Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 26, 1953, p. 1

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ht tlm jfrtt ft stventy nmlh year no 21 acton ontario thursday november 26lh 1953 ton homo print pogol six conn nominations friday for 13 posts new faces predicted for council oakes to retire several new faces art predicted tor acton council next yar with decision fit some prtsent membtra unannounced but strongly rumored for retirement mayor f g ouke will not bt available for thi position next year pointing out that the position has calhd on him to attend inort than 100 meetings this ymr and when the hours for tht sessions an totall ed up it comes out at about 10 work weeks 1hi mayor la automatically a member of the puc library board and planning board as wlii as all committee of council with nominations scheduled or friduy nlht citizens will be searching for six councitlois dputv nm mvi thru public school trustee and om public utilitits commission r large crowds of citizens hav been attending nomination meetings in reemt years but it is still a very small percentage o tht total electorate an election is certain for acton this year with the question to be submitted on whether cltizms fa upr a tly man public udjlmj commlsalon as opposid to i ho prt sent three man commis ion at present one commissioner ls tlecttd etch year for a two year lirm and the mayor alio acts under tht new suggestion two commissiontrs would be appointed each iur it the system is a p proud it can nit be put into effect until ism with the additional member bung ip pointed from the 19m nominitions at the nomination muting tin candidates for each office mut be proposed and seconded on f nm provided slating the nam and rts idence of the candidate thoe who propose and sicond the nomination must be municipal electors and present at the meeting all nomin atlona must be presented within the one hour alloled whin a pro postd candidate is not prtstnt his nomination paper must be aceomp nuud b a form indicating the candidates willingness to tr nom inated c muil obtain from the t reas unr ji ctrtifieatc showing uiu at tin timt of opening ination meeting there of n pnciding year overdue canvf dldates mut also be 21 uars f agt a british subject an ow ru r r tenant or wif or husband of ui twiur r tenant ismtsed for 300 ir inori this mill bt tht fifth noinunli i meeting htld to pick officnh ti trvi in in town of am n it wa- n 1873 thai aton as a il hgi cmbarkid on its own rmimi ipil lornmtnt wtih v h stor tv iht frt rtiv and john spught asa hall c t hill and dr f ml garvin first councilors t roni 1844 lo 1873 the hamkt rtmaimd part of esquesing lownvhip parents volunteer to teach classes tht novembir nutting of lorn honu and school association ai htld in tht sthoal on november 11 the mi t ting opt nt d w ilh god suve thi quttn ufltr winch ihi minulis win r ad by mrs s tkiwt n a report was iivn on iht tuchri htld recently in tlu school a di iusion on manual training and stwlng cihsms for thi ihrnl nult id in tht part ills voluntunng t teach thesi subjuls in iht mw yoar on friduy afltrnooiis tin lunch commlltte appointed foi itu mxi uuling tht busintss mirtint closid wilh an urgt to t ii chrimmns tanls and wrapping piptr procitds to jo toward iht school fund fnltnstink ganna of chaindt- and fciiiriphv win tnjojed at tlu ctost luiiih was strvid by mi- wtkms mr mrpptidran and mrs bowrn rev v j morgan ordained in india rev vlnnnl joseph morgan b j m phi w if fiui r v j mor gan ptslir of st jovipht thurch acton kus orduintd to tlu hol priesthood in india on silurday novtmhcr i he is tht son of mr and mrs front is morgan humil ion annlhir brother fjiiu trunk m rgin is amslant pr t 1 ul bt josiphs thurth kltthiur and a sslir is sislr man brtlmif of bran i ford father morgan ctlebratid hi first soltmn muss lail sunday m kurseung india to oixntnt moiait his ordinulion in his honu pari h st anns ihunh hiunillun lo sunday i solimn high muss a ti kbrati d by his broi lit r h mult fiiltur morgin