn m nib w cu p i- t i f b w r r i t s n r uc c w de m mid m k- d 1 i lu 1 u id ht id b hc fi- tf t i r dir mrs jr mr whu hi m i ik u- j i t f ni n r dw f h j is mr- sh j mik- a- c k s rr h r p f hi p- v ji m f r i k th bu- i r i g id d c jd t c jd g j 4 f re li r p kt r rn w i i ipj rcw k hi amk r 4 irm r u j s a rd uhrrirt frrtrary r h teacher f th iimrirt uundid tht annual conven tion if hilton ounty teachen in til id h id in oakville on tndaj oitolur a th program b gnat tarn ith fv c k sicrwil crjn jurtmg tin devotional inrfan nnd inirtwlurtng remarks of prl d nl h m arhison of glrnwotxl who ghvi an inspiring add r en on th tcarhing fit literature mm k donkm introduced ulm marion peart of centra school birlmgiot who gave an inter etaim and humorous addreat on mm wn- pncm during her year on ex- rfango in i on don england inapwctori period eathrrst in- rhairiran of th u srhfl bwrd welcoml thr ttcbrn tn oakrvid ichio and xinded grrvtings from the board nd tuff during he morning the cmm r d v dad rt gojp f shop period manr lm ere brought f rth the e ideas inspector r f bom hold intro icid ihf sjiv spkr franklin da oeh ba sc r f -c- -j- tof r o le- r ivnik r d a fir esm t sampion trip winn took tup honor- in th horse show judge martsn heslop of tanslc gae the first ward to stan ia s pnat team of pervheron hich nlvi w on th cliainpniilihip at tne tn ternatlonal earlier this month halton farm tmplment dealers a- c rk pa o- c rp iv a ir mf jj m- c cu h i a firr thth fathbt and son teams plowed al halton s plowing match on thursday of last week wher tev if aued tie happr p r more than 60 ridges were plowed at rhe ruddet farm south of l mehcuse shown from the left ere of co opt ra or r the m r j ena clarke irwin and son glenn milton jack taylor an d son don burlington and j cunningham and or hmrt c urd john hornby nee i- the erf ary seh o noon day baniit vas held m p-n- rjtm al lie oakvua a tna honorarr pnideirt j if lxnyes laid the trace following the banquet the pre seriaton of a brooch tnd earrmjt cet as made to lua s jard n of ftornbt bv mm p cartwnjht and to mj b hame of georfrtown by miss m short both ladiea reared tn june after havinf taofbt tor man yean in halted otfustr inspector l l skuee tatrodund the after duuier ipsmku h e b born fcta b fed inapcetar of profearfcna training to oetarto irany inspirational remarkj htr by inapecvt l l bkuc and h f rornhold th- officer for the comin year an honorary preaidwit j at dnv- ba torrmla intpectora l i kjee ba b paed uutoo r t bornhold b a milton preoadcot m u i srow campbe r 1 rc- preidit v steenaon blujlnfton rrury mnmk gernmell mli- ton trrmjurrr v v broarn oaa v he r j reprpsrntauvei eaqua a r coll nj naaaataweya mra f paraotvi vlwi mua f rrtaao i altar mm a yontoo graded achool r p ta n urf 0t a a a- z stlaos to ns ip d r ketnp trafalgar mnjhip f g cornoljy burlaaf ujt brocie j a lorkhart norfljl halrfl w koerad separate maal r g lrartia mosral number prmed a ptoaw an inrua at both iniuaai taw okwood biiferi a cfaotr of av a- ea from oakwood tchooi under taw eadetup of ut eraci ad vlm t skooc cavr aeveral p mr favored the aaaetnbcy vat nal m-

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