of acto i acttd is diacon and lltv v cul lalon ussldanl at st anns was iibdiaeim rev charhs mccolfrin pastor- ot si anns pieuclud tlu i in tlu ihsinii ot fatlur m irta i paper on pub1iafyrsx given greenock wl j many win prizes at rotary bingo miny fim pnzis win hiudid ul to liukj plajirs at tin r it ir dub buiko hitd thursd iv iwiuiil of las witk in tht town ha aboul so allilidttl don pni win iho won iht novembt i nutting of on i nock w 1 w is hi id at th horn of mrs wm j hn on with a goodly number pri st ul mi mbt rs nswirid tin roll tall uilh i sug tf est ion fur an imiunj- tnttrtniji mcnl tlu motto a community is liki- i ship tvervoiu sh mid 1 1 prtpirtd to ink the htlm w kiwn b mis flw d j hnsioii nuti silt t salary dispute claims two hours as north halt0n board meets more than two hour of the meet mg of north halton district high school board were- taken on -mon- da night to deal with a salary dis putt the teaehtrs had request d that the federation moet tht board to enforce their demands and s g b robinson an officer of th uach cp group and principal lambert of georgetown prtsrnted the case for the teacht rs the incident arosi not because the board was paving too little but be cause mr heron hnd been engaged on the acton staff init ear at a sal ary of 300 h wai claimed thnt he should have recied dnl 3200 ac cording lo the schedule the teach trs in a memorandum to the man agement committee said that the teachers were unanimous in request ing that all teachirs imploed prior to 19h be gitn a 3t adjustment in addition lo the annual increment to bring thtir salarlis into line with the salary which we understand has betn offertd to t tenchtr recentls appointed according to tht present schetlult in would not bt killing mi r than 32txl ttu board pointed out to tlu rt that lh had not d accounts passed bv the finann committee amounted to 13 46bi7 aletltr from j b mackenzu uul son complained of slow pavment on thi building nt acton of 1 r thi architects certiflcntis had bun prt senlod two motions were passed bv the board authorizing paynunt of pnsmt accounts un building and impowtriiu the secrttar to maki 1 1 tpusitions on ach mumcipaliiv as architects progress ctitificnls wire ngularh prt sen ltd george while cantiktr at m it m school asktd for an incrtast from his present alar of 2200 ptr eir th salarv was increased to 2400 un sunn as paid in gtorgi town if fictit biptimbtr 1st tht secrelar was authorized to pas t0 for on additional lot nt tht milton high school whin the salt in hutments wm cumpleud a ft nci is to bt i rtctid mr milton iko addriss thi bun i uiirtiink th installation of put in nddrtss ssstims in tht si h mis irri sptmdi nee and quota s arm stitt following i pitno v 1 b hukh mud a spl ndid piir pubhcilj was guin in mrs htmsl ii contiuud muth ful advict i mi t udt d with ind tht qui lion art u m iv i mimbr or d i vi u just in 1 a ur ippr tpri itt p u in was m b mrs l dviii ailki ns following lommunily mi ind i contisi m bird i tim is tnj id hu luiuh s ied b tht in iss nut lui cistants illiv lui tht finuni winn perr lac mr mrs rarr oiisidrtd goil b tht tluh l follows c ffti mtknilht doll mr- teacher training film series ends i the ttnichers and officers ot th i nal sundo schotl huvi tnjovnl i ems of films tachir tn ning it iht homl f r vur frin which concturiid frit night orrrctkm w retrti in irnr n 1 im weik corn spondinco in rtporting i bru h dimonsritim i thi hiimi t f mr di d stiwiii tt stittd mrs ti imble u riemontntor which should trit bun mr t i ipol iglts johnson rocking chair mr juk midonild has nek mrs kings mill grnierus miss i utieniit mir t ux ins otk mrs c mipli din blinkti mi s hill tlictnc il ck jissn colis bugt coihainii mrs miqinnii gutlph blink t mrs mccrisi ill lamp mrs huf nikil to i st i muss lucuntu mir toux siucepan mrs johnw n double boiltr mrs mccnslall tro kinolt hoird mrs mcknigh flowtrtd card tnbli mrs g simp son heating pad mrs a hufmgil thcrmo jug mrs cook blanktt mrs spoir groctnes mrs creis l pillow casts mr kingsmill lurk mrs st rut hi r ball1nafad circle president is mrs s adamson offictrs for tht ensuing year were rlnttd whin hie rrindly circle hi id its 1 1 gulnr mi t ling on wednes dav novimhtr ik in iht sunday school mom of thi i hurt li tht prtsidtnt mrt jtan mcphnll prt sjtitd mid wi leomed u nt w number to tht drill the rtport of the pre viiiiis nutting wns nad by mrs shlrliy mrkiown umporury see retnry plans w i rt itmpli it d for the baznur and a donation is bung mnt to thi sunday si hoot to provide trials for tht chlldrt u at christmas hution of th offutrs for thi loniing ytar took plnct the follow ing wen i itcted pnsidint mrs bit llu adamson vict prtsidinl mrs annillii van hnl sicntory mrs joan holllngtr corresponding sec ritaiy mrs uorothy hognvaldsun tuiisurir mis hi li nn uiminghnm rcporttr mlssoltu iockcr asslslunl rt porlt i mrt shiruy mckeown visiting lommilttt mrs ednusuw ttri mmmrv mcktnzu mrs dorni ntm r miss m 7 bin iu tl ktuup leaders 1 mrs jean ytungblut mis jian johnston il mis hilin holiivildson mrs uiura lvtll 1 mis marjory ioutilt mis man billon i4i mrs rr 1 i kins mis bdnu nillls loop four tlun took ovi r thi n tnoindit of tin mutiny ind con dut u d a di volinn il pi noil whuh consist d of twi lnnins siripturt it idin pi iti iitul i poini 1 wo t intt sk win ilsn i oniluct d and d in urvrn i tin link iiinbiui sith imsmss and ph ilos will n fit slum tils and mrs lojit buihanan thonkid the group foi hit pliiisonl titm ngnt 1 itic lo d robr lutk do r prut on mind in il fnn it hi co nn l i th pr z w is i t ff iiv c sful mission circle euchre highlights the wi hild quite a uccesf mihn ust tutsdav night high set r s wert held by lidies mrs h in hills and mrs r bert mc emrv men robirt mcenirj and b it duidson c ngnlulations to mr ind mr the afe missionary sunday observed at knox missionary sundav was obsrved in knox church on sundiy n v imber 22 when r v r h ann strong prnched stirring sermon on mismomry obligations and op tpnrtunlths thd choir sing take j time to be holy at tht morn ink i service and i hcird ihe voice f jesus sny nt the evening sirvicc i the alert evening auxiliary ob servid their fall thankofft ring and finside following the evening se vice the worship service was on thi theme rendering our thank this wis taken by mrs f ander son assisted by mrs g wusellc ind mrs r o han musical num ben were contributed by mrs dumarch and m s bella roszell singing the beautiful garden f prayer hermjn freuler plijed a num ber of piano st lections including the swiss nitional anthem and muy sheili paul who has brought hnn ors lo the town with her accomp il hment with the violin contrib utid two numbers a set of slidis on the mission field in british gunm was shown b ted hansen with bella rasnll rtiding the lecturr exphming th work there miss iwbel anderso briughl a personal louch b telling irifonmion ert by her sjt- nell e anders n workin presented with diplomas alflwwjl ul acton high school com mencement exercises of last week were members of this group shown from the left ore barbara joan baxter joy botell ena jen nings joyce farmer mary jennings isabelle ritchie barbara tur ner joyce allen and fred gordon the presentation of the second ary school graduation diplomas was made on friday evening diplomas trophies are commencement awards idilorlum wai well filled both thursday and nnual commencimmt i xtrcises of acton high the public school friday cv nings win n th school win held highlights wen presentations of diplomas awarding the inttr school rugby cup won by acton for thi first timi tht vnhdic- tory address ithletic demonstrations and a play dinnis papillon prtsidtnt of the student council and janice bkr vice prtsidtnt wt leomed the parents and friends thursday and fnda venmis rspectivilv the interesting wtll varied program be gin and ended with lilting st lections by tin gin cub undtr tht direc tion of ted hanstn thursday tvining the never abs nt certificates wcr prtsented by mrs g w mc kinii ind mrs h hinlon these wi rt won last er by barbara an dirsnn ni ilson bnton mary br urii waym t urne fiv garmr bt rt hillnda gill h eliza txth jinv jk jinv barbara jen s n muirrtn kinriad june lind si colin miccoll jtan mctrea rvtlvn sumdirs anpimirie spit r kithlk n stanly airb iri tur n r diid vtri warm mrs mi ki nn pn si ntt d the sehi lirstup tf j2 d mated bv the iikesid rhiptir i d f for aca d mic stindink in cndi xii to bar anci of the football tinm on the pldtform ciach heron recalled he was surprised at the beginning of the stason to learn acton had won its first football game in years and thi n the team went on to sweep th strits donald dawkins accepted tho inutrschool rugbycup a dills and dennis papillon ac rtpttd il from him on behalf of the sch l on fridiy tvining furtht r pre sinlit tns took plict thi duki of devonshire chapter iodf scholarship of 25 to th studi ni who stands highest in upper school w is presented by mrs w vvlft i joc lambert f ck give the nhhsdb i w r pre rt 1 pr ificmncv sch larships to joe jany tlhjmv ind iid j tn mrfna of gnde x and run liaktr ind nancv imhert of jreinttd to fred i grade xi inrsh p f r the stud i i iri i h ik th stiff and studi nti mide th kreittst con is hivink thi l st il round record thi wtifir of the marjnne warn and donald diw k ns rec ivl rings from mrs w mihtni mivs clara cnndb v gavr the st ml v v ilkinson srhnlarship for jr fitxnrv in the ci mnercll op- j v bt irf winnr of the amos law n vh ilarship fi r the student lakuik he gn alst profrra re iel ihe award from george on b half t the schoul staff miss edvthe htrri prist nted prize for bt si 11 ro ind studint in grade ix bartia rf j no n and gride x joan mrf rea btrl hall dav w n f rst prut of 3 for sdling 30 cimrruncement tickr clot b- h d w r 2 w n elairp drfores w v 29 ard 1 tl bevtru smith with 2fi mrs hss and o f rbtiins pre fnnripal o e robbms presented sented intermediate certificates h nor c ndarv school graduatiott which wtr awardid ti barbara dilom i chris lamb and joytm anderson wavne arbic frank lam n rt secondary school graduft- bob coon dane dawkuu lion diplomas were presented to ted footitt jovcf halladay gail joyrr allan barbara joan baxter hamilton rochelle henderson nor joj botell jovce farmer fred ma hobson joe janv kathleen gordim fna jwiwinw mary jffj n ngs chru ijtnb david mcvey isabelle ritchie and barbara turner speaking briefly mr bobbins id that parents night would b kirkpatnck colin maccoll mary mages jean mccrea marv ano maxwell cheryl morton frances oakes flame rachhn kathleen ro ns at teorgelown was placed at 10in00 wuh messrs barbt r and s handling the bus nss in c ton 110000 was placed on the new school suh 0000 going to r f bean and xs 000 to t l wngbt and m 000 to w r bracken dtn le pr a s c gr ir a i h p m of av in as moun the red lamp was ce o the ted ures at acton high school commencement hed on thursday and fr day ot last week members of the cast and d reeress from the ett are bob armstrong faye garner j wayne cjite pavune paptlort aa ss snyder d rectess arleoe gwdon and joe jny lrg crowdl attended th event n th oublc schooj atdor um lorraintt fle nil or eight possible held dav championships u i re w on this year at the inter school meet by ac ton j m heron announced as he introduced beth ritchie emerson baxter peter hurst wavne arbic ard donald dawk t g a d 1 prsnled ihe inter school field dat cup to beth ritchie on behalf of the north halton high school district board and she in turn presented it lo janice baker who accepted it on behalf of the school loud applause greeted the appear januarj alter reports ww out he refrred to isabelle ritchie who won a 100 dominionprovin cial bursary last year jmcc lambert gave the vjetlae- i ddtsa ard the v aledlciorian medal ai presented to her by dsnnis paptlloe a enr gordon was ludjred w inner f the drama trophy for btv part in the plav the red lamp which was presented each nint this u the brst year such an award has been flven judgw wer r r ctmtnt4 on pmqr rtpe

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